How To Use Decalcomania In A Sentence
The bank clerk did not go and collect the decalcomania from the car but with a sour look on his face asked Jerezano for his passport, compared that passport line by line with the first Xerox copy, then with the second copy.
Tramites: Mexican Paperwork----ouch!
In each, Krahenbuhl runs a dazzling gamut of painterly techniques: glazing, impasto, scumbling, decalcomania, fluid linear strokes and so on.
Ironically, the face itself belongs to a Swiss artist who creates distinctive, hyper-colored, collage-like abstract paintings through techniques such as decalcomania and grattage.
Stories from The Sun
On the 4th, he removed the Texas plates from the car, installed the Zacatecas plates, scraped the controversial import decalcomania from the windshield and threw it away.
Tramites: Mexican Paperwork----ouch!
In each, Krahenbuhl runs a dazzling gamut of painterly techniques: glazing, impasto, scumbling, decalcomania, fluid linear strokes and so on.
The fifth and sixth principles of the rhizome are those of "cartography" and "decalcomania".
Archive 2005-09-01
Other imaginative techniques of which he was a leading exponent were frottage (which he invented in 1925) and decalcomania.
His range of effects is unusually eloquent; there is something of the monoprint to them, as well as elements of the Surrealist techniques of decalcomania and frottage.
The silver seal in the center was the windshield decalcomania.
Tramites: Mexican Paperwork----ouch!
His range of effects is unusually eloquent; there is something of the monoprint to them, as well as elements of the Surrealist techniques of decalcomania and frottage.
There he was met by Roque's replacement (Roque had gone to lunch) who slapped the Legalization decalcomania on the windshield, then the
Tramites: Mexican Paperwork----ouch!
There are obvious associations to be made with Ernst's and Tanguy's wet-paint technique, decalcomania.
Ernst also later practised decalcomania, a process developed by Oscar Dominguez around 1936, which involved rubbing paint arbitrarily between two sheets of paper.
Tenencias decalcomania below that, and handed Jerezano his plates and documentation with a cheery
Tramites: Mexican Paperwork----ouch!
Other imaginative techniques of which he was a leading exponent were frottage (which he invented in 1925) and decalcomania.
The figure from Dalí's "City of Drawers" was used on the cover of The Atrocity Exhibition in 1970 but for me the matching of Ernst's decalcomania masterpiece "The Eye of Silence" is far more successful.
MIND MELD: The Most Memorable SF/F Book Covers
In each, he runs a dazzling gamut of painterly techniques: glazing, impasto, scumbling, decalcomania, fluid linear strokes and so on.
Then she told Jerezano where on his windshield to put the decalcomania, wished him a good day and thanked him for coming to Mexico.
Tramites: Mexican Paperwork----ouch!