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How To Use Decimate In A Sentence

  • Certainly observant Jews remember the crusaders as evil butchers, who on their way to Jerusalem, slaughtered and massacred many thousands of Jews and decimated entire Jewish communities such as Speyer, Worms and Mayencea and of course, when they arrived in Jerusalem, put the holy Jews of the city to the sword. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Consequently, Muir believes, biotech fish could quickly decimate a fish population by their increased ability to produce damaged young.
  • Extensive wetlands in Sonora have been decimated by irrigated agriculture and urbanization.
  • In reality, the effects of privatisation and subcontracting in community care has decimated the true potential of people that need support in the community.
  • Most irritating were the German rocket launchers, which miraculously decimate infantry and armour alike with impunity.
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  • Among the creatures expected to blossom as a result would be the tiny water vole, whose populations were decimated by the introduction of the mink from North America.
  • Cheap imports decimated the British cycle industry.
  • The lazaret was opened during the plague outbreaks that decimated Venice, as well as much of Europe, throughout the 15th and 16th centuries A.D. Low Water Again Plagues Venice: Acqua Bassa Redux
  • Many of the island's great stands of trees have been felled, and Indonesian loggers continue to decimate an area half the size of Switzerland each year.
  • The plague decimated the working population of Europe, and this left large tracts of land vacant.
  • It says it can "sympathize" with the attempt to "decimate" Hamas and "wrest Gaza from its grip," despite much expert commentary that this would do more harm than good in the long run (especially since Hamas did win a democratic election). Greg Mitchell: NY Times Responds Weakly Today to Israel's 'Incursion' -- As Shells Kill Dozens at U.N. School
  • We are bringing up massed multiple rocket-launchers to decimate the enemy before the tanks move in. KARA KUSH
  • The long hours have decimated my reading, writing and studying regime, and I suspect that the inmates are probably placing bets as to how soon I will skedaddle.
  • What Young sees in Sites Unseen, Shimon Attie's European installations between 1991 and 1996, is a deliberate attempt to repeople a decimated landscape.
  • Agriculture is mainly pastoral, but recent droughts have decimated cattle herds.
  • Disease has decimated the population.
  • Trees are hard to kill, but their populations can be decimated by the same types of parasitic or bacterial plagues that can destroy human populations.
  • Thousands of bee swarms in the central Eastern Cape have been decimated by a deadly blood-sucking Asian mite which destroys the male drone bees and damages female worker bees.
  • The fishing fleet may have been decimated, and the pits and shipyards may have been replaced by air-conditioned call centres, but Britain's industrial heritage lives on in song.
  • Populations of these invertebrates have been decimated or even eradicated in areas where wasps are common.
  • His family was decimated by tuberculosis, casting a shadow over the rest of his life and career.
  • The population was decimated by a plague.
  • The Danthonia was decimated by the corellas this year. The mothers just pulled up all the new growth by the 1,000's when plowing the paddocks.
  • The musicians belonged to indigenous Maya communities decimated by the 36-year-long conflict.
  • Augustus firmly imposed his discipline on his men: he once dismissed an entire legion in disgrace, and didn't hesitate to decimate troops who would give in to the enemy.
  • The dolphin population has been decimated by tuna fishing.
  • I always flinch when I hear someone use the word decimate to mean "wipe out," as in, "The Sioux deci­mated Custer's men. Prayers To Broken Stones
  • Unless we can bring order and some measure of prosperity to Afghanistan, without having our own troops "decimated" -- we can't really declare a victory there either. Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
  • Of course, if a walker happened to stumble on the nest of one of the few remaining pairs of a species which has been decimated by farming practices, damage could result.
  • The word decimate does not begin to do justice to the tragedy that has befallen the Polish nation. The Guardian World News
  • Underlying this weakness is the American insistence on rejecting significant international participation and on making the tribunal a national court — here, in a place that is not really a nation, decimated by decades of repression and war. The Accuser
  • One day "hard drive" may indeed by an appropriate term for a PC base unit, due to mass perception of the meaning see "decimate" for a contemporary example, but not just yet. What to Call a Griefer?
