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How To Use Debatable In A Sentence

  • Whether a family link provides that connection is debatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • If he survived being arrested that is, which given the circs is debatable. Kingsnorth, Battlecat and A Distinct Lack Of Leadership. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Whether a family link provides that connection is debatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is debatable how far the certificate affected the film's box office takings.
  • After a miss like that, it is highly debatable he did. The Sun
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  • Whether a family link provides that connection is debatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr Darling should not compound the original error by pursuing a legally debatable claim that would bring a small country to its knees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Knowingly or not, these critics are mangling the facts to prove a debatable point and in the process damaging their own cause.
  • It's debatable whether the studio recording actually contains the f-word, given the incoherent roar Jim Morrison emits at the song's climax, but there's no ambiguity to the Oedipus context in this live version. Eric Williams: F***ing up the Charts: on F-Words and Music
  • In the end it's debatable at whose expense the lulz really were. Times, Sunday Times
  • Consequently, other atomic weights calculated by reference to oxygen also remained debatable.
  • That is debatable but let's praise their courage. The Sun
  • The elements he chooses to quantify are highly debatable. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He also quoted National Institutes of Health bioethicist F.G. Miller, who argued in the Journal of Medical Ethics that ethical proscription against killing by doctors is "debatable.
  • A District report in August 2009 said that the water flow was low but that whether the extensive damage to the home and its artifacts could have been prevented is "debatable" because the blaze was so intense and fast. D.C. police identify students involved with drug lab
  • The parts are of course separable and debatable.
  • Girl Guides are agitating and demonstrating with their parents' blessing, although it's debatable what use their stick-whittling skills will be once they're kittled into a four-hour stand-off by police. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • That is another debatable point seeing he inherited the players most pivotal to Champions League success. The Sun
  • But last night the Hammers won and took a big stumble towards safety with help from a debatable first-half penalty and a sending off. The Sun
  • In fact, it's often debatable whether it counts as food at all. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is debatable whether an exhibition such as this should show the splendours of a collection or, more historically, also reveal the lapses of the collector's taste.
  • Gerald consented to the filming, hoping it would help others, though to what extent viewers will tune in out of mere morbidness is debatable. Tonight's TV highlights: Celebrity Ghost Stories UK | Dave's One Night Stand | The Chicago Code | Inside The Human Body | The Shadow Line | Psychoville 2
  • Nelson, like the rest of his Shakers team-mates, was seething at the decision to chalk off his late header because of a debatable offside.
  • They had an extra man, had scored from a debatable penalty and yet had barely troubled the home side after taking the lead. The Sun
  • Many such debatable questions raised by the anatomy of these creatures still await universally agreed answers.
  • That they see such norms as so ‘obvious’ and non-debatable is the epitomy of colonial arrogance. Global Voices in English » Syria: Snag Hits Blogging Contest
  • My aim is to provoke a debate on a sacrosanct subject that has remained undebatable for far too long.
  • The term generally accepted accounting principles is somewhat debatable in the field of financial accounting.
  • The monument was orientated to mark sunrise at the midsummer solstice (and sunset at the midwinter solstice), but whether it has further astronomical significance is debatable.
  • It is debatable whether he ever envisaged trailer operation in its accepted sense, with trailers being detached at off-peak times.
  • Leaving aside the debatable claim that a child may be traumatised by being blooded, hunting harms no-one.
  • However, the question of the validity of soft dollars was not a debatable matter until recently.
  • Industry revenue from music sales is certainly down, but whether the internet is entirely to blame is debatable.
  • In terms of dubbing, the quality of the English dub is debatable and comes down to a matter of preference.
  • Why any coach gives such a hostage to fortune or voluntarily offers the opposition unsought additional motivation is forever debatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it is debatable whether this could be explicated in any meaningful way.
  • But the number of forced marriages which it deterred was highly debatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the answer must remain debatable. Politics, Planning and the State
  • It is also highly debatable whether worker ownership is in the worker's own financial interest. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • How much of this is based on migration of workers from other states is debatable.
