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How To Use Decease In A Sentence

  • It should be appreciated that brothers, sisters, stepbrothers and stepsisters are not entitled to any share of the inheritance when children and parents of the deceased are alive.
  • The husband is required to return these assets to the wife at the end of the marriage; should the woman be divorced or should the husband predecease the wife, these assets return to her and she is to be compensated for any damage caused to them. Marriage.
  • Madalena had been married to Ana's deceased brother, Luis, and Ana claimed that she had a right to a portion of his estate.
  • Autopsies on deceased people with autism also show chronic neuro-inflammation and activation of the same brain cells, known as glial cells. David Kirby: Dr. Bernadine Healy: Don't Dismiss Vaccine Link
  • Thomas Cowell of York County in 1680, and Patrick Napier twice phlebotomized 'Allen Jarves, deceased, in the cure of a cancer of his mouth.' Medicine in Virginia, 1607-1699
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  • To demonstrate fidelity to the deceased family member, a band of wind and percussion instruments is often present to perform both traditional and popular music.
  • Every soul shall taste of death; 258 and now, O my son, my decease is at hand and I desire to charge thee with a charge, which if thou observe, thou shalt abide in safety and prosperity, till thou meet The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • At Hemp Knoll the bone toggle had been broken and subsequently decorated, suggesting a long history of use before being sewn onto the clothing or shroud of the deceased.
  • Embalmers are advised of the protective clothing required both for handling the chemicals and the deceased persons themselves.
  • It is curious and probably fitting that the first clear evidence for discarnate intention was taught to me by my deceased mother. The Sacred Promise
  • In 1994 in the New Territories, lineage leaders complained about urban and colonialist meddling when the government decided to let women inherit land when the deceased had no sons and died intestate.
  • His second wife died in 1995, and a son also predeceased him. Times, Sunday Times
  • Darn thing went clean through the now deceased possum and both sides of the waterer. Chicken Owner Targets Opossum, Shoots Own Leg
  • These words are to be inscribed on a hard green, gold-coated scarab, which is to be inserted through the mouth into the bosom of the deceased. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 13 — Religion and Philosophy
  • The deceased told Constable Dix that her coffee had a bitter taste to it, and told Mrs Skellern that she could see some undissolved white powder in the bottom of the cup.
  • When he returned home, he laid the five leaves in a box and locking it, gave the key to his wife (who then showed big with child), and said to her, Know that my decease is at hand and that the time draweth nigh for my translation from this abode temporal to the home which is eternal. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Three to seven years after burial, the bones of the deceased are exhumed and placed in a family vault or a communal ossuary.
  • The house will not be yours till after your mother's decease.
  • The deceased was highly respected and will be greatly missed by his many friends in the locality.
  • Many of these Han burials were readily identifiable by inscribed stone stelae, tablets recording the name, titles, and dates of the deceased.
  • Jewish tradition has it that a child be named after the deceased, and my name borrows from both Charles and Anna; thus, Carole Ann. Healed by Horses
  • In 1376 he predeceased his father, leaving his young son Richard as heir to the throne.
  • Taking just one example, intestacy laws (which provide for inheritance in the absence of a will) were designed to prevent escheat of property to the state and to give effect to what would most likely have been a deceased's wishes.
  • She and one of their sons predeceased him. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is true that the advantage or benefit of insurance does not consist in adding anything to the wealth of a company, but only consists in drawing from the premiums paid into its treasury by the policy holders generally, to meet each death claim which arises; or can only be called an _advantage of distribution_, or process of collecting aid from the living members, to assist the representatives or dependents of the deceased ones; but it is not the less on this account an advantage worth _same expense_ in securing. Scientific American Supplement, No. 455, September 20, 1884
  • A third daughter predeceased him. Times, Sunday Times
  • June 3, 1862, Gen. Robert E. Lee, the father of my deceased colleague, assumed the command of the Army of Northern Virginia three days after the retiracy of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, caused by a wound received in the battle of Seven Pines. Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of William H. F. Lee (A Representative from Virginia) Delivered in the House of Representatives and in the Senate, Fifty-Second Congress, First Session
  • Produced in close collaboration with the recently deceased artist, this show invites visitors into his inner circle. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a Republican sending in a statement listing Ted Kennedy's accomplishment like the "Orphan Drug Act" which provided tax credits for encouraging the development of medicines for rare deceases. CNN Transcript Aug 26, 2009
  • When some one died, the administrator collected all assets of the deceased and paid his outstanding debts.