  • After promising not to "decimate" education and programs for the most vulnerable, Brewer made the largest cut to education in state history. Luis Heredia: Brewer Going Rogue in Arizona? You Betcha
  • Almost all Tory MPs will face reselection if Cameron, as he has suggested, orders an instant boundary review to decimate the number of MPs. Cameron and Osborne must listen to their backbenchers — or face revolt
  • The British were still seven to one; their carronades, loaded with marline-spikes, swept the gun-deck, of which we had possession, and decimated our little force; when a rifle-ball from the shrouds of the Novels by Eminent Hands
  • Silber says the tax rollback would decimate basic services for the needy.
  • Still trying to figure out how Coastal Na'vi might handle Jungle N'avi creeping into their space due to decimated but newly 'invigorated' Darwinian leader types looking pretty worth a Na'vi WAG trying to up the gene pool 'n all, and needing a bit more room now the sprog crash pad in Dubai has sunk. The Guardian World News
  • Dessert was a a selection of mochi ice creamis aJapanese confection made frommochi (decimatedsticky rice) with anice cream filling. Day 2 In Chicago Gives Even More Experience For Windsor Restaurateurs and Chef to Bring Home | FoodBlog
  • He saw nothing intact, but rather small domestic sights — a view into a room with a TV still in place, a recliner sitting amid rubble, a washer-dryer standing next to a decimated house. Obama consoles tornado-ravaged Joplin
  • Voisin notes that the oyster season was supposed to kick off on September 7, but now the oystering community will have to reassess its schedule, given the decimated oyster beds that will take several years to recover.
  • That's especially true if environmental groups like the Sierra Club tell urban and suburban voters that the taxes will only fund projects that warm the globe and decimate what's left of marine life in Puget Sound. Transportation Choices’ Review of the Session: From Bad to Worse « PubliCola
  • Not just cod but other groundfish, including flounder, halibut and haddock, were decimated.
  • A lot of the bird species here, particularly the migratory waders, have been decimated.
  • It might not be the famine of biblical proportions which decimated the country in 1984 and which wakened a disbelieving world to the plight of the Ethiopians but unless something is done it is a disaster in the making.
  • Naturally I know about Varroa mite, as the island of Hawaii was until recently the last place uninvaded by Varroa, and was exporting queens worldwide to replace decimated colonies. Acorns Gone; Nature Does What GOP Fails to Do
  • In the other locker room, Carmelo Anthony was opining that a Denver victory would so decimate the Wolves that the entire franchise would go out of business.
  • Tasmanian devils have been decimated by a transmissible facial cancer.
  • The idea was based on the punishment meted out to "failing" legions in by Rome, and from which the word 'decimate', comes Archive 2008-01-06
  • The situation in Java was much like a repeat of the Philippines, and the Allied aerial units were once again decimated by an aggressive enemy.
  • The Welsh can perform a reenactment of the Battle of Humbleton Hill, where Welsh longbowmen decimated the Scottish forces in 1402. 5 Strange
  • The International Coffee Organization provided funds to Angola for the revival of its coffee production after a long civil war decimated production.
  • But carried forward, we still use the word decimated to indicate horrific losses even or particularly in the case of military conflicts. The Volokh Conspiracy » How Statistics Get Distorted — An Example
  • She said it would "decimate" the agriculture sector, where illegal workers fill 75% of the jobs. Feds Target Illegal Hires
  • It is a future in which both the working class and middle class shrink as labor unions are destroyed, pensions are decimated, and ordinary people lose their jobs because private corporations ship them overseas and government jobs are eliminated in the name of frugality. Alan Singer: Is the Tea Party Future Unfolding in London?
  • Fields are still small, there are no huge modern sheds and the pastures are rich in species that would otherwise have been decimated by modern farming methods.
  • Fiscal infrastructure decimated by the effects of war.
