How To Use Dci In A Sentence
In 1767 Leonhard Euler proved that for all triangles the orthocenter, the circumcenter, the centroid and the center of the midcircle are always on the same line.
Luckily, our librarian is quite vigilant about weeding. songbirdcindi
Thin is In « Awful Library Books
DCI is a big player in what you're seeing evolve across the country.
Heads up staffers, tips to avoid a Health Care "Town Hell" (Blog for Democracy)
Those opposed to mountaintop removal -- from concernedcitizensin affected communities to localgrassroots groups and nationaladvocacy organizations -- have worked together tirelessly for years to expose the terrible economic andenvironmentalconsequences wrought bythis reckless practice.
Rob Perks: Fools on Mountaintop
DDCIs limit conversion of levodopa to dopamine in peripheral tissues, which allows a greater proportion of the levodopa to enter the brain and minimizes its adverse side effects.
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But that was not necessarily what the DCI was driving at in underscoring the limits of outside knowledge about Iran.
Will Iran Be Next?
Do they really think the DCI is going to be running agents?
Matthew Yglesias » The Panetta Pick
Hunc ex deo prolatum didicimus et prolatione generatum et idcirco filium dei et deum dictum ex unitate substantiæ, nam et deus spiritus (that is, the antemundane Logos is the
History of Dogma, Volume 2 (of 7)
I would characterize this as low grade DCIS, solid and cribriform growth patterns.
This paper introduces the study of Direct Current Injection ( DCI ) technique used in EMC - testing for missile.
According to DCinemaToday, the growth rate of digital theaters worldwide continues its upward climb.
Declaramus, pronuntiamus et definimus doctrinam quae tenet beatissimam Virginem Mariam in primo instanti suae conceptionis fuisse singulari Omnipotentis Dei gratia et privilegio, intuitu meritorum Christi Jesu Salvatoris humani generis, ab omni originalis culpae labe praeservatam immunem, esse a Deo revelatam, atque idcirco ab omnibus fidelibus firmiter constanterque credendam.
Archive 2007-12-01
'Nam praeter illas unam et viginti, quae Varronianae vocantur, quas idcirco a ceteris segregavit, quoniam dubiosae non erant, set consensu omnium Plauti esse censebantur, quasdam item alias probavit adductus filo atque facetia sermonis Plauto congruentis easque iam nominibus aliorum occupatas
The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
However, how complex and convoluted that makes his life and how he successfully overcame his different outlook to become a DCI is not dug deep enough to satisfy the audience; instead he seems totally adapted with just asides to remind the reader his senses work differently.
2008 June « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
5 Materiam illamvacuanribusclementer/per dcie£tionem, fi phlegmone fimam hepatis partem obfidet: vel fi gibbam, mouenubus tib. 13.meth; vnnam, fi pauca eft vtrobiq; materia: G enim multa, ctiam per inteftina eft fufpe&a purga - tio Galeno, Caffia igitur, manna, & rhabar - bariinfufumbilem (fiabundat) vacuadofunt falubria, quia non trahunt a longmquo, nec materias exagitando ad fluendum incitant.
Morborum internorum prope omnium curatio, certa methodo comprehensa, ex ...
We couldn't have asked for a better display of your talents, DCI Jordan.
We should not be surprised the DCI is more interested in crime figures when so much of the Chief Officer bonus is paid out to create the illusory effect of crime reduction.
By the way, our son will be on ESPN2 DCI(drum corps international) Sept.21 and 23 (check afternoon times) and he ranked 4th best mellophone player out of 20,000 Division I (the division that will be shown on ESPN2)!
Weekly, in Urban Tulsa Weekly - BatesLine
We can learn about that the ADCIG is more sensitive when migration velocity is greater than actual velocity from the relation between ADCIG and migration velocity error.
I hadn't really thought of August but agree with Scott that I picture someone bigger and hulky. dcinsider
Sean Penn and Robert Pattinson Join Water for Elephants, Directed by Francis Lawrence | /Film
The DCI report states that there is strong evidence that Iraq maintains a stockpile of chemical agents, with a numerical estimate of at least one hundred, and up to five hundred combined metric tons of VX, sarin, cyclosarin, and mustard gas.
Think Progress » The Intelligence Agencies Didn’t Get It Wrong, The Bush Administration Did
Catania won't schedule hearing on restaurant health inspection letter grades @brucejohnson9, DCist
DeMorning DeBonis: Jan. 21, 2011
The DCI is looking to address the current influence of mobile devices on our culture.
