How To Use De forest In A Sentence

  • Lee de Forest invents the vacuum tube.
  • And it seems admirers have a treat in store this year on Girraween's alpine style heathlands, meadows and high altitude forests.
  • Other mammals include forest elephant Loxodonta africana cyclotis (EN), estimated at 3,250 individuals in 1989, now reduced for their meat and ivory from 350 to 2 families, hippotamus Hippopotamus amphibious, forest buffalo Syncerus caffer nanus, leopard Panthera pardus, forest hog Hylochoerus meinertzhageni, bongo Tragelaphus euryceros and seven species of duiker, all taken for food. Kahuzi-Biéga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo
  • 'Now I suppose we can take it, De Forest, that henceforward the Board will administer us direct?' A Diversity of Creatures
  • Madam Imbert saw Mrs. Maroney in the evening and told her of the interview with De Forest. The Expressman and the Detective
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  • August 26, A.D. 2065, the Board, sitting in London, was informed by De Forest that the District of Northern Illinois had riotously cut itself out of all systems and would remain disconnected till the Board should take over and administer it direct. A Diversity of Creatures
  • The nymphs sat on the edges of ponds in the Jade Forest with the lounging god of the sun and god of the hunt.
  • Forests to reduce noise pollution. 40 - meter - wide forest belt noise can be reduced 10 to 15 decibels.
  • Around the turn of the century, when the nation began setting aside forest reserves, professional foresters debated whether fire was good or bad.
  • And it seems admirers have a treat in store this year on Girraween's alpine style heathlands, meadows and high altitude forests.
  • The Global Observations of Forest Cover is an international effort to inventory worldwide forest cover and to measure its change over time.
  • De Forest had only one seat to his buggy, and it was rather irksome to be conveying two ladies around all the time. The Expressman and the Detective
  • The company had a gentleman in their employ, named De Forest, whom I thought admirably adapted for this purpose, and if the Vice-President would allow me, I would assign to him the task of becoming Mrs. Maroney's lover. The Expressman and the Detective
  • The Vice-President also told De Forest to remain in Jenkintown for the present. The Expressman and the Detective
  • Other forest dwelling mammals include forest buffalo (Syncerus caffer nanus), and larger forest antelopes such as bongo (Tragelaphus euryceros) and sitatunga (Tragelaphus spekei). Northwestern Congolian lowland forests
  • Like the _tharoos_ of the Oude forest, the Gonds born in this malaria are the only people who can live in it; and the ravages of tigers and endemial disease prevent their numbers from increasing. A Journey through the Kingdom of Oude, Volumes I & II
  • The past few years of carbon monitoring at the Harvard Forest have shown that the so-called midlatitude forests of the United States (the forests stretching up from the Carolinas into New England and Canada and the Midwest) are reducing the global increase in carbon by more than 10 percent. Climate Ark Climate Change & Global Warming RSS Newsfeed
  • Investments in Kn would include forest replanting and restocking of fisheries.
  • We hope eventually to restore several thousand acres of riverside forest along the San Joaquin River and its tributaries.
  • 'Now I suppose we can take it, De Forest, that henceforward the Board will administer us direct?' A Diversity of Creatures
  • About two hours after De Forest made his report, Green came in and reported that according to orders he had "shadowed" De Forest and Mrs. Maroney when they drove into the city. The Expressman and the Detective
  • Similarly, inventors like Edison and De Forest paved the way for theoretical work on wave theory and electronic.
  • And Infigen Inc. of De Forest , Wisconsin recently succeeded at cloning a partially humanized pig.
  • 'The Board hasn't shown what you might call a fat spark on this occasion,' said De Forest, wiping his eyes. A Diversity of Creatures
  • The wide forest trail begins to bear west and continues Westerly to the 5K mark which is 100m before the minor trail junction (which leads to the summit road).
  • Drier semi-deciduous mid-altitude forests with trees such as Triplochiton scleroxylon, Piptadeniastrum africanum, and Parkia bicolor are found at the northern end of the range on the slopes more exposed to dessicating winds from the desert. Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
  • After losing the first two league games, promotion side Forest Rangers should now become cautious with each game they play especially after their unceremonious exit from the elite league two years ago.
