How To Use Decal In A Sentence
Arranged round these vessels are circles of the formative elements, the bone corpuscles or osteoblasts (b.c.) each embedded in bony matrix in a little bed, the lacuna, and communicating one with another by fine processes through canaliculi in the matrix, which processes are only to be seen clearly in decalcified bone (See Section 70).
Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
In short (excuse the pun), for one reason or another users in the UK would be better served by a better dictionary of abbreviations than this; US users should be alerted to the fact that the text is British, unedited for American spelling: for ` decagramme, decalitre, decametre 'read ` decagram, decaliter, decameter.'
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVIII No 2
His range of effects is unusually eloquent; there is something of the monoprint to them, as well as elements of the Surrealist techniques of decalcomania and frottage.
Especially compelling were the bathrooms, where colorful decals and objects extended from the more public washing areas into the stalls themselves.
Then she told Jerezano where on his windshield to put the decalcomania, wished him a good day and thanked him for coming to Mexico.
Tramites: Mexican Paperwork----ouch!
Acquire the ability to recognize and be on the lookout for overglaze decals in the center of a plate, platter, bowl or the like, as well as overglaze backstamps.
According to the American Heart Association, a healthy total cholesterol level for someone with no additional risk factors (smoking, obesity) is less than 200mg/dL (milligrams per decaliter), assuming their LDL and HDL totals are also at desirable levels.
EHow - Health How To's
This marker stains follicle mantle cells in routinely fixed and decalcified paraffin-embedded tissues.
This Decalogue, which is often called the ritual Decalogue, so it's listed on there in Exodus 34, bans intermarriage with Canaanites less they entice the Israelites into worship of their gods.
After doing research on the net I see that those spots are early signs of decay, the teeth are decalcified in those white spots?
White Spots On Teeth-Enamel Hypoplasia
The consistency with which the reviews mention the poorness of the service is very eloquent, demonstrating the decalage between what this place thinks it is and what it actually is.
In each, he runs a dazzling gamut of painterly techniques: glazing, impasto, scumbling, decalcomania, fluid linear strokes and so on.
The most common variety of Portland cement is a mixture of calcimined calcareous and argillaceous materials, forming a complex composition consisting of tri-calcium illuminate, tetra-calcium alumna ferrite, decaliun sillicate and tetra calcium ortho-silicate.
Le spectacle se décale de gauche à droite puis dans l'autre sens à chaque solstice me permettant d'assister au ballet des saisons.
French Word-A-Day:
Transverse section of body of human fibula, decalcified.
Illustrations. Fig. 77
None of the CF patients' undecalcified biopsy specimens in the present study demonstrated the osteoid parameters (excess osteoid surfaces and thick osteoid seams) characteristic of vitamin D deficiency osteomalacia.
USA Bobsled also had to clear the Night Train decals with the International Olympic Committee, which does not allow anything resembling sponsorship logos in the Olympics.
Can Steven Holcomb and 'Night Train' reach victory lane?
Nearby, Mike Martin showed his N-scale PM locomotive roster, applying decals to an E7 as I watched in awe of his precise results on such a small model.
Rental cars can no longer be singled out for attack by identifying decals or by special license plates.
Senn proposed decalcified bone-plates to be used to fill in the gaps.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
Harry clicked on the light, revealing a small, clean space with a plastic shower curtain decorated with fish and nonskid turquoise flower decals strewn across the base of the shower.
Dark Oracle
Scribe’s plays may be said to be so many ingenious examples how to break one commandment, the drame is a grand and general chaos of them all; nay, several crimes are added, not prohibited in the Decalogue, which was written before dramas were.
The Paris Sketch Book
In an age when many shops use decals or masking tape and spray paint, Olin still paints his pinstripes by hand.
The Decalogue was one of the greatest unwatchable works of film, ever.
I noticed Rob had a pretty good set of china, except that it showed its age with minor chips and scratches in the decal.
Fermentation of sugars by plaque bacteria causes caries by decalcification and proteolysis of enamel and dentine
Hologram decals aren't all that expensive, and could be applied after printing if need be.
On a simple shelf affixed to the gallery wall near the figure he placed six large votive candles, each decorated with a photographic decal portraying the artist in the jester's costume.
