How To Use Deafening In A Sentence

  • It sounded like a dull roar at first, but now it was nearly deafening.
  • The air was choked with smoke and fury, the noise deafening, the attacking fierce. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the silly arguments of those deafening poorly designed electronic voting machines is that there's never been any evidence that they miscount votes.
  • These ruminations are chased from my mind like dustballs when the band takes the stage to the deafening approval of their awaiting minions.
  • Afterwards, Terry tells me he ended up putting in earplugs in between songs, the applause and yelling was deafening him.
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  • A deafening cheer went up from the crowd.
  • The noise out in the street was deafening.
  • The noise outside had risen to a deafening, ear-splitting crescendo.
  • The deafening echo of gunfire roused Lourdes from her sleep.
  • It was impossible to hear anything over the deafening crashing of the desks or the unbearable exploding of the hallways.
  • The noise was quite deafening, and my attempt to block all these unwanted sounds by avoiding the vision was almost completely futile.
  • WE EMERGE into the prison laundry past a guard, WIDENING for a final view of the line. The giant steel " mangler " is slapping down in brutal rhythm. The sound is deafening.
  • In response, the dragon let out a deafening roar.
  • The explosion ripped through the steel hull of Cole on the port side amidships with a deafening roar.
  • THE noise was deafening as a delirious Manchester crowd rose to applaud a stunning home win. The Sun
  • A bright fork of lightning struck the clouds ahead, and the outburst of thunder was deafening.
  • The noise out in the street was deafening.
  • The yaps and yowls are almost deafening, and as other sleds depart, your dogs go absolutely mental, tugging on their leads and jumping forwards.
  • The explosion from the big old-fashioned gun was deafening.
  • a deafening noise
  • The most extraordinary feature of the Opposition's response has been the deafening silence of their principal spokesman in relation to the proposals.
  • The silence of the record is deafening and dispositive.
  • The wolf let out a deafening roar of pain.
  • The noise was deafening in the small confines of the workshop.
  • Acoustic systems have been implicated in deafening sea life. Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Ninety Days of Hell from Decades of Neglect
  • At that same instant, a deafening explosion set the windows rattling.
  • The noise was deafening as we reached the little courtyard and stooped to enter the main room of the temple.
  • I winced at the deafening sound which was suddenly accompanied by a pre-recorded message in English: Blog Fiction | Sci-Fi | Kujira Maru | Station151
  • Walk past a herd of them and the noise is almost deafening. Times, Sunday Times
  • blacksnake," and, with a low whistle, urged his animals, that bounded forward, snorting with fear as a crack of thunder followed, booming down the gorges with deafening echoes. The Shagganappi
  • That is how Mohamad and I ended up in the back of a four-by-four with Alan and a Philadelphia judge named Daniel L. Rubini, roaring down the middle of Palestine Street in a two-car convoy that was painfully, conspicuously, deafeningly American. Day of Honey
  • Her struggling and shrieking was met with deafening, stinging slaps to her cheeks, rendering her even more determined to be released from his death grip.
  • When the time-delayed fuse is lit by pulling the pin, the powder burns, creating a deafening bang and a blinding flash.
  • But none of this excuses the fact that Hollywood's silence is deafening.
  • It's a safari postcard moment: A family of elephants rush together, rumbling, trumpeting, and screaming, their chorused voices deafening in the wilderness.
  • The children mimic her arm movements as they belt out a deafening do-re-mi song of nonsense syllables. Soap Operas, Frozen Food And Convertibles
  • For years the start and end of the two minutes silence across the town has been signalled by the firing of a maroon - a firework-like device that produces a deafening boom.
  • In contrast to the dignified silence from the other side, even slyly whispered accusations are magnified to sound deafeningly crass.
  • We should be kicking Blair to kingdom come about his corrupt practices, sadly all we've heard from the Tories is a deafening silence. Is it Time for State Funding of Political Parties?
  • Aeroplanes resound to the deafening rasp of anorak pen-pockets when passengers are told to fill in their landing cards.
  • Plumes of white smoke and sparks rose into the evening sky as each man o’ war loosed off a deafening broadside.
  • To a bleary-eyed child after a night at sea with the Burns Laird line, the noise of the Belfast men at work seemed deafening.
  • At the opening ceremony, the atmosphere is intense and the noise deafening. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the picket line there was the deafening sound of car horns tooting support, and strikers cheering, singing and chanting.
  • It hit with a deafening roar, punching the ship sideways so violently that it rolled hard over to port.
