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How To Use Decidedly In A Sentence

  • Croi from time immemorial had been renowned for its devout and strict observance of papistic rites and ceremonies; the Counts of Nassau had gone over to the new sect -- sufficient reasons why Philip of Croi, Duke of Arschot, should prefer a party which placed him the most decidedly in opposition to the Prince of Orange. History of the Revolt of the Netherlands — Volume 02
  • The results showed that the women in unhappy relationships and the women who remained emotionally hung up on their ex-husbands had decidedly weaker immune responses than the women who were in happier relationships (or were happily out of them). Is There a Health Advantage to Being Married? | Impact Lab
  • Such a usage is ethically unacceptable, politically manipulative and decidedly unhistorical.
  • Faced by those constraints, the soldiers of the Royal Anglians face an uphill task and the official three-year time limit is already looking decidedly niggardly.
  • An interlude of steel drum, tympani, and bongo injected a decidedly powerful tribal element to the experience.
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Master English with Ease
  • Her formative years were decidedly odd. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is the realm of _psychical life_; and, still more decidedly and more evidently, the _realm of mind_. The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • The latter was the last general to serve in the White House and did so in a decidedly unmilitary fashion.
  • He is looking decidedly ropey. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of the football, especially in the opening half, was decidedly moderate.
  • Facing the dilemmas of ethical behaviour in a decidedly unethical society is the harder choice.
  • The atmosphere is decidedly creepy as the increasingly inventive deaths take place against a backdrop of innocent carols, glittering tinsel and good cheer. The Sun
  • Come to find out, things have been decidedly messy in Marti's household. A ghost story for your monday morning
  • The award-winning British play promises a salacious good time with its decidedly postmodern take on gender and sexual power relationships in the middle ages.
  • Amy was looking decidedly worried.
  • The result is a setting that’s clearly modelled on an American high school but is populated almost entirely by kids and teachers with decidedly European accents — even when they have names like Brad and are swaggering around in letterman sweaters like an extra in Grease. The Curiosity of Chance
  • John Milton, the high-minded creator of "Paradise Lost," along with some of the most celebrated sonnets, elegies and other written works in the English Language, may have also written the decidedly low-minded poem "An Extempore Upon a Faggot. John Lundberg: Scholar Unearths a Dirty Milton Poem
  • Cole's style is decidedly more formal than the previous manager's.
  • It is my principle, as well as that of Lycurgus, to avoid "mediums" -- that is to say, people who are not decidedly one thing or the other. A Military Genius Life of Anna Ella Carroll of Maryland
  • Now this smart restaurant is decidedly unstuffy yet with sophisticated tasting menus. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are not really atmospheric but they have mood in spades; they are neorealistic in terms of their look and their frankness about controversial subjects, yet they are decidedly more artificial, more movie-like, than, say, Italian neorealist pictures. Archive 2006-02-05
  • The artwork on the site gives the game world a decidedly fantasy flair, but also with what could be steampunk elements.
  • I wholeheartedly agree, and as you point out this is decidedly a two-edged sword.
  • In short, a majority of Americans, according to pollsters, decidedly prefer interparty consensus to interparty conflict. Party rivalry past and present
  • Neither is he very happy in trees, and such rustical produce; or, rather, we should say, he is very original, his trees being decidedly of his own make and composition, not imitated from any master. George Cruikshank
  • They aren't roller skates, they're in-line skates, and I feel decidedly dodgy on them.
  • And the privacy has proved decidedly fruitful - all six female wallabies have given birth to joeys, almost doubling the park's population.
  • For an alcohol flame Knoblauch and Melloni found glass to be less transparent than for the same flame with a platinum spiral immersed in it; but Melloni afterwards showed that the result was not general -- that black glass and black mica were decidedly more diathermic to the radiation from the pure alcohol flame. Fragments of science, V. 1-2
  • The ear-popping ascent from the floor of Silicon Valley winds under moss-covered trees, eventually becoming decidedly too small for two cars to pass. Ridge Monte Bello and Paul Draper's forty years of making it | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • There have been a number of 20c scholarly grammars of English characterized by a decidedly descriptive approach and a focus on syntax.
