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How To Use de Valera In A Sentence

  • Another, again a political opponent said, "De Valera is the outstanding personality in Ireland today, by far the ablest and most astute politician and in many ways a constructive force. What Next In Ireland?
  • Easter Saturday was the day when the fatal hour arrived to strike, and the Germans sent their shiploads to Ireland; but the old British Navy had their tip in time, and they arrested the arms and sent the ships to the bottom of. the sea, and the German submarine ran to Ireland with Sir Roger Casement, who was supposed to be the Ambassador at the Court of Berlin-we have a wonderful lot of ambassadors, but somehow they are living out of Ireland, a whole lot of them (laughter) and they are remaining away for Ireland's good, and I trust that what will happen to poor de Valera is what happened to some men like Casement. The Irish Problem
  • One of them for instance, said, "De Valera is like Gladstone, he is intensely religious, completely universal, supremely confident that he is right and frequently wrong. What Next In Ireland?
  • His refusal to give de Valera credit for his international diplomacy in the 1930s borders on the absurd.
  • He claims that these nationalists, such as the iconic Irish politician of the 20th century, Éamon de Valera, ignored the fact that Ireland had "little consciousness of itself as a nation before the nineteenth century" and simply dredged up Celtic mythology to create "a narrow and destructive nationalism" that anathematized all things Anglo. Behind the Green Veil
  • Like de Valera, I am largely agnostic on the issue.
  • De Valera need never again appeal to America for assistance in his mad ambition to satisfy his consuming vanity.
  • Many of them feel that De Valera is winning the battle for them. What Next In Ireland?
  • Now, another gentleman, a devout Catholic, said, "De Valera is intensely Catholic, so long as it suits his political purposes. What Next In Ireland?
  • Patrick Maguire, the central character, is a bondsman in de Valera's rural, frugal fantasyland.
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