How To Use Deacon In A Sentence
Former Suffragan Bishop of Southampton, the Rt Rev Jonathan Gledhill, ordained Cate as a deacon at Romsey Abbey in 2001 and the curate was priested the following year.
The dalmatic and tunicle are modified chasubles worn by the deacon and subdeacon respectively at a high Mass.
the deacon was canonically inducted
Synaxar (synaxarion), which contains legends of saints, sometimes read instead of those from the Acts of the Apostles, and the "Book of the Ministry of the Deacons" (Brightman, lxvii).
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
She looked towards the Archdeacon and recognised the signs of some one about to take the plunge.

He arranged for several deaconesses to work abroad, not only in North America but also in Russia, Estonia, and Bessarabia.
As reported at ThinkProgress, Joe the Deacon, had this to say about replacing baby Jesus with a lump of Christmas coal in Silent Night: "I'll put my years as a Sunday school teacher, church deacon and church musician up against just about anybody else when it comes to understanding hymnology and respect for religious traditions.
Justin Callaway: Joe the Deacon and the Church of Clean Coal Carolers: How to Faith-wash Green-washing
This pope also permitted the conferring of priesthood and deaconship on the Saturdays of ember week -- these were formerly given only at Easter.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
They are the primary carers of children, collectors of food like coconuts and fruit, and also act as deaconesses in the church.
On the afternoon of the Saturday in Easter week, say these writers, the priests of the eighteen principal 'deaconries' -- an ecclesiastical division of the city long ago abolished and now somewhat obscure -- caused the bells to be rung, and the people assembled at their parish churches, where they were received by a 'mansionarius,' -- probably meaning here 'a visitor of houses, '-- and a layman, who was arrayed in a tunic, and crowned with the flowers of the cornel cherry.
Ave Roma Immortalis, Vol. 1 Studies from the Chronicles of Rome
The three major ministers rise from the prostration, but the deacon and subdeacon remain kneeling, along with everyone else, as the priest stands up.
Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 4.1 - Mass of Presanctified, Good Friday, Mass of the Catechumens and the Solemn Prayers
Majorinus, who belonged to the household of Lucilla and had been a lector in the deaconry of Caecilian.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
His eldest son John was ordained as deacon, serving as curate under his father at Llangeitho.
New Testament deacons serve the Lord by conducting the caring ministry of the church.
The local presbyteries are voting this winter and spring on whether to open the door to ordination of gay ministers, elders and deacons.
Deacon the bailiff with his two varlets went down to the Hall yesternight on the matter of the escuage, and came screaming back with this young hothead raging at their heels.
Sir Nigel
The subdeacon kneels to hold up the foot of each of the 12 men as the priest washes it, and the deacon proffers a towel with which to dry it, after which the priest kisses it.
Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 3 - The Mass of Holy Thursday and the Mandatum
Stephen, deacon and protomartyr, was stoned to death by the Sanhedrin because of a vision he testified to Acts 7:55-57:
Scandal of particularity, scandal of flesh, scandal of manhood
Watson had been ordained a deacon in 1856 and he took priest's orders two years later.
Dioceses were divided into archdeaconries, and archdeaconries into rural deaneries.
The deacon found and served Christ in the poor, the hungry and thirsty, the stranger and the naked, the sick and imprisoned.
The first occupants of the novitiate were the founder himself, his first associate, Father La Vavasseur, and a sub-deacon, M. Collin.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
This remarkable transformation, no doubt in some degree inevitable, was actually brought about chiefly through the instrumentality of a single man, a certain English archdeacon of Welsh descent, Geoffrey of Monmouth.
A History of English Literature
Communion in the hand kept to a minimum, 2 Deacons alongside the Celebrant, no concelebration, birettas, supremely reverent atmosphere, and beautiful vestments and even more beautiful music exclusively polyphonic/chant.
"Liturgical paradigms for the whole world..."
A venerable and hitherto decorous old deacon of Roxbury not only left the church when the hated bass-viol began its accompanying notes, but he stood for a long time outside the church door stridently "caterwauling" at the top of his lungs.
Sabbath in Puritan New England
POOLE -- Mildred Joyce Gibson Bridwell, 77, Poole, died at 2: 37 p.m. Friday, Feb. 19, 2010, at Deaconess Hospital in Evansville. Stories
Susan Deacon is wearing her good suit, which is purple. but it's not for my benefit.
