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How To Use Debris In A Sentence

  • The Kuiper belt is an icy disk of debris orbiting the sun, beyond Neptune, and is the original home of many comets.
  • Manure worms (also called brandlings, red wigglers, or angleworms) and red worms live in organic debris and are the preferred types for commercial bait production and composting.
  • The NDTV network broadcast footage from the scene, about 170km southeast of New Delhi, showing debris strewn across the tracks and police officers carrying bodies covered with sheets on stretchers.
  • A team of rescue Sherpa evacuated the two men down through the towering seracs and debris to Base Camp where they were quickly flown to Kathmandu by helicopter.
  • Like a widening conveyer belt it scraped away more and more of the hillsides and carried off the debris.
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  • The discovery of a small planetoid in the Kuiper belt, the distant disk of debris whose chunks eventually formed the solar system, make Pluto's chances of holding onto its status of bona fide planet weaker.
  • Experts said the problem appeared to be an "uncontained engine failure," which occurs when turbine debris punctures the engine casing and the light cowling that covers the unit. Quantas Airbus Problem: Airline Grounds All A380s After Engine Fire Over Indonesia
  • Bodies lay all around, partially or completely entombed in the debris.
  • Residents said at least five civilians were also wounded by flying debris.
  • On the evidence label attached to the material was written the word ‘debris’.
  • At least the State of California limits its total liability to a paltry $5K in exchange for a prohibitively expensive premium, that even if a person chose to insure herself against would not pay the bulldozers pushing the debris to one side or the other, as no amount of money makes these liabilities "insurable" to even the most profligage premium payer. Balkinization
  • A blue tractor beam en-gulfed the runabout and thrust it away from the debris. Demons Of Air And Darkness
  • As the debris passes through the impeller that would normally be providing air flow to push leaves, it is shredded to many times its original size before entering the vacuum bag.
  • Pascoe heard her scream and scrambled across junk and debris in the darkness.
  • Others dodge flying debris kicked up by fierce storm gusts.
  • The village has been buffeted by mudflows, landslides, river debris, flooding and earthquakes.
  • Ocker Hill Power Station with two prominent chimneys, a sewage works and a canal surface with oil and floating debris.
  • Also, sea planes, when they take off or land, are quite vulnerable to what we call submerged debris, little things in the ocean that might catch on one of the wing floats as you might see on the picture there. CNN Transcript Dec 19, 2005
  • In contrast, the treated section exhibits uniform, acute necrosis, with pyknotic nuclei, karyolysis and karyorrhexis; mild hemorrhage and significant zones of pigmented cellular debris.
  • Frank cleans up t.p. debris, puts a hairband to secure the door of cabinet. Funny Story! Eve of Crashstruction
  • Army bomb disposal experts from Catterick military base in north Yorkshire are examining debris from both devices.
  • I saw a report on CNN where a woman was rescued from being trapped in collapsed roof and wall debris for two days and what struck me was her odd calm as she was carried prone from a certain, crushing death — as well as her matter-of-fact confidence in a God that Robertson says her people forsook ... Archive 2010-02-01
  • They are designed to protect fuel pumps, fuel-pressure regulators, carburetors, and nitrous-oxide systems from dirt and debris.
  • In an explosion that left me temporarily deaf, the cannon stopped pelting us with energy and began hailing us with pieces of its debris instead.
  • When cleaning out the dead debris from flowerbeds, also prune any shrubs and push plants back into the soil that have heaved with the frosts.
  • For more than a mile the beach was littered with wrecked ships, including debris from the steamer Curaca which was thrown across the full width of the narrows.
  • She quickly fastened her bootlaces and then proceeded to roll up her sleeping bag, dusting off dirt and debris as she did so.
  • As for the" squibs "conspiracy theorists claim to see in videos of the WTC collapse, these are plumes of smoke and debris ejected from the building due to the immense pressure associated with millions of tons of falling towers (see Figure 1). Debating "Skeptic Magazine" on September 11th Issues
  • Enterprises engaged in traction passenger elevators, freight elevators, debris elevators, escalators, moving walkways elevator installation.
