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How To Use Daydreaming In A Sentence

  • Ever since I found out that they make adult sizes I've been daydreaming about 'heeling' to work (just think how exciting that walk to and from London Bridge would be on wheels), about skating carefree-ly round Paul when we go shopping, and about generally being the coolest kid in the playground. The One With The Fad
  • This is less strange than it might sound; it is rather like daydreaming, or the feeling you get when the mind wanders while reading. Times, Sunday Times
  • With nothing but the gentle slap of one piece of pasteboard against another to distract him, Sam slipped imperceptibly from daydreaming into sleep.
  • The most surprising Democrat to engage in this daydreaming is one who never dated Dean in the first place: Peter Beinart, editor of the New Republic. September 2004
  • In fact, she looked more interested in daydreaming about the colour she might dye her hair next. The Sun
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  • Do preparation instead of just daydreaming about success. The Sun
  • They may just be daydreaming. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • It didn't stop her from daydreaming though, that she could be the girl to help him love again.
  • Instead of daydreaming about the life you want, you make practical plans. The Sun
  • Instead of just daydreaming about changes, you take the first step towards making them real. The Sun
  • In fact, she looked more interested in daydreaming about the colour she might dye her hair next. The Sun
  • Now the daydreaming is back -- in career form (of sorts). Mulling
  • Instead of daydreaming about the life you want, you make practical plans. The Sun
  • Instead of just daydreaming about changes, you take the first step towards making them real. The Sun
  • Instead of just daydreaming about setting up your own business, you can take the first vital step today. The Sun
  • Instead of daydreaming about changes, you have the power to make them. The Sun
  • They may just be daydreaming. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • Everyone said I was far too quiet, like I was always lost in my own world, daydreaming.
  • And I too have been daydreaming about blue wings ... and also about a certain dark-haired vampire * grin* Guild Hunter Book #2 Title Change
  • In fact, she looked more interested in daydreaming about the colour she might dye her hair next. The Sun
  • You are ready to work on secret ambitions instead of just daydreaming about them and you have both the energy and luck needed to make things happen. The Sun
  • He was daydreaming about them combing the market for horses when he collided with someone.
  • She was free to indulge in a little romantic daydreaming.
  • Instead of daydreaming about changes, you are ready and able to make them. The Sun
  • The main point about daydreaming is that you are feeding your mind positive images which gives your immune system a regular boost. Banish Headaches -how to obtain fast, drug-free relief from headache
  • Instead of daydreaming about longed-for changes in family life, you find a way to make them happen. The Sun
  • By the time the interim came to an end, we struggled with too much daydreaming and time wasting. Christianity Today
  • How many times have you sat in your office, daydreaming about being on your boat instead of at work?
  • Instead of daydreaming about changes, you are ready and able to make them. The Sun
  • Do preparation instead of just daydreaming about success. The Sun
  • Do preparation instead of just daydreaming about success. The Sun
  • I spend quite a lot of time daydreaming. Times, Sunday Times
  • She stopped daydreaming and realized she had about ten minutes left to get to the captain.
  • Instead of just daydreaming about setting up your own business, you can take the first vital step today. The Sun
  • I would spend hours daydreaming about a house of my own.
  • You are either in your room deep in thought, or you're sitting in the staircase daydreaming.
  • She was back at her home, daydreaming again when she was supposed to be practicing her flute.
  • I find myself daydreaming about this person, imagining that he wants me. The Sun
  • She suggested that daydreaming and imagination were ways of turning unhappy thoughts into something creative. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mention Oxford, and images of daydreaming dons and youths punting on the Cherwell come to mind.
  • The headlines I had been daydreaming about were becoming real. The Other Side of Me
  • A new study by University of British Columbia researchers, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, suggests that daydreaming is an extremely active, cognitively complex mental state: Boing Boing
  • I find myself daydreaming about this person, imagining that he wants me. The Sun
  • No wonder there is no time for idle speculation, for daydreaming. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead of daydreaming about changes, you are ready and able to make them. The Sun
  • Even so, she had never stopped wistfully daydreaming about what could have been, of the life she could have lived on Lothos.
  • Now they have lunch with each other, daydreaming like children about new lives as inventors, explorers and sportsmen.