  • Pope Sixtus IV's fund-raising campaign touted indulgences which would free your deceased loved ones suffering in purgatory.
  • The deceased died as the result of the accident which occurred while he was unloading offal into an enclosed pit at the plant in Cahir.
  • Okay, so passionately kissing the dearly deceased is creepy as all get out, but what about Bill Hader swapping spit with a dog? Watch: Zach Galifianakis “Pageant Talk” SNL Sketch (Video)
  • upon your decease the capital will pass to your grandchildren
  • straw death," as they called decease from old age or sickness. Myths of the Norsemen From the Eddas and Sagas
  • The final question is how far the deceased should be regarded as responsible for his death.
  • Corneal transplantation, known as corneal grafting or penetrating keratoplasty, represents a surgical procedure performed by ophthalmologists, that includes the replacement of a damaged or diseased cornea, the clear part of eye in front of the iris and pupil, with a donated corneal tissue, extracted from a deceased person. Cornea Transplants -Corneal Transplantation Surgical Proceedure
  • A hallux digital pressure is considered normal at 50 mm Hg; values of 30 mm Hg or lower are indicative of a significant decease in peripheral perfusion.
  • Deceased is survived by his wife Ruth, teenage sons Daniel and Philip, brother Ian, sisters Anne, Esther and Ruth, by brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, neighbours and a wide circle of friends.
  • Four corpse bearers, nasasalars, carry the body of a deceased on a bier to the Towers of Silence.
  • Both of our mothers (Jeannette and Mary) are deceased, yet we passed more than one St. Mary's sign and kept hearing the name Jeannette, not the most common of names. Lisa Mirza Grotts: Summer Camp at Sperry Chalet Glacier National Park, Montana
  • His two previous wives also predeceased him and he is survived by five daughters. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the same manner (says Blackstone,) by the Irish brehon law, in case of murder, the brehon or judge, compounded between the murderer and the friends of the deceased, who prosecuted him, by causing the malefactor to give unto them, or to the child or wife of him that was slain, a recompense, which they called _eriach_. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 20, No. 560, August 4, 1832
  • Small wonder that orgasm has so often been likened to decease and gets referred to as the petit mort or little death. BREAKFAST WITH SOCRATES
  • Prima facie evidence, in fact, that the deceased died from a blow struck in self-defence by another prisoner whom he had attacked. RIOT
  • A novena (nine consecutive days of special prayers) for the dead is usually held in the home of the deceased, with friends invited on the final night.
  • Finally the ‘deceased wife's sister’ law was belatedly reformed in 1906, although marriage between such affines as adoptive parents and children, and adoptive siblings, remained within the prohibited degrees.
  • Although the club was formed only after the 1970 death of Jim Hendrix, it has grown to include those who qualify for membership and who predeceased him, if they died at the age of 27. Maggie Van Ostrand: Amy Winehouse: Newest Member of Club 27
  • The deceased had undisputedly died in police custody.
  • She predeceased her husband
  • Deceased Nazima wife of Nisar was abducted from Haripur and was gange raped before her murder; police has arrested accused Afghan refugee Syed Nazir from Kohat bazaar and have registered case against him under anti terrorist act 1997. A Woman Raped and Killed in Kohat
  • It was agreed in the event of either death the estate of the deceased would pass to the survivor.
  • This doctrine is particularly insisted on in the case of an en - dorser of the note of a deceased purchaser, at a resale; in which case a second resale has been made, and a considerable de - ficiency has in consequence happened. Thomas Jefferson and the National Capital: Containing Notes and Correspondence exchanged between Jefferson, Washington, L'Enfant, Ellicott, Hallett, Thornton, Latrobe, the Commissioners, and others
  • Cause of death would have been of purely academic interest to the deceased man's widow.