  • Unlike the destruction caused by an earthquake, which may affect several buildings across an expansive area, this disaster involved many buildings and a massive debris pile in a small, confined area.
  • Adults like fresh stumps, slash, and logging debris.
  • Emergency teams are still clearing the debris from the plane crash.
  • I enjoy keeping the garden clear of old raspberry canes, intrusive crab grass, and debris.
  • “Hold your fire, you gudgeons!” he thundered, bounding over the debris toward the direction of the sound of yet another snarl and breaking glass. Sexy Beast IV
  • She found a pair of children's shoes among the debris.
  • We can confirm that debris and bodies from the Air France plane were recovered from the water, " he told reporters at the air force base in Recife.
  • She was hit by flying debris from the blast.
  • And as they're coming home, they are hauling debris out from their houses and hauling it to the curbside where we can pick it up.
  • She was hit on the head by flying debris.
  • He rushed towards the well, but now it was filled with rubble and debris.
  • At the bottom was a large piece of stone or parging which blocked a substantial part of the opening and above this was other finer debris.
  • Clear away leaves and other garden debris from the pond.
  • Counselor Stephen D. McCullough said the calls were at four times their normal volume, and ranged from people still in shock to a woman who has just one set of clothes that now are mud-caked and studded with glass and debris. Demand for Counseling Surges in Joplin
  • With his legs finally free, he climbed out of the hole, dropping cigarette ash onto the debris.
  • The space debris and meteoroid environment are defined followed by the formulation of the general weight objective function.
  • Then I noticed that a lot of debris, consisting of tree trimmings and garbage that people had thrown into the gully was rammed up against the side of the bridge facing the direction the water flowed from.
  • The buried debris then acts as a physical barrier to the movement of water upward and downward.
  • ‘We soon discovered iron-smelting debris - fragments of charcoal, slag raw iron and broken blowpipes on the floor of the furnace,’ says Mason.
  • In cross-section, the deposits consist of unsorted pebbles, cobbles, and boulders in a matrix of fine-grained debris.
  • We were at a little secluded cove, with large boulders strewn about, the debris of some long-past hillside.
  • He swayed, then crashed to the stone floor and the grease keg unstuck from his foot with a 'chug' and rolled across the garage, rattling as it struck the old debris, and bounced into the greasing pit. Funeral In Berlin
  • Firefighters were searching for survivors trapped under debris in the old quarter of the town of Piera, near Barcelona.
  • However, now that the disaster has occured, and the buildings are mostly destroyed, why not re-level the city – that is, demolish all structures, remove/burn the non-cementitious debris and then add fill dirt to add 20 ft elevation everywhere? Should New Orleans be rebuilt? « BuzzMachine
  • Removing the debris could cause the rest of the building to come tumbling down.
  • Dense stone debris pitted the clay floor, which extends unevenly over the bedrock.
  • Stagnant water can be prevented from developing by stopping water collecting in places such as gutters and flat roofs by removing debris such as leaves and twigs.
  • The debris protects the ice from melting and sustains a thin body of ice that would otherwise have melted away.
  • Most of the force of the blast was pushed upwards and debris was still flying down after several minutes.
  • The sled is completely flexible over blow downs, rocks and ground debris. I was hunting the other day deep in my local woods. I spotted a massive buck and took my shot but I didn't hit it cleanly.
  • The streets are still full of debris from two nights of rioting.
  • When they arrived at one particular intersection, they found it was now blocked by debris and rubble.
  • They are designed to protect fuel pumps, fuel-pressure regulators, carburetors, and nitrous-oxide systems from dirt and debris.
  • Nivation debris accumulates at the bottom of a rock face as scree. Geography Basic Facts
  • The meteors are debris from this comet that enter Earth's atmosphere and vaporize as they fall.
  • This was one more bit of debris from the capitalist system, from feudalism, from the Dark Ages.
  • Debris avalanche deposits along the Vallehermoso barranco suggest massive destruction of the north flanks of the volcano.