  • Someone tripped the fire alarm, which added its deafening clangour to the tumult. NIGHT SISTERS
  • An American psy-ops (psychological operations) team outside the city blasted back with deafening AC / DC heavy metal tracks played from lorry-mounted speakers.
  • A bright fork of lightning struck the clouds ahead, and the outburst of thunder was deafening.
  • You walk in to the deafening metronome uncha-uncha-uncha robotic caterwaul, the music almost binary in nature 101101-ing to a crowd of Latino gangbangers, septuagenarians, slumming rich kids and washed-up high school jocks with backwards hats who were just looking for something to date rape. Someplace Else
  • The thunderous roar of the crowd is deafening even when the stadium is less than half-full.
  • No great torrents of water, no spectacular waterfalls, no deafening roars of waters disgorging their immense might.
  • One detonated a few feet from Aguero, peppering him with shrapnel and deafening him temporarily in one ear.
  • Nature decided to put an abrupt end to our finger-pointing conspiracy theorists' dialogue, when a deafening fart emptied from the anus of someone soundly asleep downstairs.
  • The first impression of all, overmastering everything else for a while, is the frightful, deafening din from the conveyor belt which carries the coal away. Down the Mine
  • The chorus calling for the Fed to open its money spigots further has become deafening.
  • The diaphones were absolutely deafening and sounded a 2 tone blast every minute or less.
  • The artillery noise was deafening. The Sun
  • She comforted herself at first with the thought that with the brawling, deafening stream between them, there would be no chance for embarrassing conversation.
  • The shouts of hundreds of pheasants were almost deafening. Times, Sunday Times
  • THE noise was deafening as a delirious Manchester crowd rose to applaud a stunning home win. The Sun
  • She wished she had earplugs; the sounds were deafening, an eternal shrill threnody of nonlife. T2®: THE FUTURE WAR
  • The unemployment queues lengthened and the howls from main street were deafening. Times, Sunday Times
  • The advantage of large headphones is that they block out most outside noise, so you can hear detail in music without resorting to deafening volume. Times, Sunday Times
  • The flight station was instantly filled with a deafening, rasping, angry noise, as if a chainsaw had been started at full throttle.
  • At several points during our conversation, I simply couldn't hear over the deafening thump of my own pulse.
  • At 18.55 I heard a roar from the runway and looked over to see Concorde just taking off - the noise was deafening and it felt like it shook the bus.
  • We have been at the dam in years gone by when the roar of water pouring over the spillway was deafening, and could even be heard at the car park.
  • The most extraordinary feature of the Opposition's response has been the deafening silence of their principal spokesman in relation to the proposals.
  • A bright fork of lightning struck the clouds ahead, and the outburst of thunder was deafening.
  • Its satirical edge was sharpened by the deafening volume. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the stands, although not full, the noise was deafening. Times, Sunday Times
  • My burst shattered the wall above his head as he took the stairs full tilt; sending wood chips flying, half-deafening me and filling the tiny hallway with the acrid stench of cordite and hot lead.
  • As I squeezed the trigger, the sound was deafening, the gun jumped uncontrollably in my hands.
  • The noise was deafening outside the turret. Dusty Warriors: Modern Soldiers at War
  • Are you ready to finally have your most deafening inclinations and desires voiced for you?
  • Contemporary descriptions all exclaim the overwhelming deafening noise of the machines, and the clouds of cotton waste like snow in the air. Times, Sunday Times
  • He returned yesterday to a deafening roar of hisses and boos and expletives.
  • Gouts of superheated water geysered, consumed by the column of fire, each rocketing fountain propelled heavenward by a deafening, heart-stopping concussion that left cannonading echoes in its wake.
  • But none of this excuses the fact that Hollywood's silence is deafening.
  • WE EMERGE into the prison laundry past a guard, WIDENING for a final view of the line. The giant steel " mangler " is slapping down in brutal rhythm. The sound is deafening.
  • The noise in the tunnel was deafening, the dust-filled air practically unbreathable, and in some places the rock drilled out ahead had to be scooped up by hand, passed under the stomach, and kicked back with the feet to men with buckets who, in turn, had to squirm back to the face of the cliff to dump their loads. Colossus
  • Besides the sheer danger of war reporting, these books give a palpable sense of the dislocation and discomfort of the job, the stench of war and the deafening noise of it, the grunge and grime of it.