  • In fact, if someone is cremated, having died in the mountains or elsewhere, it is far more fitting to scatter the ashes from a mountain top or at a spot beloved of the deceased.
  • The ceremony ‘opening of the mouth’ was carried out by priests on both the mummy and the mummy case in order to prepare the deceased for the journey to the afterworld.
  • On February 19, 1993 the bank sent the deceased trust documents for signature but they were never returned.
  • Many of these Han burials were readily identifiable by inscribed stone stelae, tablets recording the name, titles, and dates of the deceased.
  • I had the good sense not to come up with the Sybil/Mina Project, dedicated to my deceased mother and her incomparable borcht, brisket, schav, sour pickle and blintzes recipes, thereby retaining the rights to perpetuity of my nobodiness. Sybil Adelman Sage: Memo to Julie Powell of Julie & Julia
  • You may be surprised to learn that embalming is almost nevcr required for the deceased. Boing Boing
  • However, since Caligula also struck dupondii for his deceased brothers, and the reverse design of the Germanicus dupondius is copied onto this Herodian coin struck late in Caligula's reign, there seems little reason to question the traditional view.
  • police are searching for relatives of the deceased
  • I've seen widows forced to marry unwanted suitors who, aided and abetted by the law, usurped their deceased husband's assets, as well as their own lives and bodies.
  • A full brother to the deceased colt was foaled on April 20; Dance Smartly is currently in foal to Thunder Gulch.
  • The family of the deceased Avtar Singh is in a very pitiable condition.
  • Despite this similarity, there are still elemental differences between being alive and deceased, and between the animate and inanimate.
  • Shaggy's enjoyed our fair share of kind offers to have our anatomy enlarged, become an ordained minister online or join a deceased dictator's family in spiriting millions of dollars out of Africa.
  • Produced in close collaboration with the recently deceased artist, this show invites visitors into his inner circle. Times, Sunday Times
  • The autopsy revealed that the deceased had been hit with a blunt instrument.
  • Instead, the personal representatives of the deceased person were permitted to maintain an action in any case where, if he had not died, he himself might have sued.
  • A deceased woman was claiming that the desired communicant was sleeping? The Sacred Promise
  • The property is part of the deceased's estate.
  • A third daughter predeceased him. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had never seen a dead owl, let alone been present at the moment of decease. THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • Chump, deceased, in amorous mood, had praised her management of the fan once, when breath was in him: "'Martha,' says he, winkin 'a sort of' mavourneen 'at me, ye know --' Martha! with a fan in your hand, if ye're not a black-eyed beauty of a Spaniard, ye little devil of Seville! 'says he. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • A pension lump sum is payable to the estate, and therefore can be paid to a cohabitee named in the deceased's will.
  • He confirmed that the deceased was wearing dark clothing and that the bicycle had no lights or reflective tape on it.
  • Spencer produced the venerable Basil Pennington now deceased with the abbot, whose name I cannot recall, who invented "centering prayer" - a form of prayer that is pretty much associated with "quietism". Archive 2006-11-05
  • Two other leaders expatiated on the importance of these customary rites and the fact that the deceased was the last of his kind - the great warrior-killer.
  • The appearance of the brunette tressed (at the time) Rose in Season 4 was intended to fill the ancestral shoes of unexpectedly deceased big Halliwell sister Prue, played by everlasting bad girl Shannon Doherty.
  • Through special prayers and offerings, the living can improve the afterworld conditions of the deceased and their chances in the afterlife.
  • It is then topped off with a garlic bulb being left in the mouth of the deceased. The Sun
  • Eulogies instead tend to be set pieces, delivered by commissioned rhetors, who do not know the deceased well, if at all.
