How To Use Decamp In A Sentence

  • We decamped to Porters, as usual, and took over half a dozen tables or so to drink the night away.
  • Inspector Rajaram Pardeshi, in-charge of the Junnar police station said the suspects in Shivneri cut three iron grills of the temple window with a sharp object and decamped with a mangalsutra and a nath (nose ring) and some money (totalling Rs 10,725) by breaking open the donation box sometime between Monday night and early Tuesday morning. Are We Losing Our Faith in Tough Times?
  • The motor industry decamped to the suburbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their closeness as they decamp to a nearby café on the day of the show is readily apparent. Times, Sunday Times
  • I decamped and went for a coffee with David, who didn’t make things easier by pointing out that the riad was a significant piece of architecture and definitely worth saving. A House in Fez
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  • She majored in communications at the University of Iowa, then decamped for New York City, where she spent a brief period working at The New Yorker and at travel magazines.
  • They decamp from the nick and roaraway in a cloud of dust. The Sky Above Was Candy « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • She has decamped with all our money.
  • Fortunately, reason prevailed, the feudal overlords decamped, and no-one (apart from an unfortunate Indonesian border policeman) was killed.
  • One fellow London-dweller of my acquaintance said recently she was finally decamping from the city.
  • Catching a hint of disapproval, the guests decamped to a local hostelry, where so much drink was taken they were ejected.
  • GUNTUR: Five persons posing as police personnel allegedly entered the house of one Chukka Anjali and her daughter Chukka Lakshmi Prasanna in Prakash Nagar in Narsaraopet town in Guntur district and decamped with about 100 sovereigns of gold on Friday night. The Hindu - Front Page
  • Indeed, there's a favourable outcome - Dolly seems to have decided that sleeping on the kitchen counter really isn't a good idea after all and has decamped to a corner of the bathroom.
  • But late Friday protest leaders softened their stance, saying they would agree to decamp from the Thai capital's commercial center if Abhisit were to promise to dissolve parliament in 30 days. Top Stories From AOL News
  • The whole West family decamped to the Hamptons last summer while it was being made. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was roughly awaked from his dream of making a fortune when his partner decamped with 100, 000 dollars.
  • There are no plans for the family to decamp to LA. Times, Sunday Times
  • I also, though much against my inclination, shall decamp; for he might perhaps consider me as an adviser, caballer, confidante, or at least a troublesome spectator. Tales and Novels — Volume 08
  • What is clear is that Duchamp's decampment to New York is the single most symbolic act in the transfer of cultural power from old world to new.
  • We had decamped to London for three months to record our fourth album, Monkey Business. Fallin’ Up
  • Some people decamp to quieter beautiful places, enclaves still not discovered, off the beaten path.
  • They all decamp to Karen Farnan's in Wiltshire Lane.
  • Just before sunset, the army decamped as if to go east to meet Kerbogha in the field.
  • Hundreds of passengers en route to London, Hull, Newcastle and further north had to decamp onto the front concourse.
  • This gradually ebbed as they seemed powerless to prevent their opponents decamping in their half.
  • Brooks was roughly awoken from his dream of making a fortune when his partner decamped with $ 100,000.
  • The former headquarters of the National Union of Mineworkers next to Sheffield City Hall has stood empty since 1994, when the union decamped to Barnsley.
  • #2.4 million of licence fee-payers' money has been put towards the project, which hit an early hitch when most of the cast were struck down with flu and decamped to Harris where they were put up in luxury flats.
  • The motor industry decamped to the suburbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yushchenko had asked the protesters to strike the camp last week, but many were reluctant to decamp and many stalwarts only began leaving Friday or Saturday.
  • After the dust settled and Ms. Fox returned to LA, or her suite at the Soho Grand, or wherever stars decamp these days, the boy's parents, hair stylists Revi and Valery Joseph, asked if anyone had documented their son's star turn. Wheeling Out Hollywood
  • The ballet begins in Egypt with Cleopatra luxuriating in her bath, and swiftly moves on to her quick-witted evasion of an assassination attempt by her brother to her triumphant seduction of Caesar and decampment to Rome.
  • More than 10,000 pro-hunt campaigners from all over the country decamped to the seaside resort, which was hosting the Labour Party's annual conference.
  • Luck came to the rescue for us once again as we decamped to my cousin Debbie's new studio which, conveniently, is smack dab in the middle of Oxford Street, and thus the parade route.
  • There are no plans for the family to decamp to LA. Times, Sunday Times
  • Borland will stay in California, so there won't be a repeat of the cost-cutting decampment of WP to Ottawa.
