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How To Use Deafness In A Sentence

  • But the type of deafness I have inherited is associated at first with excessive along with diminished hearing, hypo - and hyperacusis combined. Dr. Leo Rangell: Music in the Head: Living at the Brain-Mind Border; Part 3
  • In old age she was troubled by deafness and played little active part in her husband's later political career.
  • It is a genetic kidney disease which usually affects young men and can cause kidney failure and deafness. The Sun
  • The couple believe that deafness is a cultural identity as well as a physical reality. Boing Boing: April 7, 2002 - April 13, 2002 Archives
  • Complications of mumps include meningitis, encephalitis and deafness.
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  • We have isolated a new gene for hereditary deafness.
  • The symptoms produced by exostoses are a prolonged blocked feeling of the ears after water activities with deafness and recurrent otitis externa.
  • It takes a huge amount of blustering and a large measure of deafness to defend the sales of British gold.
  • The leaves of bael are astringent, a laxative, a febrifuge and an expectorant and are useful in ophthalmia, deafness, inflammations, catarrh, diabetes and asthmatic complaints.
  • We excused it as deafness and persuaded him to buy an expensive hearing aid (which he then refused to wear). Times, Sunday Times
  • With my left ear painlessly buzzing in its temporary deafness and the roof of my mouth lightly seared and tasting like steak, I retired for the evening.
  • Buyer's deafness: selective, quickly fading, total BLOCKQUOTEage of the audial canal. Sauce for the goose
  • That kind of political tone deafness is a disqualification in my book.
  • From three-fifths to two-thirds of the cases of deafness are caused adventitiously -- by accident or disease. The Deaf Their Position in Society and the Provision for Their Education in the United States
  • They are more likely to have one or more chronic health problems, especially neurosensory conditions (cerebral palsy, blindness, or deafness), and are shorter than normal-weight babies. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • There is no distinction in India between deafness and deaf and dumbness and, because Ian can speak, they have trouble believing that he cannot hear.
  • To school plodding stubbornly through the snowdrifts in short trousers with chapped knees to sit in a draughty classroom in abject fear of a teacher who had recently traversed Europe inside a tank turret and who took no prisoners with his booming voice, the result of his deafness. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • Will he or she end up with some form of long-term disability such as deafness, cerebral palsy or epileptic seizures? Times, Sunday Times
  • A pioneering form of gene therapy has cured deafness in guinea pigs.
  • functional deafness
  • Must poetry always be difficult to understand, asks another querulous voice; the poet's response, to the effect that poetry is a sort of sculpture carved from the stone of language, falls upon deafness.
  • Just over 5 percent of federal employees are disabled and less than 1 percent are people with targeted disabilities -- defined as deafness, blindness, mental retardation, dwarfism and paraplegia, according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Kudos to federal workers helping a deaf colleague
  • Bacterial meningitis is the most common cause of profound deafness acquired in childhood.
  • Except for the felicitous pretense of deafness I had not tried to pretend anything.
  • In presbyacusis (hearing loss) or deafness, deprivation of acoustic input may result in abnormal cross-modal plastic reorganization. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • The older, her bezique cards and counters, her Skye terrier, her suppositious wealth, her lapses of responsiveness and incipient catarrhal deafness: the younger, her lamp of colza oil before the statue of the Immaculate Conception, her green and maroon brushes for Charles Stewart Parnell and for Michael Davitt, her tissue papers. Ulysses
  • β€˜At his trial, Ian was prevented by his deafness from answering the accusations against him,’ said Elspeth.
  • There may be failing sight, deafness for high tones, graying hair, and loss of elasticity of the skin.
  • On the twentieth, pain of the feet; deafness and delirium left her; a small hemorrhage from the nose; sweat, apyrexia. Of The Epidemics
  • When the cause of deafness is not solely in the outer and/or middle ear, high frequencies are likely to be affected.
