How To Use Decentralisation In A Sentence

  • Prescriptions have included decentralization, electoral reform and more radical economic policies.
  • Because of this decentralization of services and businesses, few convenient residential areas exist for those who lack transportation.
  • Quite as many examples could be cited in which cutting-off and the decentralization of composition was avoided.
  • The bureaucrats and political executive at the state level, have a vested interest to centralise powers and authority and their hostility to evolve a genuine system of democratic decentralisation is well known.
  • For this, a decentralisation of the initiative is necessary, or in other words, an affirmed self-organisation of the struggle. Anarchist news dot org - Comments
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  • Chris, you don’t seem arrogant and decentralisation is your watchword, so I guess I’ll give the benefit of the doubt. A conversation with Ville Vesterinen about standards and the open social web | FactoryCity
  • The urban space structure of Chongqing is an entia of the centralization and decentralization during the process of its development.
  • People's priorities thus remain largely unarticulated in the absence of a decentralization process.
  • It was another aspect of the Government's decentralisation programme that was working for the betterment of local areas.
  • The very diffuseness and decentralization of popular constitutionalism left room for these advocates of judicial supremacy to continue to nurse their claim.
  • We have here a lesson not only in secure decentralization, but the security of polyculture, superior to the insecurity of monoculture.
  • Decentralisation of disbursal of cash benefits and monthly meetings at the district level of various Welfare Boards will improve the situation for workers.
  • Localized wage bargaining was symbolic of the decentralization of decision-making in general, a process involving a profound change in managerial culture.
  • Questions of federalism and decentralization have dominated public debate across the country.
  • It emphasizes democracy, decentralization, and the sovereignty of individual cantons, which give much autonomy to individual communities.
  • Certainly when I worked there, decentralisation was a topic on everyone's lips and not a lot of people wanted to move.
  • Localized wage bargaining was symbolic of the decentralization of decision-making in general, a process involving a profound change in managerial culture.
  • Decentralization, empowerment, and ownership created great improvement in our control of events, products, and outcomes.
  • Its main municipal objectives were efficient and accountable administration based on political and administrative decentralisation.
  • Under imperfect legal system, the fund - provider system with decentralization and balance frame would gain anticipative effect.
  • The government will begin implementing the regional autonomy and fiscal decentralization policy in January.
  • After Deputy Power made his promise, the Government decided to shelve its plans for decentralisation until after the general election.
  • Even without corruption, ineffectiveness and inefficiency in the use of public money would follow decentralization, as a result of a lack of skills and knowledge.
  • What followed upon the loss of Communist Party and planned economy centralism was not so much ‘decentralization’, as many commentators suggested, as the formation of eighty-nine largely disconnected fiefs.
  • Hopefully, we'll have hundreds of civil servants setting up in due course when decentralisation comes on stream, so there's no danger of oversupplying the housing market.
  • This restructuring and decentralisation plan simplifies our business, and will improve our focus, agility and control.
  • For one of the assumptions of decentralization is that the closer that decision-making is to the grass roots the more valid it will be. The Learning Materials Crisis in our Schools
  • On the fiscal policy, the board suggests that the government should manage public debt more efficiently and accelerate fiscal decentralization into local areas as much as possible.
  • Belgium supported the idea of decentralisation arguing that it could bring government accountability down to the grassroots level. BBC News - Home
  • Just how fast we can move towards industrial decentralisation cannot now be said.
  • Moreover, managerial decentralisation and a shift in the locus of bargaining and power relations raises the prospect for trade union renewal at the state sector workplace.
  • To mobilize that support, he carried out a massive decentralization of the Motorola organization, providing new empowerment and ownership throughout.
  • The fourth chapter mainly discusses the operation thinking of the three-level managerial system of curriculum in our country, i. e. , to seek the balance of centralization and decentralization.
  • We believe in autonomy and decentralisation, but centralise a few core values.
  • The argument over decentralization will probably continue for ever.
  • The construction of e-government is changing from decentralization of information network system to information resource integrity and utilization.
  • The Association should encourage the decentralisation of multinational companies to economic blackspots and areas that do not suffer from labour shortages.
  • All 36 peoples to have equal rights and regional autonomies, that is, a democratic decentralization of power. CounterPunch
  • Public institutions need to be democratised and decentralisation is necessary in the public domain in order to achieve active citizenship.
  • These jobs were not part of the Government's decentralisation announcement in the December Budget.
  • He speaks about mutualism, localism, devolution and the decentralisation of power.
  • The argument over decentralization will probably continue for ever.