One technique, called "fabula," or "fable," allowed Mr. Sundberg to apply commercially sold decals to a sub-layer of glass, which he then covered with irregular layers of transparent glass; the result was an accretion of odd, watery images that referenced everything from flowers to sexuality.
Per B Sundberg
The figure from Dalí's "City of Drawers" was used on the cover of The Atrocity Exhibition in 1970 but for me the matching of Ernst's decalcomania masterpiece "The Eye of Silence" is far more successful.
MIND MELD: The Most Memorable SF/F Book Covers
Painted blue and white, with rotors on roof and bootlid and daubed with sponsor's decals, the four drove out of the St Mary's League's Club carpark on Saturday, August 2.
If Monsieur Scribe's plays may be said to be so many ingenious examples how to break one commandment, the drame is a grand and general chaos of them all; nay, several crimes are added, not prohibited in the Decalogue, which was written before dramas were.
The Paris Sketch Book
The company plans to increase production to 1.2mn decalitres of beer a month and to sell 10 mn decalitres a year.
The God of the Decalogue is uniquely authoritative, cannot be fashioned after our own image (pace Feuerbach), and cannot be controlled: God is absolute, aniconic, and useless. 6 God does not exist for our use.
AKMA’s Random Thoughts
The Decalogue is the classical name of the Ten Commandments.
The False Idol of Unfettered Capitalism
We work toward a movement in which all cereal chromosomes will be united, not only in one New Cereal (pompously designated "the first man-made cereal") but also in other new cereals besides Triticale such as Hordecale (amphidiploid of barley and rye), Triticordeum (amphidiploid of wheat and barley) and many more, not scorning any contribution, be it of chromosomes or only a few genes found in countless other gramineous strains, that will prove to be of undeniable Value to the betterment of many cereals.
Chapter 12
The winery can process 15,000 tons of grapes per year, producing 1 million decalitres of wine.
And for this, the tradition is the Ten (Decalogue).
Carry-Over Thread
They lacerated him for saying he wanted the Democratic Party to reach out to working-class Southerners who drive pickups bearing Confederate-flag decals.
The Mini Web site is 22% more fun than the Porsche site, mostly because you can customize your own Mini with flame decals.
Such a steel will have a decalescent point in the neighborhood of 1,355°F. and for the size used, probably in a die of approximately 8 in., it will harden around 1,450°F.
The Working of Steel Annealing, Heat Treating and Hardening of Carbon and Alloy Steel
Leviticus is as archaic as the Code of Manu, and the Decalogue is a fossil.
Damn! A Book of Calumny
He's always ordering stuff for that run-down old Chevy pickup of his - things like chrome wheelguards, bedliners, Jeff Gordon mudflaps, and those ‘Bad Boy’ rear-window decals.
In areas that may be potentially slippery or wet, apply antislip rubber decals.
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His memorable speech on the Decalogue is a case in point.
Western Worthies A Gallery of Biographical and Critical Sketches of West of Scotland Celebrities
Of course, if "greige" is a little understated for you, you could always get a set of William and Kate nail decals.
April Daniels Hussar: The 10 Craziest Moments of Royal Wedding Frenzy Yet
It differs from other acids in that the fluoride ion readily penetrates the skin and causes destruction of deep tissue layers, including bony decalcification .
The plant will have a production capacity of 20 million decalitres of beer a year.
This art will be usefull in blazoning arms on monuments for inscriptions tables of the decalogue over the altars &c as by this method they will be preserved ages from the injuries of the weather. tho at the same time the stone itself will be somewhat hurt or corroded by the Air.
The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
VD deficiency reduction of intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphate Hypocalcemia Parathyroid hormone hyperfunction hypofunction Excretion of urinary P↑ decalcification of mobilization of bone old bone↑ Calcium into blood Serum p ↓ Ca normal or slightly↓ Ca X p↓
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We actually buy Calgon on a regular basis to use in our washing machine as a decalcifying agent very hard water where we live.
Evening Commercial Break: Ancient Chinese Secret – The Bleat.
I used to put the decals on the paper covers of my school books.
In addition to having the license plates properly mounted, displaying these decals on the windows is also required by law.
Their spine-decalcifying caterwauls - a sequence of whuffings, snarlings and growlings - have evoked satanic visions since the first European settlers arrived on the island of Tasmania more than a century ago.
