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How To Use Dead-end In A Sentence

  • Too late to worry about that now, thought Dale, and swung the Toyota off the dead-end road into the snowy and brambled yard of the abandoned farmhouse. A Winter Haunting
  • Others, regardless of their wounds, destitution, or dead-end occupations received disability benefits, but no invitation to retrain for new careers.
  • The new highway dead-ended their lane.
  • Learn from this that a happy future lies in working on any difficulties in your marriage, not a dead-end affair. The Sun
  • The line feeds into dead-end lane, with verges pink with nodding water avens, and finally, another batch of buttercup meadows where every golden head faced west to the sinking sun.
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  • I wish that FDL agreed with me and Chait and Paul Krugman and the SEIU and the NAACP about health care rather than taking its counterproductive dead-ender stance. Matthew Yglesias » How Many Divisions Has Jane Hamsher?
  • Father Stone drove the twenty miles from the nearest off-rez town, eastward on the spruce- and swamp-lined two-lane county road that dead-ended at the rez.
  • He said he wouldn't want to guide a Marine into a low-paying, dead-end job.
  • (Century, £20), is the story of his first years on tour and still only takes him up to 30; the enthusiasm that was so winning when he was a comic wannabe in dead-end jobs becomes wearing here, and the best moments offer glimpses of a tougher, sarkier side. Books news, reviews and author interviews |
  • He got himself under control and threw out a dead-end remark. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • Thus the tasty new banana was spared from an otherwise unavoidable evolutionary dead-end.
  • He lives at home with his parents, he's stuck in a dead-end job, and he wears really dorky glasses.
  • Unfortunately, that alley is mostly a dead-end affair. Marshall Fine: HuffPost Review: Wild Target
  • If your brother is not the sort to settle down, she may realise that theirs is a dead-end affair. The Sun
  • She has done you a favour by ending this dead-end affair. The Sun
  • stuck in a dead-end job
  • “I wish that FDL agreed with me and Chait and Paul Krugman and the SEIU and the NAACP about health care rather than taking its counterproductive dead-ender stance.” Matthew Yglesias » How Many Divisions Has Jane Hamsher?
  • Animatronics was becoming a bit of a dead-end career. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'll ask him what happened to those bitter-enders and the dead-enders the Pentagon used to talk about.
  • They know the life of a prodigal is a dead-end street. Christianity Today
  • One-way streets intersect with two-way streets, dead-ending in cul-de-sacs that turn around into glorietas, - traffic circles going nowhere. Aqui es México
  • Since then, Mann has made two albums in a row of glorious melodies matched to grim sagas of addiction, dud relationships and dead-ends.
  • End this dead-end secret affair before you get more hurt. The Sun
  • In Stand By Me, Phoenix played a bruiser who knew he deserved better than a dead-end future, but was smart enough to know he wouldn't get it.
  • I do work in partnerships and it often works - mainly around diverting young people away from the dead-end lives their bringing-up destined them for. Get In Line « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The other influence is the realization that formalism is ‘a dead-end street.’
  • This is a dead-end affair that's going nowhere. The Sun
  • Because person-to-person transmission does not occur, humans are therefore considered dead-end hosts.
  • The continual ‘happy-clappy’ attitude of the left's revivalism and its dead-end sect perspectives irked him.
  • The route drops to a dead-end road called Smearbottom Lane further uphill, but downhill it becomes Hawthorns Lane and we took its very steep and metalled surface.
  • But this positivism is a dead-end: The same impulse of stripping away conceit characterized modern architecture. The Dangers of Architectural Positivism
  • Has our relationship hit a dead-end? The Sun
  • Said climb is up to Fremington Edge, the landmass that dominates Reeth, an ascent to 1,500 feet, quite steep, on metalled dead-end road barely wide enough for a car for the first mile.
  • Owing money and at a dead-end, she decides to head to Phoenix to cadge some dough from her ex-best friend Lavinia, now an arch-conservative with two children and a husband who knows nothing of her past.
  • To the extent that there is a global war against extremists, terrorists, criminal gangs and communist dead-enders, legalizing drug traffic is a kind of flanking maneuver that cuts across key enemy supply lines. "I don’t want to attack [Ingrid Betancourt], but the truth is very savage."
  • 35 Moreover, an important conceptual shiftfrom "life history" to "personal narrative" helped, by the 1980s, to move this literature beyond dead-end debates about the "truthfulness" of testimony uttered within postcolonial field encounters. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • Prine's slice of Americana is all carved out with his songs about dead-end jobs, all-night cafés and prisons.
  • Put me down as another Pell Grant recipient who has returned several times the value of the grants in differential taxes (i.e. additional taxes paid due to the difference in income between my professional salary and the dead-end job I would probably have had I not gone to college.) The Volokh Conspiracy » Back to the House
  • It was a lovely evening, we watched hundreds of masonry bees excavating the soft sandstone of a gable end, chortled at a dollop of doggerel on the subject of dog dirt and strode off down a dead-end lane.