  • Brandy is the umbrella term for a spirit produced from grape pomace or marc (debris left over after fermentation), or from wine or fruit.
  • They've sent divers out into the water, but so far, with all that muck and debris in there, they've only been able to see about five feet down.
  • The aged timber cracked and the roof began to give way, spraying us with a shower of dirt and small debris.
  • Andrew Scott of Royal Holloway, University of London in Egham, United Kingdom, and colleagues used four kinds of microscopy to take a closer look at the odd debris, known as carbonaceous spherules. News
  • For two or three days it's OK, but for more than that it's a big problem for me," said Matar, 25, a worker at the aluminium refinery who was picking disconsolately through the broken glass and charred debris by Lulu hypermarket. Protests in Oman Sputter
  • Leaves and other debris covered it, and the chitinous carcasses of dead bugs were littered around. Rot & Ruin
  • I have removed the debris and will need to returf the lawn, maybe in the spring. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the same time remove any excess debris that has accumulated on the pond bottom.
  • Neighbors complained that it was an eyesore, covered by weeds and debris, and that the owner was unfairly avoiding taxes.
  • If a dead tree is still standing, we leave it, as we do with woody debris on the forest floor.
  • Winds of 120 mph and drenching rain tore off rooftops, hurled debris through the air and sent huge waves crashing into buildings.
  • The Middleton Guardian was told that up to 60 vandals regularly invade the grounds and spend the whole night drinking and carousing, leaving a trail of dangerous debris in their wake.
  • A team from Tohoku University led by Satoshi Tadokoro is apparently en route to Sendai with a snakelike robot that can wriggle into debris to hunt for people.
  • Flaps were to be left in the down position to facilitate the removal of mud and other debris prior to their retraction.
  • Among the debris in the buried concentration was a small, shallow side notched biface which has been identified as a hafted biface.
  • Amon had run afoul of a space-debris storm and the damage had required a replating of half his nose. The Ship Who Sang
  • The soluble protein content determined after pelleting of bacteroids and cell debris of these nodules had dropped to nearly 25% of the soluble protein content of nodules from flowering, non-senescent plants.
  • Most of them don't make past a few feet, knocked off by a constant rain of debris, but it is only a matter of time before some begin to reach the summit.
  • The floor joist was cracked and fractured, but no debris was deposited in the basement, as the subflooring remained intact.
  • I think the main objective of the salvors here would have been the copper from the electric motors, and the remains of what looks like the armature of an electric motor lies cleaned of its windings among the debris.
  • Several debris flows have aggraded the debris fan, including a large one that deposited the prominent levee at right between 1940 and 1965. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • The wood resin could easily come from leaf litter and forest floor debris, he said.
  • The Debris - flow is a kind of common natural phenomenon.
  • Both men were hit by debris from accidents and Sunday's Malaysian Grand Prix will be under close scrutiny.
  • You will be painting your woodwork and trim last, but you need to prep it before beginning to paint, or else the debris from prepping will settle on the new paint.
  • One theory is that the moon was formed from debris left after a collision between the earth and another planet.
  • This might have generated enough debris to block out sunlight and trigger an ice age, enough sulfuric acid to acidify the oceans, and/or enough carbon dioxide to cause global warming by a greenhouse effect.
  • They are targeting areas where children regularly play ‘chicken’ across busy lines, throw stones at passing trains and block the line with debris, which can derail trains.
  • So I began to pull the debris out of my matted hair, just for something to do.
  • A stiff yard broom and a small stiff hand brush will remove most of the debris.
  • In Wisconsin, the mayor of La Crosse declared a state of emergency Sunday after a powerful storm tore roofs from homes and littered streets and lawns with downed trees and debris. Tornadoes batter central U.S.
  • The reader, by passing half a bushel of the common shells of our shores through a barley-mill, as a preliminary operation in the process, and by next subjecting the broken fragments thus obtained to the attritive influence of the waves on some storm-beaten beach for a twelvemonth or two, as a finishing operation, may produce, when he pleases, exactly such a water-worn shelly debris as mottles the blue boulder-clays of Caithness. The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • It finally came to a halt battered against the wall, leaving a shower of debris on the track.
