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day book

  1. the daily written record of events (as arrests) in a police station

How To Use day book In A Sentence

  • There is little information in Domesday Book on peasant production but a good deal on demesne inputs and output.
  • Swindon - derived from the Saxon words swine dun meaning pig hill - was mentioned in the Domesday Book of 1086, but it was not until the late 13 th century that it grew into a small town with a weekly market.
  • Any info on racist, sexist etc content in Enid Blytons books and also modern day books that may still be in print etc would be much appreciated. Who's Our Enid?
  • Digital domesday book unlocked: “The Domesday Project highlights the problems of digital preservation.” also see Why PDF Sucks That’s what I’m saying… - emergency weblog; or: epersonae; or: elaine nelson
  • The first documentary reference is in the Domesday Book of 1086, but there has been evidence of Roman and Saxon occupation.
  • In Doomsday Book the twenty-first century is stricken by yet another pandemic, almost as deadly as the Black Death was in the fourteenth.
  • What follows is a list of Early National and Antebellum ledgers and day books from the North American manuscript holdings in the Department of Special Collections, University Libraries of Notre Dame.
  • Domesday Book also lists the demesne resources or inputs.
  • Most oaths are known only from undated but late versions recorded in the Ipswich Domesday books, although some of the key elements are found in the account of the setting up of self-government in 1200 or implied in the custumal.
  • Sunday Book Review cover: Walter Kirn on How Fiction Works by James Wood: The heroes of this great artistic labor tend to be semimonastic intro­verts who, like Wood’s beloved Henry James and Gustave Flaubert, toil with the doors shut and locked, in soundproof splendid isolation, attentive to the subtle frictions among nouns and adjectival phrases .... An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
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