International Herald Tribune - World News, Analysis, and Global Opinions
In 1970, I worked for a while for an outfit called Marvelmania International, which was selling posters and decals and other merchandise of the Marvel characters.
The winery can process 15,000 tons of grapes per year, producing 1 million decalitres of wine.
Fluorides protect against caries by inhibiting mineral loss, promoting remineralisation of decalcified enamel, and reducing formation of plaque acids.
Objective To analyze the role of periosteum in guided bone regeneration by means of undecalcified sections and X-ray films.
So important is the Decalogue that it is given prominence by placing it in the chancel facing the altar, where the Eucharist is celebrated and the cathedra, the chair of the bishop, is found.
The dandelion is one of the most common weeds in gardens and countryside, and today here on Freshome we wanted to present you an interesting and creative example of wall decal inspired by dandelion seeds being blown.
70 Inch Tall Tree Vinyl Wall Decal
The distinctive sweet, rich aroma of coconut is created by derivatives of saturated fatty acids called lactones (octa-, deca-, dodeca-, tetradecalactones)—peaches are also flavored by lactones—while roasting generates more generic nutty notes (from pyrazines, pyrroles, furans).
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
Later there was a short period of _decalcomanie; _ and then came the grand album craze, when thirty-three girls out of the thirty - nine sent for blank books bound in red morocco, and began to collect signatures and sentiments.
What Katy Did at School
Other imaginative techniques of which he was a leading exponent were frottage (which he invented in 1925) and decalcomania.
Tenencias decalcomania below that, and handed Jerezano his plates and documentation with a cheery
Tramites: Mexican Paperwork----ouch!
decalcify the rock
The association has also established a ‘danger zone’ of between 110 and 125 milligrams of glucose per decaliter in which the body's ability to process glucose is considered impaired.
I was told to do this by my prior supervisor until the proper staff decals were issued.
This is demonstrated by the changes in the critical ranges of this alloy steel taking place slowly; in other words, it has a tendency to raise the _Ac_ range (decalescent points) and lower the _Ar_ range (recalescent points).
The Working of Steel Annealing, Heat Treating and Hardening of Carbon and Alloy Steel
Ernst also later practised decalcomania, a process developed by Oscar Dominguez around 1936, which involved rubbing paint arbitrarily between two sheets of paper.
We asked participants if they were wearing any reflective or fluorescent clothing or other articles such as a jacket, vest, apron, sash, ankle or wrist band, or back pack including stripes, decals, or strips.
Excellent mini-gallery of monster decals from the '60s.
Boing Boing: June 18, 2000 - June 24, 2000 Archives
In the meantime, hydrofluoric acid penetrates the skin, destroying soft tissue and decalcifying bone.
Leo W. Gerard: Too High a Price for High Octane
My brother, he's an art guy and he wanted to be able to custom cut vinyl decals for his car, so I set out to build a "plotter" of sort, a vinyl cutter.
Make - All Discussions
The gunship has a surprising number of playable features including opening troop bay doors, removable command station and healing bacta chamber, movable cannons, spy droids, flick missiles, the speeder bike and multiple sticker decals to create different gunships much like those featured in the Dropship (set 10179).
Professor Strange
the decalescent point of steel
When it was done I thought of the WW2 urinal decals that allowed one to micturate, forcefully, into the visage of an Axis leader.
Take a portion of the decalcified bone obtained from
A Practical Physiology
There are obvious associations to be made with Ernst's and Tanguy's wet-paint technique, decalcomania.
When the percolator stopped, I found the cabinet with coffee mugs and pulled out two (one chipped, the other with a long-faded decal), rinsed them out just in case, and poured the coffee.
In short (excuse the pun), for one reason or another users in the UK would be better served by a better dictionary of abbreviations than this; US users should be alerted to the fact that the text is British, unedited for American spelling: for ` decagramme, decalitre, decametre 'read ` decagram, decaliter, decameter.'
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVIII No 2
There he was met by Roque's replacement (Roque had gone to lunch) who slapped the Legalization decalcomania on the windshield, then the
Tramites: Mexican Paperwork----ouch!
Decals of this kind must be manufactured using special vitrifiable materials that will withstand the heating process and produce the desired result.