He then proceeds with the mass, during which the balsam is brought in, and also the oil for the chrism and that for the catechumens, by two deacons.
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
Notice, too, the Cardinal Deacons in their dalmatics and simple mitres, flanking the Pope.
Sputtering offense again plagued the Demon Deacons, as it did when they were beaten by Maryland last week in the quarterfinals of the Atlantic Coast Conference tournament.
That would see ordained lay deacons performing most of the functions of a priest, apart from celebrating the Eucharist.
The priest, deacon and subdeacon come before the altar, and ascend to the predella; the rubrics do not say that they genuflect before doing so.
Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 4.1 - Mass of Presanctified, Good Friday, Mass of the Catechumens and the Solemn Prayers
Funeral services for Adela Clara Sehon Pinkert, 86, of Levelland, will be at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 30, 2009 at St. Michael's Catholic Church of Levelland with Rev. Martin Pina officiating and concelebrant Rev. Joseph Kurumbel, S.B. and Deacon Leo Cottoneir asssiting.
The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal:Today's Headlines
In 1780, he was installed prebendary at Carlisle, and resigned Appleby on becoming archdeacon in 1782.
In 1861, after some hesitation, he was ordained deacon in the Anglican Church but never chose to advance to full priesthood.
The archdeacon John Collas will administer the Adelaide diocese until a new archbishop is found early next year.
Three deacons had resigned within the last year.
Christianity Today
In his short pontificate he distributed 1900 solidi to the clergy and to the deaconries for the poor.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
The nuptial ceremony was performed by the venerable archdeacon John Murray assisted by Dean Timothy O'Connor PP.
She detested Mrs Deacon, who was like a sterner, more forthright edition of Mrs Martin.
In the synods held under St. Cyprian, to deal with the lapsed, and in the synod of 256, which considered the question of re-baptism, there were present not only the bishops, but many priests and deacons, and even a very large representation of the laity.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
The chartulary of Saint Vertin alone introduces us to: 1st, a deacon named Winidmarus, who in 723 wrote a deed of sale at Saint-Omer itself
Georges Guynemer
Just as he has done so many times before, Deacon struck the kick sweetly, the ball sailing directly between the uprights to crown one of the most memorable comebacks in Super League history.
After each prophecy, (and the Tract that follows the fourth, eighth and eleventh) the priest, standing as usual at the Missal on the Epistle side, with the deacon and subdeacon in line behind him, sings “Oremus”; the deacon sings “Flectamus genua”, and all kneel for a moment of silent prayer, then the subdeacon sings “Levate”, and all rise for a collect, as already mentioned for the Mass of the Presanctified.
Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 6.1 - Holy Saturday and the Blessing of the New Fire, Procession, Exultet, Prophecies
The chapter of Vexiö consisted of dean, archdeacon, subdean, and eleven prebendaries.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 16 [Supplement]
Behr-Sigel asks whether the ancient order of the deaconess could be restored since it has never been formally abolished in Orthodoxy.
For example, Deacon John Moore is affiliated with the foliated vine group; Aaron Cook with the ogee molding group; and William Buell with the guilloche group.
The deacon ascends to the altar with the burse in hand, and extends the corporal; at the same time, an acolyte places the Missal on the Gospel side, with a purification vessel and purificator for the purification of the priest's fingers after Communion.
Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 4.2 - Good Friday, The Adoration of the Cross and the Rite of the Presanctified
4 According to the Apostolic Constitutions the woman deacon is ordained ‘according to her worthiness’ into a ministry of the lower clergy (subdeacon, lector, cantor).
Aye, and his affairs an a, said the Deacon; the creditors have entered into possession o the estate, and its for sale; and some that made the maist by himI name nae names, but Mrs. Mac-Candlish kens wha I mean (the landlady shook her head significantly) theyre sairest on him een now.
Chapter XI
I was a deaconess in my church for goodness sakes!
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Grandmothers
The deacons called on the church council to join in prayer and fasting.
Christianity Today
When Deacon did get on he calmly drilled over a sideline conversion with his only shot at goal.
Hicks, are you < i > crazy ?" fleered Deacon Radford, moved to excitement, despite his great faith in the versatile youth.
T. Haviland Hicks Senior
Deacon draws pictures to illustrate the various ways of getting from A to B.
