How To Use Decency In A Sentence

  • You'd think he'd have the common decency to apologize for what he said.
  • I would like your temperate drinker to pause, and reflect upon the fact, that the quantity of brandy or rum that he took at a drink, when he commenced this downhill course, has been gradually increased; so that in the second year, what had been quite sufficient to please his palate and produce all the desired effects in the first, was then insipidly small; and more so in the third year, if, mayhap, he could with any decency lay claim to the title of _temperate drinker_ so long. Select Temperance Tracts
  • Do your sexual encounters place you in danger of arrest for lewd conduct or public indecency?
  • In the light of this provision, we do not accept that H has grounds for contesting the element of indecency in his conviction.
  • Sadly, decency has been replaced in great measure by coarseness hence the absence of remorse or contrition.
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  • They lose a 'sense o' modesty an 'decency, after a while, an' are no 'like women at a' when they grow aulder. The Underworld The Story of Robert Sinclair, Miner
  • The appellant, Norman Mattison, was charged with committing an act of gross indecency with his co-defendant.
  • Which leaves modesty and decency. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her behaviour showed a total lack of common decency .
  • So why do people leave human decency at the door when they check in online? The Sun
  • Society is creating an underclass without standards, principles or decency, but nobody seems to recognise this, let alone be doing anything about it.
  • Stunned police charged him with public indecency - a crime because he lives near a school. The Sun
  • Of our conferrence I need not tell you the effect; it surely may be forgiven me, if on this occasion I forgot the decency of common forms. The Works of Samuel Johnson, Volume 03 The Rambler, Volume II
  • Well, if he couldn't help saying it, he might at least have had the decency to deny it when asked, but didn't.
  • In the name of decency, go home to your parents, you losers. Screenwriter Frank Miller calls Occupy protesters 'thieves and rapists'
  • It seems that in situations such as this, politics become incompatible with conscience, principle, decency and self-respect.
  • The hope, he felt, lay in incipient black militancy, in latent white decency, and, above all, in education. A Man From Mars
  • WITH their leering passengers and obstructive manoeuvring, stretch limousines are for many drivers a crime against taste, decency and sensible road use. Times, Sunday Times
  • At least they have the decency to sell headache tablets, orange juice, fizzy pop and complex carbohydrates as well.
  • The conduct that has come to light is an insult to the people, and an affront to the most basic standards of morality and decency.
  • He was jailed for three years last summer after admitting 13 indecency charges. The Sun
  • Of course, as he tells his story, what emerges is his fundamental decency, and Old Nick remains unimpressed.
  • Instead, they make plain their discontent from behind the curtain, forcing a move without having the decency to admit it. Times, Sunday Times
  • At least she had the decency to apologize.
  • These four boyos are all united by a total disregard for their own personal safety and a burning desire to destroy the boundaries of taste and decency.
  • An anarchic streak coexists with respect for decency and civility.
  • By any definition of the word "decency" it's been a long time since NYT > Home Page
  • He talks about the need to bring indecency laws that now cover broadcast TV to make sure they cover cable TV as well.
  • After which, the next consideration immediately subsequent to the being of a thing, is what agrees or disagrees with that thing; what is suitable or unsuitable to it; and from this springs the notion of decency or indecency; that which becomes or misbecomes, and is the same with honestum et turpe. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. I.
  • The selected candidate will be responsible for CREEPS Inc. corporate messaging and branding to advance sales of our cheap to manufacture, high profit margin line of big name consumable products such as ANXIETY, FEAR and TOTAL IGNORANCE as CREEPS continues its decades of success to crush and destroy the capacity of ailing competitors selling OPTIMISM built using expensive High Hopes processes based on inclusive collaborative methods that prop up the menace of human decency and shared values. Progressive Bloggers
  • They earn wages below the decency threshold set by the EU.
  • They should be shamed into changing this policy to reflect common decency. The Sun
  • He's charged with maltreating detainees, conspiracy to maltreat detainees, dereliction of duty and indecency.
  • She will gossip about you if she sees you behaving outside of the boundaries of moral decency (like necking in the park), especially with someone that happens NOT to be your better half.
  • Here too, there was a genuine sense of personal offence; the feeling that an act of indecency had been committed. Times, Sunday Times
  • They're just moral degenerates with no sense of decency.
  • What about those issues of taste and decency? Times, Sunday Times
  • They are bound together by a joy of playing and a sense of decency.