  • The Direction G'entrale referred to a formal letter of the solicitors of the estate of Hugh Fraser Johnstone, deceased, totally repudiating the four unaccepted drafts of five thousand pounds sterling each, and legally notifying the Direction of an intended suit to recover from the payee and the in-dorser, the first draft for five thousand pounds paid before Executor Andrew Fraser had filed his objections with Messrs. Glyn, Carr & Glyn. A Fascinating Traitor An Anglo-Indian Story
  • But just as he began to come out with his “Ay, ay, we are all mortal, Vita incerta, mors certissima!” and two or three more pithy reflections, which he was in the habit of uttering after funerals, when the will of the deceased was about to be opened, — just then Mrs. Dods was pleased to become the expounder of her own oracle. Saint Ronan's Well
  • As in the first instance above, I find this hearsay evidence to be necessary as the declarant is now deceased.
  • Mr Masciantonio was acting in an unlawful way when he had a fight with the deceased.
  • Chump, deceased, in amorous mood, had praised her management of the fan once, when breath was in him: "'Martha," says he, winkin 'a sort of' mavourneen 'at me, ye know --' Martha! with a fan in your hand, if ye're not a black-eyed beauty of a Spaniard, ye little devil of Seville! 'says he. Sandra Belloni — Volume 3
  • On the day they burn special ‘money’ as an offering to the deceased.
  • His wife predeceased him and he is survived by his son. Times, Sunday Times
  • She appeared equally stoical until the prosecutor lit into her, charging that Tony essentially committed his alleged crimes for her - to make sure that should he predecease his mother, a distinct possibility when you're in your eighties yourself -- she wouldn't be left out of the will, which was Mrs. Astor's apparently fervent desire "There was no love lost between Mrs. Astor and Charlene," Ms. Loewy told the jury. Ralph Gardner Jr.: Inside the Astor Trial: The People vs. Anthony Marshall and Francis Morrissey
  • We do not care to contemplate that which carries a deceased bond between it and consciousness: the indecipherable is thus ignored.
  • The deceased is mourned by his wife Margaret, sons, daughters, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, grandchildren, great grandchildren and a large circle of relatives and friends.
  • As heir to his uncle's estate, and as coheir to estates of deceased friends, and as a public man, he amassed considerable property. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 31, October, 1873
  • The pedestrian details of the system of blinds between agencies and the management of the soon-to-be deceased actually add to the eeriness. 22 « June « 2009 « The Manga Curmudgeon
  • This time of family reminiscing opens windows into family life and the character and interests of the deceased. Christianity Today
  • Nostell has three Roman cinerariums - elaborately carved marble boxes for storing the ashes of the deceased.
  • The report showed that only 1 per cent of people organising funerals knew the preferences of the deceased. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only clue she could point to was an inscription in pencil on the inside of one of the drawers: ‘This is promised to Daisy Fry on the decease of her Aunt Lill’.
  • The rabbi once again mumbled some Hebrew, and some Aramaic, prayers, again explaining precisely nothing to the mourners, and again not eulogizing the deceased.
  • Seated on the ground they chant a few plaintive words, and end each verse with the prolonged sound of a-a, or o-o, or ea-ea-ea — a. Whatever beer is in the house of the deceased, is poured out on the ground with the meal, and all cooking and water pots are broken, as being of no further use. A Popular Account of Dr. Livingstone's Expedition to the Zambesi and Its Tributaries
  • On the other hand, during the colonial era the authorities would try to sell the unclaimed possessions of deceased contract workers and found that there were no buyers, even at giveaway prices.
  • As far as quoting notorious self-hating Jews like Noam Chomsky, yimakh shmo, and that great but thankfully deceased champion of Arab dominion, Eddie Said, such verbiage will only appeal to the ignorant. Could There Be a One-State Solution? - The Lede Blog -
  • We may note the menseful way in which Beowulf acts as regent for the deceased king's young sons.
  • Without saying a word, the couple bade a fond farewell to their deceased friends and family.
  • More fliers, bearing a photo of the deceased, are posted announcing the occasion.
  • As noted in that Schedule, for purposes of distribution on an intestacy, the deceased was survived by fourteen nieces and nephews among whom, the net estate should have been divided equally.
  • Candles were lit and placed on the alter to the memory of deceased loved ones, young and old. unborn and those who died tragically.