  • In the East the progressive revolt had a more decidedly urban complexion.
  • These, he argued, had to be given in the form of narrative without book, which is more accordant with the oriental mode, and decidedly more impressive.
  • Such an estimate, however crude it may be, is decidedly impressive.
  • The intervention of the authorities gave union struggles a decidedly political flavour.
  • While not anti-English, it is decidedly pro-Gaelic (even insisting on Gaelic names in cases where anglicised forms are far more familiar to Scots) and tends to be anti-Presbyterian.
  • Back in 2002, in a much-publicized debacle, the copy-protection scheme Sony used was undermined in a decidedly low-tech way: You simply needed to draw a line around the CD with a magic marker.
  • The pair returned from a 1000 km awareness-raising bike ride between Beijing and Shanghai with decidedly mixed feelings.
  • Once they have been out at sea for a while and it is time to head inland, they are decidedly picky about a river's condition. Times, Sunday Times
  • So was the atmosphere in the National Stadium on April 22, with gun-toting and decidedly edgy cops and soldiers just about outnumbering the spectators.
  • The abandonment feels decidedly eerie. Times, Sunday Times
  • Desolation has become global and the photographer's world is decidedly anchored in formalism.
  • Each seed is in a small cell of green jellyish flesh, and spooning it into your mouth is a decidedly sensual experience.
  • Some of the designs are decidedly Art Deco, which is an appealing style from the 1920s. -
  • IN a decidedly flaky year for new music, please welcome this breathtaking patchwork quilt of songs. The Sun
  • But now I think about, even the thriving malacology departments I've known tend to be inhabited by the decidedly elderly. Where are all the malacologists?
  • Some, such as Dona Ines, Restaurant Al Fonte and Pedros, are decidedly decent places to eat.
  • Their previously clear-eyed look of adoration is now decidedly jaundiced. Times, Sunday Times
  • With such eyebrows, and a look so decidedly bilious, how was he to extract that money from the governor, of which George was consumedly in want? Vanity Fair
  • There I stand in a gown and high heels, tresses piled femininely atop my head, and yet my shoulders slump forward like a pitcher on the mound, my forehead crumples, and I become decidedly resolute as I recite my carefully composed vows: Live and Let Love
  • An unsatisfactory version of it appeared in 1928, without notes and edited by a descendant who "softened Cresswell's opinions and actions," according to historians Harold B. Gill Jr. and George M. Curtis III, who give us Cresswell in decidedly unsoftened form, complete with the improvisational spelling and punctuation of the time. Revolution Road Trip
  • But what if Interstate 57 looks decidedly Roman or Subcontinental — or imagine a hysterical combination of a Hindu cremation ritual, a New Orleans jazz funeral march, Jim Crace's quivering, and a High Baroque Requiem mass plus the nonstop visual, aromatic and aural assault from this thanatological mixture. Archive 2006-02-01
  • He elsewhere asserts very decidedly (without however giving reasons) that the Quartodeciman controversy turned on the point whether the 14th Nisan was the day of the Last Supper or the day of the Crucifixion, the Essays on the work entitled "Supernatural Religion"
  • Yesterday, the 33-year-old looked decidedly sprightly for his age. Times, Sunday Times
  • The perspective is decidedly anthropocentric, a criticism that has been frequently levelled even at Richard Dawkins.
  • An NHL rink is 85 feet by 200 feet — a decidedly small place for 10 skaters (an international rink is slightly larger). A Hockey Team With a Turbocharger
  • My little friend was looking decidedly manky and I feared the worst.
  • There was a fulcrum point when the arguments tipped decidedly in one direction.
  • He was all that she decidedly was not -- an adventurer, immoderate, unpredictable. DARE CALL IT TREASON
  • I went on to eat a light breakfast and to get my morning writing session done, then felt decidedly dozy.