  • The clamour was deafening at the lower end of the "clachan," where most of the show folk congregated. The Dew of Their Youth
  • Then comes the military réveille, and the deafening 'rataplan' of regimental drums, and the town is soon alive with people arriving and departing by the early trains; whilst others collect in the market-place in holiday attire with baskets of flowers, and commence the erection of an altar to the Virgin in the middle of the square. Normandy Picturesque
  • At that same instant, a deafening explosion set the windows rattling.
  • On that note, the silence from politicians and pundits is deafening.
  • They fired off deafening anti-aircraft rounds by way of celebration. Times, Sunday Times
  • The thunderous roar of the crowd is deafening even when the stadium is less than half-full.
  • A deafening bray shattered the dark, and the forest erupted in front of him with a clishmaclaver of crashing and startled shouts. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • Not their beauty, not their particularity, just their smothering, deafening fecundity. SACRAMENT
  • An overweight, middle-age woman struts out on stage wearing a tube top, miniskirt and high heels to the deafening whoops and hollers of the studio audience.
  • The pound and scrape of feet, claws, and metal talons was deafening.
  • As we continued up the hill, the sound of air being sucked into the firebox was deafening, even with ear plugs.
  • The artillery noise was deafening. The Sun
  • The ground was as full you would want it, the pitch as unpredictable and the noise as deafening, and what followed fitted that theme rather nicely. Times, Sunday Times
  • The modern echoes are, at times, deafening. Times, Sunday Times
  • As they walked up the long driveway, the screams were almost deafening. The Sun
  • A deafening cheer rose from the crowd as the band walked onto the stage.
  • The wooden door burst open as if a bomb exploded behind it, the sound penetrating through the already deafening silence.
  • If the roles were reversed, if Obama were behind by every metric, Clinton would have been coroneted by now, and the cry for her opponent to get out and quit being a spoiler would be deafening. Archive 2008-03-01
  • The freighter's engines sprang to life, deafening its only two occupants.
  • They had scarcely hidden themselves, and removed all signs of their presence to Jack's satisfaction, when the storm which had been threatening for so long a time burst with terrific fury, the air being continuously a-glimmer with the flickering and quivering of lightning flashes, while the very ground beneath their feet seemed to quake with the deafening, soul-shaking crash of the thunder; and the rain, breaking loose at last, descended in such cataractal volumes that, even partially sheltered as most of them were by the dense foliage of the scrub amid which they cowered, every soul of them was wet to the skin in less than The Cruise of the Thetis A Tale of the Cuban Insurrection
  • The chorus of people saying the same thing in conferences around the world is deafening. Times, Sunday Times
  • The noise was deafening outside the turret. Dusty Warriors: Modern Soldiers at War
  • Supporters, many waving flags and home-made banners, cheered on their heroes and often the noise was deafening.
  • At least I think that's what they said because the noise was deafening. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now the noise was deafening. Times, Sunday Times
  • The soldiers were dug in on both sides of the bridge from where they mounted a deafening defence using tanks, artillery and RPGs.
  • The shouting rose to a deafening crescendo .
  • The simulator's visual effects are as spectacular as the noise is deafening. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the stands, although not full, the noise was deafening. Times, Sunday Times
  • The blast was deafening so I knew my colleagues had heard it as well.
  • The support for the British number one from the Birmingham crowd is deafening.
  • It was deafeningly loud; he felt hot air burn his face; the car veered across the road.
  • But he's fighting a slow-motion battle against zero gravity and deafening interference.
  • The hill feels peaceful in spite of tourists: it's surrounded by fragrant pine trees and deafeningly noisy with cicadas.
  • This is just another strategy by the RNC to cover for Mark Sanford, Michael Steele, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and Eric Cantor as the leaders of the GOP need to ask for his resignation, their silence on this issue has been deafening. tiffany SLED finds no 'misuse' from Sanford
  • A snorting sound, which, accompanied by a terrific clatter of old iron and the crunching of road-mendings, had been steadily growing from distant to near, and from loud to deafening, now reached a pitch of utter indescribability; and as a large splay-wheeled, tall-funneled, plowing engine rolled off the Bensley highroad and lumbered in upon the right-of-way, the powerful bouquet of hot lubricating oil nullified all other smells, and the atmosphere became opaque to the point of solidity. Golden Stories A Selection of the Best Fiction by the Foremost Writers
  • The silence from the chickenhawk squadron is deafening. Think Progress » CNN: Goss Resignation Is Complete Shock To Defense Dept., Fueling Speculation Over Backstory
  • I can confirm the crinkle is deafening. dianesmith5 Says: First 100% Compostable Chip Bags to Hit Shelves Soon | Inhabitat
  • We're only a week old, but the buzz is already deafening. Alex Blagg: A Bajillion Hits: The Last Social Media Guru You'll Ever Need
  • Oscar sounded his deafening horn three times and the gates to the yard swung open.