  • Sixty-five reports of complications from mumps have been received: orchitis (55 cases), pancreatitis (five cases), aseptic meningitis (two cases), transient deafness (one case), Bell's palsy (one case), and oophoritis (one case). ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Neurologic complications, such as deafness, can also occur as a result of mumps infection.
  • This then is the cause of most permanent deafness, to which is given the name catarrhal deafness, because every fresh cold in the head, or sore throat, tends to start up trouble in the ear such as we have just described. The Home Medical Library, Volume II (of VI)
  • Tone deafness -- or amusia – can be congenital, present from birth, or acquired following injury to the brain. Science and a bit of snoopery
  • Their deafness, part of their biological makeup, is inextricably tied to their being.
  • On the other hand, we have political leaders who are displaying a certain deafness.
  • According to experts in the field of industrial deafness, the current methods of hearing protection such as ear muffs and plugs are about as effective as filters on cigarettes.
  • After a lifetime of deafness she can now hear the beauty of music, birdsong and laughter. The Sun
  • Just over 5 percent of federal employees are disabled and less than 1 percent are people with targeted disabilities -- defined as deafness, blindness, mental retardation, dwarfism and paraplegia, according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Kudos to federal workers helping a deaf colleague
  • It is a genetic kidney disease which usually affects young men and can cause kidney failure and deafness. The Sun
  • Treatment is based on trying to control the associated symptoms of vertigo, tinnitus and deafness.
  • Quinine after or during the operation of the pills, in large doses every two or three hours, until deafness or cinchonism ensued, completed the cure. A Popular Account of Dr. Livingstone's Expedition to the Zambesi and Its Tributaries
  • Deafness, therefore, is caused by conduction deafness.
  • Severe vision changes is code for blindness and loss of hearing means deafness. OpEdNews - Diary: Alternative Medicine for Affordable Health Care and Overcoming Anxiety
  • Amikacin and kanamycin may cause deafness, but they cause less vestibular dysfunction than SM.
  • If too large a dose of apiol be taken it will cause headache, giddiness, staggering, and deafness; and if going still further, it will induce epileptiform convulsions. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • Obvious other exclusions include blindness and deafness as well as rare birth defects.
  • Some ten years before, Miss Travers, then a young girl of nineteen, was suffering from partial deafness, and was recommended by her own doctor to go to Dr. Wilde, who was the chief oculist and aurist in Dublin. Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions
  • Objective To evaluate the effect of binaural hearing aids in the old patients with severe and profound deafness.
  • Deafness and failing eyesight are among the infirmities of old age.
  • We excused it as deafness and persuaded him to buy an expensive hearing aid (which he then refused to wear). Times, Sunday Times
  • She would not go back to him this morning however, - the rushing sound being gone, and the deafness remaining being owing she thinks to the ear being swelled from the rough treatment it got. New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • Labour's tin ear for liberty is matched by its deafness to democracy.
  • And my reading and writing was delayed because of my profound deafness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Delves into amusia tone deafness, music therapy, musical hallucinations, imagined music, musically-induced seizures and more. Musicophilia
  • Fortunately, the rate of congenital deafness is small, as is the incidence of deafness caused by disease.
  • And my reading and writing was delayed because of my profound deafness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other things can cause deafness, like being a headbanger for 40 years. Times, Sunday Times
  • labyrinthine deafness
  • Deafness and incomprehension, producing anomie and a reluctance to vote, are the default modes of the modern electorate.
  • In fact the nickname Taff had a bad effect upon Arthur Temple, causing a sort of deafness that was only removed by calling him Arthur. Menhardoc
  • Deafness is a catalyst that pushes many elderly people into seclusion, isolation, and even senility.
  • If left untreated, jaundice can cause a condition called kernicterus, which can cause brain damage, deafness, mental retardation and cerebral palsy. Top headlines
  • Army deafness litigation is another honeypot.
  • It affects nerve centres of the head and spine and produces giddiness and deafness.