  • There was bloodstaining and a pool of blood in an area running from the left arm of the deceased for a total distance in the order of two to three feet," said Dr Nicholas Hunt, the pathologist. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The recently deceased Lord was the main exponent of the idea that aid did not work.
  • While his political preference is for compromise, I think his heritage meas that his natural inclination will be for an investigation with due process for the deceased. The Volokh Conspiracy » What’s Going on With Turkey
  • Few people apart from experts in the field have any inkling that Nietzsche predeceased his sister by some 35 years.
  • The emblements raised by labor, whether severed or not from the land of the deceased at the time of his death, are assets in the hands of the executor or administrator and shall be included in the inventory required by section 2115.02 of the Revised Code.
  • Caucus challenges Vavi to point out any "untouchable deadwood" within the cabinet and provide evidence of any deliration of duty by any deceased or current serving minister. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • My grandfather is among the millions of people who have dementia, and my grandmother was one of the many family caregivers who predecease their sick partners. Lynn Casteel Harper: The Spiritual Implications of Dementia
  • A juryman surmised that the deceased slipped as he was watching the waves, pointing out that his hat was found on the stones. Archive 2010-05-01
  • An executor is responsible for carrying out the deceased's wishes as set out in their will. Times, Sunday Times
  • The deceased person may have used more than one broker, or purchased new issues directly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Enjoy: "Although King Fahd was sick and hospitalized, the announcement of his decease was a shock to every Arab citizen, who knew and loved him like we did, and to every Saudi citizen who enjoyed the security, peace, and prosperity under his rule. Wednesday, August 31, 2005
  • That made the deceased angry and he shouted at the appellant. Times, Sunday Times
  • When some one died, the administrator collected all assets of the deceased and paid his outstanding debts.
  • There were even curraghs, composed of ox hides stretched over hoops of willow, in the manner of the ancient British, and some committed themselves to rafts formed for the occasion, from the readiest materials that occurred, and united in such a precarious manner as to render it probable that, before the accomplishment of the voyage, some of the clansmen of the deceased might be sent to attend their chieftain in the world of spirits. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Alternatively, other owners are reluctant to have a pet put to sleep either for religious reasons, or perhaps because that animal is the last link they have with their deceased spouse.
  • The effigies of antiquity were created to perpetuate the memory of the deceased as he or she looked while alive.
  • The Greek Orthodox Church forbids funeral services for suicides unless the deceased was mentally ill.
  • The relatives and close friends sit in the same room as the deceased and maintain a silent prayer vigil throughout the night until morning.
  • It was accepted that the second 1990 will had been duly executed, but the deceased's testamentary capacity was in issue.
  • A phoenix is a bird that rises from the ashes of its deceased predecessor.
  • The heirs-at-law are determined by kinship to the deceased and are set forth in the Code of Virginia.
  • Applications can be made by the personal representative of a deceased patient, and anyone who may have a claim arising out of the patient's death.
  • In this mythology the preservation of the body after death was important for the survival of the deceased in the afterlife, but if the body was damaged, a proxy could be used in place of the dead person.
  • I was amused by the nicknames given to players by the now deceased Spanish commentator Andres Montes who coined the term "tiki taca" for Spain's possession heavy, passing style," writes Ryan Jacob. The Knowledge | The strangest excuses to miss pre-season | Jacob Steinberg
  • At his decease, there is only a vacancy, and a momentary eddy, -- very small, as compared with the apparent magnitude of the ingurgitated object, -- and a bubble or two, ascending out of the black depth and bursting at the surface. The House of the Seven Gables
  • In this case, naming a charity as a direct beneficiary will qualify as a donation credit on the final income tax return of the deceased.
  • Disaster areas will not cry. The deceased had gone to the heavens already; the survivors must continue to live on, and to live more exciting. All of this will be over and our stength of them are rising .
  • In 1357 he is required by statute to entrust the administration of the property to the near relations of the deceased.