  • De Forest, once more himself, got their baggage checked to Jenkintown, and calling a hackman, as he had left his own team in the stable, they were driven to Mitchell's. The Expressman and the Detective
  • About two hours after De Forest made his report, Green came in and reported that according to orders he had "shadowed" De Forest and Mrs. Maroney when they drove into the city. The Expressman and the Detective
  • The neighbourhood, however, is interesting enough on account of the curious aqueducts for supplying the town with water, and the Mercede forest which, in D'Urville's opinion, might more justly be called a coppice, for it contains nothing but shrubs and ferns. Celebrated Travels and Travellers Part III. The Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century
  • The combination of warming temperatures and the fertilizing effect of increased carbon in the atmosphere could fuel a northward expansion of what is known as the boreal forest, the coniferous timber lands that run across the earth's northern latitudes and include forests in Canada, Finland, Russia and Sweden. Rainforest Portal RSS Newsfeed
  • She was generally accompanied by De Forest, who had become her constant attendant. The Expressman and the Detective
  • Other forest dwelling mammals include forest buffalo (Syncerus caffer nanus), and larger forest antelopes such as bongo (Tragelaphus euryceros) and sitatunga (Tragelaphus spekei). Northwestern Congolian lowland forests
  • Conceived as a manmade forest dappled by sunlight, the galleria's laminated timber structure (a material previously prohibited by Ontario's building code) has a distinctly arboreal quality.
  • 'Yes,' said De Forest, and steadied him as he dropped down beside us. A Diversity of Creatures
  • Red-naped Sapsuckers are the most common sapsucker in deciduous and streamside forests, especially in and around aspen, cottonwood, and willow.
  • The cool shaded layers of leaf mold and general duff of the forest floor, which in the virgin Cascade forests seldom feel the warmth of the sun, constitute an ideal storage medium.
  • Madam Imbert saw Mrs. Maroney in the evening and told her of the interview with De Forest. The Expressman and the Detective
  • 'Yes,' said De Forest, and steadied him as he dropped down beside us. A Diversity of Creatures
  • Then, almost simultaneously in 1911 and 1912, several engineers—de Forest among them—did manage to combine the triode with other existing circuit components to produce a workable amplifier. The Nature of Technology
  • De Forest had only one seat to his buggy, and it was rather irksome to be conveying two ladies around all the time. The Expressman and the Detective
  • 'The Board hasn't shown what you might call a fat spark on this occasion,' said De Forest, wiping his eyes. A Diversity of Creatures
  • Timber companies had their eyes on logging the streamside forests.
  • This gave the company a steady cash flow and allowed it to make use of sawlogs from low grade forest stands that were not attractive to other forestry contractors.
  • Other mammals include forest elephant Loxodonta africana cyclotis (EN), estimated at 3,250 individuals in 1989, now reduced for their meat and ivory from 350 to 2 families, hippotamus Hippopotamus amphibious, forest buffalo Syncerus caffer nanus, leopard Panthera pardus, forest hog Hylochoerus meinertzhageni, bongo Tragelaphus euryceros and seven species of duiker, all taken for food. Kahuzi-Biéga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo
  • The company had a gentleman in their employ, named De Forest, whom I thought admirably adapted for this purpose, and if the Vice-President would allow me, I would assign to him the task of becoming Mrs. Maroney's lover. The Expressman and the Detective
  • Many species migrate along riverside forests, some covering thousands of miles per year.
  • This roadside forest is hut a scrubby mix of hardwoods and pines, with a wet smear of inch-deep creek running through the middle.
  • This descriptive floristic study will provide foresters, biologists, educators, and KSNPC personnel with data on the flora and vegetation of the Preserve.
  • The Vice-President also told De Forest to remain in Jenkintown for the present. The Expressman and the Detective
  • We are two miles from a road and it is reached by an unmade forestry track. Times, Sunday Times
  • August 26, A.D. 2065, the Board, sitting in London, was informed by De Forest that the District of Northern Illinois had riotously cut itself out of all systems and would remain disconnected till the Board should take over and administer it direct. A Diversity of Creatures
  • She was generally accompanied by De Forest, who had become her constant attendant. The Expressman and the Detective

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