  • Instead of daydreaming about the life you want, you make practical plans. The Sun
  • You get ideas from daydreaming. You get ideas from being bored. You get ideas all the time. The only difference between writers and other people is we notice when we're doing it. Neil Gaiman 
  • She sought solitude and tried to escape into daydreaming.
  • Neither of these people, in either of the hypothetical situations, would be so placid and unaroused that his body would exhibit the peaceful physiology of sleep or daydreaming. Stress and the Manager
  • The headlines I had been daydreaming about were becoming real. The Other Side of Me
  • You are ready to work on secret ambitions instead of just daydreaming about them and you have both the energy and luck needed to make things happen. The Sun
  • She closed her eyes and started daydreaming about Kyle and wondering if he would be at the party.
  • I was daydreaming of going to work at my local bakery. Christianity Today
  • When Charles tapped me on the shoulder I was daydreaming of golden beaches and palm trees.
  • I must have been daydreaming about it when I accidentally dropped a loaded tray crowded with entrées of pork tenderloin and pasta Alfredo.
  • In one, as yet unnamed piece, a woman sits languidly daydreaming, her leg dangling over John's fireplace.
  • They may just be daydreaming. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • I'd been daydreaming about it all week, and it was every bit as good as it always is.
  • I spend quite a lot of time daydreaming. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead of just daydreaming about setting up your own business, you can take the first vital step today. The Sun
  • I was still peeved at myself for doodling hearts all over my paper, even if I was daydreaming.
  • Daydreaming, maybe, or closing her eyes for an instant, or stretching out to absorb the fine morning sun.
  • I had a chuckle looking at Oprah so far removed from her own Mississippi roots when she couldn't even lift up a bucket of water to balance on her head, like the young girl she was with here's a clue, Oprah: it's called a bandanna, you wrap it around like a turban, place it on your head, and if positioned correctly, the bucket should balance itself on this apparatus - I'm sure your rural, impoverished grandmother knew something about this, if you had listened to her various instructions instead of daydreaming that you would never do what she was doing; you might have spared yourself the embarrassment of not being able to do what most women of African descent in this world know how to do - but I digress. The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy: Black Feminism, Surrogate Motherhood, or Colonialist Fantasy?
  • When he was 11, his teachers had to tell him to stop daydreaming about acting all the time and work harder at his studies.
  • One of the principles I have always fallen back on when the world seems really depressing is something I came up with while daydreaming in a graduate statistics class in 1975 which I call Kelley's Theorem of Human Nature. Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
  • She was free to indulge in a little romantic daydreaming.
  • In all of this Supreme Court daydreaming, is any rightwinger going to say outright, “Everything we said about “judicial activism” was pure smokescreen”? Matthew Yglesias » Constitutional Objections to Health Reform
  • The truth of it is I'd rather be out in the fresh air on a lovely day, daydreaming in the sun.
  • But here I was: cold, tired, walking along an interstate in the dead dark of morning daydreaming about why sidewalks were never built along interstates.
  • The trait has, however, been linked tantalizingly with an individual's ability to become absorbed in activities such as reading, listening to music or daydreaming.
  • Although Ayman was an excellent student, he often seemed to be daydreaming in class.
  • no tengamos miedo current back forward archives mail profile diaryland es más que un "set-up" oficial es más que un reflejo sideral es "daydreaming" a un nivel sub-trascendental. Cruda Diary Entry
  • Coleridge's attack on the "beggarly daydreaming" of romance reading noted that "the whole material and imagery of the doze is supplied ab extra by a sort of mental camera obscura manufactured at the printing office, which pro tempore fixes, reflects and transmits the moving fantasms of one man's delirium, so as to people the barrenness of an hundred other brains afflicted with the same trance or suspension of all common sense and all definite purpose" (1975, 28). Reading Machines
  • You could argue that by offloading data onto silicon, we free our own gray matter for more germanely "human" tasks like brainstorming and daydreaming. Your Outboard Brain Knows All
  • He wondered how much it might cost him… Aaron's return interrupted his daydreaming, and he was presented with a plate of meat gravy and a hunk of bread.
  • The headlines I had been daydreaming about were becoming real. The Other Side of Me
  • Instead of daydreaming about turning a favourite pastime into a career, you can make it happen. The Sun
  • You crumple the paper and begin daydreaming to ease the frustration.
