How To Use Debit In A Sentence
There was a reason for this: unbeknown to the Reserve Bank, the major banks were working secretly and cooperatively to develop an alternative payment system that would substitute for direct debits.
One account is debited for the amount involved in any transaction and another account is credited.
Insist that they send you a comprehensive list of all your direct debits and standing orders as soon as possible.
These accounts were debited for the expenses, with the corresponding credit to the cash account.
Alternatively, the page was divided into two columns for recording debits and credits.

The Bank dishonoured a number of cheques drawn by its client and sent a fax contending that his debit balance was in excess of his facility.
Betting on the day is only through credit or deposit accounts, or by debit card.
The technology is similar to contactless credit or debit cards.
The Sun
Merchants that accept debit cards "are substantially harmed" by the Fed's "misconstruction" of the Dodd-Frank law's provision limiting debit card fees, the plaintiffs said in the lawsuit.
Retailers Sue Fed Over Debit-Card Fee Rule
He should set up a monthly direct debit of an amount that he is happy to pay and add ad hoc single premiums.
Times, Sunday Times
Burgravius, makes mention of a friend of his that is about an instrument, quo videbit quae in altero horizonte sint.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Otherwise, beginning on the 15th day, Natural Source Store will automatically charge your credit card or debit card a total sum of $79.99 for the South Beach Smile Deluxe Kit, which is a 1 month supply and includes: 4 syringe applicators, retainer case for storage, tongue scraper, color shade guide and an interproximal pick, which you previously received as a trial.
Salvato librario, et Demetrio lectore, ducatos XLV Francischo fabro lignario mediolanensi habitatori piscinæ urbis Romæ pro banchis Bibliothecæ conficiendis, maxime vero decem quæ ad sinistram jacent, quorum longitudo est XXXVIII palmorum, vel circa, et ita accepta parte pecuniarum, cujus summa est centum et XXX ducatorum, facturum se debitum promittit et obligat, die XV Julii 1475.
The Care of Books
Switch to paying your mortgage by direct debit.
My bank incorrectly debits a transfer twice from my account, sending me massively overdrawn.
The bank will debit your account with any withdrawals made using your payment card.
Or as we saw earlier, the total of debits must balance the total of credits.
Finance for the Non-Financial Manager
Motorists, when they opt not to pay by direct debit, now receive a written reminder when tax is due.
Times, Sunday Times
This would mean that direct debits would continue to be paid.
Times, Sunday Times
We will debit your account as we find appropriate.
'Debita carminibus libertas ista; sed omnis in vero mihi cura: canam quo fervida motu aestuet Aetna novosque rapax sibi congerat ignes.'
The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
Bikes are easy to park, but on the debit side can be dangerous in traffic.
He is cunning and sly (he can remove my debit card from under my nose) and is parasitic with poor behaviour controls.
Times, Sunday Times
Nevertheless, visual debits were more than balanced out by vocal credits.
Log in to your online accounts regularly, and check bank, credit and debit card statements to ensure that all transactions are legitimate.
We've arranged to reapply the debit to your account.
Times, Sunday Times
The bank will debit your account with any withdrawals made using your payment card.
Credit and debit cards provide varying degrees of protection against fraud.
Credit and debit cards provide varying degrees of protection against fraud.
Accipe, Pompei, deductum carmen ab illo debitor est uitae qui tibi, Sexte, suae. qui seu non prohibes a me tua nomina poni, accedet meritis haec quoque summa tuis; siue trahis uultus, equidem peccasse fatebor, 5 delicti tamen est causa probanda mei. non potuit mea mens quin esset grata teneri; sit precor officio non grauis ira pio.
The Last Poems of Ovid
Next February, it will launch the first ever current account that pays cashback on debit card purchases.
Mr Ryan said the practice also debited clients' accounts for legal work without sending them the bill as the rules required.
Consequently, the coal account registered, on its debit side, production expenses and, in a later phase, also the general expenses and selling expenses.
Mr Shaw agreed that, if the solicitor did not post such a debit to the office side of the ledger, there would be a credit balance on the office side of the ledger.
I pay by direct debit so couldn't understand what had happened.