  • Plainly, if it is possible to obtain this antitoxine in quantity and then inoculate it into the body when the toxic poisons are present, we have a means for decidedly assisting the body in its efforts to drive off the parasites. The Story of Germ Life
  • Who knows, I might even wash the car, which is looking decidedly grubby.
  • But perhaps this could be considered prejudiced, xenophobic or a decidedly un-Christian attitude.
  • The skin tones are decidedly greenish, which is not particularly flattering.
  • The dress Edward bought the kid was neon pink and decidedly "hoochie" by Angie's standards, especially considering its whopping $2,000 price tag. Television Without Pity
  • The atmosphere in the room was decidedly frosty.
  • That said, it is a decidedly artful conversion of the Japanese automaker's M35 series Stagea wagon, a JDM load-lugger it produced from 2001 to 2007. Autoblog
  • Perhaps the slightly acidic flavor of the tomatillos recalls the pickled vegetable condiments of Lebanon, but in any case it is a decidedly Mexican addition to the serving of kibbeh. Immigrant Cooking in Mexico Part 3: The Lebanese of Puebla
  • A confirmation of this augury is the fact that the cast of the community became decidedly more Fourieristic before it disbanded; and it is not impossible that another generation might have decolorized and seriously deformed human existence among them. A Study Of Hawthorne
  • Under the headmasterly rule of His Excellency the Life President Ngwazi Dr Hastings Kamuzu Banda (to give him his official moniker), Malawi was peaceful, tidy, friendly, and decidedly old-fashioned.
  • Chances are the story will be bogus or, even if genuine, the publicity process will render the hero decidedly unheroic.
  • While the use of pure cultures in this way is an advantage over the method of simply allowing the cream to ripen normally without such additions, it is a method that is decidedly inferior to that which first pasteurizes the cream and subsequently adds a starter. The Story of Germ Life
  • This morning I have a sore throat and feel decidedly off-colour.
  • Dori's airhorn had a decidedly different tone than Devon's, and the resulting sound was a bray that was both loud and atonal.
  • Students forced to wear blazers and neckties look decidedly uncomfortable.
  • Marilyn was staying at the decidedly downscale Park Hotel, across from the similarly down-scale Champs Mars, Port-au-Prince's town square.
  • it was decidedly too expensive
  • This last explanation seems decidedly preferable because the terms here used, particularly the word phronesis prudence, is not in its ordinary sense properly referable to God. A Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians
  • I had to chuckle when I read reports that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is preparing to run a decidedly negative campaign this year, with an unnamed adviser saying Reid would "vaporize" his opponent. Roll Call Print Edition Current Issue
  • retting" continues too long the desired fibre is decidedly injured by the softening effect of the fermentation. The Story of Germ Life
  • Tuesday's elections seem to be a model of the synthesis strategy in operation, as ideopolis-rich New Jersey chose Democrat Jon Corzine as its new governor; bluer than blue California gave Arnold the finger on all four of the propositions he sponsored; Dover, Pennsylvania turned out Republican school board members backing the teaching of Intelligent Design; and a decidedly purple Virginia chose Democrat Tim Kaine as its governor. The Magic Words
  • On the other hand, our Risk Premium model is decidedly on the optimistic end of our valuation models.
  • The restaurant decor is decidedly nautical, with decking, bollards and rope along the front, portholes here and there and even the binnacle from the M / S Vestkysten, an old Danish rescue ship.
  • Christianity Today noted that he was ‘a man whose theology had decidedly unevangelical elements’.
  • They had been arrested together for singing calypsos on Wrightson Road, Port-of-Spain and though their careers had taken decidedly different paths, there was an intimacy to their relationship that was truly profound.
  • All of that newfound hawkishness in Boston surely sounded odd to many of the decidedly anti-war delegates.
  • I have often wondered why a man who indulged in this sport was called a gambler, as the term "gamester," used many years ago, seems decidedly more appropriate. As I Remember Recollections of American Society during the Nineteenth Century
  • The vague headache began some time during Friday, but, by evening surgery, I felt decidedly feverish and unwell.