  • She suggested that daydreaming and imagination were ways of turning unhappy thoughts into something creative. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was daydreaming about her school back in California and what her friends were doing right then.
  • She had come here to reject William and instead she was daydreaming about Arthur and watching with a growing sense of repulsion as William chewed incessantly, like a cow with a mouthful of cud.
  • Instead of daydreaming about turning a hobby into a business, check it out in detail. The Sun
  • So how does a parent know if a child's daydreaming, overexcitement, or trouble finishing homework is normal or a warning sign of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? ADHD in children: What parents need to know
  • Many hours may be spent daydreaming about meeting the ideal boyfriend and falling in love.
  • There was a wistful, daydreaming quality to Pete's voice that lulled me almost to sleep as we rode.
  • And it was even more crazy to stand here daydreaming about it, she castigated herself.
  • Instead of daydreaming about turning a favourite pastime into a career, you can make it happen. The Sun
  • Strive as I would, ever my fancy eluded my will and wantoned in daydreaming of the good things I had eaten and of the good things Chapter 19
  • Instead of daydreaming about longed-for changes in family life, you find a way to make them happen. The Sun
  • In fact, she looked more interested in daydreaming about the colour she might dye her hair next. The Sun
  • The novel fan is always daydreaming and sometimes under the delusion that he becomes Napoleon.
  • By the time the interim came to an end, we struggled with too much daydreaming and time wasting. Christianity Today
  • Thinking/daydreaming is essential to my process and coming to understand and see this as a respectable part of the writing process this has enabled me to embrace it. Knowing Your Process – How « Write Anything
  • He adorned a long blue cloak to help protect him against the cold and fierce winds of winter and for some time now had been struggling along in the snow practically daydreaming of sitting by the warm fire place enfolded in a quilt.
  • The parietal lobe, which is the region of the brain that interprets the data we perceive through our five senses, is also one of the areas involved in daydreaming and visualization. Suzie Heumann: Sex: Plain or Profound, What's Your Style?
  • I spend quite a lot of time daydreaming. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the time the interim came to an end, we struggled with too much daydreaming and time wasting. Christianity Today
  • She was still daydreaming when a loud rap at the wooden door shook her violently from her musings.
  • It's time to stop daydreaming and make those huge guns a reality!
  • I find myself daydreaming about this person, imagining that he wants me. The Sun
  • In fact, she looked more interested in daydreaming about the colour she might dye her hair next. The Sun
  • By the time I finished daydreaming about the gridders of yore, Deion Branch had already won the award.
  • Instead of daydreaming about changes, you have the power to make them. The Sun
  • Instead of daydreaming about turning a favourite pastime into a career, you can make it happen. The Sun
  • In fact, she looked more interested in daydreaming about the colour she might dye her hair next. The Sun
  • But in my daydreaming fifteen-year-old soul, the impossibilities inherent in such a feeling only served to intensify my hero-worship of William.
  • She looked out the window, daydreaming
  • Besides, even if you were to cop that kiss, you would not magically get A's or stop daydreaming.
  • The main point about daydreaming is that you are feeding your mind positive images which gives your immune system a regular boost. Banish Headaches -how to obtain fast, drug-free relief from headache
  • Instead of daydreaming about longed-for changes in family life, you find a way to make them happen. The Sun
  • Summer's here… and it's time for those long, lazy, languid days, filled with nothing more demanding than cool dips in the pool, cooler drinks and perhaps some daydreaming.
  • Instead of daydreaming about changes, you are ready and able to make them. The Sun
  • Some were noisy, some were listening intently, and one seemed to be daydreaming.
  • Instead of just daydreaming about changes, you take the first step towards making them real. The Sun
  • Instead of daydreaming about changes, you have the power to make them. The Sun
  • She smiled softly, her eyes glazed over as if she were daydreaming.
  • You are ready to work on secret ambitions instead of just daydreaming about them and you have both the energy and luck needed to make things happen. The Sun
  • Gyanendra was "daydreaming" - a surprising display of disrespect to the former monarch. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • I hadn't taken a book in and so I was contenting myself just daydreaming.
  • This is why insurance is so expensive because what was once thought of as normal childhood daydreaming and rammy is now considered a treatable medical condition. Saving Carlos: Budget cuts leave 2nd-grader behind

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