  • Of course, as a result, the ranks of local, independently owned bookstores have been entirely decimated, which is a terrible loss. THE STORY OF STUFF
  • Rats, stoats, ferrets, cats, and possums have decimated native animals that were unaccustomed to mammalian predators.
  • (Thank Christ for that, one hears oneself murmuring, even though Amis would have reproved the incorrect use of the word "decimate" by anyone else.) The Man of Feeling
  • The U.S. economy is tanking and we already have one of the world's most foreign dominated economies, but as usual, not U. S.-dominated / decimated enough for the North American Competitiveness Council, aka the Canadian Council of Chief Executives. Blogging Change
  • The pollution could decimate the river's thriving population of kingfishers.
  • Once one enemy squad is thoroughly decimated, the computer will automatically sound a retreat.
  • A lady, a few farms distant, a vegetarian for many years decimated by muntjac deer.
  • As with other cases when Google had decimated an entire subindustry by offering a product for free, the company was anything but apologetic. In the Plex
  • With tingling anticipation the audience nodded its agreement that the card the girl had drawn on had indeed been decimated.
  • When the trees are decimated in a region, a process called "desertification" tends to occur downwind because the trees are no longer there to pump groundwater back into the atmosphere to fall back to Earth as additional rainfall at some down wind location. Matthew Stein: The Perfect Storm: Six Trends Converging on Collapse
  • The transformation of the river may well decimate the considerable fishery resources already available.
  • The great mass of Russians, all too aware of the Soviet ecocide that decimated their land, have a passionate sense of the need to protect their environment.
  • In the 19th century, a plague of insects called phylloxera decimated the vines used to grow wine grapes in Europe. Blessing the Garden
  • A decimated and demoralized staff is not an efficient one.
  • How can any honest American still follow this clown, he has decimated the economy and strength of our country, every American should be outraged
  • Your premise is flawed from the get-go, and your meager credibility, while somewhat bolstered by your honesty in admitting your belief that conservatives are incapable of committing treason, was at the same time decimated by the profound stupidity of the claim. Think Progress » CNN poll: 47 percent of Americans want to repeal health care reform.
  • This so greatly enraged Maximian, that he ordered the legion to be decimated, that is, every tenth man to be selected from the rest, and put to the sword. Fox's Book of Martyrs Or A History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Triumphant Deaths of the Primitive Protestant Martyrs
  • The population has been decimated by disease.
  • Famines, largely caused by civil war and the Soviet collectivization of agriculture, decimated the rural population in the 1920s and 1930s.
  • The pride and lifeblood of the city was decimated in a single day.
  • (Soundbite of laughter) ALEXIS: So what keeps me fascinated is what I considered one of the great mysteries of history: Why did Antony put that huge army and fleet together to battle Octavian and then run away from them and back to her and leave them to be decimated? The True Story Of 'Antony And Cleopatra'
  • Interestingly, Rick had not decimated his vile detractors and signified that he was a saint.
  • Donna Rifkind praised Julie Orringer's The Invisible Bridge Vintage, $15.95, a fictional "account of the very particular way in which Hungary's Jewish population was decimated by the Holocaust," for its "brilliant use of a deliberately old-fashioned realism to define individual fates engulfed by history's deadly onrush. The case for an unplugged life
  • Traders claiming their businesses have been decimated by a controversial bus lane were due to hold an emergency public meeting with Transport for London last night.
  • And snares have decimated the local population of Ader's duiker, Africa's most endangered antelope.
  • The rabbit population was decimated by the disease.
  • Both agriculture and the province's small manufacturing industries were decimated during the civil war.
  • Whole villages were put to the sword, livestock was slaughtered, crops destroyed and famine and disease decimated the survivors.
  • Within years their cotton plants were decimated by a tiny bug and the Sutherlands resigned themselves to a meagre living from farming.
  • Why haven't they been plagued or decimated by the problems that have besieged other teams, including those with terrific coaching and front-office staffs?