  • Mercury's effectiveness in arresting the progress of syphilis is debatable, but clearly it had terrible side effects.
  • But the number of forced marriages which it deterred was highly debatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first penalty was debatable just a minute before half-time. The Sun
  • The quest for quality is continuing, but the best means of achieving it are debatable.
  • It's debatable whether or not the reforms have improved conditions.
  • And this is a much more debatable proposition.
  • By dint of its popularity and enduring performance legs, Grease has clawed an undebatable home for itself in the musical theatre canon.
  • The home guard was in good shape then; the old one remains debatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • That is debatable but let's praise their courage. The Sun
  • Whether monogramming is a chic and elegant decision or a bit 'noov' is debatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Saying that Europe’s economy becoming superior to the U.S., then, while debatable, is not “staggeringly off the mark.” Matthew Yglesias » Staggeringly Off-the-Mark Forecasts of European Economic Preeminence
  • The term "debate" itself was debatable: the two agreed on so much that some viewers wondered if they were seeing the genesis of a Gingrich-Huntsman presidential ticket - the gruff elder statesman and the photogenic former governor. Reuters: Press Release
  • Of course such action is always highly debatable and often used as a pretext for something much more sinister. Times, Sunday Times
  • Frankly, however, awards ceremonies do not constitute entertainment of any value, unless you are actually there quaffing the pricey champagne (and even then, it's debatable).
  • Although this medicine has been used to treat heart failure for more than 200 years, its role in patients with congestive heart failure and sinus rhythm is still debatable.
  • Whether his robust style of politics could unite the two halves of his own Party is altogether more debatable.
  • It's still debatable whether the correct modern spelling is Lea or Lee, although the historic spelling is in fact Ley.
  • Secondly, many of his other claims are highly debatable. The Sun
  • My goal this year was to finish with a healthy team and to have fun, (although one's idea of fun can be debatable when mushing and camping at - 50oC!).
  • The status of Massachusetts health care, while debatable, is irrelevant to another in a long list of episodes where Crazy Shelly has simply lied. Think Progress » Bachmann claims Romney doesn’t believe RomneyCare was ‘a good thing for’ Massachusetts.
  • It is highly debatable whether conditions have improved for low-income families.
  • Safe exposure is extrapolated from tests on rats so their relevance to humans is debatable.
  • "I think both incidents were highly debatable, " he said.
  • Whether this exercise in social engineering actually works is highly debatable, but what is certain is that it has negative educational implications. Times, Sunday Times
  • But whether they're serviceable or not is debatable.
  • The undebatable fact is that his films are the work of a daring artist.
  • It is debatable whether decimation be a convenient mode of military execution.
  • Who wins a baseball game is undebatable, but who wins a debate is very much in the eye of the beholder.
  • What IS debatable is who we want as the VP, Chief of Staff, NSA, and other vital positions that will augment her admitted lack of experience. NJ/VA Palin-less? - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • The home guard was in good shape then; the old one remains debatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • While claims that bargain shopping is as good as sex are certainly debatable, these findings help to explain why people are prone to shopping sprees when down in the dumps. Dr. Yvonne K. Fulbright: Shopping For Sexual Arousal
  • This was debatable land, a lawless country. Times, Sunday Times
  • What is undebatable is that as the country's economy has grown, so has its trade ties with Africa.
  • Whether the correct protocol was observed was more debatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's debatable whether this book is as good as her last.
  • As indicated above, this is an argument with conditional clauses all of which are debatable.
  • While it's debatable that the world needs more guys in marabou and satin, it's fine with Prudie… as is pretty much anything that doesn't cause you to be read your Miranda rights.
  • The quest for quality is continuing, but the best means of achieving it are debatable.
  • Whether these foods are actually aphrodisiacs is debatable.
  • So whatever the debatable points of his taxonomy (and this being analytic philosophy, there are plenty of taxonomic points to debate), I think Strawson is on to something.
  • And yes, yesterday they were sent on their way by another extremely debatable penalty. The Sun
  • The elements he chooses to quantify are highly debatable. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Married or single, monogamy is a debatable subject that differs for each individual.