Cardinal Manning, Cardinal Manning decided to postpone his ordination from the deaconhood into priesthood for one year, only so that he could go on and abuse other victims.
CNN Transcript Jul 16, 2007
The pastor was introducing the deacons and their respective roles.
Christianity Today
The tunicle became the customary vestment of the subdeacons; the chasuble was the vestment exclusively worn at the celebration of the Mass, as the pluvial, the liturgical caps, took its place at the other functions.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
He understood the Doctor and commended his stand on the ecclesiastical issues of the day to members of the congregation and to the deacons.
A much earlier development than the biblical canon was the evolution of the threefold ministry of bishop, presbyter, and deacon.
The fourth and fifth Lessons were read by two bishops, the sixth and seventh by the cardinals, the eighth by a subdeacon, and the ninth by the Pope himself.
The Station at St Paul
A resident bishop, a resident dean, an archdeacon, three or four resident prebendaries, and all their numerous chaplains, vicars, and ecclesiastical satellites, do make up a society sufficiently powerful to be counted as something by the county squirearchy.
Doctor Thorne
True enough, Deacon, we're not about to start throwing stones at the political follies of one's youth.
There is mention of this meal in the report of Archdeacon Theodosius and in the anonymous little work called "The Jerusalem Breviary, " as also in subsequent writings.
`But wouldn't becoming a canon be a step down from being an archdeacon?
It was an intimidating prospect, and I arrived at the deacons' meeting with considerable anxiety.
The most remarkable feature in the whole occasion was the excessive liberality of the archdeacon.
However the end of his first year brought the news that Mr Mahaffey could not be deaconed, due to his age.
You surprise me," Deacon continued relentlessly, spotting the ploy.
If such a declaration is made, the bishop requests his archdeacon to hold an inquiry and if that inquiry concludes that there is evidence of a breakdown a formal tribunal is held.
In London Mercedes-Benz is building an enviable reputation as the fashion extravaganza's final act: the hottest ticket at London Fashion Week in September 2011 was the star-studded aftershow party hosted by Giles Deacon and Mercedes-Benz to showcase the Concept A-CLASS.
Gearing up for London Fashion Week
In addition to the drunkard and womanizer stereotypes, this version of "Deacon Jones" contains a direct reference to social class.
Canturburie; but also to Reignold Fitz-Joceline the bishoprike of Bath; to Richard de Worcester archdeacon of Poictiers the bishoprike of
Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (5 of 12) Henrie the Second
What name is given to sub-deaconship, deaconship and priesthood?
Baltimore Catechism No. 3 (of 4)
She has also proposed a creative revival of the order of deaconesses that once existed in the Eastern Church.
Strands of diaconal ministry are named in three categories: the deacon in the church, the deacon in the world, and the deacon on the boundary.
Encouraged by his mother and her great friend, John Donne, he accepted ordination as a deacon.
Mrs Proudie in truth believed that the archdeacon was an actual emanation from Satan, sent to those parts to devour souls — as she would call it — and that she herself was an emanation of another sort, sent from another source expressly to Barchester, to prevent such devouring, as far as it might possibly be prevented by a mortal agency.
A dollop from Trollope | clusterflock
It is illustrative of Deacon's strength in the close analysis and exposure of shoddy arguments.
She was among the first group of Church of England deaconesses to be ordained as deacons.
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The northern part of the diocese, the old archdeaconry of Brecon, is almost entirely rural, sparsely populated, and overwhelmingly dependent upon agriculture.
The deacon is defined in relation to bishops and presbyters, helping as a minister of word, liturgy, and charity.
At this time she decided to become a deaconess in the Methodist Church and worked towards that end.
In the early 1970s, while in seminary, I wrote a seminar paper for Professor Glenn Hinson on the roles of deaconesses in the early church.
Yes, I says, I would see myself telling you, wouldn't I and you blabbing it the next time a lot of them church women meets at our house and some old church deacon getting hold of it and getting rich off of it and me wandering the streets in destitution with the rain running down often my beard and the end of my nose because you and the children cast me into the street.
Chapter Eight: The Old Soak's History -- More Evils of Prohibition
Eliot Deacon: I requirement to undergo your height. For your coffin.
(Pius XI seated upon the papal throne in papal mantum, with Cardinal deacons in cappa on either side)
More Rare Images: Good Friday with Pius XI in the Sistine Chapel
In fact Watson has been ordained a deacon in 1856 and he took priest's orders two years later.
