How To Use Decisiveness In A Sentence

  • All her decisiveness disappeared when she met Mark.
  • Being pregnant for the second time round should make me somewhat of a veteran at the highs and lows of pregnancy and yet I wasn't ready for a surge of indecisiveness that swept through my mind for a few heartfelt seconds last weekend.
  • From the start, Holliday and his team have made decisiveness one of their cardinal virtues.
  • My indecisiveness is probably, scratch that, definitely going to force me to play through the game a second time. Decision Paralysis, Or Why I Can't Get Out Of Vault 101
  • the petitionary procedure had a quality of indecisiveness
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  • Those who say that he lacks decisiveness in his actions should reflect upon the decisions he made during our darkest hours.
  • Sargent's work is marked by its exceptional lucidity, its exactness of expression and by the decisiveness of her results.
  • Indecision is the most unsexy thing on the planet. I dont know if I'm sexy but I think decisiveness is sexy. I also lose trust and faith in them when I realise I'm a bit on my own and thats a very disheartening feeling. Drew Barrymore 
  • He was accused by his opponents of being a man of straw and lacking in decisiveness.
  • To which I say, wow, even George Bush's "decisiveness" can't hold a candle to the recklessness of John McCain. Robert Koehler: The Time Has Come
  • I hope that the leaders of this great nation will now show decisiveness and compassion, so as to mitigate the consequences of a terrible crime.
  • But in addition to drama, a game must also have decisiveness: it should be possible ultimately for one player to achieve an advantage from which the other player cannot recover.
  • a man of unusual decisiveness
  • Depression causes anhedonia (lack of pleasure in life and the original title of Woody Allen's ‘Annie Hall’), self reproach, suicidal ideation, and indecisiveness.
  • Observing Mulvoy during a recent Sunday afternoon crunch time, as the magazine approached bedtime, was a lesson in decisiveness.
  • The decisiveness of the defeat is a clear signal that change is going to come, that the old order and the old certainties are no more.
  • Indecision is the most unsexy thing on the planet. I dont know if I'm sexy but I think decisiveness is sexy. I also lose trust and faith in them when I realise I'm a bit on my own and thats a very disheartening feeling. Drew Barrymore 
  • Victoria called a sidebar of her closest allies, urging them to replace nuptial sentiment with hard political decisiveness.
  • Your sardony bears the stain of the Old Republican mind: unfettered liberalism breeding questioning and hesitation when decisiveness is key. I Am Surrounded By Idiots
  • Sargent's work is marked by its exceptional lucidity, its exactness of expression and by the decisiveness of her results.
  • It is easy to find excuses for his indecisiveness.
  • He had the decisiveness and political support to override grassroot prejudices to advance his country's interest.
  • This study examined this contention to determine the decisiveness of non-lethal technologies as an element of military strategy.
  • Nevertheless, Smith feels the new restrictions can only engender more decisiveness in transfer decisions.
  • Did Bush's decisiveness really discredit the idea of decisiveness itself? The Seattle Times
  • Therefore our decisiveness is a clear cutting off of a fantasy and what it conceptually implies, like the cutting of a taut rope. The Gelug-Kagyu Tradition of Mahamudra ��� 5 Meditation on the Deepest Nature of the Conventional "Me" and All Phenomena, Including Mind
  • And I suspect that the perception of indecisiveness is the best frame the White House can expect. Buck stops where? « BuzzMachine
  • An official Air Force report, while careful to claim the "decisiveness of airpower," also decried the gradual approach of the war.
  • My indecisiveness was my downfall and now I have to become more focused than I ever had. -
  • Some praised his business acumen and decisiveness. Times, Sunday Times
  • And he's going to win with the same decisiveness that the Red Sox won the series.
  • Look here, John, you and I know this country likes to see decisiveness.
  • Liberals will cheer his new-found decisiveness, but it opens the way for the president to deal him a counterstroke that can all but end this election.
  • For Lismore however the decisiveness of the defeat is a setback, and they will have it all to do to get back into contention via the losers' group.
  • I thought the first debate had "decisiveness" down for McCain but impression was generally bad. Obama Scores Clear Win In Low-Key Debate
  • I am over his uncertainties, his indecisiveness and the fact that he spent much of our relationship unsure of whether he wanted to be with me anyway.
  • Other, older players are discovering a quiet decisiveness under the German.
  • Mr Luntz went to marginal Milton Keynes to ask floaters for their thoughts, and the issue on which they gave the PM his best score was decisiveness in the face of a security crisis.
  • It matters not that his decisiveness is a scripted act, or that the results of his firm decisions are almost uniformly disastrous. Peace, order and good government, eh?: July 2006 Archives
  • Why be indecisive when indecisiveness is exactly the problem with the government’s response to the storm? Buck stops where? « BuzzMachine
  • We let readers vote on four of our most special bottles, and the outcome had the kind of decisiveness that Al Franken and Norm Coleman can only dream about: Westport Rivers Winery 1999 Brut Cuvée won in a landslide. iStockphoto The Westport Rivers bubbly was a perfect OTBN candidate because of its special origins. A Sparkling Night of Stature
  • And with domestic political pressure building, indecisiveness and delay only increase frustration.