  • Mr. Le Page Renouf (32) likens it to the "eidolon" of the Greeks, the "genius" of the Romans; and Dr. Wiedemann has lately written an interesting paper to show that it was not the person, but what he calls "the personality" or "individuality" of the deceased – meaning thereby that which distinguished him in life from other men; in other words, the mental impression which was evoked when his name was mentioned. Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • His daughter from his first marriage predeceased him but his wife and a son survive him. Times, Sunday Times
  • His wife also predeceased him. Times, Sunday Times
  • The deceased is always "interred," or he may be "laid to rest," or his Walking-Stick Papers
  • Anna-Maria learns who the deceased is and her connections as a superstar employee at Kallis Mining, an international company with incredible connections at the top of Sweden, Europe and beyond. The Black Path-Asa Larsson « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • With two exceptions, actual violence by the deceased upon the accused was required.
  • The fiction of a tardy repentance absolved the fame and the soul of her deceased husband; the sentence of the Iconoclast patriarch was commuted from the loss of his eyes to a whipping of two hundred lashes: the bishops trembled, the monks shouted, and the festival of orthodoxy preserves the annual memory of the triumph of the images. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • I am acting as executor for the will of my deceased father. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is the type of threat that the deceased received from the accused until shortly before her death.
  • An act for the relief of the heirs and distributees of J.S. Terrell, Jr., deceased. Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Mississippi, December Session of 1862, and November Session of 1863
  • At his decease, there is only a vacancy, and a momentary eddy, -- very small, as compared with the apparent magnitude of the ingurgitated object, -- and a bubble or two, ascending out of the black depth, and bursting at the surface. The House of the Seven Gables
  • It appeared that both the accused were acting in concert in the attack upon the deceased.
  • When his shrine was opened three hundred and thirty years after his decease for the canonical recognition, the flesh had disappeared, and one member alone remained incorrupt, the tongue, which thus, still in silence, gave glory to God. Hymns of St. John Nepomucene
  • Directly in front of Julius were the uniform and the weapons of the deceased General Brice, symbolically placed to signify the end of the war.
  • Prince was seventeen years old, the King sickened of a sore sickness and came nigh to die, so, being certified that his decease was at hand, he said to the people of his household, “This is disease of Death which is upon me; wherefore do ye summon my son and kith and kin and gather together the Grandees and Notables of my empire, so not one of them may remain except he be present.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The necklace suggests that the deceased had been accorded high status.
  • Secondly, there are rules determining how an estate is to be distributed where the deceased died intestate.
  • A tree planting ceremony followed, before a commemorative stone was laid in memory of the deceased.
  • Such societies may also practice the levirate (widows marrying brothers or cousins of their deceased spouse).
  • A funeral service takes place in church, followed by a procession to the graveyard for burial and a collation at the home of the deceased or of a close relative.
  • The witness could shed no light on the mystery of the deceased's identity.
  • She says they are sending her a letter of authority to enable her to accompany the deceased back to China.
  • The witness could shed no light on the mystery of the deceased's identity.
  • Every lover fades away or violently deceases — cancer, car crash, overdose, never-ending coma, epileptic fit on Sunday, heart attack in Halfords, he fell off a block of flats, she jumped under a train — I live here alone. Bone Dust Disco
  • Further analysis will be done to determine if the deceased had been drugged.
  • But maybe don't ask too much further because it's possible that before 'freezer perpetuity', the deceased cats might have been laid out on the hood of cars on front lawn, you know, to kind of desiccate before being burying? The Moderate Voice
  • People also expect the deceased to maintain interest in their descendants, as ancestral spirits.
  • And another of them is to pay good money to see some half-witted actor being paid royally to mimic another, usually deceased.
  • All crematoria carefully ensure that the remains of the deceased are cross-checked and labelled. The Sun
  • 262 Many have remarked that the actual date of the decease is unknown. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • What if someone claimed a deceased person made statements about you that implicated you in a way that you have no way to cross-examine or confront? Archive 2010-01-01
  • The question before the Court in this case was whether Martin's trusts could in the future "sprinkle" money to the two post-conceived grandsons, after the decease of Martin's widow. Trusts and Estates
  • Resolutions relative to the decease of charles f. loring. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • An intriguing variant on two enduring film ideas: the deceased sent back to the world and the body switcheroo.