  • Whether the object was used for rituals is highly debatable .
  • The spiritual argument against the death penalty is equally as debatable as the one for it.
  • Naked women belong in top-shelf magazines, not in a publication which should inform on the news of the day (debatable, I concede).
  • Highly debatable, yet we cling to all sorts of spurious reasons for the national team's successive failures. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is highly debatable whether conditions have improved for low-income families.
  • This was debatable land, a lawless country. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, it's often debatable whether it counts as food at all. Times, Sunday Times
  • While they certainly helped raise funds, whether it was entertainment or not might be debatable.
  • Whether such characteristics do define what it is to be British today is debatable.
  • The effectiveness of some other operations, such as middle ear drainage with grommets and stripping and ligation of varicose veins, is debatable.
  • That is another debatable point seeing he inherited the players most pivotal to Champions League success. The Sun
  • Then City were awarded a debatable penalty. The Sun
  • Some more often than others, and unloved is debatable. Hopefully temporary.
  • Whether this latter prediction had any veracity is debatable, as the troubled African country has been in a state of growing crisis for years.
  • Whether you call it near is a somewhat debatable point.
  • Whether these foods are actually aphrodisiacs is debatable.
  • Whether she is right in urging sharp, jerky movements in gymnastics is debatable.
  • Whether this exercise in social engineering actually works is highly debatable, but what is certain is that it has negative educational implications. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whether the current centre is well placed or good value for money are still debatable points.
  • Whether, by so doing, he would have accumulated a comparable personal fortune is debatable.
  • But this view is no better than its opposite: the naïve view that law always has a single, undebatable meaning.
  • Steve: Setting aside the debatable question of whether the Black Law Students Association is really the same thing as the hypothetical White Law Students Association, one way in which the parade of horribles becomes more exorable is that typically, organizations like the BLSA are nominally open to everyone, if for some reason a non-black student wishes to join. The Volokh Conspiracy » Enough with the Ridiculous Hyperbole!
  • But he admitted that the point was debatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • What’s debatable is how hard Obama tried, because it’s hard to do counterfactuals and what ifs. Matthew Yglesias » Different Strokes
  • As I have already suggested, this interpretation of what Britain signed up to is highly debatable.
  • That is debatable but let's praise their courage. The Sun
  • The morality of releasing a dead man's journals is debatable, and the temptation not to buy it will be strong for many.
  • While this reclassification is still unknown, it is a debatable subject as the actual speciation of cougars is debated in and of itself. Archive 2007-03-01
  • Our decision will be final and undebatable.
  • The term generally accepted accounting principles is somewhat debatable in the field of financial accounting.
  • It is debatable whether an exhibition such as this should show the splendours of a collection or, more historically, also reveal the lapses of the collector's taste.
  • Whether their honourable intentions are being rewarded as they might expect is debatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whether subsequent antibiotic treatment will benefit these patients is debatable.
  • Though the actual economic and social consequences of the 1881 Act are debatable, at the very least it must be seen as a crucial step in the gradual erosion of landlordism in Ireland.
  • But last night the Hammers won and took a big stumble towards safety with help from a debatable first-half penalty and a sending off. The Sun
  • As such, Kant's argument here is a compelling and, obviously, debatable one.
  • It is debatable whether it is even possible to do much more.
  • Bawer is quite plainly a talented writer, but he is also tricksy, and he has a tendency to overload what are often perfectly valid points with debatable stylistic flourishes.
  • ’ Scott has grown-up to be a brisk-hearted jovial young man and Advocate: in vacation-time he makes excursions to the Highlands, to the Border Cheviots and Northumberland; rides free and far, on his stout galloway, through bog and brake, over the dim moory Debatable Land, —over Flodden and other fields and places, where, though he yet knew it not, his work lay. Paras. 25-49
  • If we translate anicca as impermanent, the connection among these Three Characteristics might seem debatable. All About Change by Thanissaro Bhikkhu
  • If the evidence is debatable, on what basis can you make an inference? The Sun
  • Templates, Tips and Examples Persuasive essay, also known as argumentative essay or argument essay, is used to convince the reader of a writer's argument (s) relating to a debatable issue. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Those were the formative years of malacology when even the broadest classifications of most of the mollusc species were debatable. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Moreover, the assertion that moral agency confers special moral status is itself quite debatable.