He had held very numerous preferments, including no less than five archdeaconries, and was Master of the Rolls.
Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Ely A History and Description of the Building with a Short Account of the Monastery and of the See
Long prayers follow, with allusions to St. Stephen and the diaconate; the bishop vests the new deacon, giving him an orarion and a ripidion.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
On entering the diplomatic service of the Holy See he was appointed by Gregory XVI successively secular prelate (1830), referendary of the superior law court, assessor of the criminal tribunal, delegate to Orvieto, Viterbo, and Macerata, canon of St. Peter's (made deacon, 1840).
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
A third task addresses continuing ministerial education and ongoing support for deacons.
Neil also bought Lucy's engagement ring, a diamond solitaire from Deacon's and managed to keep it under wraps until he popped the question in Cyprus.
And yan, if it wes his mynd and will yat he should be disponit vpoun, ye said deaconis and craftismen sould convey him yaire; quha answerit, yat yai culd na way stope ye executioun of justice.
The Abbot
It is even possible, though not demonstrated, that, as early as the close of the pre-Constantinian period, liturgical insignia came into use among the bishops and deacons, as the orarion, or stole, and the omophorion or pallium.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
As they walk they sing a special ballad composed by the archdeacon's niece for the occasion.
The impact of the secular clergy was reinforced by the presence of the archidiaconal court and the representatives or officials of the largely absentee archdeacons.
a fixed grade, being titular -- that is churches over which cardinals of the order of priests are placed -- or deaconries -- churches over which are placed cardinal-deacons.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
St. Cyriacus (deacon with a bound dragon, note the prominent maniple):
Catholic Bamberg: Vierzehnheiligen
Christian church a controversy about the name episcopacy, appointed the forementioned orders, bishops and deacons.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
The deacon sings both “Flectamus genua” and “Levate”, which is no longer done by the subdeacon, also as on the preceding day.
Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 6.1 - Holy Saturday and the Blessing of the New Fire, Procession, Exultet, Prophecies
A chanter sings the prophecy of Hosea; the Tract follows; the Penitentiary reads the prayer; the Deacon sings flectamus genua, the subdeacon Levate and reads a lesson form the book of Exodus.
More Rare Images: Good Friday with Pius XI in the Sistine Chapel
Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Boston, where Dr. Halamka is a practicing emergency room physician, was one of thefirst hospitals in the nation to adopt electronic health records, a decade ago.
(virgo presbytera, by which he very probably means not a virgin advanced in years, but a deaconess) was held in high esteem.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
The former archdeacons and archpriests and the present vicars capitular and some others have ordinary power in consequence of their office, but by the present discipline vicars Apostolic and vicars forane have only delegated power conferred by special commission.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
The discussion concerns postulants and candidates for holy orders, more particularly those who aspire to ordained ministry as vocational or permanent deacons.
In the case of Phoebe, they usually translate it "deaconess".
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He was deaconed in 1853 and priested in 1854 in the Diocese of Newcastle.
She had become a deacon of a deaf church.
For those who would like another view of the vestments, which are simply superb, here is one which shows the subdeacon in tunicle with humeral veil:
Anniversary Mass of the Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem
Liberally supported by Drummond, the new body developed a hierarchy of apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastors, with deacons to superintend material needs.
Deacon was sent off after the incident for appearing to throw a punch.
Times, Sunday Times
Besides allusions in the inscriptions to the various ecclesiastical ranks of bishop, priest, deacon, lector, and excavator (fossor), there are references to physicians, bakers, smiths, and joiners, often with emblems of the respective instruments.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
In the old days there were some incredibly high quality images, " said radiologist Ron Eisenberg of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston and the author of 20 books on radiology.
Miller et al. Poort geometrics to be projectile armatures, (1999) report a new series of isoleucine while Deacon (1989) believes that in view of epimerization dates on ostrich eggshell for their relatively large size in comparison to Howiesons Poort occurrences at Border LSA examples, they may have functioned as Cave, Klasies River, Boomplaas, and Apollo barbs for spears.
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Deacon mishit his conversion horribly and the Rhinos hit the front for good soon after.
The vicarage will become the home of the new Archdeacon of Wiltshire, who is due to take up the post in September.