  • His sense of decency forced him to resign.
  • Families and decency have been torn to shreds, with the state passing off doctrinarian instead of education. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • If they're going to charge people a fee, they ought to at least have the decency to tell them in advance.
  • I've always believed that decency and honesty are the best routes to success.
  • What constitutes an infringement of privacy or bad taste or a failure to conform to proper standards of decency is very much a matter of personal judgment.
  • Until those central elements of decency and prosperity exist, our nation should help shelter political refugees from this benighted place.
  • And the very concept of gratitude or obligation disappears - even the obligation of common decency out of respect for other people.
  • The search for a comparison is important because the high court has handled indecency cases differently depending on the medium.
  • Reid could've gotten a little diriter with his comment, but decency prevailed. GOP head demands apology for slavery remark
  • You'd think he'd have the common decency to apologize for what he said.
  • It seems a process of alienation has taken place that has undermined common sense and basic human decency.
  • It is all about keeping up standards of decency, having respect for women and setting a good example to children.
  • And today, police confirmed the Bishop had been formally cautioned for an act of gross indecency.
  • His appearance of decency and friendliness is real. 07/21/2005
  • It has been a bad week for those of us who believe that people in positions of power and influence are governed by the same standards of decency and integrity with which we conduct our own lives.
  • She was with a man who seemed as oblivious to public decency as she was, kissing and fondling her as they walked.
  • At least, I assume it was supposed to be amusing, because I glanced once at it, and burned the foul thing as soon as decency allowed.
  • Anarchy must not over-ride respect, decency and courtesy on our streets.
  • Gordon Brown will get a lot more respect by forgetting the flags and getting on with a more familiar agenda of common decency.
  • The only way to defeat evil and stand up for morals, values, integrity, and decency is to vote against Democrats. Steele: Sanford, Ensign affairs 'old news, old school'
  • Gordon marries the mother-to-be of his child, takes the job at the New Albion, where he creates a successful ad campaign for foot deodorant, and even buys an aspidistra, the symbol he had long derided of “mingy lower-middle class decency,” installing it in the front window of their apartment for all the world to see. On being a father
  • Would to Heaven he was yoked to some tight piece of business, no matter whether well or ill paid, but some job that would hamshackle him at least until the courts rose, if it were but for decency’s sake.’ Redgauntlet
  • On the radio sports-talk shows, where the laws of decency seemingly failed to apply.
  • We must treat those bereaved by crime or disaster with decency and courtesy.
  • With such a respect for human life and a sense of moral decency. The Sun
  • There is such a thing as a modicum of decency and morals of public behaviour.
  • He displays the inherent decency of many, but does not shrink from the violence and criminality of others. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It seems to be the trend to rebel against all forms of tidiness, etiquette and decency.
  • Reid could've gotten a little diriter with his comment, but decency prevailed. GOP head demands apology for slavery remark
  • It recounts the story of a woman giving evidence in an indecency case and being asked what the accused man said to her. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nobody who saw the trial can forget their simple and straightforward decency. The Sun
  • The search for a comparison is important because the high court has handled indecency cases differently depending on the medium.
  • Indecency Versus Obscenity: The Different Forms of Regulation and Punishment.
  • The exercise of the voice on the stage is womanly, while she gives out the thoughts of another; but suppose (and it is not unsupposable) a living female Shakespeare to appear on a platform, and utter her inspirations, delicacy is shocked, decency is outraged, and society turns away in disgust! History of Woman Suffrage, Volume I
  • a spark of decency
  • Your behaviour is an affront to public decency.
  • In each case the rejected form is taken to embody that which is beyond the bounds or transgresses the limits of, variously, decency, acceptability, or good taste.
  • Which verses, in a word, may have a spice and volupty, may have passion's cling and such like decency, so that they can incite with ticklings, I do not say boys, but bearded ones whose stiffened limbs amort lack pliancy in movement. The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus
  • You have morals and decency. The Sun
  • Nobody had the decency to inform me of what was planned.
  • Much more importantly, the Dodgers were always a rock of decency and consistency in a sea of disgusting behavior.
  • Her behaviour showed a total lack of common decency .
  • Through our bad parenting, which sets wrong examples, we have institutionalized insensitivity and indecency and made them virtues.
  • We have not fallen from grace or lost all sense of decency, as some disgruntled tribunes of the people would have you believe.
  • The attacks are a despicable crime that will horrify anyone with any shred of decency or humanity.