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The Girls, The Collectors, and The Life
This being done, we proceed unto the communion, if any communicants be to receive the Eucharist; if not, we read the Decalogue, Epistle, and Gospel, with the Nicene Creed (of some in derision called the dry communion), and then proceed unto an homily or sermon, which hath a psalm before and after it, and finally unto the baptism of such infants as on every Sabbath day (if occasion so require) are brought unto the churches; and thus is the forenoon bestowed.
Of the Ancient and Present Estate of the Church of England. Chapter V. [1577, Book II., Chapter 5; 1585, Book II., Chapter 1
As it turns out, the God who teaches Israel how to live in the Decalogue is the same God who delivered them from slavery in Egypt; God has already extended divine mercy to Israel as a basis for Israel trusting in God.
AKMA’s Random Thoughts
The bank clerk did not go and collect the decalcomania from the car but with a sour look on his face asked Jerezano for his passport, compared that passport line by line with the first Xerox copy, then with the second copy.
Tramites: Mexican Paperwork----ouch!
Repeat the last experiment, using a cube of the decalcified bone obtained from Experiment 4.
A Practical Physiology
Objective To investigate the preventive effectiveness in reducing tooth decay and decalcification of different concentration of fluoride toothpaste for orthodontic patients.
In the enthroned Christ every question about sin is answered, and every claim of a violated law is absolutely met; and though there is no abatement in the demands of the decalogue, yet because "Christ has become the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth," now "_grace reigns through righteousness_ unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Ministry of the Spirit
The silver seal in the center was the windshield decalcomania.
Tramites: Mexican Paperwork----ouch!
His range of effects is unusually eloquent; there is something of the monoprint to them, as well as elements of the Surrealist techniques of decalcomania and frottage.
He reports ingenious experiments whereby decalcified specimens are monitored as the cell reconstructs the test.
The distinctive sweet, rich aroma of coconut is created by derivatives of saturated fatty acids called lactones (octa-, deca-, dodeca-, tetradecalactones)—peaches are also flavored by lactones—while roasting generates more generic nutty notes (from pyrazines, pyrroles, furans).
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
You can easily personalize the look of your car's floors with floor mats embellished with logos, decals, prints and even embroidery.
Other imaginative techniques of which he was a leading exponent were frottage (which he invented in 1925) and decalcomania.
Failure to display the decals is a violation subject to a $100 fine.
New Jersey set to require teen driver decals on cars
Soak the filter and its holder separated in a vinegar solution overnight, then get a sachet of decalcifying solution and run that through it a few times.
Latin lover
Slowly attacking the skin and mucous tissue, it can kill nerves, disable muscles, decalcify bones, and disfigure faces.
In general we're not big fans of the ubiquitous word decals that people sometimes use to decorate their walls.
Apartment Therapy Main
The pink ribbon: Tim Hasselbeck says NFL players tell him football with pink ribbon decal is "a disaster.
Brett Favre: Could he just decide to end his Ironman streak?
So important is the Decalogue that it is given prominence by placing it in the chancel facing the altar, where the Eucharist is celebrated and the cathedra, the chair of the bishop, is found.
The company plans to increase production to 1.2mn decalitres of beer a month and to sell 10 mn decalitres a year.
In addition, vinegar can be used to remove price labels and other decals from glass, wood, and china.
The fifth and sixth principles of the rhizome are those of "cartography" and "decalcomania".
Archive 2005-09-01
The county also reinstituted a car-registration fee known as the decal tax.
Leggett orders Montgomery departments to make cuts in face of $300 million shortfall
Objective:To compare the anti acid and decalcification effects of different fluoride products by using an artificial caries model.
Exports to Ukraine, which comes second, increased significantly from 19,800 to 94,000 decaliters.
Today a friend and garden coach is coming over to walk around with me and help my musings have form and cohesion…I am going to concentrate on the front gardens they are in need of decalcifying!
Musings « Fairegarden
In short (excuse the pun), for one reason or another users in the UK would be better served by a better dictionary of abbreviations than this; US users should be alerted to the fact that the text is British, unedited for American spelling: for ` decagramme, decalitre, decametre 'read ` decagram, decaliter, decameter.'
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVIII No 2
Other transactions, such as decals or titles, were processed normally throughout the day.
