
How To Use Deadpan In A Sentence

  • Those of you too lazy to hit the last link won't understand this, but the key to a successful performance of this story is to remain deadpan. Literary Death Match: Wednesday Night in Washington Square Park
  • His features were deadpan but his voice was bursting with emotion.
  • In conversation he speaks with the measured tone of a comic actor used to delivering deadpan one-liners. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has been widely called overlong, empty, boring, and deadpan.
  • He is a gifted storyteller with a deadpan sense of humour and the book is a rollicking read. Times, Sunday Times
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  • She delivered her monologue in a deadpan voice.
  • He plays it deadpan, with impeccable style and fastidious attention to detail, but of course that only enhances the absurdity.
  • Stiles especially shows a talent for deadpan comedy that very few of her recent films have given her the opportunity to show.
  • The Fates are aligned in the form of the title outfit, led by a no-nonsense operative named Richardson, played by John Slattery in a crafty, deadpan take. Ann Hornaday reviews 'The Adjustment Bureau,' an ambitious, impressive thriller
  • There is something cartoonish about him - dangling arms, head that looks like its rolling off his neck, lumpish face and deadpan expression.
  • The performance style is deadpan, while cutesy narrative resolutions are strenuously avoided. Times, Sunday Times
  • After a brief discussion about the vintage of the decade, Christian Seely again deadpanned “I want to be clear: 2009 really is the vintage of the century.” A tale of two Pichons - peace in Pauillac | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • It's written in a deadpan and unsensational way; the effect is supremely unsettling.
  • In "The Book of Wonder," children's questions are intercalated and answered with touching deadpan: "Why cannot two people settle disputes? Papa
  • Truss's voice is deadpan, her asides are witty, and she is never condescending about misuse of the language.
  • That gallery also includes a large chromogenic colour print by photographer Andreas Gursky, famous for his deadpan images.
  • His Sunday night set was laced with typically deadpan wit, but low on fire or invention. Times, Sunday Times
  • Much of the humor comes from the deadpan bowling instructions voiceover that accompanies the dancers' goofy antics.
  • The story proper is dispatched, with deadpan swiftness, in the summary that precedes the study: a boy, Stephen, was hit by a slow-moving car; his knee was injured, infection set in, and he was hospitalized with a quite severe condition called osteomyelitis. New York Review: The Collected Stories Of Lydia Davis
  • He said:'She was deadpan serious. The Sun
  • Michal Czerwonka for The Wall Street Journal Fred Stoller Fred Stoller's neurotic Brooklynite whine makes Woody Allen seem like an amateur, and Mr. Stoller, 52, has worked his gift into a career, first as a deadpan stand-up comic and then as a nebbishy actor in countless short-lived sitcom roles: Elaine's annoying date in an episode of "Seinfeld," a mopey cousin on "Everybody Loves Raymond," a jerky waiter on "Friends. Diary of a Nebbishy Comic: 'My Seinfeld Year'
  • The performance style is deadpan, while cutesy narrative resolutions are strenuously avoided. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bushnell's writing has similar deadpan timing, taking the depressing and unappealing and rendering it hilarious.
  • You know, we're talking about it," he deadpanned. Will Ferrell on Permanently Joining The Office: "We're Talking About It"
  • [S] ly humor and a certain deadpan zaniness give literary conventions an ironic twist, with hilarious results. The Willoughbys: Summary and book reviews of The Willoughbys by Lois Lowry.
  • The latter work is done drily, with humor of the most deadpan variety; one never believes that this apprentice truly was in danger.
  • ‘Just so people understand, this is an ear candle,’ says Ames, in a stentorian deadpan that indeed suggests clogged ears.
  • A short girl with a big rack, a guy who's lolicon to the very core, a lazy and deadpan manager, and of course a seriously androphobic girl who gets to punch the lead male around. Anime Nano!
  • Having met Robbie on several occasions through his great mate Steve McManaman, I've always found him reserved but friendly, generous and endearingly quick with deadpan one-liners.
