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deck of cards

  1. a pack of 52 playing cards

How To Use deck of cards In A Sentence

  • The man played idly with a deck of cards, shuffling and re-shuffling with a bit of a smirk on his face.
  • After we were finished, we grabbed a deck of cards, and played some furious poker, which I dominated.
  • From a deck of cards, pick out the ace through six of one suit.
  • I wonder if you could find me a deck of cards?
  • In the center, a woman I had never seen before began stroking a deck of cards with bony hands.
  • Destiny is a deck of CARDS, licensing is god, play CARDS is myself.
  • Leigh discovered a deck of cards and challenged Amber to a game of rummy.
  • We also played gin rummy with a deck of cards I made out of pieces of paper. Bates, Richard L.
  • I wonder if you could find me a deck of cards?
  • To divide ( a deck of cards ) into two parts a shufflea card at random.
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