The Sun
There is no difference in price between paying by direct debit or quarterly cheque.
Times, Sunday Times
But just today they again debited my account because they determined there were, indeed, two transactions processed.
Getting burned at the Mexican ATM
Once you sign up, your account will be debited automatically every month, unless you cancel immediately.
Procedure within the financial accounts Many larger companies adopt the procedure of raising a debit note for any errors on invoices.
Settlement is made monthly by direct debit.
The chain plans to have most of its Canadian locations equipped with the new touchless debit system this year.
The fact that a substantial amount of Irish people do not actually have a bank account, however, is a major obstacle, as Laser cards work by debiting a person's account for the appropriate amount when they make a purchase.
It'll mean that if a fraudster nicks your credit or debit card, it'll be useless practising the signature on it as he'll need to read your mind for the PIN to get anywhere with it.
So-called interchange fees are collected by banks from businesses each time a consumer uses a debit or credit card to make a purchase.
Times, Sunday Times
The store debited his account for the purchase.
The retailers accuse the two credit-card companies of illegally tying their debitcard products to their credit cards.
Each day he was in the prison, he was debited a few slips for the cost of his upkeep.
Star Trek The Next Generation®
By agreeing international standards, the debit side of the equation could be removed altogether.
Times, Sunday Times
Some time afterwards he discovered that money was being debited from his bank account.
Before going abroad, check what charges your debit and credit card companies levy and whether they have a fee for cash withdrawals.
Times, Sunday Times
GM launched a program in 2003 that included a direct mail campaign that sent E85 debit cards to owners of flex-fuel GM vehicles.
Procedure within the financial accounts Many larger companies adopt the procedure of raising a debit note for any errors on invoices.
Churches increasingly are handling tithing electronically through automatic debits for dependable cash flow.
Divide by 12, and have this amount transferred by monthly direct debit from you bank current account.
The husband had made the arrangements for the opening of the joint account to which, subsequently, the loan was debited.
We have tried unsuccessfully to get a credit for the failed debit.
Times, Sunday Times
Instead he gave her a debit card, bought her a white fur coat and rented a flat for her in Kiev.
The Sun
Personal checks and automatic debits for monthly bills are a novelty.
Namely, the act's rejig of debit-card fees, the so-called Volcker rule's prohibition on proprietary trading and changes to derivatives regulation.
The Battle Over Too-Big-to-Fail Continues
Prior to the switch, the narrative of the account often reported the amounts in dollars while the debit and credit entries would continue using British currency.
One account is debited for the amount involved in any transaction and another account is credited.
This would mean that direct debits would continue to be paid.
Times, Sunday Times
On the debit side, lenses take three months to settle.
Times, Sunday Times
More advanced services include stock and mutual fund brokerage or trading services, currency trading, and credit or debit card management.
Payment using a debit card has become extremely popular with consumer customers, who can even use their debit card to obtain cash from certain retail outlets under the cashback scheme.
I pay my electricity bill by direct debit.
Thus we learn that here, at Venosa, the Emperor deposited that marvel, that _tentorium, _ I mean, _mirifica arte constructum, in quo imagines solis et lunce artificialiter motte, cursum suum certis et debitis spatiis peragrant, et boras diei et noctis in-fallibiliter indicant.
Old Calabria
Under the new Code, your existing bank must provide your new bank with a list of all your regular debits and credits within three working days.
Da nos hodie nostre pan quotidian, e pardona a nos nostre debitas como nos pardona a nostre debitores, e non duce nos in tentation, sed libera nos del mal.
Archive 2006-12-01
For customers wishing to set up payment by direct debit, the money is withdrawn from their account on the 15th of every month.
Police are leading the investigation into the theft of cash from 20,000 debit card accounts.
The Sun
We will always confirm the revised amount to you in writing before debiting your account.
The debit entries from a page in Cottin's account book have been translated in Table 2.
Each member receives a monthly statement showing either a debit or credit balance.
Does this mean that I won't have to change my chequebook or debit card?
Times, Sunday Times
More advanced services include stock and mutual fund brokerage or trading services, currency trading, and credit or debit card management.
Each member receives a monthly statement showing either a debit or credit balance.