D. 1204) is cited as requiring that if the laying on of hands in the subdeaconship be omitted, it must be afterwards supplied (cap. 1, x, de sacr. non interand, 1. 6), but there seems no doubt that the word "deaconship" was in the original text (Correct.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
A much earlier development than the biblical canon was the evolution of the threefold ministry of bishop, presbyter, and deacon.
In our diocese most of the prison ministry is done by the deacons, with two priests who offer Mass on a regular basis, and two more my wife and I recruited as occasional fill-ins.
We are seeking to meet our current spiritual needs more effectively by appointing elders and deacons (men of pastoral care and mercy, according to the New Testament pattern) from within the congregations.
During that time, he bought a considerable amount of land, and became active in the affairs of New Milford, serving as juryman, town clerk, church deacon, school committeeman, and agent to the Assembly of Town business.
History of American Women
Gallus died in 551, and by 552 Gregory was a deacon in Lyons, where Nicetius was then bishop.
Finally, at a time designated by the Pope, the eldest cardinal deacon crowns the new Pope with the triple tiara of the papacy.
The archdeacon added: ‘These personal debts were accumulated over a period of years.’
Protestant pastors, deacons, and lay preachers and Catholic priests, catechists, and elders direct their respective congregations.
Because my grandmother was active in the church and had been a deaconess, she knew a lot of people.
Deacons, subdeacons, and readers assist the priests during services.
The deaconship is a subordinate grade, an order of the ministry.
Scraps of African Methodist Episcopal History
In order for a woman to be recognized as deacon an ordination had to take place.
Whatever the husband might feel, the wife cared nothing for frowns of dean, archdeacon, or prebendary.
Barchester Towers
That pious deacon who had not "snickered" for above forty years, would have found his moral sensitiveness somewhat disturbed by the free, untrammelled way in which he spoke and acted.
The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 12, December, 1888
He studied theology at Cambridge University before being ordained as a deacon and priest in 1979.
At Trinity Hall, the thirteenth day of October, 1704, in presence of John Findlay, deacon, compeared John Watson, John Youngson, William Pirie, John Kempt, Patrick Gray, John Mair, and George Gray, and submitted themselves to the court of the Wright and Coupar Trade for their abuse therein in contravening and vilipending the deacon and other mis-demeanours.
The priest standing on the platform of the altar and celebrating Mass is called the celebrant; the one who stands just behind him, generally one step lower, is called the deacon, and the one who stands behind the deacon and on the lower step is called the subdeacon.
Baltimore Catechism No. 4 (of 4) An Explanation of the Baltimore Catechism of Christian Doctrine
The archdeacon had called Mrs Proudie a she-Beelzebub; but that was a simple ebullition of mortal hatred.
A dollop from Trollope | clusterflock
When he arrived at Kabwata, he found a team of deacons and one elder heading the church.
` ` But ye maun speak your mind on't forthwith, Monkbarns, if ye want the stones; for Deacon Harlewalls thinks the carved through-stanes might be put with advantage on the front of the new council-house --- that is, the twa cross-legged figures that the callants used to ca 'Robin and Bobbin, ane on ilka door-cheek; and the other stane, that they ca'd Ailie Dailie, abune the door.
The Antiquary
It is puzzling that when the archdeacon of Stafford, George Hodson, reported on the Rushton chapel in 1830 during the course of his archidiaconal visitation, he noted the west gallery but not the singers.
Very many men now-a-days besides the archdeacon adopt or affect to adopt the nil admirari doctrine; but nevertheless, to judge from their appearance, they are just as subject to sudden emotions as their grandfathers and grandmothers were before them.
Barchester Towers
The sacred ministers then go to the sacristy to vest for Mass: the deacon and subdeacon exchanging dalmatics for folded chasubles, with a second subdeacon similarly vested to carry the processional cross.
Palm Sunday Rites According to the Missal of Braga
Hae, man, there's a cawker to keep your heart warm; and set down that bottle of Deacon Jaffrey's best brown stout to get a toast.
The World's Greatest Books — Volume 06 — Fiction
Within the hierarchy of the Ethiopian Church, a special role is played by the deacon, or Dabtara.
I hate arguing with archdeacons; but of course we can't have Lalage put into a witness box and ballyragged by archbishops and people of that kind, and she'd be the only available witness.