  • One particular candidate responding to the survey went to a great deal of trouble to commit his decidedly anti-headhunting views to paper.
  • I have been off sick with decidedly dodgy tummy and jelly-like legs, and have lain around the house being languid, playing a small selection of CDs repeatedly and desultorily surfing the internet.
  • So obsessed that he concealed his decidedly uncool secret from all but one or two of his aspiringly cool fellow Beats. Dean Sluyter: It's Official: Nobody's Cool. (Kerouac Posthumously Blows It)
  • So that's where I am, that's why this blog has become decidedly unspiritual after a few months of frantic spiritual searching.
  • While he leans decidedly toward the descriptivist camp, he believes experts ought to acknowledge the public's need for guidance on how to speak and write standard English -- that is, the lingua franca of official, public and commercial life in the English-speaking world. Salon
  • Chip production involves some pretty noxious substances, such as the decidedly nasty hydrofluoric acid used to etch the silicon wafers.
  • Although there were decidedly violent aspects to this ancient goddess. she was generally a benevolent figure who possessed most of the fortunate qualities now associated with Venus, the lesser benefic.
  • The movie has its heart in the right place, but the result is a decidedly mixed bag.
  • Thus is the tone set early on, and it's decidedly at odds with our notions today of the prim and proper Victorians.
  • The result is an honest record that is as compelling as it is decidedly uncommercial.
  • There's all that, and then there's the rest ofÂthe slideshow that is only too happy to stereotype and write off the protesters by making them look, through most of the edit, less like angry, determined and decidedly non-violent citizens than eccentric hippy meditating drumbeating sixties throwbacks. Michael Shaw: Reading the Pictures: Wisconsin Update: Trashing "the Hippies"
  • Today it is a decidedly unfancy pub, which serves platters of local seafood, with as little done to them as possible. The 20 best places to eat in Britain this summer
  • The pebbles, like those of the boulder-clay of the northern side of the Moray Frith, are chiefly of the primary rocks and older sandstones, and were probably in the neighborhood, in their present rolled form, long ere the re-formation of the inclosing mass; while the shale and the septaria are, as shown by their fossils, decidedly Liasic. The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • Another peculiarity of foods of this kind that makes decidedly against their digestibility lies in the fact that, being soft and containing a large proportion of water, they are scarcely ever properly chewed, and as a consequence they are swallowed in comparatively large masses without having been adequately insalivated. Health on the Farm A Manual of Rural Sanitation and Hygiene
  • The abandonment feels decidedly eerie. Times, Sunday Times
  • Freemartins" a decidedly unromantic term normally applied to masculinized female cattle, are sterile women who are therefore especially available. Jonathan D. Moreno: Brave New World Turns 80
  • The slight designer, clad in a somber uniform of All Saints trousers and Prada patent leather sneakers, was surprisingly calm beneath his signature coiffure and decidedly more demure than his onscreen personality who has coined millennial catchphrases such as "Fierce!" and "Hot Tranny mess. Nicole Berrie: Designer Christian Siriano Earns His Cool Factor
  • The marks by which the Mandarin porcelain may be known are not decidedly agreed on.
  • The hallmarks of the Nazi aesthetic - blue eyes, blond hair, athletic fitness and sharp-angled features - are the very elements that define what we call the all-American look, still visible in the mythic advertising landscapes of designers like the decidedly non-Aryan Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein. NYT > Home Page
  • It will feel decidedly chilly with strong winds and downpours. Times, Sunday Times
  • The results looked decidedly odd. Times, Sunday Times
  • He made all the other players on the field look decidedly ordinary.
  • The Cold War was a bipolar world; the 21st century world is-for the moment, at least-decidedly unipolar, with America as the world's ‘sole superpower.’
  • He made the tasting far less arduous than his younger, more dashing, but decidedly less droll counterpart who was running the show this time around.
  • In fact the eventual winners were looking decidedly shaky at this stage.