  • Cases of deafness were reported in medical journals, as well as aural cavity damage from the insertion of mini headphones.
  • Impatience with non-violence and the deafness shown by political leaders led to the emergence of more militant groups such as The Weathermen.
  • AIM:To probe into the possible mechanism of pure word deafness(PWD), and provide the theoretical evidence for the rehabilitation of aphasia.
  • I for one cannot believe that love of one's country must needs consist in blindness to its social faults, to deafness to its social discords, of inarticulation to its social wrongs. Excerpt from Goldman's speech to the jury at her trial for conspiracy to obstruct the draft
  • Thekey of preventing acquired deafness was to prohibit the misapplication of ototoxic antibiotics.
  • The result is a feeling of pressure in the ear and sometimes deafness and tinnitus. The Sun
  • As a practice nurse on the south coast, I have seen a record number of patients recently presenting with deafness caused by impacted earwax.
  • Deafness is a frequent concomitant of old age.
  • Now if this tube swells so much that it entirely closes, as so often happens in cases of "cold in the head" as well as in constant irritation from adenoids, then may follow a vast train of difficulties -- earache, mastoiditis, etc. -- with the result that the tiny bones in the middle ear which vibrate so exquisitely may become ankylosed (stiffened) and deafness often follow. The Mother and Her Child
  • The Major was discharged from the Army in 1976 after tests found he was suffering β€˜high tone deafness’ in both ears.
  • Many couples with a family history of deafness or disability seek to have a child without that disability.
  • We excused it as deafness and persuaded him to buy an expensive hearing aid (which he then refused to wear). Times, Sunday Times
  • Deafness and failing eyesight are among the infirmities of old age.
  • At last it can be said that the West, after decades of deafness, is slowly coming around to fight this scourge of economic crime that is the gangrene of development in Africa and that fattens black money in Europe and around the world. Global Voices in English » Paris court investigates three African leaders
  • Next time I hear that accusatory voice, I'm going to pretend I've contracted a sudden case of selective deafness.
  • Yet given the current alternatives of bullying, harassment, physical assault, and killing, these fears can no longer justify the deafness of our current pedagogic practices.
  • It can lead to facial paralysis, deafness and blindness as nerves are put under pressure by the bones. The Sun
  • her muteness was a consequence of her deafness
  • His deafness was bad enough that during play he was unable to hear his teammates calling him.
  • Her pretended deafness was a ruse to enable her to learn their plans.
  • monaural deafness
  • She is of dysmorphic appearance, with some deafness and delay in speech.
  • In fact, considering what a common affliction deafness is, it does not figure very largely in the annals of literature. Times, Sunday Times
  • Often, people would offend other people "Are you deaf or something?" as if deafness is a bad thing. You Probably Think This Word Is About You
  • The opposite is true of the less than 1% of the population who suffer from amusia, or true tone deafness. Top Stories
  • Ill health and the onset of deafness did little to diminish Ada Leverson's enjoyment of life.
  • It's one of those juggernaut of fate stories where due to irresponsibility, stubbornness, and/or willful deafness, everything manages to turn out for the worst.
  • Diabetes, deafness, epilepsy and patellar luxation - an abnormally shallow groove in the knees, so that the knee cap slips in and out of position - are other minor health-related concerns.
  • We should abandon our selective deafness, and listen to everything Community leaders say, and pay them the compliment of believing they mean it.
  • When a hearing aid does not give sufficient amplification, as with profound deafness, a cochlear implant may help.
  • When the cause of deafness is not solely in the outer and/or middle ear, high frequencies are likely to be affected.
  • Other types of deafness are temporary, such as problems caused by a build up of earwax or glue ear.
  • The ENT later told Locke that some patients suffer permanent deafness as a result of delays in diagnosis and treatment of sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Medical Mysteries: Sudden hearing loss in one ear was no minor irritant
  • I have heard some people call these conditions 'diseases' while others do not: addiction, shortness, baldness, impotence, crooked teeth, deafness, all mental illness, etc.