Lalage's Lovers
Mr Deacon says that far from damaging wildlife, the lake and wetlands already attract kingfishers, mallards, woodpeckers, coots, waterhens, curlews, plovers, deer and foxes.
He summarized the state of deaconess issue as follows: The possibility of ordaining women to the diaconate is still an unsettled question in the Catholic Church.
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'Ay, and his affairs an' a ',' said the Deacon; 'the creditors have entered into possession o' the estate, and it's for sale; and some that made the maist by him -- I name nae names, but Mrs. Mac -
Guy Mannering, Or, the Astrologer — Volume 01
The Church in the diocese manifests herself in the most visible way when the Bishop celebrates the Eucharistic Sacrifice in his cathedral church, with the concelebration of his priests, the assistance of the deacons, and the participation of the faithful (cf. SC 41).
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Mr Fielding is director of education in the diocese of Grahamstown and archdeacon of Albany.
Currently, at the time of ordination as a deacon, usually a year or so before priesthood; and, before the elimination of the subdiaconate as a major order after Vatican II, as a subdeacon.
The Eastern Orthodox churches have always allowed their priests and deacons to marry before ordination, though not after, and their bishops must be celibate.
Terrence Deacon works at the interface between neurobiology, developmental biology and biological anthropology.
The ‘reality’ about the Church is that it last year ordained 569 new deacons - 50 per cent more than four years ago - and that today there are more than 1,600 ordinands in training, it says.
The chartulary of Saint Vertin alone introduces us to: 1st, a deacon named
Georges Guynemer Knight of the Air
CLXXXVIII, 135-160), also edited by Watterich (Vitae Pontificum II, 323 - 374), and now to be read in Duchesne's edition of the Liber Pontificalis (II, 388-397; cf. proleg XXXVII-XLV), states that Boso, the author of it; was created cardinal-deacon of the title of Sts Cosmas and Damian, was chamberlain to Adrian and in constant and familiar attendance upon him from the commencement of his apostolate.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
Hippolytus (ix. 12) that by the beginning of the 3d century the rule of monogamy for the clergy was well established, since he complains that in the days of Callistus ` digamist and trigamist bishops, and priests and deacons, began to be admitted into the clergy. '
NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
The Oldenburg part of the Diocese of Münster consists to-day of two deaconries, Cloppenburg and Vechta.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
In addition to the amice, alb, cincture and stole, the priest wears a black chasuble; the deacon wears a black stole, and, like the subdeacon, a black folded chasuble, the sacred vestments of penitential Masses.
Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 4.1 - Mass of Presanctified, Good Friday, Mass of the Catechumens and the Solemn Prayers
The deacons and the cabinet were less than enthused.
Christianity Today
The wife of the Bishop, of the Archdeacon and of the Area Dean should be invited individually so that seats can be reserved for them.
Centre Graham Mackay added both goals, but Deacon gave the visitors hope when he wrong-footed defender Adam Maher to slice through for Bradford's try.
It is certain, however, that in both East and West a stole, or orarium (orarion) which seems to have been in substance identical with what we now understand by the term, has been from an early period the distinctive attire of the deacon.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
The arch-deaconry was probably founded towards the close of the 11th century by Bishop Rémy, and the subdivision into rural deaneries followed shortly after.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
In addition to the amice, alb, cincture and stole, the priest wears a black chasuble; the deacon wears a black stole, and, like the subdeacon, a black folded chasuble, the sacred vestments of penitential Masses.
Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 4.1 - Mass of Presanctified, Good Friday, Mass of the Catechumens and the Solemn Prayers
An elderly deaconess who refused to denounce her faith during a riot against Christians.
Churches have a difficult time finding elders, deacons or deaconesses to serve.
In point of fact, the broad "stole" is really not a stole at all then, but is worn over the stole proper of the deacon -- similar to how it was wound up with it before.
Use, History and Development of the "Planeta Plicata" or Folded Chasuble
At the close of the services the good deacons would probably feel called upon to take the young man out behind the church and give him a little fatherly advice, the burthen of which would be to become an auctioneer or seek a situation as "spouter" for a snake side-show.
The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 1.
The procession goes to the middle of the church, another candle is lit, and the deacon again raises the reed, genuflects and sings in a higher tone “Lumen Christi”; all respond as before.
Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 6.1 - Holy Saturday and the Blessing of the New Fire, Procession, Exultet, Prophecies
Because my grandmother was active in the church and had been a deaconess, she knew a lot of people.