  • After all, if we are in favour of decentralisation of education and cutting targets, something which Lib Dems coming in all flavours support in one way or another, surely we are in effect calling on national government to do the exact opposite of what Davey is demanding. The Lib Dem response to Ruth Kelly
  • Accordingly, we attach importance to Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) due to its advantage of management specialization, investment portfolio, risk decentralization and flexibility.
  • And the second best kind of decentralisation is not from Ottawa to the provinces but rather to the local communities. Thirty Million Musketeers
  • At the same time, there are counter forces and arguments favoring decentralization of power.
  • However, tension arose between the need for decentralization in order to ensure more technical efficiency and political fears of too much independence.
  • The transfer of certain functions of administrative control from central departments of government to the county councils - decentralisation; 6.
  • It is time for a decentralisation programme for our vastly overmanned Civil Service.
  • We believe in decentralization, power at the edge. Boing Boing: July 6, 2003 - July 12, 2003 Archives
  • Vast amounts are whittled away on such concepts as benchmarking and decentralisation, but urgent road projects are still being argued over at Oireachtas committees.
  • Were it possible to bring about the decentralisation which is to-day preoccupying minds lacking in foresight, the achievement would promptly have for consequence the most sanguinary disorders. The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind
  • Public institutions need to be democratised and decentralisation is necessary in the public domain in order to achieve active citizenship.
  • Accordingly, we attach importance to Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) due to its advantage of management specialization, investment portfolio, risk decentralization and flexibility.
  • If we are to have a proper enterprise economy in the north and encourage decentralisation, we need to plan for it and prepare for it.
  • Some money would still have to go to the central government to pay for national defense, government salaries, and other indivisible functions, but this will cost a lot less if decentralization is pursued. The Right Way
  • The ministry of rural development is now testing its decentralisation plan - termed sector reform - on 70 million rural Indians.
  • In 1957, he barnstormed across the USSR to proclaim his new decentralisation plan for ‘regional economic councils’.
  • The 73rd and 74th Amendments of the Constitution should be scrupulously enforced, paving the way for effective democratic decentralization.
  • Localized wage bargaining was symbolic of the decentralization of decision-making in general, a process involving a profound change in managerial culture.
  • Accordingly, we attach importance to Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) due to its advantage of management specialization, investment portfolio, risk decentralization and flexibility.
  • Forbes: Another example, perhaps of decentralization, is Australia. Transcript: Irene Rosenfeld
  • However, the big test in the near-term will be to convince the public and more importantly, public servants, that the ambitious decentralisation plan is capable of being delivered.
  • One of the basic principles of a democratic, liberal country is the decentralization of power.
  • He is the least hostile of the civil and public service union leaders towards decentralisation, mainly because of his union's younger age profile.
  • And still unquantified is the impact of fiscal decentralization on central government revenues and spending obligations.
  • Because of this decentralization of services and businesses, few convenient residential areas exist for those who lack transportation.
  • At least Google was smart enough when they launched Wave to build in true decentralization from the start, and to choose a patent license for the Wave protocol that demonstrated that their desire was not to own the network, but to compete on it. Thoughts on Opera Unite | FactoryCity
  • The efforts in recent years of successive governments at decentralisation is no more than a cosmetic exercise.
  • Indonesia chose a rather drastic form of decentralization; from a highly centralized government to a system devolving political power to over 400 districts.
  • Public institutions need to be democratised and decentralisation is necessary in the public domain in order to achieve active citizenship.
  • We support gay marriages, decriminalising soft drugs and prostitution, and decentralisation.
  • This shows that devolution and decentralisation is the way of the future and I look forward to further initiatives under the Better Local Government programme.
  • If we continue to genuflect to decentralization as a fundamental criterion for running elections, we make it much harder for such reform efforts to achieve true democracy.
  • Through the decentralization and devolution of state power to ethnic groups it hopes to dilute ethnicity and fashion a cohesive society.
  • The transfer of certain functions of administrative control from central departments of government to the county councils - decentralisation; 6.
  • Thus, you are saying decentralization is the same as sprawl. Matthew Yglesias » The American Urban Paradox
  • At the same time, Richard Haass - like Blackwill, a key official in both Bush administrations and president of the influential Council on Foreign Relations for most of the past decade - offered a variation of that stratagem which he called 'decentralisation', in last week's 'Newsweek' cover story, entitled 'We're Not Winning. Global Issues News Headlines
  • And you know, a funny thing about decentralisation is that some of us might be dubious about it, but nobody hates it. Finding a Better Way for Canada
  • The Optimistic one is that if decentralization partially works in Phoenix, it can work anywhere.
