How To Use Deceiver In A Sentence

  • This early experience bred a deeply pessimistic outlook on life; he shared completely the view of Machiavelli - whom he had read - that men are ungrateful, fickle, liars and deceivers.
  • The only Deceiver jamadar now known to be alive was Narayan Singh, who had become jamadar of jamadars before the destruction of his cult. She Is The Darkness
  • The doom both of the deceived and the deceiver is here read. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • I have done so, to show that when a deceiver is deceived no one is sorry for it. The Heptameron of Margaret, Queen of Navarre
  • After all, deception only works when the would-be deceiver has a reputation for telling the truth.
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  • If I deceive you, then I am deceiver and you deceived; I the doer, you the victim.
  • Gary, the real hipocrite and deceiver is in your party. Hart: Bush is 'incredibly hypocritical'
  • To those who lionise him, he is a clear-eyed defender of faith and nationhood, a speaker of truth in a time of deceivers.
  • Wow this guy has really become a deceiver and slickster ... Business as usual for embattled South Carolina governor
  • No! no! No deceiver is the luckless Matha Shri, despite her barrenness. Love and Life Behind the Purdah
  • And like a community organizer to save Help, serve, educated, reteaching them the laws and Commandments of God to lift them from the bondage that had power and control over them forcing them THE ROMAN GOVERNMENT -- WHO told them lies and detorted the word of God! Jesus called the Roman Empire Government HYPOCRITES HYPOCRITES -- knew they were LIARs -- deceivers -- they lust for power control greed etc.
  • I always take a big selection of Sea-Ducers Bend backs, Clouser minnows and Lefty Kreh Deceivers in sizes from 1's through to 4/0's in various colour combinations.
  • After all, deception only works when the would-be deceiver has a reputation for telling the truth.
  • Mc Connell, is a liar, deceiver, and a pandora for necon ideology which John King is totlally immersed into! McConnell on health care report: 'hard not to say, I told you so'
  • When you knowingly pay someone to lie to you, we call the deceiver an illusionist or a magician. - News :
  • The great deceiver had ultimately deceived himself.
  • Now the man into whose house he had turned, though he was a fair-spoken man, and one who knew well how to seem honest and true, was altogether a deceiver. The Rocky Island and Other Similitudes
  • They also discuss what happens if the deceiver is found out! Deceit & Deception: Chomsky and Trivers at Seed Salon
  • To him the popular leaders were simply deceivers, brigands and tyrants, their followers the victims of self-serving malice and moral depravity.
  • A fax was promised to me but never came; the silver-tongued deceiver will be made to pay.
  • He said: ‘Elderly householders are vulnerable to plausible deceivers who create anxiety by claiming to observe defects in their houses and then offer to repair them.’
  • This is how the deceivers are deceived, for he who can cozen me is shrewd indeed.
  • Self-confessed shoplifter, embezzler and small-town deceiver. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • You deceiver! the hymn is without the interlineal version for the non-Iranians. Chips From A German Workshop. Vol. III. Essays on Literature, Biography, and Antiquities
  • To him the popular leaders were simply deceivers, brigands and tyrants, their followers the victims of self-serving malice and moral depravity.
  • And in the rivers, where the deceivers, fraudful both in heart and word, had shown unto the saint a deep abyss instead of a safe ford, passed he over safely, having first blessed the passage, and changed the abyss into a ford; and the ford which before was pervious unto all changed he unto a deep abyss. The Most Ancient Lives of Saint Patrick Including the Life by Jocelin, Hitherto Unpublished in America, and His Extant Writings
  • Deceivers, in the eighth circle of hell, are put into ten subdivisions, including seducers, flatterers, hypocrites, and false counsellors.
  • Why did so many conservatives see the president not simply as a detested opponent but as a cheater, a deceiver, a beguiler, and a rogue?
  • Lucy herself is seen neither as pitiable victim nor heroic coper: she is a liar, self-deceiver and ruthless exploiter of her mother's private wealth but also someone whose recovery hinges on a confrontation with truth. Knot of the Heart – review
  • Misguided explorers, hopeless romantics, deluded legionaries, quacks, misfits, visionaries, obsessives, the deceivers and the deceived, they love all that emptiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sharp-sighted viewers alone will note the warning signs of owls or demons and realize that the most visible figures of the foreground are all deceivers.
  • Ancient Greek religion, what we call mythology, tells the same story as the Book of Genesis,(sentence dictionary) except that the serpent is the enlightener of mankind rather than our deceiver.
  • His methods are crafty and cunning, he is the master deceiver.
  • When chasing bass I would always want a few Clousers minnows in various colours especially chartreuse and white, some Lefty Kreh Deceivers, and a few sand eel patterns and poppers.
  • 10, "For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, especially they of the circumcision:" where _especially_ distinguishes The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
  • To be double-tongued is to speak with a forked tongue, to be a liar and a deceiver, while a word wrester is one who picks and chooses his own interpretation of scripture in order to have it conform to his own lifestyle, rather than modifying his lifestyle according to the standard doctrine of his faith. DOUBLE-TONGUED WORD WRESTER.
  • You would not encourage such a deceiver? Dismiss her, by all means, at once!
  • Two years ago, Dr. Martin decoded the genome of another fungus, known as the bicoloured deceiver, with the help of the NYT > Home Page
  • I reckon if you have a selection of Clousers minnows and Deceivers in various colours and hook sizes, then you can probably catch most of the salt and many freshwater fish.
  • In the context of the Deceivers jamadar means more than just "captain. She Is The Darkness

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