  • Two scenes in particular stand out for their use of offscreen space; the first, a shot of a nondescript intersection, which seems unremarkable until the roar of an unseen plane flying very close overhead is deafening.
  • He defied the deafening clamour for Keynesian stimulus and the dire predictions about the effects of cutting 400,000 public sector jobs. Times, Sunday Times
  • As they walked up the long driveway, the screams were almost deafening. The Sun
  • Contemporary descriptions all exclaim the overwhelming deafening noise of the machines, and the clouds of cotton waste like snow in the air. Times, Sunday Times
  • The quietly foreboding clean guitar and sparse drums point to Pallbearer's comrade in bleakness, Loss, as the first plunge into sludgier territory offers a deafening wink to Pallbearer's fellow Little Rockers in News
  • Was not the official government silence deafening on this matter of security?
  • The ring tone's on, but the music is deafening so I can't hear it.
  • She wished she had earplugs; the sounds were deafening, an eternal shrill threnody of nonlife. T2®: THE FUTURE WAR
  • Families routinely shun other family members, whether through disinheritance and outright withdrawal of any contact or support, or the deafening "silent treatment" that some spouses and parents engage in as a form of punishment for real or perceived offenses. Janice Harper: A Reason (and Season) to Stop Shunning
  • The noise from the birds (mostly lesser crested tern and common noddy) was deafening.
  • At the stroke of midnight the city erupted with a deafening roar of rockets and the sky exploded in a rainbow of colours. Times, Sunday Times
  • The noise in the dining room was deafening - people arguing, laughing, toasting.
  • The modern echoes are, at times, deafening. Times, Sunday Times
  • A deafening explosion and blinding flash filled the night sky.
  • Just then, a fork of light streaked across the sky and a deafening roar filled her ears.
  • Someone tripped the fire alarm, which added its deafening clangour to the tumult. NIGHT SISTERS
  • The voice from the radio faded into the deafening hiss of static.
  • His entrance to the ring on Thursday was met by a deafening noise of applause, whistle-blowing, chanting and hooters going off.
  • All the time six or eight large Chinese gongs were being beaten by the vigorous arms of as many young men, producing such a deafening discord that I was glad to escape to the round house, where I slept very comfortably with half a dozen smoke-dried human skulls suspended over my head, The Malay Archipelago
  • So what's next for Al, a role where he's just a deafening Tasmanian Devil-like tornado, spewing hoo-ha's and drops of midnight hair tonic?
  • The vessel sank after two deafening blasts, which sent a huge fireball and smoke into the air above the city in the early hours yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • The zone has been sealed off since the structure was destroyed at 4am a week ago when witnesses reported mysterious lights and deafening noise. The Sun
  • He stopped speaking, and the silence was deafening.
  • They walked in and the noise was almost deafening.
  • The noise in the room was already deafening as men fired their weapons. Times, Sunday Times
  • The air brakes kicked in, almost deafening her, and the plane slowly came to a halt.
  • The first gives a meaningless list of numbers, or a hiss of deafening sound. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • There was a deafening bang, and a large section of the syringa tree detached itself and plummeted to the ground. Rainbow’s End
  • The current state of publishing does make that task more difficult - the din of publishers competing to flack their latest ‘hot’ titles can become deafening at times.
  • If a moviegoer tried watching a video with the sound off, the silence would be deafening.
  • Music was blaring out of the speakers, and almost deafening me.
  • As I turn around, the cheering cries of the people are almost as deafening as the explosion blows the homemade rocket into the clouds amidst billows of white smoke.
  • Riho couldn't hear anything but the deafening roar.
  • The gatekeeper, Gangler, answered all his questions, and gave him a long explanation of Northern mythology, which is recorded in the Younger Edda, and then, having finished his instructions, suddenly vanished with the palace amid a deafening noise. Myths of the Norsemen From the Eddas and Sagas
  • As they walked up the long driveway, the screams were almost deafening. The Sun
  • The air was choked with smoke and fury, the noise deafening, the attacking fierce. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were thousands of them, and in the water other thousands disported themselves, while the sound that went up from all their throats was prodigious and deafening. Chapter 19
  • There was a gargle of noise, it was scary, my image blurred, the noise was deafening and frightening, as a monster was emerging.