  • I first encountered Wright when I was a nerdy teenager, and thought his unique style of clever deadpan absurdism was just about the coolest thing ever.
  • He is a difficult person to read: one is never certain whether his deadpan style and homey phrases reveal a fool or a powerful conviction politician.
  • The movie's deadpan tone is perfectly suited to the humour in the material and also keeps Bukowski's own sentimental streak in check.
  • Nova looked at Mr. Hamilton deadpan and shifted his eyes toward Jocelyn who was sitting at her desk with an unreadable look.
  • This, and the fact that Mike was a competitor, seemed to get Dmitri edgy: his face went entirely deadpan.
  • He is a performer - a downbeat and deadpan showman, but a showman nonetheless.
  • She sings the lead in a voice that's clear and bright, but also a little deadpan.
  • His features were deadpan but his voice was bursting with emotion.
  • His obvious self-confidence, deadpan delivery, and great reactions serve to make him a much better actor than most musicians who try to make the jump from the studio to the screen.
  • He is a gifted storyteller with a deadpan sense of humour and the book is a rollicking read. Times, Sunday Times
  • Driving his point home with a sharp tongue and a deadpan delivery, Soderbergh's is a devastating wit, and he always gives himself the last word.
  • Jarmusch directs with a deadpan tone throughout, always at a slow, sometimes funereal pace, his humour full of whimsy and subversion but prone to moments of idiosyncrasy that slip towards pretension.
  • His story about the book was one big joke, but he delivered it deadpan.
  • But while the novel undoubtedly harbours darker elements, its most successful mode is deadpan humour.
  • There are moments of deadpan comedy, but the discovery of a body tips the film off balance. Times, Sunday Times
  • She uttered this deadpan, as if this was inescapable logic that justified everything that was happening to me.
  • Here's New Yorker cartoonist Matthew Diffee with one of his inexplicably rejected cartoons, from last week's supercalifragilistic Rejection Show (which Diffee co-founded, along with cheerfully deadpan host Jon Friedman).
  • Really, this whole film is just a good excuse for more of his hilarious deadpan humour. The Sun
  • she told the joke deadpan
  • The deadpan performance poet presents a night of stand-up, song and more. Times, Sunday Times
  • They're deadpan and almost clinically detached.
  • Space dust hasn’t changed much over time and there isn’t much of it (Alley’s deadpan delivery of this line raised a chuckle from the audience). 2009 December | Serendipity
  • The man was staring down at him, his expression eerily deadpan. The Honor Farm
  • Neither does the deadpan wit. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's never been the most expressive of actors but here is deadpan to the point of catatonia at times.
  • His preferred performance method is deadpan. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her delivery is mannered: grandstanding effects punctuated by hammily deadpan understatement and coyly rhetorical pauses emerging from a face cosmeticized into a comic mask.
  • A deadpan style may have worked well on film but here it just comes across as underpowered. Times, Sunday Times
  • I took the phone and tried to keep my expression as deadpan as he was. The Viognier Vendetta
  • The incongruity of flying fingers and deadpan faces was fun to watch. Christianity Today
  • But while the novel undoubtedly harbours darker elements, its most successful mode is deadpan humour.
  • What raises these lives above their oppressed condition is human decency, frequently laced with deadpan irony. The Times Literary Supplement
  • If you can say it deadpan and just fast enough but not too fast, they don't even think about questioning it.
  • Whitford especially is a comic gift to any director, capable of the sort of arrogance, deadpan humor and blank-faced terror that Bill Murray has perfected.
  • Don't worry, the combination of deadpan humour and ingenious musicianship remains a winning formula. Times, Sunday Times
  • Director Zhang-Ke's style, though, is relentlessly unshowy, deadpan and undramatic: everyday life is worthy of time and consideration.
  • Stoic bafflement - a deadpan stare into the camera - is Geist's usual game.
  • He had a serious air that masked a deadpan sense of humour. Times, Sunday Times
  • I try to read as deadpan as possible, like an academic intoning a hallowed text.
