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[ US /diˈsɝtəˌfaɪ/ ]
  1. cause to be no longer approved or accepted
    Carter derecognized Taiwan in 1979 after the U.S. recognized the People's Republic of China

How To Use decertify In A Sentence

  • A group of workers at the United Center Stadium petitioned to decertify the union.
  • A determination is made as to whether to decertify the employee in consideration of the performance deficiencies identified in the review.
  • And, why are many employees 'decertifying' and throwing the unions out? Wal-Mart Watch
  • There is a process for 'decertifying' a union (which would allow the crew to later organize under a different union), but that's a laborious process that would require the majority of the crew (writers and artists alike) to act together. Stone Cold Reality
  • Also UL is "decertifying" UL Master Labels that are 5 years old. Undefined
  • If there's no settlement and no lockout--perhaps by virtue of the players decertifying the union and filing an antitrust lawsuit against the owners--the issue presumably will be addressed in whatever system is put in place. Colts place franchise player tag on Peyton Manning
  • At that hotel, the former management hired a firm to campaign against the hotel's existing union, and it won a 1997 election, by a vote of 120 to 109, to decertify the union.
  • Flight attendants at Northwest Airlines began voting last week on whether they will decertify the Teamsters union and affiliate with the Professional Flight Attendants Association.
  • Under National Labor Relations rules, replacement workers would be eligible to decertify the UFCW as bargaining representative at the Jefferson plant once the one-year anniversary of the strike passes.
  • The Players acknowledge risks in decertifying: "By deunionizing, the Players gave up their labor law rights, including striking, collectively bargaining, regulating agents, and having union representation in grievances and benefit determinations. Andrew Brandt: A Layman's Guide to the Players' Brief in Brady v. NFL
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