  • It was decidedly hard to do with Mr Cunningham's cold, judging, calculating eyes were staring at us.
  • But in 1996, a Swiss animal behaviourist noticed that mice and rats reared this way might actually be decidedly abnormal.
  • The rehearing system causes judge to be undecidedly and descends the judicial authority.
  • I was therefore decidedly nervous as I tippy-toed out of my drive in Autodelta's passport to the next life.
  • There's all that, and then there's the rest ofthe slideshow that is only too happy to stereotype and write off the protesters by making them look, through most of the edit, less like angry, determined and decidedly non-violent citizens than eccentric hippy meditating drumbeating sixties throwbacks. Michael Shaw: Reading the Pictures: Wisconsin Update: Trashing "the Hippies"
  • At times they have the heads of fauns or Minotaurs; yet their demeanors are decidedly human. Soaring Forms and Mythology in the Flesh
  • The response at the end of his speech was decidedly lukewarm.
  • Due to environmental conditions this risk was decidedly lower than in previous years.
  • After 18 months of sparring between the Tories and BBC executives over the level of the licence fee, the future funding of the corporation has been hammered out in frantic negotiations in little over three days, with the broadcaster coming off decidedly second best. BBC licence fee frozen at £145.50 for six years
  • The lacklustre script gives the actors nothing to do and the villain is decidedly bland.
  • I am rousing a decidedly unshrewd shrewdness of apes.
  • "This is a song I wrote when I was eight" says the swivel-eyed frontman before howling something decidedly avant-garde, his face and legs vibrating like he's being tasered.
  • The result is a decidedly mixed bag of campy humor, wild-eyed fantasy and high-tech special effects.
  • She looked decidedly unimpressed with the boys' antics, or her hiccups, or something.
  • Despite their noticeable satisfaction, they looked decidedly awkward.
  • The result is a decidedly mixed bag of campy humor, wild-eyed fantasy and high-tech special effects.
  • Chris has looked decidedly uncomfortable against runners and awkward opponents.
  • As to me, I could pick apart the little things about my face or my personality that make me feel decidedly unbeautiful. Some Shape Of Beauty - Her Bad Mother
  • For such a large house, it was decidedly unfilled and looked almost unlived in; it was unnaturally clean.
  • Immanuel Kant was almost the only profound speculative thinker who was decidedly convivial, and given to gulosity, at least at his dinner. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 101, March, 1866
  • It sounds decidedly unromantic but when it comes to practicality, Grevett has hit the nail on the head.
  • Mrs Reynolds mused, stifling a grin with an effort as she recalled the master's decidedly windblown appearance at the breakfast room door the previous day.
  • IN a decidedly flaky year for new music, please welcome this breathtaking patchwork quilt of songs. The Sun
  • Then he stood up, bowed, and said, `My dear, I am decidedly honoured ". ANASTASIA KRUPNIK (3-IN-1)
  • The labor theory of value was now decidedly driven underground and the utility theory emerged triumphant. The Making of Neoclassical Economics
  • As she approached a sharp right-hand bend before turning downhill towards the finish, things suddenly looked decidedly dodgy. FRANKIE: The Autobiography of Frankie Dettori
  • It was a bold move, and one that showed her resourcefulness, since he most decidedly had not asked her to dance, knowing that it would only heighten his urge to carry her off and swive her senseless. How to Woo a Reluctant Lady
  • We do not much applaud his taste; for though it is decidedly inferior to her other works, having less plot, and what there is, less artificially wrought up, and also less exquisite nicety of moral painting; yet the same kind of excellences which characterise the other novels may be perceived in this, in a degree which would have been highly creditable to most other writers of the same school, and which would have entitled the author to considerable praise, had she written nothing better. Famous Reviews
  • The cool, cerebral White House might logically conclude that Wednesday's decidedly uncool, uncerebral "tea bag" protests were intellectually and politically incoherent, and therefore not worth a second thought. Best of the Blogs
  • The result is a decidedly mixed bag of campy humor, wild-eyed fantasy and high-tech special effects.
