How To Use Declassified In A Sentence

  • Declassified documents released by the FBI this week paint a picture of an esteemed and learned man who nonetheless fell prey to a long-term debilitating habit while he was a Supreme Court justice during the 1970s. Medication Missteps
  • Though they were declassified in 1998, this is the first time that the documents have been made public.
  • Only four of 383 freedom of information requests resulted in files being declassified. Times, Sunday Times
  • Foreign PCB processing, design, copy boards and industrial control software programming, legal declassified.
  • The story was only pieced together when German and New Zealand records were declassified in the early 1980s.
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  • Using declassified files and diaries, this engrossing docudrama brings the story to life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some relevant documents have now been declassified, however.
  • It only became public knowledge when MAGIC intelligence decrypts, including a signal from the Japanese attaché in Berlin which was not deciphered until after the war, were declassified in the USA in 1980.
  • Declassified intelligence documents as well as testimony from witnesses helped excavators identify the concealed entrance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Documents recently declassified and made public show that the administration was warned by the Defense Intelligence Agency in February 2002, that the tale about a trip to Prague by the leader of the 9/11 highjacker, Mohamed Atta, had come from an unreliable drunk, and that the story about Iraq training members of al Qaeda on the use of chemical and biological weapons was deliberately fabricated by an Iraqi defector. Bush Gang Swore Saddam Was Behind 9/11 In Lawsuit
  • A large number of these declassified documents are sanitized, with source of information and names of informants removed for protection purposes.
  • Plans for nuclear plants have been declassified.
  • Now, their plight is told through declassified documents and first-hand stories from survivors. The Sun
  • Marker's son, Jeff, and a declassified memo concerning the analysis of an intercepted wirephoto of the Left Jab crash wreckage .... Marker, Michael W.
  • Is it so G-damn hard to see tha the point is not that he has the “authority” to declassify … it’s that he frickin declassified on a NOC operative from the CIA, PURPOSELY, to out her for political gain … That is treason, pure and simple you morons! Think Progress » “Get it out.”
  • Historians were unaware of the minefield until recently, when the relevant documents were declassified. Times, Sunday Times
  • Frankly I'd rather kill a couple of hours flipping through the lively special features on the Goats disc, which include the brief but bouncy "Goats Declassified" featurette, in which we get to hear about the alleged psychic caprine killings from the horses 'mouth. Mark Kermode's DVD round-up: The Men Who Stare at Goats; The Box; Nine; The Stepfather
  • The protocols had survived the war and were declassified in 1996. Times, Sunday Times
  • It became a known system and was later declassified. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her ten volumes have only now been declassified. Times, Sunday Times
  • On microfiche, the documents were published by Primary Source Microfilm as Declassified Documents Reference System.
  • Just seven months after New Horizons rocketed away from Cape Canaveral, the International Astronomical Union declassified Pluto as the ninth planet for technical reasons.
  • Her ten volumes have only now been declassified. Times, Sunday Times
  • Robert Baum, a public defender who represented Chapman in connection with the plea deal, told Declassified via e-mail: "I don't know if she got paid, but if she did, she is entitled to keep the money.
  • thousands of classified documents have now been declassified
  • The U.S. State Department has just declassified government documents from the mid 1960s.
  • Declassified documents reveal the Pentagon toyed with the idea of an aphrodisiac chemical weapon in 1994.
  • The programme was apparently wound up in 2006 and the records of its work have not been declassified. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was told to get over to the National Archives, and pick up these papers which were being declassified, which were there for my edification.
  • Teller also proposes that the majority of classified UFO documents should be declassified.
  • Today, the etter is declassified for the first time since it was sent. Oh, and about that book.
  • It was only after a forceful exchange of views that the train was declassified. Times, Sunday Times
  • The microfiche are abstracted, indexed, and published in a bimonthly periodical titled Declassified Documents Catalog.
  • Some LI wineries "declassified" all the wines from 2003, with the result being some excellent values. WTN: Pellegrini Vineyards 2003 EastEnd Select Merlot (North Fork of Long Island)
  • From the moment of Germany's defeat, the United States was active in apprehending war criminals, denazifying German society, and collecting and protecting archives of the Nazi regime, all of which have by now been declassified.
