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How To Use Daylily In A Sentence

  • Can you see me waundering thru the garden, hmmm, is this a daylily or crocosmia. Daylilies 2009-Grand Finale « Fairegarden
  • After the first hard freeze, cut back perennials such as aster, campanula, daylily, phlox, and veronica, leaving 6-inch stubs above the ground.
  • Strong and stout, this daylily, hemerocallis ‘Matthew Martin’ from another local daylily farm, Sunshine Hollow, has very thick petals with a slight ruffled edge. Color in the Garden-GBDW Part Three « Fairegarden
  • More swaying plants, this time penstemon ‘Rondo’, with the blue and white flowers, blue fescue in flower, some sweet williams scattered about, nepeta mussinii, daylily foliage, and the whole scene backed by a wall of feather reed grass, calamagrostis ‘Karl Foerster’. Movement « Fairegarden
  • The daylily is a very early bloomer with a tag of Lemon Lily, Hemerocallis lilio-asphodelus. May Bloom Day 2009 « Fairegarden
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  • After the first hard freeze, cut back perennials such as aster, campanula, daylily, phlox, and veronica, leaving 6-inch stubs above the ground.
  • Shown above is the roadside daylily, hemerocallis fulva, in the midst of feather reed grass, calamagrostis ‘Karl Foerester’. June 2008 Bloom Day « Fairegarden
  • The daylily is the official flower of the City of Hattiesburg. -
  • More swaying plants, this time penstemon ‘Rondo’, with the blue and white flowers, blue fescue in flower, some sweet williams scattered about, nepeta mussinii, daylily foliage, and the whole scene backed by a wall of feather reed grass, calamagrostis ‘Karl Foerster’. Movement « Fairegarden
  • The view from the deck of what is called the daylily hill is showing the Japanese maple leafing out. Home Sweet Home « Fairegarden
  • Many flowers are edible, the most common culinary varieties being calendula, chrysanthemum, daylily, nasturtium, pansy, violet and zucchini.
  • They are placed in the area of the garden that is referred to as the daylily hill. Pleasurable Pursuits « Fairegarden
  • Since the beginning of daylily season every effort has been made to take a representative shot of the flower bed referred to as the daylily hill. Capturing A Blooming Daylily Hill-Without A Net « Fairegarden
  • Many flowers are edible, the most common culinary varieties being calendula, chrysanthemum, daylily, nasturtium, pansy, violet and zucchini.
  • Once considered part of the Lily family, the daylily is more correctly placed into the Hemerocallidaceae family because they grow from tuberous, fleshy roots rather than bulbs. Brigitte Mars: Delightful Day Lilies with Brigitte Mars
  • Sure enough, early the next summer, the spiraea's fluffy white flowers bloomed in concert with the daylily's clear yellow trumpets.
  • Evening bloomers, daylily cultivars that flower in the evening and remain open until the following day, also are available.
  • She plantedthrew the seeds in the bed she calls the daylily farm, all her beds are farms of various sorts, after dumping mushroom compost from the nearby mushroom farm, an actual farm,on a section of land near her garage the first spring after moving in. Bloom Day At The Semi Garden « Fairegarden
  • At work, we are an “Open Garden” this weekend for the mid-Atlantic daylily convention, so there should be some hemerocallis-heads wandering around. Some Daylilies And A Surprise « Fairegarden
  • Shown above is the roadside daylily, hemerocallis fulva, in the midst of feather reed grass, calamagrostis ‘Karl Foerester’. June 2008 Bloom Day « Fairegarden
  • The first time you sample any part of a daylily, taste only a small piece and have a friend with you. Brigitte Mars: Delightful Day Lilies with Brigitte Mars
  • Reading about a "daylily bud and petal salad" preceding a "stinging nettle and sea spinach soup" is almost enough to make one yearn for a wedge of iceberg lettuce drenched in Thousand Island dressing. Gastronomy
  • Smaller cultivars can be used as edgers and foreground plants, while the larger daylily cultivars can be used in background plantings, as accents, or in front of tall hardscape elements such as fences and decks.
  • Consider a blooming bonsai, bougainvillea, daylily, or gardenia, or a citrus tree such as ‘Clementine’ tangerine, ‘Improved Meyer’ lemon, or kumquat.
  • Sure enough, early the next summer, the spiraea's fluffy white flowers bloomed in concert with the daylily's clear yellow trumpets.

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