  • I spent almost the whole day sleeping, which was decidedly lovely, and I've been hankering to play Civilization: Call to Power for a couple of days, so despite a long To Do List, that's what I'm going to do.
  • The crude cells for the monks behind would certainly have encouraged a decidedly ascetic life. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • I think he just has a bit of a cold, as his eyes are a bit watery, he is definitely lacking energy and vim and he is decidedly grumpy.
  • Her voice is extensive, but wanting cultivation, and decidedly _pea-hennish_; besides that, she is apt to go out of tune. Life in Mexico
  • At this point you would feel decidedly shaky and would want more sugary food. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • These numbers reflect the enormous electromechanical leverage the computers hold over the road—particularly the active antiroll hydraulics—but the experience behind the wheel is decidedly untechnical, a kind of sinister and primal euphoria. Porsche's Magnificent First Stab at the New 911
  • The weather report was decidedly unseasonal at the George R. Brown Convention Center Saturday night - intermittent snow flurries and calving icebergs.
  • It was heavy, and the carrying of it was a queer sensation, inasmuch as it squirmed and "yipped" vociferously in transit, threatening so unmistakably to hatch in my hand that I was decidedly nervous. The Diary of a Goose Girl
  • However, the Senhouses' deep-laid plans were decidedly at odds with the Lowthers' ambitions for Whitehaven, and as early as 1699 they were encouraging coal shipments from the Ellen to Dublin.
  • What he had to announce for this year was, particularly in its revenue-raising aspects, decidedly thin, indeed fiscally neutral.
  • They include a substantial number of international students, and they have a decidedly nonconformist campus culture.
  • He snapped at a cameraman and looked decidedly grumpy.
  • Technology, psychology and common sense was always a much more viable combination and one decidedly easier to come by than consensus in the chambers of Parliament.
  • Lazily falling out of bed at eleven, it is strange to still be in complete darkness, and breakfast is a decidedly demotivating affair.
  • On the heels of her rainbow-bright appearance at Miu Miu's Paris show, Rihanna hit the streets looking decidedly more down to earth in monochrome leggings and a relaxed knit sweater. Chloé Harris: Celebs Strip Down Post-Fashion Week
  • And being Scottish we have about four layers of clothing too many and are pink-faced and puffing in a decidedly imperfect not straight-out-of-a-brochure kind of a way.
  • In other words, the noble landlords and magnates, whose values were decidedly not those of Puritan asceticism, were in the vanguard of capitalism.
  • The onset of autumn promotes decidedly mixed feelings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like spinach, it should have decidedly more leaf than stalk. Food Watch
  • Can distinctly recollect heated correspondence in Time and Tide regarding vraisemblance or otherwise of Jamaica children, and now range myself, decidedly and forever, on the side of the author. A Different Stripe:
  • And, if he must be scored on this task - and he must - I'd give him a decidedly mixed grade.
  • The note was high and decidedly painful to listen to but it seemed to do the trick.
  • His continued popularity as a writer is curious, given that he is widely acknowledged, within the historical fraternity, as decidedly second-rate.
  • Ridicule is a decidedly more entertaining version of the genre with the grace to flash us some intelligence and self-consciousness.
  • Consequently, the diesel feels decidedly sprightly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whereas Matthew and Luke spoke directly of the kings of the gentiles, Mark was decidedly ironic in speaking of those who supposedly rule over the Gentiles and wield lordship over them.
  • Decidedly the springtime revarnishes the whole world," was his reflection. Strong as Death
  • We gave him and his male co-workers a brief summary, but they were decidedly unimpressed.
  • Mostly shot in vacant cafés with check tablecloths and the absence of daylight, this is a decidedly mixed bunch.
  • He made all the other players on the field look decidedly ordinary.
  • The covert business of hiding out adds a decidedly desperate top note to the headiness of high living.
  • Now imbalanced power struggles play themselves out this side of the pond, with decidedly different results.