  • This is a plausible, if highly debatable, claim. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Well, I think that may be a debatable proposition.
  • Whether Scotland is keeping pace with these rapid changes is debatable.
  • The premise that this biblical style was started by a French Huguenot teacher even seems debatable.
  • Dylan Hicks began previewing M-SPIFF films a couple of weeks ago and managed to watch 30 movies in 9 days; whether or not his journal is as useful as the usual alt-weekly mound of blurbs is debatable, but it is more fun. GreenCine Daily: City Pages. M-SPIFF.
  • Senator McConnell says it is amendable and debatable.
  • Whether millions of record-buyers will share her selective amnesia is debatable.
  • After a miss like that, it is highly debatable he did. The Sun
  • These debatable lands between England and Wales offer some of the finest walking in these islands. Times, Sunday Times
  • And yes, yesterday they were sent on their way by another extremely debatable penalty. The Sun
  • But he admitted that the point was debatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whether such an increase in credit card use is a good thing is, of course, somewhat debatable.
  • It is highly debatable whether conditions have improved for low-income families.
  • The degree to which a coherent national identity has existed is debatable despite the assimilationist policies of the government.
  • Whether the Ipswich directors who watched him blow his top with the unwitting journalist believe that is debatable.
  • That is debatable, but people who hate each other do not always require guns to vent their spleen.
  • This year represents a reversion to form, with the highly debatable ‘influence’ as the new twist.
  • Superior technology does not win the day by itself; strong marketing, promotion, and positioning are an undebatable must.
  • So evil, cultish, that is all debatable, but him being a genius and knowing what will work and what won't ya can't take that away from him. Cult of Apple - Part 2
  • The translation is often debatable, though, and the work is impossible to read without thinking about what it means. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It is also highly debatable whether worker ownership is in the worker's own financial interest. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • Yet to use a word I hate (standing for a philosophy that leaves me cold), when one "deconstructs" what Posner is saying, when one "unpacks" it (to use another jargonistic word), it may not hold water, or may at least be highly debatable. The Preternaturally Prolific Posner on Plagiarism
  • This, of course, is all debatable as well, but it at least seems like a working hypothesis.
  • * What’s not debatable is that this process highlighted — and worsened — the virtually complete powerlessness of the Left and progressives generally in Washington. Select Links While I’m Away (Part 2) « Gerry Canavan
  • The effect of pharmacological agents on the clearance of airways secretions has been debatable.
  • My aim is to kick off a vigorous national debate on what has been one of the most undebatable subjects in Amerian history and law.
  • Setting aside the debatable question of whether the Black Law Students Association is really the same thing as the hypothetical White Law Students Association, one way in which the parade of horribles becomes more exorable is that typically, organizations like the BLSA are nominally open to everyone, if for some reason a non-black student wishes to join. The Volokh Conspiracy » Enough with the Ridiculous Hyperbole!
  • It's debatable whether or not the reforms have improved conditions.
  • The benefits of this theory are debatable, but I can tell you it stomps capitalism into the ground when it comes to flying.
  • What's at root at the heart of a filibuster is that Senate Rules provide that any Senator who wishes to speak on a debatable motion -- and that includes passage of a bill or amendment -- must be recognized, and once recognized, is allowed to speak as long as he/she wants and on any topic (there is no germaneness requirement). Breaking: Reid Yanks Defense Authorization Bill To Force GOP's Hand
  • The text is clear and concise, although the need for extended detail on the pathogenesis of myocardial infarction is debatable.
  • This was debatable land, a lawless country. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whether we can stay in this situation is debatable.
  • Whether the early Strauss songs form ideal showpiece material for her voice is debatable.
  • Whether we can stay in this situation is debatable.
