How To Use Decerebrate In A Sentence
Generalized tonic seizures may mimic decerebrate and decorticate posturing.
It shows his profound misunderstanding of the term "capitalism"; it echoes the misunderstanding that he and his decerebrated shadow chancellor have had of this crisis ever since it began to develop.
Gates of Vienna
Animals were anaesthetized through inhalation of isoflurane and decerebrated.
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One of the most horrifying things I have ever witnessed was an experiment in which a cat was ‘decerebrated ‘, that is, it had all of its brain scraped out.’
The fact that decerebrate newborns behave much more similarly to normal newborns than to decerebrate adults is already an important distinction that cannot be overemphasized.
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It has been shown that decerebrated or anaesthetised animals start to chew with no other stimulation than placing some food in the mouth.
If the Democratic party actually had any leadership, or even more than a handful of people who are not decerebrate, they would close this down.
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Add to that the bunch of decerebrated zombies who keep hitting compulsively on the foreigners, and the situation is sometime a bit weird.
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I'd rather see them wrestle than be turned into drooling decerebrate mutants like modern show St. Bernards any time.
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When will Obama-worshippers cross the “threshold of decerebrate genuflection”?
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In decerebrated animals, rhythmic masticatory motions can also be induced by stimuli in and around the oral area.
Also, associative learning and conditioning, which can occur in some decerebrate newborns, have, to my knowledge, never been reported in older PVS patients.
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An intellectual who had carved a niche in the decerebrate world of satellite broadcasting, he was an interesting choice as an interviewer.
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In mammals, serotonin has been shown to initiate locomotion in decerebrated, curarized rabbits, and in neonatal rats.
Our voice remains the final bastion against incipient Islamic brain death, when Muslims will become spiritually decerebrate.
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This is no longer the case by around 2 months of age, when decerebrate infants begin to exhibit the rigidity typical of PVS patients.
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Its growth was rapidly accelerated by nanoassemblers, but it remained in a virtually decerebrate condition under external life support until its skull was sufficiently large enough for your brain to be transplanted.
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The terminal illness is characterised by deep coma and decerebrate or decorticate posturing.
But at the newborn stage, the essential difference between normal and decerebrate infants is in the area of potential for future development, with only subtle differences in actual, present functioning.
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