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  1. someone who claims to speak the truth
    a declarer of his intentions
    affirmers of traditional doctrine
    a bold asserter
    an asseverator of strong convictions
    an avower of his own great intelligence
  2. the bridge player in contract bridge who wins the bidding and can declare which suit is to be trumps

How To Use declarer In A Sentence

  • Declarer needed to make something of the clubs. Times, Sunday Times
  • And although Charlie hadn't made it clear when he announced the convention, it should have been obvious to me that his doubles of overcalls couldn't possibly be for takeout, since that would most likely lead to his wife's becoming declarer.
  • At trick ten, declarer led his singleton club and finessed dummy 's ten. Times, Sunday Times
  • Declarer won in hand and cashed the remaining top hearts discarding clubs from dummy. Times, Sunday Times
  • There followed a virtuoso display of declarer play. Times, Sunday Times
  • You have twin goals: to help partner and deceive declarer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Had both opponents followed, declarer could have ruffed a fourth round to set up a long card. Times, Sunday Times
  • After the declarer and defenders are determined, each has the opportunity to discard and receive new cards.
  • Declarer has no entry back to dummy and is forced to concede 2 Heart tricks.
  • East would need both the eight and nine, and insert one of them, to give declarer a problem. Times, Sunday Times
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