Computer problems wreak havoc at Virginia DMVs statewide
Billroth resorted to it, and Senn modified it by substituting decalcified bone-plates for sutures.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
* The decals are a fun idea (kinda), but it sure ain't metal.
If the areas weren't there before, and formed later on, they are likely decalcified areas which are the beginning stages of cavities.
White Spots On Teeth-Enamel Hypoplasia
The tradition of the woodie remains in the woodgrain decals and plastic beams attached to a structural steel body of later station wagons.
Car beauty is in the eye of the beholder
I like this shot because of the shift in interpretation that occurs between the window decal and the shadow it casts on this unwitting patron.
To remove non slip appliques and strips from bathtubs, saturate a cloth or sponge and squeeze hot vinegar over decals.
A lovely t-shirt from hip shop ‘Plum’ with a decal of a graffiti artist spray painted onto the shirt.
Rental cars can no longer be singled out for attack by identifying decals or by special license plates.
They believed quite sincerely in the supreme importance of quadratic equations, and the rule for the special verbs that govern the dative was a part of their decalogue.
The Professor's Commencement
The figure of one million years and greater is derived from the fossilised fauna found side by side with the burnt antelope bones in the same layer of decalcified sand.
The Decalogue should be the back-bone of a child's training: and it should be proposed on the authority of
Moral Principles and Medical Practice The Basis of Medical Jurisprudence
Penny, who books bands for the Gladstone Hotel, is scraping a ‘breakfast special’ decal off the window.
The decalcification process did not affect the immunodetection with CD10 since positive reactivity was noted in decalcified bone marrow core biopsies.
The recalescence point is lower than the decalescence point by anywhere from 85 to 215 degrees F.
The House, which has been a shameless lapdog of the administration for the past year since the Democrats took control of that body, has a chance here to show it still has at least one vertebra left in its severely decalcified spine, It should refuse to pass any extension of NSA warrantless spying authority, and should refuse immunity for the telecom industry.
Bush's Protect America Bill Bull
The only difference in processing of the BM core and clot was decalcification of the trephine core biopsy.
Perforating fibers, human parietal bone, decalcified.
Illustrations. Fig. 75
I LOVE this discussion on the word decal - it's my second one in two days.
It seems the additional expense of producing the decals would be negligible.
Stella wore her favorite jeans with the big butterfly decals on the legs.
The association has also established a ‘danger zone’ of between 110 and 125 milligrams of glucose per decaliter in which the body's ability to process glucose is considered impaired.
In each, Krahenbuhl runs a dazzling gamut of painterly techniques: glazing, impasto, scumbling, decalcomania, fluid linear strokes and so on.
And as if getting all that stuff in each disc case wasn't enough you also get three racing team decals and three die-cast metal cars in a gift box.
The distinctive sweet, rich aroma of coconut is created by derivatives of saturated fatty acids called lactones (octa-, deca-, dodeca-, tetradecalactones)—peaches are also flavored by lactones—while roasting generates more generic nutty notes (from pyrazines, pyrroles, furans).
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
Lib. de Decal. passiones maxime corpus offendunt et animam, et frequentissimae causae melancholiae, dimoventes ab ingenio et sanitate pristina, l.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Body kits, spoilers, wings, decals, bumpers and other accessories are commonly used to customize a car.
Many people say that for a male person, bric-a-brac hunting is about as robust a business as making doll-clothes, or decorating Japanese pots with decalcomanie butterflies would be, and these people fling mud at the elegant Englishman,
A Tramp Abroad — Volume 03
Dealer decal: What are your thoughts about a dealer putting their name decal on a new vehicle sold?
Hot topics from our car forums this week: Mothers in law, GPS, Tires, and AWD
That our Saviour comprised the sum of all prayers in this form, is known to all Christians; and it is confessed that such is the perfection of this form, that it is the epitome of all things to be prayed for, as the Decalogue is the epitome of all things to be practised.
From the Talmud and Hebraica
Dissecting cellulitis, lichen planopilaris, and folliculitis decalvans also may cause scarring alopecia.
Exports to Ukraine, which comes second, increased significantly from 19,800 to 94,000 decaliters.
On the 4th, he removed the Texas plates from the car, installed the Zacatecas plates, scraped the controversial import decalcomania from the windshield and threw it away.
Tramites: Mexican Paperwork----ouch!
