How To Use Dead-on In A Sentence
Her loopy, funny voice is a dead-on mix of desire and ignorance.
The satire isn't mean, though it is dead-on: one brilliant sketch takes the restaurant trend of local foodism to its logical extreme, when a pair of diners decide they must visit the home farm of their chicken dinner before ordering it and find that, in this case, the cult of the locavore is literally a cult. Top Stories
He's dead-on that it's "porky goodness", though the phrase, which he uses just a bit too often, is as grating to my ears as his nemesis 'fave, "yummo".
Williams has undeniable energy, and does dead-on imitations of the Cowardly Lion, Jiminy Cricket and other pop icons.
Not since The Informers, based catatonically on the idiotic Bret Easton Ellis book, has the screen unleashed a Hollywood abortion as dismal and dead-on-arrival as Shrink.
That allusive, indirect style Westlake assigns to himself gives him plenty of room and time to wander away from his plot and work in wry but dead-on descriptions of people and how they live, the work they do, the things they surround themselves with, the places they go, their eccentricities and vanities and various insanities.
Drowned Hopes
a dead-on feel for characterization
Chekhov's wry humour and dead-on powers of observation are a perfect fit with the clown-inspired style of Toronto's Theatre Smith-Gilmour.
Talladega Nights is a more refined version of the kind of anarchic, semi-improvised comedy that we saw in Anchorman, with the added bonus of being a dead-on pastiche of the Hollywood biopic genre.
Nothing Geoff Dyer has written before is as wonderfully unbridled, as dead-on in evocation of place, longing, and the possibility of neurotic enlightenment, as irrepressibly entertaining as Jeff in Venice, Death in Varanasi.
BookBrowse Previews April Books
But even if the portrayal were as “dead-on” as The Times assures us it is, that portrayal is hardly neutral.
Mad About Mad Men
What's not in dispute is the dead-on impression played by Urbanski, a Hollywood producer ( "The Contender") and occasional guest host on Rush Limbaugh's radio show.
The Larry Summers moment in "The Social Network," and how actor Douglas Urbanski nailed it
For the most part, though, Fey hits her target dead-on.
That basic sentiment, I have found, has been dead-on .
However, while I woefully miscalculated the percentage points, I was dead-on in my place predictions.
Some people felt that Tom Hanks was miscast, but I thought he was dead-on, because it's a father and son story.
As a kid I was blown away by the scale, and as an adult I'm sent into convulsions of laughter at his always dead-on commentary on our world.
Your opening and closing lines are 100% dead-on about it being the best possible movie that can be wrung from a video game yet being unable to overcome the fact that it was written for the Playstation.
REVIEW: Silent Hill « the balcony fool
It was a dead-on show stopper that left me appreciating these California boys who may have lost some of their previous edge on the latest album but who can still play some amazing music!
She avoids big scenes...preferring to rely on small gestures and dead-on dialogue
Then again, the word "lying" is dead-on accurate as well.
Kerry endorses in PA despite spectre of 'swift boat' tactics
Contrast is always strong and for a movie where everything takes place at night, blacks are dead-on solid with no bleed or shimmer.
With its frontal perspective, the monumental wave confronts the viewer dead-on, boldly asserting its pure, natural energy.
The bleeding sucker is a dead-on imitation of a real sucker, which happens to be a main forage item for the larger pike and muskies in the Allegheny.
Favorite Lures of the Pike Guides
The only way to get closer to the source would be to animate it; it's a dead-on, uncompromising tribute.
I never dilate, even with drugs and the nurse cheerfully informed me as I was being wheeled in for my 1st C-Section that I would have been one of those dead-on-the-trail mothers if I was giving birth in a wagon train.
A Good Birth | Her Bad Mother
Their dialog is hilarious, and dead-on for two guys who have known each other forever, long enough to give each other a line of bull about each and every subject.
Dusk Before the Dawn » 2009 » July
He also sprinkles a ton of real Hollywood names throughout his book - and seems to be dead-on accurate with most of the way he uses those names.
Her rhythms were dead-on crisp and accurate, and she brought out all the color and exuberance the score demands.
I think his point about the two movies within the movie jarring is dead-on. (
Intertribal: kick ass
This dead-on take on childhood shenanigans ends on a high note, with the penitent David (he broke a vase with a baseball) enfolded in his mother's arms as she assures him, "Yes, David...I love you.
I'm not coherent and relevant at the best of times, if I'm dead-on-my-feet tired it's even worse.
I remember her hands started to shake around the paper she was holding, but she stared at me dead-on.
The mind no longer needs to invent its reality-the reality is in its face, rapidly approaching dead-on.
Textural clarity requires rhythmic precision, knowing the important line at any point in the score, dead-on intonation, and the ability to sing lightly and incisively at the same time.