  • Mr Jones said the protest had been motivated by the government's deafness on GM crops.
  • What deafness, what stone-blind custom, what overgrown error you behold, is there only by sufferance, β€” by your sufferance. The American Scholar
  • Once I believed that blindness, deafness, tuberculosis and other causes of suffering were necessary, unpreventable.
  • White cats to be really valuable should have blue eyes (without deafness); black cats should have yellow eyes; other cats should have pea-green eyes, or in some cases, as in the brown, self-colored eyes. Concerning Cats My Own and Some Others
  • However, complications have included 27 reports of orchitis, 11 meningitis, four encephalitis, four deafness, and one each of oophoritis, mastitis, pancreatitis, and unspecified complications. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Bannofont reports a case of congenital imperforation of the left auditory canal existing near the tympanic membrane with total deafness in that ear. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • In around one in a thousand cases, measles can cause a serious brain condition which can lead to brain damage and deafness.
  • Twenty percent have deafness due to otosclerosis.
  • On the twenty-seventh, had a copious sweat, apyrexia; the deafness left her; the pain of her feet partly remained; in other respects had a complete crisis. Of The Epidemics
  • We are told that he is being brave in his deafness to majority opinion in Britain and the world.
  • Its not economically viable for sony or any other major game publisher/manufacturer to develop and produce an interface or game (s) specifically for those who suffer from a specific disability, be it blindness, or being paralyzed, deafness, muteness, etc ... octopod Is Sony legally required to make its games accessible to disabled people? - Boing Boing
  • Deafness is associated with many hereditary and non-hereditary diseases and may also result from pre or post-natal exposure to a variety of toxins and traumas.
  • The perfect crime consists, not in killing the victim, but in obtaining the silence of the witnesses, the deafness of the judges, and the inconsistency of the testimony.
  • What can be done to solve the problem of the deafness of mainstream economists toward economic history?
  • Extreme effects of excessive quinine use include blindness and deafness.
  • If you think deafness is funny, you've got a very misplaced sense of humour.
  • Extreme maternal hypothyroidism leads to neurological cretinism, which can include spastic diplegia (a form of cerebral palsy), deafness, and severe mental retardation. Environmental effects on the thyroid
  • The dumbness might be the result of a defective structure of the mouth, or of the tongue, or a mere defective innervation of these parts; or it might result from congenital deafness, caused by some minute defect of the internal ear, which only a careful anatomist could discover. Essays
  • The cause of the deafness is unknown, but has been attributed to diseases such as syphilis, lead poisoning, or typhus. Five People Born on December 16 | myFiveBest
  • There are about 123,000 people over 16 who were born hearing but have developed severe or profound deafness.
  • Immediately, I wanted to find the person who wrote that, shake them up, tell them that deafness is not the end of the world. Deaf is as deaf does. «
  • Many late deafened adults suffer from something I term deafness paranoia. BellaOnline - The Voice of Women
  • With my left ear painlessly buzzing in its temporary deafness and the roof of my mouth lightly seared and tasting like steak, I retired for the evening.
  • The examinate found it so difficult to answer the question, that he suddenly became afflicted with deafness. Westward Ho!
  • In addition to fever, headache and unwellness there is sore throat, pain behind the breastbone, and deafness.
  • It has left his face partially paralysed, resulted in total deafness, and now he is confined to a wheelchair.
  • _ The higher impressive central paths are disturbed: _centro-sensory dysphasia and aphasia_, or _word-deafness_. The Mind of the Child, Part II The Development of the Intellect, International Education Series Edited By William T. Harris, Volume IX.
  • Cochlear implants are used by people with profound deafness.
  • When the symptoms were very complicated, the patient was supposed to be possessed with many demons β€” a demon of madness, one of luxury, one of avarice, one of obstinacy, one of short-sightedness, one of deafness; and the exorciser could not easily miss finding a demon of foolery created, with another of knavery. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • In fact, considering what a common affliction deafness is, it does not figure very largely in the annals of literature. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most β€˜premarital counseling’ is too short and surface-level to change the interpersonal ineptness and emotional deafness that foredooms millions of marriages to failure.