  • Andrei teases and banters with just about every word, although his humor isn't odd and deadpan like Anikei's - it's lighter and brighter and more relaxed.
  • You can hire us but you can't fire us," he deadpanned, staring into the camera. Joey Skaggs, The Ultimate Hoax Meister
  • He's harder to read, sullen when you first meet him, but very relaxed in Georgia's company and given to deadpan asides that he drops into her indiscreet chatter.
  • He is a gifted storyteller with a deadpan sense of humour and the book is a rollicking read. Times, Sunday Times
  • I ran up to find him lying there on fire while the game noted in deadpan text "Your friend is hurt". On Grand Theft Auto and gender roles
  • A small masterpiece of deadpan wit, it's a reminder of the qualities that also make him an incomparable raconteur and interviewee. Times, Sunday Times
  • The story is simple and the style self-consciously deadpan. Times, Sunday Times
  • I wonder if being completely deadpan is a side effect of eating Monkey Chow. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - This is why the internet rocks…
  • Graham forces the viewer to experience, at one and the same time, two intensely contrary feelings - deadpan irony and keen longing.
  • The film itself is a hilariously deadpan mockumentary about a down on his luck monster fighter.
  • Clips and graphics are stitched together with a droll, deadpan voiceover and often a declamatory musical score, though Moore's ursine baseball-capped form does not itself shamble into view until well into the film.
  • Mark Twain deadpanned that Americans held their presidents to a standard few mortals could meet. Untruth and Consequences
  • Jarmusch directs with a deadpan tone throughout, always at a slow, sometimes funereal pace, his humour full of whimsy and subversion but prone to moments of idiosyncrasy that slip towards pretension.
  • His friends talk of his teasing, deadpan style. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. McCain deadpanned, “I was trying to hear through the wall.” Who Knew What When? - The Caucus Blog -
  • Levy is dazed and robotic, and O'Hara is subtle and deadpan sly.
  • The story is simple and the style self-consciously deadpan. Times, Sunday Times
  • A deadpan style may have worked well on film but here it just comes across as underpowered. Times, Sunday Times
  • She has assumed the role of a musical Charlie Chaplin trapped in the giant gears of Modern Times, as well as a keyboard-sampler artist with the deadpan efficiency of Buster Keaton commandeering The General. Rodney Punt: Annie Gosfield in Concert -- The Industrial Age Goes Avant-Garde
  • Russel Crow cannot summon even a small fraction of the talent that existed in Errol Flynn. cavine errol flynn did it with style and a smile, which immortalized the character. costner deadpanned it which left audiences cold. all that was needed was for crowe to bring humor, swagger and swashbuckle into this role. this trailer shows none of that. so right now its looking a straight clone of maximus. this is gladiator 2. why not just call it that? Final Epic Robin Hood Movie Trailer | /Film
  • The humour is so deadpan and silly that you have to laugh. Times, Sunday Times
  • He remains fully aware of the daffiness of his job and uses frequent deadpanning — and disguise — to cope with it. Times, Sunday Times
  • She succeeds in telling her story without a tinge of self-pity, but with deadpan wit. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a strange, deadpan, yet brutal and even hysterical way, the play seems to be recapitulating all the debates about the relationship between life and art of the past century and a half.
  • He remains a grand master of machinegun rhymes and deadpan northern wit. Times, Sunday Times
  • But even as Coughlin walked with a noticeable limp Monday, and said his morning runs will have to be curtailed, he joked about it his condition too, deadpanning that Ware was "no longer with the team" and laughing at the idea he'd bother with an MRI. Tuck Awakens and So Do the Giants
  • Duncan is too pathetic; Annie is too deadpan; Tucker is too broodily good-looking (in my imagination at least); and sideline characters, like Annie's tragic shrink, Malcolm, and Tucker's embittered love-child, Lizzie, are too hilarious to be left theatrically unrealized. Katya Wachtel: HuffPo Review: Nick Hornby's, Juliet, Naked
  • The humour is so deadpan and silly that you have to laugh. Times, Sunday Times
  • The deadpan humour behind their stone-faced radical posturing and deliberately obtuse lyrics were certainly overlooked by many.