  • Some years ago, I was in Judge Kessler's courtroom and admired the crisp decisiveness of her judicial temperament.
  • Indecision is the most unsexy thing on the planet. I dont know if I'm sexy but I think decisiveness is sexy. I also lose trust and faith in them when I realise I'm a bit on my own and thats a very disheartening feeling. Drew Barrymore 
  • It is easy to find excuses for his indecisiveness.
  • Victoria called a sidebar of her closest allies, urging them to replace nuptial sentiment with hard political decisiveness.
  • Any belief New Zealand had in repeating the victory they secured against Australia 12 months ago was shattered by the decisiveness of the Kangaroos' start to the second half.
  • the king's incurable indecisiveness caused turmoil in his court
  • Indecision is the most unsexy thing on the planet. I dont know if I'm sexy but I think decisiveness is sexy. I also lose trust and faith in them when I realise I'm a bit on my own and thats a very disheartening feeling. Drew Barrymore 
  • Victoria called a sidebar of her closest allies, urging them to replace nuptial sentiment with hard political decisiveness.
  • For those who know him, his ingrained indecisiveness serves as a signature to his every act; and to the uninitiated, it is explained away as cautiousness and age-inspired prudence.
  • Frankly, if the present indecisiveness goes on much longer, it might well be too late to allow a rallying of the troops for the next election.
  • Formed officially in 1775, the American Field Artillery has been the kingpin in the decisiveness of every key battle in which our country has participated.
  • The mayor was criticized by radical reformers for his indecisiveness.
  • The new FDA commissioner is demonstrating an impressive decisiveness and understanding of agency bureaucracy.
  • But he -- that's one point where the label indecisiveness can be stuck to him in a sense. Adlai Stevenson: His Life and Legacy
  • Some years ago, I was in Judge Gladys Kessler's courtroom and admired the crisp decisiveness of her judicial temperament.
  • Most people admire decisiveness and despise vacillation.
  • She thinks decisiveness comes from having adequate information about the matters at hand.
  • Threats of a bomb or a threat on the life of a hostage can't be accepted, but the speed and decisiveness of the onrush might just so distract the terrorists that they are overpowered before a hostage is killed.
  • It was just a feeling, neither uncertainty nor indecisiveness, but doubts nonetheless.
  • Observing Mulvoy during a recent Sunday afternoon crunch time, as the magazine approached bedtime, was a lesson in decisiveness.
  • Yet, it is difficult to deny the elements of decisiveness and coherence that Lemass gave to the process of reintegrating the Republic into the international economy.
  • On the contrary, the Connecticut outcome shows precisely the kind of decisiveness that voters have been waiting for from the minority party. Suzanne Nossel: Letting Go of Joe
  • His youth, pluck, and decisiveness were one of the major assets which made him different from those whose slogans had never been translated into real actions.
  • ‘The ongoing indecisiveness on the part of the Government with regard to immigration policy has led to wide-scale confusion for employers,’ she said.
  • Because of the general's indecisiveness, our armies have lost the initiative to the enemy.
  • However, years of indecisiveness have left the company vacillating between a differentiation strategy and that of being a cost leader.
  • The only decisiveness is coming from the Clinton Camp. Ferraro: Reagan Dems find Obama campaign 'frightening'
  • Most of the time, the reason for your indecisiveness is because your idea is not quite ripe. How to Create a Highly Viral Blog | Write to Done
  • His supporters admire his decisiveness.
  • Emphasizing the importance of air support to tanks, he argued that such forces would restore mobility and decisiveness to warfare.
  • Indecision is the most unsexy thing on the planet. I dont know if I'm sexy but I think decisiveness is sexy. I also lose trust and faith in them when I realise I'm a bit on my own and thats a very disheartening feeling. Drew Barrymore 
  • If his other actions are any indicators, perhaps his indecisiveness is just as well as he will probably screw up this decision, too. CNN Poll: Is Obama taking too long on Afghanistan decision?
  • The most important characteristic of a President may be "decisiveness" e.g. Obama "is not a messiah and does not act or speak like one. He's a traditionalist in many ways."
  • But their mastery shows just as much in the decisiveness and the perfect timing with which they let apparently vital men go. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mayor was criticized by radical reformers for his indecisiveness.
  • Ministers were censured for their lack of decisiveness during the crisis.
  • Their indecisiveness is an attempt to save face—yours. ASIAN BUSINESS CUSTOMS & MANNERS
  • You may be plagued with indecisiveness or revert to emotional "default" positions forged during childhood, such as submissiveness, rebellion or self-undermining behavior. Douglas LaBier: An Inside-Out Life: Protection From the Growing Backlash -- Part 1

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