Boing Boing: February 26, 2006 - March 4, 2006 Archives
The subject DCI is probably playing the game because he is hoping for a promotion before he retires … but is he still competent at his present level?
Women with DCIS were also a third less likely to die of mental health or metabolic problems as well as ovarian or cervical cancer.
Times, Sunday Times
Keď vezmeme do úvahy mladom veku moderný trhový systém, neuveriteľné prírodné zdroje, ktoré spotrebuje, a obrovské množstvo odpadu, ktorý produkuje, je ťažké nedívat sa na konzumu bujnie ako forma masovej psychózy infikovať ľudí po celom svete a presvedčiť ich, aby kúpiť hmotnosť množstvo vecí, ktoré nepotrebujú. »2007» July
It had all seemed so innocuous, and yet... She'd have a word with the DCI on Monday, she decided.
OJCIEC CHRZESTNY dzis! na pewno. aaa, tak, widzialam ten odcinek Kuby Wojewodzkiego z Mellerem. i stwierdzam, ze te dziewczeta byly slabe, Tatiana bardzo na plus, pan Meller calkiem dobrze, ale przy akcji boratowej z Kuba wymieklam: D: D dzis Majewski tez. heeeeej!
Women with DCIS were also a third less likely to die of mental health or metabolic problems as well as ovarian or cervical cancer.
Times, Sunday Times
Along with an invasive cancer, there will also be ductal carcinoma in situ DCIS, which are the precancerous cells that are still contained in the ducts.
Susan M. Love: Breast Cancer Surgery -- Ignorance of Anatomy, Not a Dearth of Guidelines
In it, Laurel got to show off her newest series of paintings, ink and watercolor drawings, sculptures and other works - all of which have been described as erudite, evil, haunting, mysterious, beautiful and charming (read an interview of Laurel in the DCist here).
Charlottesville Blogs
IG, your DCI is only interested in cooking the books each month.
Sed cùm ipsi, vt supradictum est, in tenebris ambulant, idcircò ignorantes Dei iustitiam, statuere volunt iustitiam, imo iniustitiam quam fabricant in corde suo, quia nos de cruce Christi scriptum nouimus, benedictum est lignum per quod fit iustitia.
The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
D.C. Water's Wendy the Waterdrop answers customer questions silently, fuzzily (DCist)
DeMorning DeBonis: Oct. 27, 2010
If you recall, it wasthis very same friendly, polite, even warm individual who this past July hadCindy Sheehan, 27-year veteran analyst of the CIA Ray McGovern, Rev. Lennox Yearwood and 50 othersinConyers anteroom, who were there to discuss Impeachment, arrested and taken outby the Capitol Police then "processed" for six hours.
Conyers Tells Rob Kall: Impeachment Not Off the Table; A You Tube Video
The flag was centered on the DCI's desk, still folded into its triangular section, called a cocked-hat.
Clear and Present Danger
NIE OTWIERAM JUZ OKIEN, kiedy pali sie swiatlo, zamykam drzwi, kiedy swiatlo sie pali wieczorami w innych pokojach, zeby te bestie przypadkiem do mnie nie przylecialy, ogolnie odcinam sie od kazdej mozliwej sytuacji, w ktorej mogloby dojsc do spotkania mojego z komarami, uff kropka. nienawidze dlugich zdan. troche chce juz studia.
Implacable DCI Burke chief grump since the death of Mark "Jim Taggart" McManus in 1994 verbally debagging joyless DI Reid over a misplaced lever arch file, before storming off to interrogate someone called Rab.
Top Gear, New Tricks, Lewis … the television shows that won't die
This is DCS James Langton, Murder Squad; its imperative we speak to one of your officers, a DCI John Marlow.
Deadly Intent
The list of available transmission options for Clio III is the same as for Modus and includes a six speed manual on the most powerful dCi 106.
Whose discreet surveillance he'd been boasting about to the DCI only yesterday.
Et capiam buccellam panis, et fulcite cor vestrum, postea transibitis: quia idcirco transiistis ad servum vestrum.
Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
Trifte jaces lucis, evitandumqiie bidental, f Idcirco ftolidam praebet tibi vellere barbam Jnppiter? aut quidnam eft, qua tu mercede Deonim
A. Persii Flacci et Dec. Jun. Juvenalis satirae: Ad optimas editiones ...
Now DCI is behind the phony protestors, and they're undoubtedly being funded by AHIP and others.
Heads up staffers, tips to avoid a Health Care "Town Hell" (Blog for Democracy)