  • An entire gopuram, a huge round ball carved intricately, lies forlorn in the shallow sea, surrounded by piles of slabs and bricks and more carvings and general debris from the temple.
  • In windblown collections of debris, the surface is more than covered.
  • Clean the ventilation ducts to remove dust and insect debris.
  • In a trice every window was vomiting forth the débris that clogged the interior. Mexico's Army and Ours
  • Players have brooms, known as besoms, to sweep the ice clear of snow or debris so that nothing slows the passage of the stones.
  • She was hit by flying debris from the blast.
  • The seeds sprinkle out while the chaff and larger debris remain in the cup and can be discarded.
  • They often produce matchboxes or pill bottles with fluff, splinters and other debris that they insist are specimens that they have caught.
  • The roads were littered with debris - bricks, bottles, charred gas canisters, all presumably used as missiles at some point by the hundreds of youths intent on violence.
  • Ice and dust debris will be ejected from the crater revealing the material beneath.
  • So imagine we have a certain kind of particle called a graviton -- that's the kind of debris we expect to be ejected out if the extra dimensions are real. Brian Greene on string theory
  • You will normally spot them scavenging at the edge of the reef for bits of loose weed and other debris.
  • The debris including the bags and the timber was obstructing a good two-thirds of the bore of the culvert.
  • We need also to see all the signatures that are consistent with a high velocity impact, like glasses from melting and, of course, debris; and what are called shatter cones (shocked rocks)," he told BBC News. Signs of the Times
  • Two other ships have been wrecked over this way, though they are more thoroughly broken up and the debris fields are mixed together.
  • They can asphyxiate you, burn you, bury you alive, or crush you under debris.
  • A chemical analysis of impact crater residue allowed him to distinguish between impacts due to naturally occurring micrometeoroids and those due to artificial space debris.
  • Most of the identifiable woody debris was pine snags, stumps, boles, or branches.
  • The sea cucumber feeds on small plants and decayed debris that settles into seafloor sand and mud.
  • I found a parrotfish hiding in a cave, debris from its diaphanous veil of mucus wafting back and forth with each slight swell.
  • The chief limitation of the harvester is its inability to separate seed from debris.
  • The source of this annual October meteor display, called the Draconid meteor shower, is dust and debris leftover from Comet Giacobini-Zinner. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • With vinyl flooring, it is vital that the subfloor underneath is free from debris and also has no divots or holes.
  • Others were unlucky victims of falling debris.
  • The beautiful Red Lipped Batfish is a bottom dweller that blends into the readily available natural debris.
  • She was hit by trees, sunbeds, tables, glass and there was debris everywhere.
  • Thus, the wind renders me unable to see for all the blinking and eye-watering attempts to rid my eye of said debris.
  • Such debris from the practice of fishing leads to great suffering among wildlife and also among domesticated animals.
  • The temple crumbles, and a flying saucer rises from the debris and disappears.
  • The earth under the vibration exciter was cleared of vegetation and debris and the exciter was placed directly on the cleared earth.
  • Many roads were littered with debris including fallen traffic lights and overturned cars blocked several routes.
  • Within habitats, forestry must ensure heterogeneity with the retention of snags, remnant trees, woody debris, and a more natural variety of tree species.
  • If the probability of it occuring is (HIGH), with damage to the Pad & local area debris falling potentially being pretty darn severe, it would seem almost negligant as well to not have required a formal S&MA report & Chief Engineer Technical Authority report on this topic. The Budget Road Ahead - NASA Watch
  • It is thought faulty cordite caused the series of explosions which tore through the ship, raining debris down up to four miles away.
  • This is because debris, wind, bugs or insects may still pass behind a windshield.
  • The team then spread each set of debris onto a flatbed scanner to record the particle sizes.
  • The hail of energy pulses was too much for the copter's armoured hull to take, as it exploded and debris rained down onto the street far below.