  • The Russian response to oralism differed in important ways from that in Europe and America, revealing a more complex understanding of Deaf people's status in society, and of cultural Deafness.
  • This finding could have future implications for a possible cure of some forms of hereditary deafness in humans and mice.
  • The entire medical establishment was aware of Limbaugh ` s deafness onset; however nobody seemed to grasp that instant deafness is a symptom of Oxencodeine abuse, although it is written in evry PDR. So It Might Not Rain on His Parade? - The Caucus Blog -
  • In old age she was troubled by deafness and played little active part in her husband's later political career.
  • Despite his seeming deafness, he could hear every word.
  • Scientists believe they will be able to develop treatments for deafness due to the discovery of the gene they believe controls the process that enables us to hear.
  • Production line staff claimed noisy work led to deafness and tinnitus. The Sun
  • Noise-induced hearing loss is one of the most common causes of nerve deafness.
  • Treatment is based on trying to control the associated symptoms of vertigo, tinnitus and deafness.
  • Conclusion The prelinguistic deafness children can get better speech perception score as the duration using the cochlear implants get longer.
  • Often, this argument depends on whether deafness is seen as a medical condition of the individual "curable" for some through cochlear implants or as a culture to be celebrated. Archive 2005-03-01
  • That was Jack's introduction to tinnitus, the head noises which are a deeply distressing by-product of some forms of deafness.
  • It was about this time that Beethoven accepted that his deafness was permanent, causing despair beyond melancholy.
  • She suffered partial deafness from birth, a disability which intensified with age.
  • Though just as the Mozart film unpicked the myths perpetrated by "Amadeus" -- Mozart did not die a pauper and was not poisoned by Salieri or anyone else -- we discover that Beethoven was not the unkempt, unhygienic, tormented figure of romantic tradition, struggling, unloved and alone, against his tragic deafness. Debunking the Beethoven Myth
  • And an ignorant "deafness is a handicap" hearing perspective from Huffington Post writer, Michael Russnow, who thinks not giving someone a cochlear implant is "political correctness gone too far. Deaf community abuzz with varied reviews of "Sweet Nothing in My Ear'
  • Next time I hear that crabby, accusatory voice, I'm going to pretend I've contracted a sudden case of selective deafness.
  • This sophisticated stand-up comedy confronts and surprises audiences by shattering myths about deafness and cross-cultural love.
  • This virus causes swollen glands in the face and neck, and can also cause deafness, and swelling of testicles in boys, and ovaries in girls.
  • Complications include deafness, meningitis and orchitis (inflammation of the testis).
  • The leaves of bael are useful in ophthalmia, deafness, inflammations, catarrh, diabetes and asthmatic complaints.
  • Before Alberich, however, has caught the words -- his deafness perhaps it is which saves his life -- Loge has called Wotan back to his reason. The Wagnerian Romances
  • Veda's deafness is smartly played, and Graham's depiction of the tailor shop's inner workings is instructive ... the redemptive ending will please fans of the genre. The Tailor's Daughter by Janice Graham: Book summary
  • But this form of deafness may be easily cured, even though it has existed for years; for, having softened the accumulations of viscid wax by dropping animal oil into the ear, they may be removed by the injection of warm soap-suds, which is an effectual and safe remedy. Popular Education For the use of Parents and Teachers, and for Young Persons of Both Sexes
  • At that point, Locke recounted, he was fairly certain what was wrong: Curtis was suffering from idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss -- sudden deafness in one ear, which affects between five and 20 people per 100,000 annually. Medical Mysteries: Sudden hearing loss in one ear was no minor irritant
  • Anastasia's mum fears that her daughter's profound deafness is behind Oxford's decision.

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