The hot rod was plastered with decals, among them some that reproduced the paintings on the wall.
The Decalogue episodes are commonly considered masterpieces of world cinema.
The sun drove through their skins, ripping and smashing tissues and nerves, till they became sick in mind and body, tossed most of the Decalogue overboard, descended to beastliness, drank themselves into quick graves, or survived so savagely that war vessels were sometimes sent to curb their license.
The plant will have a production capacity of 20 million decalitres of beer a year.
The magnetic or vinyl signs that attach to your vehicles are called decals, by the way.
Fontaine said it has already been proven to be an effective deterrent against car thefts because thieves see the decals and know that police are likely to stop vehicles if they see them being driven late at night or early morning.
Partly Frosted bottle with colorful High temperature decal.
Corresponding to the two divisions of the Decalogue are the two generic virtues which the Mosaic legislation has set as its goal, piety, and humanity, or what the rabbis called charity ([Hebrew: tsdka]).
Philo-Judaeus of Alexandria
Updated New Yorkers are complaining about a flood of butterfly advertising decals being pasted to every available surface in town to promote MSN - 8, the New York Times reports.
I was told to do this by my prior supervisor until the proper staff decals were issued.
CabCharge customers can phone or hail cabs displaying a distinctive blue decal.
Mark's quotation of the Decalogue is unusual inasmuch as it refers to a commandment not to defraud, which is interesting.
Review of Deuteronomy in the New Testament, edited by Steve Moyise and Maarten J. J. Menken
Fluorides protect against caries by inhibiting mineral loss, promoting remineralisation of decalcified enamel, and reducing formation of plaque acids.
When it finally emerged from the wreckage, the car was still wearing its 1987 racing livery, numbers and sponsors' decals, and in a totally original form.
A special organic additive removes almost all carbon and eliminates decalcifying altogether.
Woot! - One Day, One Deal
The paint was carefully matched, and all original decals and stencils were applied.
Although meticulously handpainted, the glossy images have a machine-made look, as if they were, say, transfer decals or press-on tattoos.
A true challenge indeed, when you cannot use Benzyl acetate; not to mention (E)-ocimene, linalool, asmine lactone, or gamma-decalactone (used to create gardenia headspace).
Archive 2008-04-01
Ironically, the face itself belongs to a Swiss artist who creates distinctive, hyper-colored, collage-like abstract paintings through techniques such as decalcomania and grattage.
Stories from The Sun
The God of the Decalogue is uniquely authoritative, cannot be fashioned after our own image (pace Feuerbach), and cannot be controlled: God is absolute, aniconic, and useless. 6 God does not exist for our use.
AKMA’s Random Thoughts
I recall the decal on the rear passenger window of a Cherokee at a Jersey Shore motel.
Fox News Poll Asks Respondents Whether They've Prayed For Bush
In each, Krahenbuhl runs a dazzling gamut of painterly techniques: glazing, impasto, scumbling, decalcomania, fluid linear strokes and so on.
Other bold steps you'll see more of this summer: shimmery brights, and playful touches such as toe rings and artful decals you can apply on top of your pedicure.
The law of nature is substantially identical to the decalogue and was revealed in Eden and is known naturally by all humans such that all are without excuse before God.
In short (excuse the pun), for one reason or another users in the UK would be better served by a better dictionary of abbreviations than this; US users should be alerted to the fact that the text is British, unedited for American spelling: for ` decagramme, decalitre, decametre 'read ` decagram, decaliter, decameter.'
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVIII No 2
Bodin was half way between a theist and a deist; he believed that the Decalogue was a natural law imprinted in all men's hearts and that Judaism was the nearest to being a natural religion.
The Age of the Reformation
No, it was one of a kind, and he had made it for himself — the iron-on decal, that is, not the shirt.
The several stages of grief
Extended periods in low or zero gravity take their toll on the human body: bones begin to decalcify as they experience less stress, and muscles atrophy, also as a result of disuse.
A true challenge indeed, when you cannot use Benzyl acetate; not to mention (E)-ocimene, linalool, asmine lactone, or gamma-decalactone (used to create gardenia headspace).
Archive 2008-04-01
Together with the kilogram, initially the mass of a decaliter of distilled water, it formed the basis of the metric system.
The Economist: Daily news and views