  • The deadpan expression he wears in almost every scene might seem like heroic stoicism, but it's also the face of deep denial.
  • He had a serious air that masked a deadpan sense of humour. Times, Sunday Times
  • David Line, singer with the underrated alternative popsters, was not exaggerating with his deadpan greeting.
  • Don't be alarmed, however: fans of Vile's distinctive deadpan mumbling and the band's gently rolling and Dylanesque guitar rock will still find their constituency represented – simply stated in a larger and arguably more self-confident fashion. This week's new live music
  • Macy himself proves to have a way with the deadpan one-liner, delivering a typically spot-on performance. William H. Macy On The Trials And Troubles Of Making ‘The Deal’ » MTV Movies Blog
  • I have a really good deadpan, and while matastas has many fine skills, he will be first to tell you that reading Scandosotan deadpan is not on the list. Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • What raises these lives above their oppressed condition is human decency, frequently laced with deadpan irony. The Times Literary Supplement
  • You'll never see a movie with more deadpan, underemphasized humor in it than this one.
  • Since deadpan is the way in 3-5 days I should have one in my grubby paws. TeeDee – Salesman of the year!
  • He's slightly detached, everything delivered in deadpan Liverpudlian tones, like he's doing some spoof of Ringo Starr.
  • You'll never see a movie with more deadpan, underemphasized humor in it than this one.
  • Bill Murray affirms himself as a true incarnation of insincerity in the briefest of cameos, deadpanning the line "Honestly, I wouldn't miss this for the world" at a lame party.
  • His Sunday night set was laced with typically deadpan wit, but low on fire or invention. Times, Sunday Times
  • The next song, ‘All the Arms Around You’, wraps Diers's deadpan vocals with the ideal accoutrement: ringing chimes!
  • Its deadpan rhythms and knowing vignettes (you never want to be called into the boss's office to be told you're doing a fantastic job because it's sure to mean a layoff is imminent) remind me of a favorite novel of the 1970s, Renata Adler's Speedboat. August 2007
  • He showed a sly, deadpan humor as Legolas in Lord of the Rings and even as the stalwart and overserious Will Turner, straight man to Johnny Depp's Captain Jack Sparrow, he had flashes of wit and the devil may care attitude that all swashbuckling heroes must have in the face of impossible odds. Lance Mannion:
  • His acting abilities were atrocious and he was given deadpan parts because of it, but over the years with a fair bit of elocution and acting lessons, he became areally good actor blog comments powered by Disqus Jason Momoa is the New Conan the Barbarian | /Film
  • There is a sublimely deadpan scene of Hunter and Arquette sitting around watching crash-test-dummy videos.
  • He reckoned that seeing comics laughing at their own jokes influenced his own deadpan style. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's never been the most expressive of actors but here is deadpan to the point of catatonia at times.
  • In fact, Sheen had most of the best lines, although I could be prejudiced by the fact that he has one of the best deadpan deliveries in the business.
  • Otherwise, if they just do what I call a deadpan interpretation, you miss the emphasis and you miss the real importance of what your Russian counterpart is saying. The Downing Street Years
  • Its lush harmonic arrangements conceal some vituperative and downright nasty lyrics, delivered in a deceptively deadpan manner.
  • The dry, sharp wit of Enid's constant observations are matched by the deadpan outlandishness of the parade of off-centre characters she comes into contact with.
  • His preferred performance method is deadpan. Times, Sunday Times
  • But even as Coughlin walked with a noticeable limp Monday, and said his morning runs will have to be curtailed, he joked about it his condition too, deadpanning that Ware was "no longer with the team" and laughing at the idea he'd bother with an MRI. Tuck Awakens and So Do the Giants
  • The last picture, a deadpan rear view of a pinheaded clown with large, circular ears, looks convincingly like a collaboration between Philip and Don.