  • By now the atmosphere was electric and the screams of excitement from the fans almost deafening.
  • Even with the earmuffs on, the noise was deafening.
  • The zone has been sealed off since the structure was destroyed at 4am a week ago when witnesses reported mysterious lights and deafening noise. The Sun
  • The crowd was surging forward, deafening him with screams and cheers, more high pitched than not, as the majority of the throng pushing him forward seemed to be girls.
  • Icebergs split off from the towering ice-cliffs with deafening roars.
  • Even as the thunder rolled off the cliff faces in deafening, cannonading peals, a cuttingly cold wind turned the downpour to stinging, slanting, mist-laden torrents, making it difficult to see.
  • Deafening’ opens the disc with soothing guitar chords, bells, and violin droning over a tight high-hat and snare-rim beat.
  • It began as a ballad, crashed into a deafening rock chorus and ended with the singer dropping to his knees. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are no hawkers on the beach; no deafening discos; no drunken louts and no noise of jet skis.
  • At last came the word, and a score of sharp cracks leapt in deafening echoes from crag to crag, and a score of mules, with their riders, went down, creating the most dire confusion. Illustrations of the War in America
  • It was a deafening roar, perhaps the loudest sound ever heard.
  • The music is deafeningly loud and the dancing, or wining, extraordinarily energetic - not to mention steamy.
  • There are constant traffic jams at every road junction and the honking of horns by irate drivers is deafening.
  • The noise of the engines was deafening as they belched thick black clouds of diesel exhaust.
  • For a long second the deafening sound of the shot rang out and echoed through the otherwise silent countryside.
  • However all the sudden the little 'baa'ing is becoming quite deafening ... can't blame a girl for expecting a reenactment of 1984 at any moment. Rainandfire Diary Entry
  • Insert an addictive drug into the system and the din from the second messengers becomes deafening.
  • On the track, though, there's no racing, just the deafening vroom of the Ferraris as they dart past in a blur once every 1 min 22 secs or so, testing the effectiveness of one tweak after another.
  • The cavalcade was a weird and picturesque sight, the riders with their many-colored dresses, their matchlocks with red flags, their jewelled swords, their banners with long ribbons of all colors flying in the wind -- all galloping furiously, shouting, yelling, and hissing, amid a deafening din of thousands of horse-bells. An Explorer's Adventures in Tibet
  • Here are instances of unadulterated female victimhood, yet the silence of the feminists is deafening.
  • At higher speeds, the engine noise was almost deafening.
  • Tom had his radio on at full blast—it was deafening.
  • The noisy neighbours are causing a deafening din. The Sun
  • He recalled the deafening thunder of the drums, the glare and the blood, the moon peering down through the branches like the face of a perverse divinity pale from pride, and the thought that had come to him there, in his sickness and lonely hopelessness -- that while some in a fit of decrepitude and despair might turn to God, others might turn to the oblivion promised by evil. Sacrifice
  • The end of the game arrived soon enough in a flurry of red and deafening hoots of victory.
  • The noisy neighbours are causing a deafening din. The Sun
  • The ground was as full you would want it, the pitch as unpredictable and the noise as deafening, and what followed fitted that theme rather nicely. Times, Sunday Times
  • He hated the deafening noise of a jet plane.
  • The silence of the presses is deafening and the telescreen continues to bleat.
  • The noise was deafening, Ireland were back in it. The Sun
  • The sonic boom and low grumble of the blast is deafening.
  • Someone raised the already deafening volume on the sound system to aching intensity.
  • And maybe fixed windows and air-conditioning will protect sleeping guests from the deafening racket of nesting sparrows at dawn. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cavalcade was a weird and picturesque sight, the riders with their many-coloured dresses, their matchlocks with red flags, their jewelled swords, their banners with long ribbons of all colours flying in the wind; all galloping furiously, shouting, yelling and hissing, amidst a deafening din of thousands of horse-bells. In the Forbidden Land
  • Now the noise was deafening. Times, Sunday Times
  • When we got out on the street we saw a billow of white smoke and the sound was deafening.
  • Deafening car stereos, honking horns and noises like gun shots ring out as hundreds of drivers deliberately make their car engines backfire.
  • Activists criticized the state's deafening silence on the issue of immigration.
  • She wished she had earplugs; the sounds were deafening, an eternal shrill threnody of nonlife. T2®: THE FUTURE WAR
  • In spite of the efforts of the audiological community of which I am a memberthere is still a popularly held belief that deafening music is better than comfortably loud music. Gradins - French Word-A-Day

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