  • Despite growing decentralization since the 1990s the idea of nation-state and capitalism as understood in the West has not evolved in India. Madhavi Bhasin: Has India Downloaded the 'Killer Apps'?
  • One response to this decline in the dynamism of Fordism was the geographical decentralization of production in search of cheaper labour.
  • Decentralisation of power is the key to ensuring smooth conduct of examinations.
  • ‘For fiscal decentralization to be successful, a strong central government is needed to lead and coordinate the process,’ the report says.
  • He said effective decentralisation of resources and responsibilities was also important for growth.
  • Justice's transformation objectives, namely the decentralisation of its functions with the view of achieving community participation in the administration of justice and improved service delivery. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The shift comes as the company continues to refine its operating style following a radical decentralization of marketing responsibility to five regional units.
  • So there were great virtues in decentralisation and democratic accountability at all levels in any society.
  • Public and private sector engagement relates to public participation, decentralization, information disclosure, eco-labelling, voluntary agreements and public-private partnerships. Global Environment Outlook (GEO-4)~ Chapter 1
  • The Optimistic one is that if decentralization partially works in Phoenix, it can work anywhere.
  • The argument over decentralization will probably continue for ever.
  • Decentralization is an important libertarian value, but surely our first principle is individual liberty; and nothing is more inimical to liberty than slavery or totalitarianism.
  • Most discouraging of all, the audit found that elected officials at the village level pocketed a huge chunk of the funds—dashing hopes that decentralization would ensure better oversight.
  • The paper starts from the origins of transfer pricing in the view of transaction cost economy, and demonstrate the affirmance and application of transfer pricing using demands of decentralization.
  • Local and regional officials in Baden, who lobbied for decentralization of national resources, were keen on lending their political support to the development of a KWI in The Foundation of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Medical Research
  • Abhisit, who has been non-committal on the idea of decentralisation or self-rule for the once-independent region, has said that a long-term political solution was important, but he ruled out talks with the opposition fighters. AL JAZEERA ENGLISH (AJE)
  • The decentralization imperative implicit in factoring problems runs into the co-ordination imperative felt keenly by the executive political and administrative elite.
  • Further, in the comments: the point of decentralization is not to encourage fragmentation and isolation, but to allow people to collaborate without needing permission from a middleman. Archive 2009-05-01
  • An important part of their argumentation is the thesis that the possibilities of a successful decentralization of production decisions in a centrally planned economy is depending upon the existence of a rationally constructed system of prices, including The Prize in Economics 1975 - Presentation Speech
  • Its keynote is decentralization and peaceful development, moral and material. The British Empire and Islam
  • I want it to work because federalist decentralization is so elegant and pluralistic, almost Solomonic in its sensibility. Live by Wickard, Die by Wickard
  • Decentralization leads to greater ownership, which in turn overcomes the collective action problems that plague all political campaigns.
  • Kiltimagh is the ideal location for decentralisation of IT type projects.
  • Considering the views of those proven achievers helps drive an even greater wedge between centralization and decentralization as a guiding organizational principle.
  • Will decentralization really bring politics closer to the people, or will we be returning to a bunch of little bailiwicks?
  • If Ebay, which has a virtual monopoly on classifieds is so hostile to decentralization, perhaps Ebay is vulnerable to the syndication model?
  • The transfer of certain functions of administrative control from central departments of government to the county councils - decentralisation; 6.
  • But it is to improved transport services that we may look to facilitate a kind of decentralisation, the net gain of which is less dubious than that arising from the substitution of a large number of industrial villages for a small number of industrial towns. The Evolution of Modern Capitalism A Study of Machine Production
  • This is intended to help government and its partners clarify processes for the decentralisation process and build capacity for it.
  • Because of this decentralization of services and businesses, few convenient residential areas exist for those who lack transportation.
  • Representatives were unable to cope with the increasing discontent and conflict which arose from trust decentralisation, organisational restructuring and new managerial processes of control.
  • If not handled carefully, this decentralization may pose as much a threat to national unity as armed separatist movements.
  • Decentralization will not be complete for several years and even then a good deal of time will have to elapse before a thorough reckoning of its success will be possible.
  • Decentralization has long been advocated by the political and economic elite in the West as a means of wrenching power from the more populous Eastern provinces.
  • Decentralization into autonomous units will surely be even more critical than it is now.
  • Decentralization becomes an ideology only when we allow it to be, but the heart of the matter is how to manage changes.
  • It advocates decentralisation, economic reforms, additional support for the less well-off and a return to the pacifism spelled out in the constitution.

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