  • Lewis took his lead from the atmosphere around him and delivered his instructions deadpan.
  • Really, this whole film is just a good excuse for more of his hilarious deadpan humour. The Sun
  • She succeeds in telling her story without a tinge of self-pity, but with deadpan wit. Times, Sunday Times
  • He remains a grand master of machinegun rhymes and deadpan northern wit. Times, Sunday Times
  • What more can you say about a gangsta rap superstar who spits, deadpan: ‘Hokey pokey dopey lokey okey dokey’?
  • With a schlubby, mustachioed Matt Damon and his part-trivial part-fantasy deadpan voiceover, Soderbergh is putting the impishness of his title character front and center. Damon is best thing about “The Informant!” » Scene-Stealers
  • His friends talk of his teasing, deadpan style. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dave Griffiths presents his film and lightbox installation Seer's Catalogue, a series of variations on a theme that, with deadpan earnestness, takes in primordial myth and post-nuclear apocalypse, accompanied with a melodramatic voiceover: "They penetrated my eyes … I needed to find an explanation … So I peered in their nests … That was my downfall …" The film is a flickering collage of naff B-movie sequences overlaid with a faded soundtrack. This week's new exhibitions
  • Despite his deadpan expression, I could tell that he was pleased.
  • The deadpan performance poet presents a night of stand-up, song and more. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is a gifted storyteller with a deadpan sense of humour and the book is a rollicking read. Times, Sunday Times
  • Deadpan humour abounds and the curmudgeonly Fin has a whole repertoire of exasperated sighs and steely stares as he attempts to bite the hand of friendship.
  • A small masterpiece of deadpan wit, it's a reminder of the qualities that also make him an incomparable raconteur and interviewee. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was perfectly cast as the marquise Eloise and her dry, deadpan humour was a joy to behold.
  • The deadpan vocals are suitably dark but lack the power to cut through the layers of underwater guitar and bass.
  • Neither does the deadpan wit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Manson's deadpan seriousness in wailing these corkers out, banshee style, detracts from the album's good points, namely its well-mixed beats and darkly atmospheric sounds.
  • Don't worry, the combination of deadpan humour and ingenious musicianship remains a winning formula. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dry, sharp wit of Enid's constant observations are matched by the deadpan outlandishness of the parade of off-centre characters she comes into contact with, which inspire them.
  • I mean Dennis Miller was a deadpan comic, but rush is the best deadpanner yet, His comic is so genius people take him seriously. Think Progress » ABC’s relationship with the right-wing.
  • The incongruity of flying fingers and deadpan faces was fun to watch. Christianity Today
  • I don't think I was prepared for how deadpan funny she is.
  • He speaks slowly and deliberately, deadpan and measured.
  • deadpan humor
  • Tsai's mood is absolutely unique because it can be deeply sad and deadpan funny, highly metaphorical and stubbornly concrete at the same time.
  • Even as her voice drips sarcasm, her deadpan expression doesn't change.
  • He is a gifted storyteller with a deadpan sense of humour and the book is a rollicking read. Times, Sunday Times
  • Affecting a very strong accent and playing most of his scenes in a kind of deadpan sincerity, he attempts to achieve a sense of inner peace while at the same time exuding a silent power.
  • Harrison intentionally deadpanned the narration because he wanted it NOT used.
  • Graham forces the viewer to experience, at one and the same time, two intensely contrary feelings - deadpan irony and keen longing.
  • ‘I hope that Roy Keane is not playing,’ says Arveladze deadpan while shifting his gaze.
  • Do you suppose Kleinzahler actually wrote "The humor is deadpan, ironical, playfully depreciating" or is that last word a mistranscription of "deprecating"? NO USE WHATEVER.
  • The actors move as though struck with severe stage fright: wooden, deadpan and without any remote glimmer of expression.