But it is introducing a "paid item fee" of £15 for cheques or direct debits which are honoured but which result in, or increase, an unarranged overdraft.
Nationwide to charge for FlexAccount overseas cash withdrawals
It has refunded all the charges taken when the final direct debit sent his current account overdrawn.
Times, Sunday Times
But as she recorded their business accounts, the story of Moses flitted in and out of her head between the credits and debits, the flasks of beer and wine and jars of olive oil and measures of profit.
He is cunning and sly (he can remove my debit card from under my nose) and is parasitic with poor behaviour controls.
Times, Sunday Times
By the time of the forfeiture in August 1995 Mr Jaura had an overdraft of £3,125 and a debit on his loan account of some £45,000.
Most financial dealings were in my daughter's name and paid from her bank account through direct debit.
Times, Sunday Times
The site will ask for details such as your address and bank if paying by direct debit.
The Sun
You will need a credit or debit card to confirm your booking and make payment.
The Sun
Two fraudulent uses of your debit/credit card on your checking account knowing that you are an unobservant idiot
No interest is charged or paid on debits or credits… Members call up the services they require or visit shops and business in the system…
With regard to the observances prescribed before the body is conveyed to the church it may be noted that according to the rubrics prefixed to the title "De exsequiis" in the "Rituale Romanum" a proper interval (debitum temporis intervallum) ought to elapse between the moment of death and the burial, especially where death has occurred unexpectedly, in order that no doubt may remain that life is really extinct.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
The site will ask for details such as your address and bank if paying by direct debit.
The Sun
Most financial dealings were in my daughter's name and paid from her bank account through direct debit.
Times, Sunday Times
Forms of debit and prepaid payments cards are already common.
Times, Sunday Times
It is simple to set up direct debits to move money from your back account into funds.
Times, Sunday Times
As an alternative to credit or debit cards, you may want to consider a prepaid card.
The Sun
Another reader realised that a three-year personal loan which had matured, continued to be debited directly from his account for a further 12 months.
Anyone who does not express a preference will be transferred to our direct debit tariff.
Times, Sunday Times
You do not need to worry about cancelling the direct debit with the old supplier.
Times, Sunday Times
Sans parler du protocole TCP qui fait varier le débit à chaque émission ou réception de paquet les fenêtres de transmission, de congestion.
ADSL, bits et bytes — Climb to the Stars
It's simple to do this now by filling in the direct debit and covenant on the back of the donation form.
Settlement is made monthly by direct debit from the business current account.
Bikes are easy to park, but on the debit side can be dangerous in traffic.
You can make one-off donations or regular transfers to a charity by direct debit or standing order.
He is cunning and sly (he can remove my debit card from under my nose) and is parasitic with poor behaviour controls.
Times, Sunday Times
There are already 14m contactless debit and credit cards in circulation that use the same technology.
Times, Sunday Times
This will help you avoid banking fees on normal credit and debit cards for money spent away.
The Sun
But another six weeks went by and there was still no sign of your direct debit being increased.
The taxpayer's bank account details are inserted on the form, together with confirmation of the total amount of tax to be debited.
In the United States, when the bank sends a statement to the customer it attaches to it all items drawn by him and debited to his account.
When you leave, you get a copy of your account and your card is debited automatically.
On both systems payment will then automatically be debited from bank or credit card accounts.
As is now done, debits were recorded on the left page and credits on the right one.
Alternatively, buy something in a pub or store that offers fee-free cashback to debit cardholders.
On the debit side the new shopping centre will increase traffic problems.
To be a player in this electronic financial landscape, one just has to borrow and lend money in the markets - create a balance sheet of entries on the vast electronic ledger of debits and credits.
This can be done automatically by direct debit from another account before the money is moved out again.
Times, Sunday Times
Advance payments can be transferred to an advance reservation deposit by using the transfer debit and credit keys. 8.
The resultant figure is a net liability and so the minority interest is a debit balance.
I was told this could not be done until November, and was then dismayed to find the company had debited my bank account for the following year, using an out-of-date debit card.
Most energy suppliers offer discounts if you pay by monthly direct debit.