There also exist some relationships of conversion between the formulas of Deacon and Jacobs.
Each religious community was semi-autonomous and guided by a bishop and by preachers and deacons who were not specially schooled.
Quimper-Corentin should carp, carp, carp; that the declaimer against philosophers should occasion his own crucifixion in St. Denis street; that a rascally recollet and the archdeacon of St. Malo should diffuse their gall and calumny through their Christian journals; that philosophy should be accused at the tribunal of
About 1261 Peter appears in the retinue of Cardinal Ottoboni Fieschi; towards this time also he was made deacon of the Church of Lisbon, an office which he later exchanged for the archidiaconate of Vermuy in the Diocese of Braga.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
The deacon rises and goes to the credence, where he takes the burse with the corporal in it, and a purificator, and goes to the altar.
Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 4.2 - Good Friday, The Adoration of the Cross and the Rite of the Presanctified
There are also volunteer elders, deacons, ‘doctors’ (teachers of Gospel), and ministers who head Bible study sessions.
Our Church is a nondenominational evangelical church ministered by pastor and deacons.
Adam A. J. DeVille, a doctoral student at the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute for Eastern Christian Studies at St. Paul University, Ottawa, Canada, is a subdeacon in the Eparchy of Toronto of the Ukrainian Catholic Church.
The deacon was killed last night by a stranger.
The storms of years had washed the paint from it; it had "hogged" in the roof where the great square chimney projected its nicked bulk from among loosened bricks scattered on the shingles; and from knife-gnawed "deacon-seat" on the porch to window-blind, dangling from one hinge on the broad gable, the old structure was seedy indeed.
The Skipper and the Skipped Being the Shore Log of Cap'n Aaron Sproul
Pelagian, son of Severianus, a Pelagian bishop, corrupted the churches of Britain by the insinuation of his doctrine; but at the insistence of the Deacon Palladius (ad actionem Palladii Diaconi),
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
The priest may wear a rose-colored chasuble, the organ may play, deacon and subdeacon are clothed in festive vestments.
03/01/2003 - 04/01/2003
He then said farewell to loyal deaconesses and priests and left through a side door.
Christianity Today
It is also possible that, as later in the middle ages, the numbers of deacons and priests ordained outstripped the availability of benefices.
The cathedral chapter consisted of dean, archdeacon, subdean, and ten canons.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 16 [Supplement]
The deacons called on the church council to join in prayer and fasting.
Christianity Today
And yet so little was the pace to him that he fairly gamboled in playfulness as he went slashing along, until the deacon verily began to fear that the honest old chap would break through all the bounds of propriety and send his heels anticly through his treasured dashboard.
How Deacon Tubman and Parson Whitney Kept New Year's And Other Stories
Dubois left at five o'clock in the morning, in a hunting-dress, for Pautoix, where he found M. de Tressan, who, according to his promise, bestowed on him the deaconship, the archdeaconship, and the priesthood.
The Conspirators The Chevalier d'Harmental
There are at present also five women archdeacons who carry delegated responsibility from bishops.
Jesus did not make a sacrament either of marriage or of deaconry; and, with us, marriage and deaconry are sacraments.
A Philosophical Dictionary
Three deacons had resigned within the last year.
Christianity Today
At twenty-four he had been a deacon, at twenty - seven a priest, at thirty a rector, and at thirty-five a prebendary; and as his rectory was rich and his prebendal stall well paid, the Rev. Augustus Horne was called by all, and called himself, a happy man.
Tales of all countries
In a member-led church, all of the members in the congregation generally elect the board or deacon members.
The other ordinand, Deacon Eloi Gillet, will be serving with the Missionary Society of Divine Mercy, which runs the personal parish for the TLM in the same diocese St. Francois de Paule.
Archive 2009-08-01
Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center completed the study.
It contains sections describing the bishop, presbyters, deacons, confessors, widows, lectors, virgins, subdeacons, healers, neophyte Christians, and artisans and craftsmen.
The Korean church now has six elders who head departments and 132 deacons who assist them, but the clergy maintain significant authority.
Deacons, subdeacons, and readers assist the priests during services.
So she calmly sat down with deaconess Pat Phillips to plan the funeral.
Sub-deacon Abraham Thomas [center: red orarion] serves the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church.
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