  • a predatory, insensate society in which innocence and decency can prove fatal
  • It recounts the story of a woman giving evidence in an indecency case and being asked what the accused man said to her. Times, Sunday Times
  • Still cooling his anger from earlier that morning, thoughts of ungratefulness and indecency swirled in his mind.
  • His off-the-cuff acceptance speech in Huntingdon was a model of quiet decency. Times, Sunday Times
  • This epitome of middle-class decency has been toiling with 'a kleptocratic elite above him, the illiterate majority below'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cindy had the decency to get dressed, at least, although she was dressed in a ridiculously glamorous dress with lace and frills.
  • The blokes do, at least, have the decency to vanish at the end of each show. The Sun
  • Decency’ is to be in a room where people do not offend through crude and ignorant language.
  • It is an affront to anyone with any sense of human dignity and common decency, regardless of where they stand on the issue.
  • Salt has admitted 25 new indecency counts. The Sun
  • In short, this was the safest, politest, and, at the same time, the most thorough house of accommodation in town: every thing being conducted so that decency made no intrenchment upon the most libertine pleasures, in the practice of which too, the choice familiars of the house had found the secret so rare and difficult, of reconciling even all the refinements of taste and delicacy with the most gross and determinate gratifications of senuality. Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure
  • But at what point do so many lose sight of basic human decency? The Sun
  • He pleaded guilty to a charge of gross indecency.
  • But politicians have borrowed decency from these words with such abandon, they are bankrupt.
  • We heard over and over about Peck's impeccable gentlemanliness and old-school liberal decency, Hepburn's aristocratic east coast classiness, and Bob Hope's patriotism.
  • The webmaster reserves the right to delete, edit or alter user comments on the grounds of abuse, taste or decency.
  • But he has steadfastly refused to lower his high standards of morality and decency.
  • With unrestricted access to the establishments, these unpaid volunteers try to ensure that proper standards of care and decency are maintained. Times, Sunday Times
  • All television companies accept the need to maintain standards of taste and decency .
  • His self-absorption has been a lapse not only of judgment but of human decency.
  • Before we permit democratic institutions to subject an offender to ridicule, scorn, and humiliation, we have to ask whether this kind of punishment comports with evolving standards of decency and the dignity of humankind.
  • Transmitting any good deeds at the school is viewed as a mortal sin; decency isn’t acknowledgeable. Movie Review: Doubt
  • It is at any rate possible that in her a certain ethical rightness and decency coexisted with aesthetic stiffness and suspicion.
  • Both were a generous extension of human decency.
  • What constitutes an infringement of privacy or bad taste or a failure to conform to proper standards of decency is very much a matter of personal judgment.
  • The search for a comparison is important because the high court has handled indecency cases differently depending on the medium.
  • I would rather she went to the wild Highlands with a barelegged cateran than wed with one who could, at such a season, so broadly forget honour and decency. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • The ability to boss other people around destroys much of human decency. THROWING THE ELEPHANT
  • In each case the rejected form is taken to embody that which is beyond the bounds or transgresses the limits of, variously, decency, acceptability, or good taste.
  • This is what happens when political correctness gets in the way of common sense and common decency. The Sun
  • A journalist should always live up to the ideals of truth, decency, and justice.
  • The gravamen in respect of each charge is the allegation of indecency, without which the committee are unlikely, in my view, to find Serious Professional Misconduct.
  • France, as established in the courts in 1857, the criterion was outrage aux bonnes moeurs - public indecency. Times, Sunday Times
  • To keep them covered was a matter of decency and modesty.
  • Conservatives in Congress are talking about subjecting cable TV to the same indecency regs that govern broadcast networks.
  • An equally important matter, surely, is the quality of the questing knight: his nobility, decency, purity of intention and so forth. Times, Sunday Times
  • The charge was one of offending public decency. The Bullet Catchers
  • On the other hand, the blockade enforcers have the right to seize by force (including sinking, should the ship prove recalcitrant — in practice most captains had the decency and valor to surrender to a militarily superior force instead of martyring themselves) any ship violating the blockade. The Volokh Conspiracy » Pro-Palestinian “Peace Activists”
  • If they had any sense of decency they would recant and resign.
  • The wild beasts understand the fullness of life beyond all considerations of decency or appropriacy.