Times, Sunday Times
On the debit side, Newfoundland gave up exclusive control of its offshore resources.
Before going abroad, check what charges your debit and credit card companies levy and whether they have a fee for cash withdrawals.
Times, Sunday Times
Paying by debit card took a few seconds.
Times, Sunday Times
Those who purchase goods incur a debit, while those who sell obtain a credit; debits and credits are denominated in the national currency.
Je me leve (avec du mal) e me prepare 13h30 toctoc ... hop Direction Reims ... 1h00 deroute je comate dans la voiture en essayant de comprendre tous les mots que Severine debite ...
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
Bingo, your credit card or bank account will automatically be debited and you can toddle off with your shopping.
The new meters were installed and I set a direct debit for 59 per month.
The Sun
Credit and debit card information must not be kept by call centres once a transaction is complete.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet Barclays and Lloyds have spent much time and energy privately rubbishing Switch, in efforts to promote their own debit cards.
Banks in a net debit position can borrow from other banks on the interbank market, but can also seek liquidity from the central bank.
Credit and debit card fraud has increased by 53% during the past two years, with organised criminal gangs being blamed for the rise.
In the United Kingdom the customer's only sources for verification are, usually, the counterfoils in his cheque-book, receipts produced by point-of-sale terminals after use of his debit card, and giro forms.
Is this item a debit or a credit?
Et aliqui sunt homines debitæ quidem staturæ, et formæ, nisi quòd habent pedes equínos, quibus ita sunt præpetes, vt syluestres bestias capiant, quas comedunt, et manducant.
The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
I pay by direct debit - it seems to lessen the pain of this unfair poll tax.
The Sun
The debit column in Boroughmuir's ledger has a few entries this morning, but there is nothing there to suggest they are near bankrupt.
The money will be debited from your account each month.
On the debit side, too many rogues have gone unpursued.
Times, Sunday Times
This can be done automatically by direct debit from another account before the money is moved out again.
Times, Sunday Times
Finally, on the biographical debit side there are the usual miscellaneous acts of thoughtlessness, rudeness and generally shabby behaviour.
Payment by automatic direct debit will further relive your administrative burden.
Iam verò coelestem habere materiam, nemo audebit dicere: Ne forte inde aliquis suspicetur, glaciem hanc barathrum, quod illi Historici affingunt, secum è coelo traxisse: Vel id coelo, quippe eiusdem materiæ cum glacie, commune esse, atque ita carcer damnatorum cum
A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
The total of debit balances of all asset accounts is equal to the total of credit balances of all liability and owners' equity accounts.
Discounts for paying by direct debit are being reduced?
Times, Sunday Times
Payment by automatic direct debit will further relive your administrative burden.
Although I gave them carte blanche for automatically debiting my bank account every month for the amount I owed them, they simply ‘forgot’ to do that for the past six months.
O si nunc morerer, inquit, quanta et qualia mihi imperfecta manerent: sed si mensibus decem vel octo super vixero, omnia redigam ad libellum, ab omni debito creditoque me explicabo; praetereunt interim menses decem, et octo, et cum illis anni, et adhuc restant plura quam prius; quid igitur speras.
Anatomy of Melancholy
More advanced services include stock and mutual fund brokerage or trading services, currency trading, and credit or debit card management.
But as more people began to use debit cards, the banks started to view overdraft fees as a major profit center and started to automatically enroll debit card holders into an overdraft program.
We paid half the asking price and signed to pay the remaining balance by direct debit.
Times, Sunday Times
All insurance policyholders who pay by monthly direct debit must have a credit agreement.
Times, Sunday Times
They can also be slightly cheaper to use than a debit card for buying things abroad.
Times, Sunday Times
However, students with PTSB accounts pay no quarterly account fees and no fees on ATM and Laser transactions, cheque debits, counter lodgements and withdrawals.
Payment is made by credit or debit card and is processed securely online in real time.
It will then debit your bank account and post your purchase to you.
The Sun
A recent development with current accounts has been the introduction of debit cards.
They want you to fill in a direct debit form giving a regular donation to the cause.
Discounts for paying by direct debit are being reduced?