  • Water voles, small rodents closely related to muskrats and lemmings and which live only along clear, unpolluted rivers and streams, have been decimated by non-native mink which originally escaped from fur farms.
  • The personal wealth of some of Ireland's most high profile technology executives has been decimated by the continuing slump in technology share prices.
  • Archipelago, they passed the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus, stirring the two narrow passageways with the violence of their invisible gallopade and making a turn at the bowl of the Black Sea, swimming back, decimated but impetuous, to the depths of the Mediterranean. Mare Nostrum (Our Sea) A Novel
  • The Jacobites stood the fire for some time before charging, being decimated by grape and musket shot.
  • I didn't see these self same people out on the pickets when the mining industry was decimated, neither were they there when the steel industry collapsed.
  • At the very least it could allow all 12 voluntary projects that have been decimated by these cuts more time to try and find alternative sources of funding or make appropriate plans.
  • Mr. Tiku is also starting to "tiptoe" into the iShares MSCI BRIC exchange-traded fund as emerging markets "have gotten decimated. Funds Build Cash, Tiptoe into Purchases
  • In five and a half hours here is a sample of a few antics: one upturned full basket of folded laundry, 4 spilled cups of water, acquired and placed in mouth 9 hard candiesyes, I counted,one peeled off corner of wallpaper, several bites out of 5 different apples, one knocked over shoe rack holding 10 pairs of shoes, one totally decimated bag of shreddies. Some Days Test Our Mettle
  • A huge Scots army was decimated, thousands killed, enslaved, or exiled.
  • The rabbit population was decimated by the disease.
  • He's decided to take a much-beloved '60s children's show and decimate it by producing a mega sized film that is live action and contains hardly any of the fun from the original production.
  • Unbeknownst to this merry quintet, in those same woods, a hermit finds his dog, dead and decimated, apparently the recipient of a brutal flesh-eating contagion.
  • Most of my fellow co-workers and volunteers were gay, lesbian and transgender people whose lives and relationships had been totally decimated by the disease.
  • Decimated by disease, famine, and war, and bereft of its leaders and its labor force, the Kampuchean society will need decades to come back, if it survives at all. Kampuchea: A Demographic Catastrophe
  • Also, I don't know if it has affected the lakes in Manitoba, but the harsch winter severly rose the number of fish decimated due to winterkill in ND, and it could be a factor where you are headed. Nate Matthews here (I'm the online editor).
  • Considered by many as pests-often as dangerous-they have been gunned down, poisoned, speared, 'finned', and decimated across their habitats. News
  • By most indications, Aidid's supporters were decimated and demoralized the day after the Battle of Mogadishu.
  • A University of Sydney researcher is claiming up to a third of our snake species could be decimated.
  • If it wasn't for a few well-placed headshots by several other Marines the group would have certainly been decimated.
  • This happens routinely after marriage, and women from decimated kin groups are taken as wives in this polygamous society, without brideprice having to be paid.
  • The Angel's Share is an elegy for the old, unreconstructed island ways that have been all but decimated in the name of progress which, while making things a whole lot more efficient, left an unholy mess in its wake as well.
  • They realized that the 9/11 attacks might not be the stunning victory that al-Qaeda and many in the West took them to be at the time, and might in fact more resemble a kamikaze operation that would decimate their ranks. The Longest War
  • We are bringing up massed multiple rocket-launchers to decimate the enemy before the tanks move in. KARA KUSH
  • In the 1950s an introduced poxvirus decimated the European rabbit, the lynx's main prey.
  • I nominate 'decimate' as it applies to Man's and Nature's destructive fury and the outcome of sporting contests. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Prior to 1990 the species had been decimated by a combination of habitat loss and capture of birds for the pet trade, and was considered extinct in the wild.
  • The Catawba Nation was actually a military alliance of several Siouan tribes and remnants of tribes who had been decimated by war and disease, and joined the Catawba. History of American Women
  • Since I have financial obligations which would be decimated by any exposure, why should I put my anonymity at risk now or in the near future?