  • They throw off a secretion known as sebum, which is made up principally of dead cells that have undergone fatty degeneration and of other debris. Maintaining Health Formerly Health and Efficiency
  • ‘Large woody debris provides shelter for fish and insects, stabilizes caving banks, and restores riparian habitats,’ says Shields.
  • A medial moraine is a strip of morainal debris in the middle of glacier ice which marks where two glaciers come together.
  • He was buried under the debris for several hours.
  • That some of the liquor amnii is swallowed by the fetus is proved by the fact that epidermal debris and hairs have been found among the contents of the fetal alimentary canal. I. Embryology. 11. Development of the Fetal Membranes and Placenta
  • The only missing one was element number 61, which was eventually isolated from the debris of the radioactive decay of uranium and given the name of promethium, after the Greek god who gave man fire.
  • He told his driver to stop outside a broken-down shack, where an emaciated woman and two young men sat on a porch surrounded by household debris.
  • All sorts of debris, dead stock, etc., were discovered when the waters subsided.
  • No one seemed to be responsible for looking after it, and there was a considerable quantity of debris inside.
  • This material consisted mainly of ceramics (of which a high percentage of unguentaria fragments), fauna (animal bone of sheep and goat; parts that served for consumption) and concentrations of metal (nails) and stucco (painted plaster found in a specific lenzing within the debris). Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Roman Baths
  • This experiment showed that in order for tethers to be useful for long-duration missions in space, they must be designed to withstand cuts by micrometeorites and space debris.
  • The structure collapsed in a cloud of dust and debris.
  • Flaps were to be left in the down position to facilitate the removal of mud and other debris prior to their retraction.
  • By contrast, the large, structureless, fossil-rich sandstones were formed by debris flows from huge, nonmigrating dunes.
  • Inside too, it was difficult to separate the lovely dance-carved pillars from the grime, plastic litter and the week's unswept pooja debris.
  • Ambulance services were quickly overwhelmed, and groups of people helped victims clutching bleedings wounds, and others were carried to private vehicles in makeshift stretchers fashioned from rugs or bits of debris. Quake in New Zealand kills at least 65, traps more; shears ice from glacier
  • Their primary rocks were mainly graywacke, debris sandstone and few feldspar sandstone, ext.
  • Thousands of pieces of floating debris stretched for 10 miles like a ribbon of confetti on the water.
  • There is good flint for making tools; the abundant debris confirms that handaxes were regularly knapped there.
  • Because the spacesuit protection only 1 mm in diameter, about the impact of space debris.
  • This is the truck with a giant crane arm that comes down the street and picks up the large tree limbs and other debris that people leave out on the sidewalk to be taken away by the city.
  • The commercial centers on a tornado ripping through the storm-ravaged area, debris littering the blacktop as a traffic light sways in the gale.
  • It had been shattered along with the glass tank, the debris of which lay scattered on the carpet.
  • His scalp was shaved, the coagula and debris removed, and among other portions of bone was a piece of the anterior superior angle of each parietal bone and a semicircular piece of the frontal bone, leaving an opening 3 1/2 inches in diameter. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Often the fractured platelike secretions and crystalloid forms were associated with refractile spherical particulate debris.
  • The garden shredder also aids in shredding debris from punning your hedges.
  • We began excavating on the Acropolis, and the first pit struck the stylobate of the temple, which we soon cleared off, as there was only from one to four feet of debris. The Assos Journals of Francis H. Bacon
  • Emergency teams are still clearing the debris from the plane crash.
  • At the same time, the inflammation causes gaps to open between the mucosal cells, allowing the wholesale penetration of toxins, undigested food particles and other debris into the bloodstream.
  • From beneath mounds of sand and debris, Babylon and Nineveh were exposed to view together with whole libraries of clay cuneiform tablets.
  • With the development of space technology, the cumulative hypervelocity impact damage effects of micro-size space debris and micrometeoroid (space dust) are getting more attention.