  • She had an idyllic early childhood in a large house and garden with many servants, until the bank crashed and the family decamped to London. Times, Sunday Times
  • ] Vanderveen when they fled for IMG "a decade ago and the" decampment "of Bruce Zemsky and Alan Green Parterre box
  • Making the best of a bad situations, Friedlander nonetheless made his audience chuckle before a group of us decamped to a nearby restaurant for dinner. Fabio Periera: Ten Minutes with Judah Friedlander
  • She has decamped with all our money.
  • All day he maintained his perilous station between the city and the Barbarians: Villehardouin decamped in silence at the dead of night; and his masterly retreat of three days would have deserved the praise of Xenophon and the ten thousand. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The players have been forced to decamp while the historic building—with its sumptuous red velvet and gilded interior—is renovated. The Comédie-Française Pops Up in Paris
  • Indeed, there's a favourable outcome - Dolly seems to have decided that sleeping on the kitchen counter really isn't a good idea after all and has decamped to a corner of the bathroom.
  • In January 2004, after contributing to Cambridge University's decision to abandon its plans for a new neuroscience research centre, the animal rights group and a number of its supporters decamped to Oxford.
  • In October, Brown Harris Stevens Brooklyn, the brokerage controlled by the powerful Zeckendorf family, filed a lawsuit in New York Supreme Court alleging that Mr. Deutsch refused to release commission checks totaling some $650,000 from the Park Slope and Brooklyn Heights offices of William B. May that the Zeckendorfs had purchased following Mr. Marra's decampment, along with another $177,000 that disappeared from company coffers. William T. May Sues Agency On Century 21 Ads
  • After living in Whistler for 12 years, she decamped to Golden in May to escape an escalating cost of living.
  • People said the walkers had decamped to Sochi. Times, Sunday Times
  • She had an idyllic early childhood in a large house and garden with many servants, until the bank crashed and the family decamped to London. Times, Sunday Times
  • After spending the Christmas season in London with my family, Rylan and I decamped for the continent, hoping that when we returned, the scandal of our wedding would have died down.
  • She had an idyllic early childhood in a large house and garden with many servants, until the bank crashed and the family decamped to London. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is two in the morning, the street party has decamped to Simona's bar and not one trotter of the four promised spit-roast pigs has yet materialized, but we don't care.
  • Then while on a photo assignment in Reykjavik three years ago, he bumped into an ex girlfriend and within six months had decamped to Iceland.
  • The noisy decamping of the occupying soccer army is often played against the backdrop of a portrait of this columnist shaking his fist.
  • She decamped with a lover.
  • Fresh off the heels of opening his second Bowery canteen, Peels, Mr. Somer plans to decamp to Brooklyn where he will whittle his own line of salvaged wood furniture. 21st-Century Man
  • By clearing an obstacle for banks to decamp, the plan could hurt the financial district. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just as bananas are best grown in warmer places, imposing a higher carbon price does not compel German manufacturers of capital goods to decamp to China.
  • Last chance to see before he decamps to New York; this show is being taped for a Christmas DVD.
  • During rehearsals for the main ITV1 programmes, the channel decamps to a small single-camera chromakey studio, which wasn't too bad with the old look as you almost couldn't tell to look at it visually.
  • And on Thursday – desperately in search of electricity, the Internet, battery charging or all of the above – they decamped at the Starbucks in downtown Rockville. The powerless plug in at Starbucks
  • At the end of 2000, Aiken decamped to London and completed a postgraduate course in journalism at the University of Central England in Birmingham.
  • Her mother-in-law belonged to an old Baghdad Jewish family which had decamped to Israel, where she married a man named Judea.
  • He has also praised the Occupy movement and its message, while telling protesters they must decamp. L.A. Mayor Faces Test in Ouster of Occupy Protesters
  • Many suffragists decamped overnight to support the war effort, with leaders such as Mrs Pankhurst taking the pragmatic view that women's war work would earn them the vote.
  • In 1851 he decamped for Paris to meet and study with Gustave Le Gray, a teacher of important photographers and a founder of the world's first photographic society.
  • He was roughly awaked from his dream of making a fortune when his partner decamped with 100, 000 dollars.
  • While the rest of the group were filming Honest, Lewis decamped to LA and started writing the follow-up to their debut album, including the mighty first single Pure Shores.