  • The fear of the virus has decimated the tourist trade to South East Asia, with Singapore bearing the brunt of the cancellations.
  • Donegal's once vibrant textile industry has been decimated in the past decade with the closure of companies like Jockey, Donegal Shirts and Fingal Manufacturing.
  • The dolphin population has been decimated by tuna fishing.
  • At the same time some of the native species that were decimated by the Nile Perch, or were even thought extinct, were coming back.
  • The NRDC is spearheading an effort to get river herring (shorthand here for blueback herring and alewife) listed as "threatened" under the Endangered Species Act, while the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) showed overwhelming support for new efforts to protect and rebuild the decimated menhaden stock. Peter Hanlon: Little Fish, Big Help
  • Cheap imports decimated the British cycle industry.
  • They can decimate the population of these baby amphibians in a pond system.
  • A bloody confrontation lands Shaw in jail for over a decade and decimates his family.
  • Within years their cotton plants were decimated by a tiny bug and the Sutherlands resigned themselves to a meagre living from farming.
  • Poachers have decimated the chiru populations to supply the black market trade in shahtoosh, which is among the world's most expensive wools and is 25 percent finer then cashmere.
  • Thu 07/01/10 9: 16 PM p.s. I think you mean "annihilated" - decimated means "to reduce by 1/10th. Today's Latest Headlines
  • The big fleet in Thailand was decimated in a fire at the Royal Varuna Club several years ago, though there are still a few ‘vintage’ boats at Varuna.
  • Rats, stoats, ferrets, cats, and possums have decimated native animals that were unaccustomed to mammalian predators.
  • Only last month the government announced the biggest spending cuts in more than a decade that will decimate the public services on which thousands rely.
  • I mean, in the name of Christianity, we came here and decimated Indians, we so-called christianized Africans. CNN Transcript Dec 1, 2002
  • Surely one ought to think twice before allowing those same draggers that decimated the cod and its habitat to once again wreak their havoc on the ocean floor and all the species they come in contact with.
  • Most irritating were the German rocket launchers, which miraculously decimate infantry and armour alike with impunity.
  • The titles were decimated due to the wild weather conditions with many events cancelled.
  • Connecticut just decimated one of their more antsier bonehead crews. One People's Project. Always Itchin' For A Fight!
  • Police precincts are closing, the permit bureau is being decimated by layoffs, budgets are being slashed ... Jack Bog's Blog: August 2009 Archives
  • But in the 1990s the fluke fishery from the Carolinas up to Maine was decimated. Aram Roston: Deadliest Catch Brooklyn Style: The Fish You Catch in New York City
  • I was a British journalist with the mujahideen at the siege of Jalalabad in March 1989, when they were indeed decimated by the government's airpower when they concentrated to attack the city. What next in Afghanistan?
  • Consequently, Muir believes, biotech fish could quickly decimate a fish population by their increased ability to produce damaged young.
  • And next time you're pulling out to decimate a 1 Series BMW with a lairy bodykit, just remember to check the plates.
  • The last book contains a scene where the two superscientists cooperate to decimate one galaxy by colliding it with a second and repopulate a third galaxy by teleporting the earthlike worlds to safe orbits elsewhere in the universe. Voice Of The Fans: Consistently Entertaining Series
  • Thinking this barbarity over, I started to get indignant; but just in time I remembered what we ourselves have done to decimate the canvas-back duck and the wild pigeon and the ricebird and the red-worsted pulse-warmer, and other pleasing wild creatures of the earlier days in America, now practically or wholly extinct. Europe Revised
  • It's a shame that "otter scrubbers" like her are to blind to see what's really going on. 5yrs. down the road when the park is decimated, or when people are dying in car-deer crashes because she wanted to save "bambi", maybe she'll get the picture. Whitetail News Roundup
  • No, the aim is not to decimate the possum population.
  • Yet both dam projects would decimate the very scrubland the lynx depends on.
