How To Use Debauchery In A Sentence
This massive cut in taxes laid the foundations for the environment of social debauchery and orgiastic celebration of wealth that characterized the 1980s.
With independence approaching, the small community was gripped by a wave of hedonistic debauchery that undermined its pretence at prim parasol-and-petticoat gentility.
There was, in reality, a person of the name of Chotard; but he was a man ruined by debts and debauchery; a fraudulent bankrupt who embezzled forty thousand crowns from the tax office of the farmers-general in which he held a situation, and who is not likely to have given up a hundred thousand crowns to the grandmother of the doctor in laws.
A Philosophical Dictionary
I was into more than my fair share of debauchery and mindless consumption of drugs and alcohol.
Many of the British clearly enjoyed a traditional expatriate life of abandoned debauchery.

I'll finally be able to live that life of debauchery that I always dreamed of.
There might be tales of drunken debauchery, late night carousing and wild sexual abandon, but only from other people.
Eugene Debs, the principal leader of the Socialist Party at the turn of the century, declared it his mission to “plant benevolence in the heart of stone, instill the love of sobriety into the putrid mind of debauchery, and create industry out of idleness.”
A Renegade History of the United States
If you're like most people in Montreal, you're probably looking for something to do on a Saturday night that's the perfect mix of the right music, a taster's choice of libations and intoxicants, and a good helping of debauchery.
On the surface, it is a celebration of promiscuity and debauchery.
Embattled mega church preacher Bishop Eddie Long came as close to confessing his sexual debauchery as any debaucher could come without actually confessing.
Earl Ofari Hutchinson: Eddie Long Can Repent By Apologizing for Gay Bashing
Though movies have associated higher education with the lower pleasures going at least as far back as the Marx Brothers 'Horse Feathers (1932), it wasn't until 1978 that director John Landis took dipsomaniacal debauchery to a new level and invented the modern college movie, for better and (mostly) worse.
Film School
Strong "arrack" [10] is brewed in large quantities from the gornuti palm, and the scene of debauchery that succeeds the first day of the feast is indescribable.
On the Equator
Voting has slowed down as everyone strolls off to their debauchery and revelry.
She never had any children, and was not taxed with debauchery: "No man can say or affirm that ever she had a sweetheart or any such fond thing to dally with her;" a mastiff was the only living thing she cared for.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 2 Sexual Inversion
They set up a spurious temple that was a cover for sexual debauchery.
When our father died, he left us some money, which we shared amongst us, and he took his part of the inheritance and wasted it in frowardness and debauchery, till he was reduced to poverty, when he came upon us and cited us before the magistrates, avouching that we had taken his good and that of his father, and we disputed the matter before the judges and lost the money.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Not that my life has been a wild bacchanalian phantasmagoria of debauchery and dissipation, but I've had my moments.
At least in the conventional, stereotypical, Nikki Sixxian definition of the term debauchery, EMP is a “no rocking” zone.
Chuck Klosterman on Pop
They often mistake so totally, as to imagine that debauchery is pleasure.
And, except for a few periods of total debauchery, I've always been so, albeit a serial monogamist.
But the city's tolerance for other forms of debauchery during Bay to Breakers, its annual cross-town footrace, has finally run out.
San Francisco's New Race Rules: Run Naked, Not Drunk
In the countryside, these auctions always took place at inns and they sometimes turned into occasions for debauchery and excess.
His early death encouraged the belief that debauchery and dissipation had been the death of him and he was so little regarded after his passing that his corpse was cast into a pauper's grave in Canongate churchyard.
Endeavouring to safeguard themselves from the debauchery of robbed apartments, many inhabitants of Magnitogorsk have begun to acquire dogs of the bigger breeds like sheepdogs and Alsatians.
The chairs don't make me squirm, the napery and drapery are the only aspects that sparkle or dazzle and the lighting obscures the scars of my years of debauchery.
Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.
I'm still uncertain whether it was sadness that the week was over or joy that my life of debauchery could resume.