  • Alarmed at my strange situation, I now sought to decamp, meaning to wait for Lady Crewe up stairs: but to even approach the door was impossible. The Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay — Volume 3
  • The place was choke-full, just to excess, and when the curtain was hauled up in came a decent old gentleman in great distress, and implored all the powers of heaven and earth to help him find his runaway daughter that had decamped with some ne'er-do-weel loon of a half-pay captain. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 06 — Fiction
  • Hence a rapid decampment to Grub Up for four fluffballs. And The Winner Is...
  • The hikers decamped before dawn
  • By clearing an obstacle for banks to decamp, the plan could hurt the financial district. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, lack of interest led some of the audience to decamp during the break.
  • At Kalka - an arid, deserted place, all scrub, shale and cactus - you change trains; the Himalayan Queen reclines at the buffers as its passengers decamp onto a narrow-gauge miniature train.
  • The census statistics released Tuesday suggest the Golden State is losing its luster as growth has slowed and many of its residents have decamped for states where housing is cheaper. More than half of California children Latino, census shows
  • And forthwith the maty-boy proceeded to put his threat into execution, till the master, being the weaker of the two, was compelled to cry mercy; which being at length granted, and the door opened with at least as much alacrity as it was closed, Maotoo decamped without beat of drum, never to appear again. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 353, January 24, 1829
  • Decamp:To depart secretly or suddenly.
  • The whole West family decamped to the Hamptons last summer while it was being made. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a very urgent matter, so the prince tells me," said the aide-decamp, with a certain note of dubiety in his tone. LORD PRESTIMION
  • And many might like to hear tales of the political classes decamping to the seaside for a week of fervent backstabbing, orgiastic networking and roaring drunkenness.
  • Record Fair's decampment to Arlington; a chance to gawk at undie-clad runners; and the return of Nerd Nite. Weekend Update: Step up your cocktail game
  • In January, the University of Pennsylvania's West Coast business campus will decamp from the Folger Building, once home to the namesake coffee company, to the top floor of the Hills Plaza building, former headquarters of the Hills Bros. coffee company. Business-School Bulletin
  • With the onset of postcode read-outs, we now know that the majority of Edinburgh households do not decamp for the month, having sublet their properties to theatre companies at outrageous mark-ups.
  • We decamped to Freedom, the micro-brewery across the road, and flopped down on the long comfy seats, where we stayed for the next four hours, the size of the group slowly dwindling until eventually there was only four of us left.
  • The treasurer decamped with part of the company's payroll.
  • Some people decamp to quieter beautiful places, enclaves still not discovered, off the beaten path.
  • Its ambassador has even returned to Washington after his recent decampment over the Armenian genocide resolution. John Feffer: U.S. Allies: We Want Space
  • And I was desperately worried about the effect that any future domestic decampment might have on Caitlin. Temptation
  • The whole West family decamped to the Hamptons last summer while it was being made. Times, Sunday Times
  • She came up with several plans that failed spectacularly and finally decamped for England.
  • Perhaps this explains Ford’s subsequent decision to decamp from the South in search of a more gullible electorate. Matthew Yglesias » Chait on Ford
  • In addition to Mr. Cohn, other longtime executives and engineers have departed in recent weeks, including a vice president of Latin American operations and the company's chief trust officer, who decamped to rival Google Inc. to work on privacy issues for the Google+ social network. Yahoo Battles Brain Drain
  • Brooks was roughly awoken from his dream of making a fortune when his partner decamped with $ 100,000.
  • There are no plans for the family to decamp to LA. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Royal Court and its entourage had decamped from London to York in late spring of that year, putting York and Yorkshire at the centre of Royalist activism.
  • It was June 1994 and a by-election had finally been called to replace then-EU Commissioner Padraig Flynn in Co Mayo who had decamped to Brussels 18 months previously.
  • Shortly after that, he decamped from the Parrish, Fla., house where he had been staying, the men said. Kevin mcmanus
  • The gentleman from Franklin, in the remarks which he made, referred to some manager of a lottery, who, after selling his tickets, "decamped" with the money. The Beginnings of Public Education in North Carolina; A Documentary History, 1790-1840. Vol. I
  • She persuaded him to decamp
  • After five years in an office perched over the Piazza Diavolo in the broken heart of Kings Cross, I've decamped to the cool marble splendour of the city's optimistically named Trust Building.
  • There are various accounts of what happened immediately in the Soviet government and the top echelons of the party but, it seems, that panic set in and there was an immediate decampment from Moscow. Barbarossa Day
  • In view of this, and the fact that he has fully honored his obligations, the statement that his operations have "decamped" to Singapore is, in our view, misleading. Mail Call: Quality vs. Cost?

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