  • Petunia flowers are fragile though and all the heavy rain had rather decimated an enormous hanging basket full of them that hangs on the side of the car port.
  • In the early 1890s, a series of brutal winters decimated the cattle industry.
  • Battered and bruised as usual, a sizable portion of their offense decimated by injury.
  • According to a fire service spokesman, acres of mature Coillte land and a number of private forests in the area were decimated by the flames which were fanned by strong winds and reached 30 ft at stages.
  • We are bringing up massed multiple rocket-launchers to decimate the enemy before the tanks move in. KARA KUSH
  • The native population was decimated or assimilated within decades of the arrival of Columbus, and the island was repopulated with Spanish colonists and their African slaves.
  • Cambodia's 21-year war decimated the wildlife population.
  • Stirling, typically, was not content with just a small raid to prove the potential of his decimated force.
  • It started in the 1980s when the disease was termed GRID Gay Related Immune Deficiency; President Reagan refused to even say the word AIDS for four years and the epidemic decimated entire communities in this country all the while. Kat Griffith: The Human Costs of HIV Stigma, And What You Can Do to Change the Story
  • Disease has decimated the population.
  • Our holy wars, crusades, and pogroms have decimated people in the millions in the name of our religion.
  • The idea grew out of an effort to save highly endangered Micronesian kingfishers in Guam, where many bird species had been decimated by a brown snake invasion.
  • The half-dozen neighborhoods I drove or walked through in various parts of Stockton proved but repeats of Little John Creek, still littered with empty homes -- "decimated" -- more than a year after the financial meltdown occurred. TomDispatch
  • Those groups are the remnants of populations that were decimated by whalers and other seafarers who killed the creatures for food.
  • Trophy hunting for markhor, ibex, snow leopard, and game birds (such as falcons) is prevalent in this ecoregion and has decimated their populations. Karakoram-West Tibetan Plateau alpine steppe
  • There, a Genoese colony was under siege from a khan of the Golden Horde named Yannibeg, when his army was decimated by an outbreak of plague.
  • Native clam populations in the Great Lakes have been decimated, and other species that compete for food with the mussels are in sharp decline.
  • And don†™ t forget the the number of those who also Didn†™ t evacuate from the rest of the decimated Gulf Coast region. More than a tragedy — a scandal « BuzzMachine
  • The trust and its supporters believe that if the trial is successful it could prove to be a blueprint for many other decimated in-shore fisheries around the Scottish coastline.
  • The idea grew out of an effort to save highly endangered Micronesian kingfishers in Guam, where many bird species had been decimated by a brown snake invasion.
  • A lot of the bird species here, particularly the migratory waders, have been decimated.
  • Scotland's fishing fleet has been decimated and the rest of us were as powerless as the Scottish Minister for Fishing.
  • Millions have had their homes destroyed, their lives uprooted, and their futures decimated.
  • Poor countries cannot develop, cannot increase their income when so much of their labor force is decimated.
  • The coming of age of this new generation decimated South Korea's stodgiest political party, the United Liberal Democrats. The Pyongyang Card
  • The undecimated discrete wavelet transform(UDWT)is a translation invariant transform, and performs well in the multispectral image enhancement and two-sensor image fusion problems.
  • Family farms, campos, and swaths of countryside are being seized and decimated.
  • Mercifully, there were still a few moments of win you go, Outstanding Drama, The Bold and the Beautiful! and God bless mini-human Susan Lucci for classily addressing the slaughterhouse that TV's early shift has become since ABC decimated its schedule in favor of horrifically named talk shows. Watercooler: The Daytime Emmys Crap Out in Vegas
  • As a means of repeopling the island, which was being decimated by fever, a large number of Royalists in Ireland were seized and sent out as slaves by the English.
  • The Russians could not be allowed, in putting the mutiny down, to decimate the force on which the plotters planned to rely.
  • Battered and bruised as usual, a sizable portion of their offense decimated by injury.

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