He was much given to debauchery, so that at some times the Daemons would not appear to the Speculator; he would then suffumigate: sometimes, to vex the spirits, he would curse them, fumigate with contraries.
William Lilly's History of His Life and Times From the Year 1602 to 1681
Despite his reputation for debauchery, his rumored orgies seem to have been fictional, and the supposedly hedonistic pope followed what Duffy calls a "spartan and coarse diet" heavy on sardines.
Scholars: TV's Borgias saga true to sinful pope
Tales of Titus' violence as a praetorian prefect and his sexual debauchery preceded his office.
And shall say to them: This our son is rebellious and stubborn, he slighteth hearing our admonitions, he giveth himself to revelling, and to debauchery and banquetings:
The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Book 05: Deuteronomy The Challoner Revision
He gives himself over entirely to a life of debauchery - wild parties, loose women, drinking, orgies.
A long weekend at the seaside means drinking, drugging & general debauchery, yes?
The blogs have been very successful, the surprise being that students' blogs aren't all bacchanal debauchery but have included some intensely personal writing and some well reasoned commentary.
Stag and hen nights have become weekends and even whole weeks of debauchery and indulgence.
It's not as definitive as say Ambre Sultan's glottal liquidness or the delightful debauchery of Ambre Russe three spritzes of which could have you doing a field sobriety test, but it's amber in no uncertain terms.
Archive 2008-01-01
Now it's pig easy to go on the Internet and just grab the planet's most scabrous excesses - absolute debauchery - you lay it out there with the complete sterile access of a surgeon or a medical test.
The devil, as an unclean spirit, is working both in doctrinal errors (Rev.xvi. 13), and in practical debauchery (2 Pet.ii. 10); and in both these, ministers have a charge against him.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
We live in a tolerant society where sex drugs and general debauchery are accepted.
The atmosphere was more family carnival than drunken debauchery.
St Tropez conjures up images of topless beaches, the super-rich and their lapdogs, luxury yachts, blondes, leathery millionaire playboys and champagne-soaked debauchery.
The public are like rabid dogs ready to punce on every new tidbit of his debauchery.
BlogHer - Comments
Hit your head on the nu-punk rock at this sweaty day of debauchery featuring tons of bands.
He mentions an area at the end of one irrigation canal known as Gulkana, "a secluded, cozy spot ... (where) much debauchery is indulged in" and offers this parody of Hafiz he heard there:
Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
They set up a spurious temple that was a cover for sexual debauchery.
I am against drinking to excess, but generally take a softer stand on debauchery.
Don't worry, we'll return to the good old blue-and-orange as soon as Baby Jesus is finished celebrating the twelve days of saturnalian debauchery with Tiny Tim up at the Burlington Mall.
Philocrites: 'Tis the season to be syncretists.
If it's a holiday of drunken debauchery you want, this is not your dream destination.
And what is this Black Box, if not an epicentre of devilish debauchery.
They “browbeat and discouraged” the militia and presented “an example of all manner of debauchery, vice, and idleness when they lie skulking in forts,” while the country was “ravaged in their very neighborhood.”
George Washington’s First War
Fraeb arrived one or two days after their departure, and camp presented a confused scene of rioting, and debauchery for several days, after which however, the kegs of alcohol were again bunged, and all became tranquil.
Life in the Rocky Mountains
They set up a spurious temple that was a cover for sexual debauchery.
This is as lavish as off-Broadway gets, with David Gallo's cubistic set, Mark Dendy's hotblooded choreography and a terrific band led by Stephen Oremus, all marshaled by Barre into a crescendo of debauchery and death.
The Two-Party System
Beyond proving that British chavs lead the world in teenage debauchery there are other interesting statistical snippets.
Perhaps soldiers patrolling in camouflage gear don't lend themselves to debauchery in the French Quarter.