  • Our possible lead on a new home turned out to be a dead-end.
  • We have heard such language as dead-enders, bitter-enders before, without discrete, definitive descriptions of the enemies that are being faced by American troops.
  • The dead-end of Western policy towards Baghdad is also animating fears about what comes next.
  • You, on the other hand, are a sour-graper, a dead-ender, and exhibit a high probability of showing up on CNN as the perpetrator of some kind of gun crime, probably the slaughter of your own family, or perhaps a handful of coworkers. Think Progress » Right-Wing Think Tank Advocating Two-Year U.S. Troop Escalation In Iraq ‘Has The President’s Ear’
  • On the other side, in the city of New Haven, is the West Rock housing project: boarded-up buildings, litter-strewn cul-de-sacs, and dead-end roads.
  • He got himself under control and threw out a dead-end remark. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • Pauline lives in a warehouse at the far end of a San Francisco street that dead-ends under a highway overpass.
  • When you bombard them with sophistries, wrong messages and show them only dead-ends, that is where you finally reach.
  • Why this mattered is because there was a strong Northern push to abolish slavery: part humanitarian, part political calculation to redirect Northern worker anti-immigration angst away from the political dead-end of nativism, and part claim over Western resources. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Post-War Devastation
  • The new highway dead-ended their lane.
  • The oft-heard stereotype of deadbeat poor people masks the growing reality of dead-end jobs and disposable workers.
  • amd fan boi: do something useful for once if that is all possible, given your penchant for dead-end technologies, shore up the blogs firewall and the one on fsj's IP also. and for f**k's sake shut up about 'caledonia,' or i'll have 'trey' back here insinuating 'c**kf*g' at you for your effeminate use of 'boi'! Sumner Redstone keeps firing people
  • At what point did he see that the two important women in the novel, Amy and the "delighting" young writer Jamie Logan — the object of Zuckerman's dead-end desire — have usefully assonant names? The Rake’s Progress Giving Up The Ghost
  • She has not turned onto the dead-end road of reminiscence, disability and dependence, but rather onto the long, fulfilling road of life, happiness, and salvation.
  • It has been a 200-year diversion from solar, wind, hydro- and bio-power, beneficial in its time, but now a dead-end addiction. William S. Becker: The Solar Soldier Is No Fad
  • It's just going to be a dead-end affair for you and you deserve better. The Sun
  • It has been a 200-year diversion from solar, wind, hydro- and bio-power, beneficial in its time, but now a dead-end addiction. William S. Becker: The Solar Soldier Is No Fad
  • After a last stream - beehives here - we're on a dead-end road with silverweed growing down the middle of the Tarmac.
  • Another is a minuscule, dead-end space that was rescued from oblivion by a wall fountain and a pond.
  • The route drops to a dead-end road called Smearbottom Lane further uphill, but downhill it becomes Hawthorns Lane and we took its very steep and metalled surface.
  • He is a frustrated writer stuck in a dead-end job working with people he can barely stand for an uncle he can barely stomach.
  • Remember when he said the insurgency was comprised of dead-enders, bitter-enders and thugs?
  • Tuition fees and the cost of living can lead to spiralling debts, or long hours in dead-end jobs taken to make ends meet.
  • Windy expository passages drag down the narrative while plot points dead-end and several characters go virtually undeveloped.
  • When air is inhaled, it moves through tiers of progressively smaller branching airways called bronchi until dead-ending in the smallest, cul-de-sac-like chambers of the lungs, called alveoli.
  • This dead-end dirt road follows a peaceful stretch of the Housatonic River and connects to the Appalachian Trail.
  • New paradigms of quantum algorithms have appeared, such as adiabatic algorithms, measurement-based algorithms, and topological-quantum-field-theory-based algorithms, as well as new physical models for realizing a large scale quantum computer with cold ion traps, quantum optics (using photons and optical cavity), condensed matter systems and solid state physics (meanwhile, the first NMR model had turned out to be a dead-end with respect to scaling; see DiVicenzo 2000). Quantum Computing
  • In town, maybe you can afford a tiny shed in some dead-end street.
  • You jettison dead-end ideas to make room for smarter, less conventional ones. The Sun
  • Kay drifted through a series of dead-end jobs for six years.
  • You jettison dead-end ideas to make room for smarter, less conventional ones. The Sun
  • Curtis was very interested, partly because he saw it as opportunity to break out of the dead-end, pretty-boy roles he was becoming typecast in.
  • Not wanting to wallow in the dead-end mud of emo, the boys have decided to evolve their sound.
  • Bradford has for too long languished at the end of two dead-end railway lines and one dead-end motorway.

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