  • The point of this item is to celebrate the wit and glorious non-wisdom of Brittany S. Pearce, played by Heather Morris with a killer deadpan that this week exploded in ferocious dance and song. Matt's TV Week in Review
  • Jacobi is a deadpan therapist for an angry couple, played by Whitaker and Williams, who fail to understand the conventions of the counsellor-counsellee relationship; there is a masked killer pursuing a screaming girl; a married couple of children's entertainers in clown makeup suffer a full-scale nervous breakdown leaving a party; a bizarre quartet of sado-masochism enthusiasts advertise themselves on the kind of German TV ad you might see in a hotel room. The Guardian World News
  • Drop something deadpan, wait a couple of beats with a blank face, and let the humor roll.
  • The editing is swift but unobtrusive and the images are crisp and glossy, while the blatantly phony sets provide the perfect backdrop for both McKinney's chipper deadpan and the hyper-theatrical melodramatics of his costars.
  • The Guam population is currently about 175,000 and, again, with 8,000 Marines and their families, that is an addition of about 25,000 more into the population, Willard deadpanned. Congressman clarifies island tipping comment
  • Newsreaders are expected to deliver stories deadpan.
  • Allen is a real deadpan. He is not good at playing a part in comedy.
  • The blockheaded "cameraman," Hud (T.J. Miller), offers a humorously deadpan commentary throughout and deals with his own unrequited affection for a woman (Lizzy Caplan). Archive 2008-01-01
  • Looking out over a million square miles or so of Indian Ocean, I kept my expression deadpan.
  • There was a good deal of narrative alternating with enactment, all presented in an understated, even deadpan, style.
  • He reckoned that seeing comics laughing at their own jokes influenced his own deadpan style. Times, Sunday Times
  • This deadpan, plain-spoken style makes Jason's spoken word performances impressive, and not for their props, use of music or any other additions.
  • Pollsters themselves, and the media who report their findings deadpan, are partly responsible for this.
  • But instead of hanging himself with his white belt, he signed up for acting lessons, where he honed a special brand of chopsocky comedy and deadpan delivery that has proven to be a deadly combination at the Asian box office.
  • But the face expresses the same deadpan ferocity as the film.
  • The style here is more emotive than Swift's, but in his deadpan explanatory notes ( "This is a rural English custom designed to eliminate aged and bedfast dependents") there is a Swiftian factuality. Déjeuner sur l'Herbe
  • His expression was deadpan, but I detected the anger.
  • While Spike Lee favourite Davis's deadpan performance as JFK is great, Campbell's portrayal of the ornery old Elvis steals the film.
  • Done in charcoal and displaying occasional smudges, these drawings are unabashedly hand-drawn, but the images are as deadpan as ever.
  • He said it in a deadpan, which is pretty much how he says everything, but it might have been a helpful statement nonetheless. FreeFest: Pavement plays for the devotees
  • You know that face – deadpan, with a normal sarcastic delivery.
  • Ellis's colors are equally denatured, deadpan and flattened; although at times a kind of cinematic backlighting illuminates them and gives them dimension.
  • Bubbling over with bright ideas, visual flourishes and deadpan drollery, this is a film of wry smiles and poignant moments.
  • The man was staring down at him, his expression eerily deadpan. The Honor Farm
  • There are moments of deadpan comedy, but the discovery of a body tips the film off balance. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said:'She was deadpan serious. The Sun
  • Rolling her eyes, Mira remained deadpan, her face as expressionless as an empty platter.
  • Not without its playfulness and deadpan jokes, the uprooted Malay setting serves for a far more morose, empty and searching film, one whose suffusion with the dripping evening heat, lumberingly slow bodily movement, and general languor serve out the dance between the immigrants in a kind of humid, sorrowful slow motion. GreenCine Daily: I Don't Want to Sleep Alone.
  • In 2000 he organised a counter-exhibition to the Shanghai bienniale, with the blunt English title "Fuck Off", a phrase deadpanned into Chinese as "Unco-operative Approach". Ai Weiwei: the dissident artist
  • It has that magical charm of youthful curiosity mixed with dark deadpan humour.

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