  • The irony here, I always thought, was that it was the reintroduction of debatable metaphysics that gave analytic philosophy its power.
  • Don Imus was not the blind instrument of his superiors, even assuming that automatist young law professors might be (and might be forgiven for being so, a debatable proposition cf. E.g. Kyle.) Balkinization
  • What’s debatable is given the small size of the far left, how many are just rageaholic douchebags and get off on insulting people and how many aren’t, but just have far left goals. Matthew Yglesias » Different Strokes
  • Whether that's a good or bad trait is debatable, but I've tried to stay true to my own vision.
  • Of course such action is always highly debatable and often used as a pretext for something much more sinister. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the answer must remain debatable. Politics, Planning and the State
  • His societal levels for prehistoric societies are arbitrary at best; he assigns incorrect dates to events; and attributes significance to events that are debatable.
  • Secondly, many of his other claims are highly debatable. The Sun
  • Whether or not preventative care will mitigate is debatable. Can It Really Be that People Are More Credulous Today?
  • Mr Darling should not compound the original error by pursuing a legally debatable claim that would bring a small country to its knees. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's debatable whether any animal is actually self aware enough to know the difference between life and death.
  • It's much more debatable whether inflation of about 10 per cent is harmful. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first penalty was debatable just a minute before half-time. The Sun
  • The question is genuinely debatable, with tenable argument supporting each side.
  • It's much more debatable whether inflation of about 10 per cent is harmful. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whether or not such a market can ever come into being sponsored by government is a debatable question.
  • Here we have a court ruling relying on a debatable interpretation of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. The reason I say "debatable" is that for two other different cases the court has interpreted the same article in exactly the opposite sense. The Canadian Mining Industry
  • This was debatable land, a lawless country. Times, Sunday Times
  • While it is debatable whether Martin deserved life imprisonment, he deliberately took a child's life.
  • Whether the correct protocol was observed was more debatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • While the exact origin of the multimeat Italian sandwich (grinder, hero, sub, et al.) is debatable, it seems the "hoagie" originated in South Philly. Austin360 - XL Headlines
  • This is a plausible, if highly debatable, claim. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Whether this actually does square the corporates is debatable, and rather depends on whether the system results in them having to overhaul their systems every four years or every two.
  • Without Arnie, it is highly debatable if today's prize money would be halfway near its current sky-high levels.
  • Whether he and Dunleavy could have coexisted in harmony is debatable. - Basketball - Toronto vs. L.A. Clippers
  • It is debatable whether or not antibiotics would make any difference.
  • Then City were awarded a debatable penalty. The Sun
  • While the physical connections remain the same, the new PS3 'slim' has the option of outputting Linear PCM through HDMI or outputting the HD audio bitstream, which is (again debatable) a supposed advantage by having the audio stream output directly to an HDMI receiver. Home Theater Forum
  • I think it is debatable whether replacing a franchised mini-market with a large-brand mini-market is particularly a bad thing, although it does serve to further homogenise the high street. West Hampstead: shopping, homogenisation and resistance
  • The translation is often debatable, though, and the work is impossible to read without thinking about what it means. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Two men, whose identities remain debatable, were left to stay with him until he died and then bury him. Times, Sunday Times
  • In reading the commentary it seems that it could be debatable whether the levies issued during that period were legal.
  • Of course such action is always highly debatable and often used as a pretext for something much more sinister. Times, Sunday Times
  • They had an extra man, had scored from a debatable penalty and yet had barely troubled the home side after taking the lead. The Sun
  • Whether the correct protocol was observed was more debatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its independence and competence are both highly debatable, with its role in barring largely Sunni candidates from the March election evidence of a confused sense of loyalty to a fractured national ideal. James Denselow: Justice or Revenge - The Trial of Tariq Aziz
  • Revealed too are illuminating, if sometimes debatable, etymologies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Abruptly provoked by his own limitations, angry, too, with his erratic mental departure from the realm of reason into the realm of fantasy -- for so he called the debatable land over which intuition held sway -- Artois hounded out his mood and turned upon himself. The Call of the Blood

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