  • And the shop that stood between the pawnshop and the shop of dreary indecency showed with quite a blaze of old world beauty, for it was, by accident, a shop not unbeautiful in itself. Weatherwatch: City streets paved with gold
  • The BCI's lexicon of vulgarity emerges from a survey of viewer and listener attitudes, published as part of the commission's efforts to develop a taste and decency code for Ireland's independent broadcasters.
  • It was unclear exactly how he would go about further criminalizing the indecency statutes.
  • But the overall mood is optimistic and human decency wins out. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even if she did already have a boyfriend, she could've at least had the decency to tell him.
  • The Broadcasting Act allows ministers to proscribe any channel that offends against good taste and decency.
  • Great armies of them are toiling now at the building of Ardis, housed in wretched barracks where family life cannot exist, and where decency is displaced by dull bestiality. Chapter 21: The Roaring Abysmal Beast
  • Craig's qualities of charm and decency have been allied with just enough success to keep the fans happy.
  • I hate the indecency shown by people by spitting and peeing on the roads.
  • The commission has proposed no indecency fines during his five months in the chair.
  • The next day, three of them were arrested for public indecency and insulting behaviour. READY, STEADY, GO!: Swinging London and the Invention of Cool
  • It is a restaurant that has somehow fashioned for itself a peculiarly unironic atmosphere of decency.
  • For them, common decency has no place in a fight for their cause.
  • Our international standing and reputation for decency is in tatters. Think Progress » ThinkFast: March 11, 2010
  • As a politician, she was a model of integrity and decency.
  • In a few videotaped moments, the yobs commit at least three offences: public indecency, trespass and burglary.
  • We went about to put everything in order and lay the poor corpse in decency, and when we started to pull off his veldschoen, as I hope to die in my bed, there was a little drop of blood still wet on the toe. Vrouw Grobelaar and Her Leading Cases Seventeen Short Stories
  • With roots in the eighteenth-century tradition of cosmopolitan rationalism, they enshrine an approach to human affairs which prizes discussion, informed opinion and moral decency.
  • There are many places where photography is prohibited by law, many other places where it is prohibited by social convention and human decency.
  • She can deny that human rights, presumption of innocence and just plain common decency are being sullied.
  • Materialism and selfishness are not exclusively godless traits any more than decency and charity are exclusively religious ones.
  • If he had any sense of decency he would hurry up and go. The Sun
  • The Court of Appeal allowed the appellant's appeal against conviction of committing an act of gross indecency.
  • His essential decency makes it impossible to dislike him.
  • That case, in combination with the more recent controversy, shows why it's time to get rid of broadcast indecency law forever.
  • He reckons that the answer lies in promoting ‘civility, mutual respect, a semblance of decency’.
  • At the same time, the commission shies away from the more complex issue of taste and decency as it relates to discussion of socially divisive issues such as race, immigration and religion.
  • Their plain virtues and homespun beliefs are the bedrock of decency and integrity in our nation and in the world.
  • The old Rabelaisianism was toned down to something like decency and at least the grosser vulgarities of the music-hall stage were banned by common consent. The Soul of the War
  • Instead, they make plain their discontent from behind the curtain, forcing a move without having the decency to admit it. Times, Sunday Times
  • What raises these lives above their oppressed condition is human decency, frequently laced with deadpan irony. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Her commitment to accuracy, decency and incisive writing never deserted her.
  • I am appealing to their sense of decency to stop this disgusting greed.
  • The adults, who had been staying in the motel room, were charged with cruelty to children, public indecency and obstruction of police and were taken to a psychiatric ward.
  • Eating the cake, he had felt it like tasteless dough in his mouth, every mouthful an act of shared indecency.
  • A remnant of British civility and decency, might be more to the point. Times, Sunday Times
  • It recounts the story of a woman giving evidence in an indecency case and being asked what the accused man said to her. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of these, O'Rourke, had been the pioneer hemp planter and now enjoyed a big income; the other, a nervous, hasty young fellow named Boynton, had borne a reputation as a squawman that had deprived him of intimacy with his own kind, but had recently put his house in order and rehabilitated himself with those who found decency in clean living. Terry A Tale of the Hill People
  • This is what happens when political correctness gets in the way of common sense and common decency. The Sun
  • “Let these strangers be carried to the great hall,” said the Sub – Prior, “and be treated with the best by the cellarer; reminding them, however, of that modesty and decency of conduct which becometh guests in a house like this.” The Monastery
  • MILF might seek counsel from other acronymically-challenged efforts, like Seattle's South Lake Union Trolley (SLUT) or the Catholic League of Decency (CLOD). Keith Thomson: MILF's Problem with MILFs
  • Yet his insecurity stems from an over-riding sense of decency that compels him to do the right thing and act honestly, even when the world around him consistently does the opposite.