  • [1] A narrative of participants and chronology of the D.partment of Justice Office of Legal Counsel opinions on the CIA's D.tention and Interrogation Program prepared by Senator John D. Rockefeller IV of the US Senate Intelligence Committee was declassified by Attorney General Eric Holder on April 19, 2009: intelligence. pdf. The Complicit General
  • Declassified intelligence documents as well as testimony from witnesses helped excavators identify the concealed entrance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes, Tomaig, you missed all that stuff, and the fact that being part of the Directorate of Operations means your status with the CIA is classified … until that information is officially declassified, or some traitor declassifies it. Think Progress » Woodward Reveals Important Clues About White House Smear Campaign
  • The material was a vital source of intelligence on the Soviet bloc for many years during the Cold War and was only declassified by Nato 10 years ago.
  • We then searched public news accounts, unshielded comnet entries, and any related, declassified material we could find. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
  • The programme was apparently wound up in 2006 and the records of its work have not been declassified. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sometimes there are national security documents that won't be declassified for years.
  • Is that why everyone else claims not to know that Libby had "declassified" these items? Emptywheel: Reading Judy
  • The former Soviet KGB archives that have been recently declassified prove their guilt.
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'CIA declassifies report on Israel\'s nukes'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = '"We do not believe that Israel will embark on the development of nuclear weapons with the aim of actually starting a nuclear war," reads the declassified 48-year-old CIA Special National Intelligence Estimate. OpEdNews - Quicklink: CIA declassifies report on Israel's nukes
  • Twas ever thus, according to declassified government papers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The report is to be declassified this week. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reading from a declassified portion of a report by the National Ground Intelligence Center, a Defense Department intelligence unit, Santorum said: Since 2003, coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent. June 2006
  • But prior to publication, all documents from the Presidential Archive are declassified, as are documents held in the archives of the former KGB.
  • Robert Baum, a public defender who represented Chapman in connection with the plea deal, told Declassified via e-mail: "I don't know if she got paid, but if she did, she is entitled to keep the money.
  • If papers were taken -- even if some were stamped "declassified" and returned -- that would "destroy any academic, scholarly, and historic value" of the archive, Kevin Anderson adds. Boing Boing: April 16, 2006 - April 22, 2006 Archives
  • The declassified record shows a major emphasis on planning for timely photoreconnaissance to corroborate human intelligence reports.
  • Was repeatedly wool area rug for the lawn, what i solidity to haematochezia is how anywhere all this groundcover was for the declassified paraphysis. Rational Review
  • I know Fox New reported that the NIE was declassified, which is not true at the time to the leak. Think Progress » White House Responds To Criticism of Bush’s Leak With More Leaks
  • (I later spoke with Andy Erickson, the Screaming Eagle winemaker, who confirmed that it "declassified" a certain amount of wine every year.) Taking Advantage of the Wine Glut
  • When he said things would be declassified soon, was that itself impermissible?
  • In the experience of this analyst, CIA FOIA requests take anywhere from six to eighteen months to receive a formal ruling of whether the document can be declassified (often in redacted form), or whether it should be exempted on national security grounds. Wonk Room » Why Expedite Cheney’s Request For Memos?
  • Since 1976, the Foreign Ministry has declassified diplomatic documents when they become roughly 30 years old.
  • Robert Baum, a public defender who represented Chapman in connection with the plea deal, told Declassified via e-mail: "I don't know if she got paid, but if she did, she is entitled to keep the money.
  • I thought … but not sure … that Senator Levin declassified the paragraphs released …. that’s what I thought he said over the weekend talk shows. Think Progress » Backfire:
  • To say that they were "declassified" is somewhat of a misnomer because some of the German records were captured after World War II. Declassified: 50 Top-Secret Documents That Changed History by Thomas B. Allen
  • Her ten volumes have only now been declassified. Times, Sunday Times
  • The American Freedom of Information Act declassified the trial records.
  • His manuscript included declassified satellite imagery and maps as well as eyewitness statements, personal photographs, stills from a documentary film, and other items.

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