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declare oneself

  1. ask (someone) to marry you
    he popped the question on Sunday night
    The old bachelor finally declared himself to the young woman
    she proposed marriage to the man she had known for only two months

How To Use declare oneself In A Sentence

  • It is nobler to declare oneself wrong than to insist on being right - especially when one is right.
  • I wish to repeat what I wrote in my Message for January1: It is a profanation of religion to declare oneself a terrorist in the name of God, to do violence to others in his name.
  • It is nobler to declare oneself wrong than to insist on being right - especially when one is right.
  • Ever more than once once saw Ba Joe declare oneself is the fan of international Milan since the childhood, this let me leave him feeling more Sad.
  • It is 26 % to scale instead, have before this report the support that Microsoft got 74 %, it is in declare oneself failed actually.
  • I wish to repeat what I wrote in my Message for January1: It is a profanation of religion to declare oneself a terrorist in the name of God, to do violence to others in his name.
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