Times, Sunday Times
Sure, you too may have received credit from your supplier, but balancing the debits and credits is surprisingly difficult to manage.
It will then contact companies with which you have direct debits, and get them to switch the orders.
Make sure you settle the final bill with your old supplier before cancelling any direct debits.
Times, Sunday Times
It has refunded all the charges taken when the final direct debit sent his current account overdrawn.
Times, Sunday Times
Loyalty cards, just like the old Green Shield stamps and the co-op divi are understandable but why, oh why, are these stores issuing credit and debit cards?
Another aspect of the growth in electronic delivery channels has been the sharp growth in direct entry (both debits and credits) and the decline in the use of cheques.
Ne - qne mo6 nihil tefiamento reiiquit, fed 3e vo« luit Naficam itfcire nihil fibi lega um; atque ex ejus dolore ac meftitia gaudium fi6i aftVi« tim rifumque dedit So/dum») Seu dotem filis, feo debitam du - dum fummam pecunise iutegram.
Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera
Additionally, the bank would have to override and remove any bounced check fees or other debits from affected accounts caused by the error.
Many debit cards also charge a purchase fee per transaction.
Times, Sunday Times
They say a technical fault led to a delay setting up your direct debit.
The Sun
Once all these factors have been considered, parents will have the choice of paying by the term or by monthly direct debit.
When the payment was posted to the accounts it was in debit, as there was no corresponding asset.
Use a debit card such as Laser which allows you to draw from money in your current account.
The total of debit balances of all asset accounts is equal to the total of credit balances of all liability and owners' equity accounts.
They were also having their accounts debited for short message services despite the messages not reaching their destinations.
On the debit side the new shopping centre will increase traffic problems.
Cashable funds transfer allows the casino to offer an in-house player debit card account, providing another way for the player to easily move funds from one machine to another.
Use your debit card for purchases or get cashback from a retailer
If you pay on a normal credit bill and write a cheque or pay by giro, you can save up to a maximum of 13 per cent if you change to direct debit.
Debit card bundled safe password, data encryption transmission prevention track card being copied.
I pay several bills using standing orders, yet these payments reach their recipients up to five working days after being debited from my account.
A common instance is the forged cheque which, however expertly done, does not entitle the bank to debit a customer's account.
When an item is paid for by credit card, the card issuer is jointly liable for the failure to provide goods or services, whereas those who pay with a debit card may be able to ask for their money back under the "chargeback" facility.
Travellers hit as Crown Currency Exchange slides into administration
The new meters were installed and I set a direct debit for 59 per month.
The Sun
This will help you avoid banking fees on normal credit and debit cards for money spent away.
The Sun
There are 9.6 million bank accounts, a disproportionate amount for the country, but these are accounted for by recent growth in debit cards and cashless salary payments.
Still another computer scans the debit card information, tells the cashier's computer that the transaction is complete, and prints a receipt.
A self-employed builder, he avoids direct debit as his income can vary each month.
The Sun
As his business is largely cash-based, he doesn't write a lot of cheques or have many debits and credits.
This would mean that direct debits would continue to be paid.
Times, Sunday Times
In many cases, higher rates apply for those holders who do not pay their accounts by direct debit.
Donation by direct debit is now the lifeblood for most charities.
It could also be used to set up direct debits or for identity theft.
Times, Sunday Times
The total debits on the account were £2 000 last month.
My bank incorrectly debits a transfer twice from my account, sending me massively overdrawn and making my account unusable for days.
Direct debits or standing orders are liable to make money disappear from your account stealthily, which may be very confusing.
We are often told that we are living in an increasingly cashless society, with internet shopping, telephone banking and chip and pin debit cards.
More than half of all credit and debit cards in circulation now allow contactless payments.
Times, Sunday Times
I never pick up on those small debits, you know - referral items and standing order charges.
The amounts are variable and are to be debited annually.
Does this item go among the credits or the debits?
You actually become a debitor (ph) to the bankruptcy court.
CNN Transcript Dec 26, 2008
I'm using a debit card now to order bulk supplies of allergy medicines through my health insurance company.
All insurance policyholders who pay by monthly direct debit must have a credit agreement.
Times, Sunday Times