  • “Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood.” How to Write Conversationally | Write to Done
  • Keith was convicted of five gross indecency and three indecent assault charges at Swindon Crown Court on Tuesday.
  • If you have one ounce of decency in you, please take five minutes to read this in the hope it can somehow make you understand. The Sun
  • But I just wanted to say that sometimes just plain decency and kindness are the best medicine. » RaceFail 09
  • I thought this was a very well done program and in my opinion there is absolutely no issue at all about taste or decency, it was a factual program on at a late hour.
  • The FCC definition of indecency focuses on language deemed patently offensive by community broadcast standards.
  • These attacks will repel and horrify anyone with any shred of decency or humanity.
  • He is guileless, so sincere that he's practically transparent, and what you see is what you get - intelligence, decency, exasperation, bewilderment, and pain.
  • hussies" lay in wait like vultures for the Indian youths, took their government allowances, took their ancient Indian decency, and cast them forth to pollute their tribe with drink and disease. Lydia of the Pines
  • Jugganatha, at Puri, which is a spring festival of Vedic origin, is a kind of Saturnalia, in which the bonds of social order are loosened and the standards of decency are laid aside. Folkways A Study of the Sociological Importance of Usages, Manners, Customs, Mores, and Morals
  • Last week, the pair were sentenced to a month in prison and fined 180 after being found guilty of indecency and illegal drinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stiliagi, or “style hunters,” appeared on the streets of all the major cities in the Soviet bloc, wearing zoot suits and ducktails if they were male or tight dresses—“stretched tightly over their figures to the point of indecency,” according to one state-run Soviet newspaper—and bouffant hairdos if they were female. A Renegade History of the United States
  • The blokes do, at least, have the decency to vanish at the end of each show. The Sun
  • Official charges are public indecency and public lewdness.
  • His sense of decency and fair play made him refuse the offer.
  • Since 1927, the United States government has regulated against indecent language, obscenity, and indecency.
  • Her words were sharp and hurtful and more than anything he knew now that he had been wrong to think she had some decency in her to start with.
  • Roy's popularity and decency exploded the myth they tried to create.
  • Moreover, the FCC's indecency standard is unconstitutionally vague. Broadcast 'Indecency' on Trial
  • Common decency demands that the way our justice system treats him reflects his crimes. The Sun
  • Obscenity had previously been understood in terms of prevailing standards of decency.
  • And like his nephew, in upbringing he was clearly taught the value of humility and decency.
  • The Sixties completely wiped away the notion that virginity was essential to respectability and decency.
  • It's there in Magnolia, when Linda Partridge realises too late that she actually loves the dying husband she married for money, and breaks down in a chemist's: "You have the balls, the indecency to ask me a question about my life," she bellows at the pharmacist, "suck my dick! Julianne Moore: 'I'm going to cry. Sorry'
  • The old lady has her hand over her mouth like I have just spoken an indecency (which I guess I did).
  • I realize people remain corrupted by money but there is enough envidence to suggest I am used to enforce decency upon others, as opposed to the "proactive" PIC, who takes it upon themselves, yet another of the evil companies which people need to look out for. Why Does It Have to Require So Much Thought? | Her Bad Mother
  • Finally some sense and common decency from a republican. No. 3 Republican in the Senate backs Sotomayor
  • Ward will be charged with lewd and lascivious behaviour, public indecency and public intoxication at the Calgary courthouse on Monday.
  • The ability to boss other people around destroys much of human decency. THROWING THE ELEPHANT
  • I realized that the decency of one man atones for the indecency of millions.
  • He is a millionaire footballer who seems to have lost any semblance of moral restraint or decency. Times, Sunday Times
  • IF you had a shred of decency you would bust out in uncontrollable sobbing everytime you look in the mirror from sheer shame about what a stupid and pathetic punkass troll you are Think Progress » Senior House Democrat: ‘The Senate is just a pain in the ass to everybody in the world as far as I can tell.’
  • His sense of decency and fair play made him refuse the offer.
  • Congress is looking at reforming indecency laws to be much tougher on transgressors.
  • Above all, he was a decent person, and his human decency is the fire that warms his writing.

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