  • There was a fulcrum point when the arguments tipped decidedly in one direction.
  • The decidedly unsilent primary season will be on. Times, Sunday Times
  • But perhaps, in no other point, with the exception of the [Greek: anastasis sarkos] has the religious conception remained so tenacious as in this and it decidedly prevailed, especially in the epoch with which we are now dealing. History of Dogma, Volume 1 (of 7)
  • With only one day to go before the New Zealand election, things have turned decidedly weird in a campaign that could best be described as nasty, uninspiring, and completely uninformative.
  • Sometimes he is decidedly uncomfortable at what he sees on the screen.
  • Many people know about my distaste for “creative” sushi – an overly muscular behemoth of rice bristling with decidedly non-Japanese sushi ingredients like steak, cream cheese, tomatoes, and jalapenos with names like Crunchy Cowboy, Godzilla, and Firecracker Fantasy that sound more appropriate for an aquarian battle of American Gladiators than a sushi menu. Asian Fusion is So Last Decade - Christina's Potato Salad
  • Then, as he finally readied himself on Tuesday morning to meet the Queen, he was greeted by some decidedly unwelcome news.
  • She has built a remarkable career on roles that are often decidedly unglamorous, yet always eye-catching and compellingly real.
  • Many of those are incompletely preserved, and some are decidedly tubular in appearance, calling into question their affinity to the Hyolitha.
  • A careful reading of these letters, moreover, reveals that his performance of these identities is decidedly self-conscious and that he finds great enjoyment in writing them. New Letters from Charles Brown to Joseph Severn
  • In reply to dbeach, STV is decidedly inferior to a pure AV system. Matthew Yglesias » Alternative Voting
  • Carboniferous volcanism, occurring at converging plates margins, both at the Appalachian and at the Ouachita margins, was decidedly not tholeiitic.
  • Not only were the blisters painful, but Mark once pulled on his army-issue socks and shoved his foot into a boot, only to feel the decidedly new sensation of a scorpion sting. With Love and Laughter, John Ritter
  • John Milton, the high-minded creator of "Paradise Lost," may have also written the decidedly low-minded poem "An Extempore Upon a Faggot. John Lundberg: Scholar Unearths a Dirty Milton Poem
  • There in the New Testament ‘he finds a radically theocentric and socially radical Jesus with a decidedly human face.’
  • Ida Mae Kitchen-n-Lounge brings down-home southern cooking north, then gives it a decidedly Manhattan twist.
  • Matters get decidedly steamy and a tad too confessional, though the lyrical twists reveal depth and vulnerability alongside the braggadocio.
  • His music is decidedly eccentric and remarkably varied, from ambient drones to industrial noise to metallic percussion.
  • My decidedly laissez-faire parents assumed that if I were to engage in the unnameable, I was too smart to get pregnant.
  • Throughout the week, a great number of teams who didn't get to grace the finals stage - including the teams from New York's Louder Arts and St. Paul's Soapboxing slams highlighted in a story that aired on WBUR-FM -- delivered generally well-wrought and decidedly practiced work in more confined, sold-out venues, combining the intimacy of theater with the intensity of prizefight. Phil West: Poetry Slam at 25: Why Some People Stand in Line in the Rain to Hear Poems
  • To make matters worse, I'd started to develop what I thought was a bit of a cold by Saturday evening so I was feeling decidedly grumpy and off-colour.
  • Here the mood is decidedly more downbeat. Structural-adjustment reforms have bitten deep into the agricultural extension service.
  • Having, as he felt sure, the means of making things decidedly uncomfortable for Mr. Rodman Williamson, it struck him that the eftest way would be to declare at once to his brother Demos
  • Cole's style is decidedly more formal than the previous manager's.
  • Below these, the story has been decidedly mixed. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the good old days or were they the bad ones? the twice yearly dishing out of gongs with exotic, anachronistic names was colourful, class-ridden and decidedly rackety, like much else in post-imperial British public life. New Year honours' dishonourable past | Michael White

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