  • About fifty meters away, on the oceanfront, waves crashed on a beach covered with wooden debris.
  • Isopods are negatively phototactic (reathey ct to light by moving away from it), and usually remain hidden under rocks and debris. Crustacea
  • Indeed, even the mild intervention of a slash burn, to clear the cutover area of debris, would impede the forest's natural regeneration.
  • As the living coral grows out from the reef, it leaves behind a honeycomb structure that slowly fills with sand and debris, compacting over time to form solid rock.
  • Jack cleared a space for his newspaper amongst the debris left by the previous occupants of his table.
  • All of the members of the Melody crouched, throwing their hands over their heads to fling away the flying debris.
  • Two armed robbers brandishing sawn-off shotguns then burst through the debris to threaten staff inside.
  • Shards of titanium from the wrecked A-12 scatter the crash site as aerospace historian Peter Merlin recently searches the debris field with a metal detector.
  • Dropping aft to main deck level, the walls of the deckhouse are decayed, the inside filled with debris.
  • Within a manner of half seconds, the wall exploded, and out from among the debris leapt a huge creature with slavering tusked jaws and mean yellow eyes.
  • Yet O'Donoghue and his colleagues on Mark Wilson's greenkeeping staff braved flying debris to try and repair damage to the golf course, especially one spot at the back of the 12th green, where a fallen TV gantry gouged lumps out of the putting surface. - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Police had to close two lanes of the westbound carriageway, a mile short of Junction 17 so that debris from the accident could be cleared.
  • The scene of the tragedy remained a mound of twisted metal and debris yesterday as the emergency services worked through the rubble.
  • Mail, keys, change, Peter's camera equipment, books, plastic bags, and all manner of other debris have a nasty habit of collecting on that coffee table.
  • In East Falkland, pebbly sandstones have been interpreted as subaqueous debris flows.
  • Oxygen in the atmosphere will burn with this inbound debris and ignite superheated atmospheric firestorms that will consume much oxygen.
  • Rejoining his attendant, and staying a moment to thoroughly empty the gurglet of water, on his hands and knees he crawled into a passage much obstructed by debris. The Prince of India — Volume 01
  • Falling debris rained down as eight men in breathing apparatus fought the flames.
  • The ultimate fate of most of this collision debris is to collide again with the satellite from which it was originally ejected.
  • If the probability of it occuring is low, with damage to the Pad & local area debris falling potentially being pretty darn severe, it would seem almost negligant as well to not have required a formal S&MA report & Chief Engineer Technical Authority report on this topic. The Budget Road Ahead - NASA Watch
  • In any case, they've had a clean-up of natural debris and the sand is white and clean.
  • The debris rained down for 20 minutes on house roofs, porches, gardens and greenhouses, whilst what were obviously substantial spent rockets plummeted into surrounding streets lined with cars.
  • The rocks Macdonald and his colleagues analyzed in Canada's Yukon Territory showed glacial deposits and other signs of glaciation, such as striated clasts, ice rafted debris, and deformation of soft sediments. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Mitchell probed the leftover debris on the plates Adrian had bussed.
  • In case you are worrying how you might file a claim once a piece of space debris has flattened you, it is worth knowing that this insurance is a joke.
  • Two children in the car were rescued unhurt, and a woman inside the house narrowly avoided being hit by debris.
  • the dentist reamed out the debris in the course of the root canal treatment
  • If people could also clear the gutters outside their homes and premises of debris and weeds there would be less need for the use of strong weedkillers.
  • I am like a shipwrecked survivor holding fast to the debris, awaiting the arrival of the scheduled liner.
  • They need to bring in an extra crane to help clear some of that debris before they want to put more divers down in the water.
  • Several pieces of galvanise sheets were strewn along the shore as the battered boats, some of which were overturned, sat atop piles of debris and slush.
  • The removable front grill with replaceable debris screen and washable speaker cavity area allows users to easily wash away dust and other debris.
  • While other spacefaring nations have promulgated their own standards for debris mitigation, there is, as of now, no international consensus position on this problem.

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