They make their student-years but a pretext for a life of rough debauchery, from which they issue with a bought diploma; and, in many cases, satiated and disgusted with their own lives, they dwindle down into the timeserving reactionaries, the worst enemies of free development, because they themselves have abused in youth the little liberty they enjoyed.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 41, March, 1861
If the chemistry is right, they can be fun, rowdy, and filled with a bit of harmless debauchery.
The spectacle that is the weekly toga party can only be described as complete drunken debauchery.
We did not and will not think for one moment to target them even if they were people of immorality and debauchery.
I am off to my sister's house for a night of drunken revelry and debauchery.
Two of my star sign cards in Thoth are Pleasure and Debauchery.
Spooky « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
For many young men, this would be a licence to indulge in debauchery, but Richie was a sensitive soul.
If I had half a brain left after my debauchery, I'd give up the other women, and the W-I-F-E.
Two teams emerged from a haze of weekend debauchery every Sunday to battle it out on the greens of McCarren Park.
Even the poignantly romantic In the Still of the Night comes a little oddly at the end of a second act filled with allegations of drunken debauchery.
There are no redeeming characters in this morality tale of corruption, adultery, and debauchery.
Children are to be found in it as well, waiting till their fathers and mothers are ready to go home, sipping from the glasses of their elders, listening to the coarse language and degrading conversation, catching the contagion of it, familiarising themselves with licentiousness and debauchery.
On the surface, it is a celebration of promiscuity and debauchery.
Not that my life has been a wild bacchanalian phantasmagoria of debauchery and dissipation, but I've had my moments.
If Polanski did anything wrong, and some, I think, would even say he did not, he should be forgiven for a single folly, committed way back in the 'lude' and hot-tub heyday of 1970s Hollywood debauchery.
Nina Burleigh: Genius and Young Flesh
+ Schism and disunion he brands as crimes to be classed with murder and debauchery, and declares that those guilty of "dissensions" and
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
Wouldn't want to get myself so stressed out that I couldn't enjoy a weekend full of sex and debauchery.
Moreover, they had a refreshing ability to avoid being nailed by those same tabloids that uncovered acts of debauchery by British players on a depressingly regular basis.
Many of them clearly enjoyed a traditional expatriate life of abandoned debauchery.
The decadence and debauchery of Paris was beckoning to him and he could hardly resist such open temptation.
Isn't your name a byword in London for debauchery and vice, for every kind of lewdness and depravity?
Flashman's Lady
It is trickery, it is debauchery, it is an attempt to make a box office killing in the name of an artist's licence of creativity.
Only one source, Gildas, was writing within a hundred years of the events described, and even he was trying to prove his own agenda, that the kings of Briton had lost their land to the Saxons through debauchery and godless living.
Pour me a glass of rum and within the vapors rises a raucous and even romantic history of joy, tragedy and debauchery: tippling houses in Barbados in the early 1600's, where British settlers supped the earliest permutation of rum, which they referred to as "kill-devil"; jug wielding pirates careening through the streets of Port Royal in Jamaica, wildly spending their pieces of eight plundered from the Spanish and British empires; independence-minded American revolutionaries huddled in taverns drinking rum Flips and plotting their resistance against the heavy taxes imposed upon them by the British; Americans fleeing Prohibition downing Daiquiris and Swizzles in the jammed bars of Havana; opulent tiki palaces serving Mai Tais, flaming Scorpion bowls, Hurricanes and Fog Cutters to lei-festooned business-men and June Cleaveresque housewives.
We need not be personally introduced to fictional debauchery and bestiality to understand the horror of real occurrences.
When we see so many revolt from the profession of the reformed religion, to the corruptions and superstitions of Rome; and others, from a religious and sober life, to plunge themselves into all kind of lewdness and debauchery, and, it is to be feared, into atheism and infidelity; can we doubt any longer whether it be possible for
The Works of Dr. John Tillotson, Late Archbishop of Canterbury. Vol. 06.
Over the last few weeks I've been slowly getting my life back on the straight and narrow after a year or so of hedonistic debauchery.
For some reason I wasn't charged but several other players were asked to pay their huge hotel bar bills after a night of drunken debauchery.