  • Predeceased by her husband Michael she is survived by her sons, daughters, brother, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, grandchildren, nephews, nieces and by other relations.
  • Her husband predeceased her and she is survived by their two sons. Times, Sunday Times
  • Supposing then that the testator died within a year, but that a condition, subject to which the heir was instituted, was not fulfilled within the year, would it be feigned that the testator was a soldier at the date of his decease, and the testament consequently upheld? and this question we answer in the affirmative. The Institutes of Justinian
  • But what I have already said will perhaps suffice to show to genuine philological students that a language which, preserving so many of the roots in the aboriginal form, and clearing from the immediate, but transitory, polysynthetical stage so many rude incumbrances, s from popular ignorance into that popular passion or ferocity which precedes its decease, as (to cite illustrations from the upper world) during the The Coming Race
  • The assets of a deceased person against which a surviving spouse may claim an interest.
  • Here we find the features of the deceased preserved in clay masks.
  • This was a short, violent incident during much of which the deceased was, it seems, struggling vigorously.
  • But it's meant to represent the deceased person. Times, Sunday Times
  • The other necessary component was the deceased's name, which through its power could preserve life and identity.
  • Again, prior planning under the partnership deed may provide for purchase of a deceased or retired partner's share by valuation.
  • Mr. O'Neal thanked God for the life of the deceased and the service he rendered and commended his soul to God.
  • Disaster areas will not cry. The deceased had gone to the heavens already; the survivors must continue to live on, and to live more exciting. All of this will be over and our stength of them are rising .
  • His wife and a son predeceased him and he is survived by two daughters. Times, Sunday Times
  • Carey created the work, she says, as a millennial lament and as a grieving piece for her deceased mother, brother and father.
  • Feasts that celebrate deceased kinfolk are still very important celebrations.
  • As class necrologist, you bring deceased classmates’ stories to life by talking with the people who knew them best - family, friends and former College roommates.
  • Where there was an effigy, a recumbent figure showing the deceased dead or sleeping was most common.
  • He still seems to be in love with Eve, his now deceased first wife. The Sun
  • The deceased addresses his heart, calling it is "mother," and next identifies it with his _ka_ or double, coupling the mention of the _ka_ with the name of the god Khnemu: these facts are exceedingly important, for they prove that the deceased considered his heart to be the source of his life and being, and the mention of the god Khnemu takes the date of the composition back to a period coaeval with the beginnings of religious thought in Egypt. Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life
  • And to complicate matters further, some countries, notably France, have "forced heirship" rules that dictate who can benefit from the deceased's estate and what proportion of it they can inherit. No Escaping the Taxman
  • In the 1770s case of Helen Henderson against the surviving kin of the deceased John MacLean, Helen said that she was ‘not a Common Servant’ as alleged, but ‘assistant or directress of a Boarding School in Edinburgh.’
  • Since Diabetes Type 1 (T1D) is a autoimmune decease stopping the autoimmunity should be the first course of action, either through immunosuppression ( Discussion Forum - TuDiabetes - A Community for People Touched by Diabetes
  • The deceased's use of violence was not premeditated and he had no intention to kill.
  • Let us pray for the deceased members of our parish family.
  • Death brings death, and if old bones nourish and renew the soil, it's little comfort to the deceased.
  • I am the only surviving offspring and I am making the assumption that she will predecease me. With power of attorney for my mother, can I put some money from the sale of her house towards my own?
  • The widow or widower is released from the marriage contract by death ( 'til death do us part), but may continue to have an emotional connection to the deceased. The Reality of Family
  • It tells her prophecies and predictions, and sometimes she can speak to the deceased with it.
  • I intentionally make no provision herein for said Jonathan, who for all purposes ... shall be deemed to have predeceased me," Buckley's will stated. Jill Brooke: Where Is the Compassion for Men Who Get Saddled With Kids They Didn't Want?
  • Sister Nell Selby Fitzgerald predeceased the testatrix, leaving one child who also predeceased the testatrix.

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