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How To Use Dawn In A Sentence

  • He specialized in moonlit and winter scenes, usually including a sheet of water and sometimes also involving the light of a fire, and he also painted sunsets and views at dawn or twilight.
  • Fun is the secret ingredient of a lot of great companies, but 10 years of economic prosperity, a resurgent stock market, and the dawning of the dot-com have created other business priorities.
  • Clear information boards indicate the location of different types of trees which include Persian, Japanese and black walnut trees, coastal and dawn redwoods, cedar of Lebanon, atlas and deodar cedars, and swamp cypresses.
  • An hour later dawn had come, and as the early morning mist cleared every man could see that the cre st they had reached was a false one. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • At the conclusion of her winter season in Miami, the Norwegian Dawn will begin an innovative itinerary of seven-day Bahamas sailings from New York on May 18.
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  • Gorgeous in a seemingly effortless Kate Hudson/Blake Lively kind of way, her future calling dawned on her when she saw her dad performing on stage and became enamored with the costumes the dancers were wearing. Buzzine » Stacey Oristano
  • As if to presage that there is a new dawn in the world, with the inauguration of President Barack Obama, the strong winds coming from the Sub-Sahara have manifested themselves in the form of what Ghana typically knows as the harmattan season. Accra by Day & Night
  • Comic : Dawn of the Re-animater cbr - rar pack download at RS Comic : Dawn of the Re-animater
  • The night of the dance dawned - or should I say dusked?
  • She had waited here in the orchard since dawn and she was prepared to go on waiting until moonset if necessary. The Night Of the Solstice
  • It is easy to see that this was the logical response to the dawning realisation of death as the fate of us all.
  • The men hit the hay early, in order to be out hunting at dawn.
  • The morning sky was cloudless, and a dark shade of slate gray, not yet dawn.
  • I often start work at the crack of dawn when there is a big order to get out.
  • Then it dawned on me that the word "amateur" comes from the French word meaning "to love. Restoration: Congress, Term Limits and the Recovery of Deliberative Democracy
  • It dawned today dankly raining, but by mid morning and my coffee pilgrimage there was sunlight, intermittently, and a warming breeze from the south.
  • An hour later dawn had come, and as the early morning mist cleared every man could see that the cre st they had reached was a false one. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • What causes you to wake up before dawn with a new idea spinning in your mind? Christianity Today
  • At dawn alert next day Suwanti chained the dogs away from a round jungle-green enigma then bowled the baby into the hedge to its kind.
  • Achan, the head monk, draped in the colours of the dawn, unlatches the door to a large metal cage.
  • Contrary to such forecasts, nearly all the indices of human progress have improved since the dawn of the industrial age.
  • When dawn broke, he rose stiffly, and stretched his aching limbs.
  • But with all the close horrors of the Venusian climate let's not lose sight of the view from earth, of the herald of the dawn and the evening star of lovers.
  • The police clearly took the reports of a similar find in Australia seriously, and last Friday Sydney police launched a dawn raid on a modest two-storey house in the suburbs.
  • Dawn came, the sea calmed but the cold was as bitter as ever.
  • Thousands of pounds worth of drugs were seized in dawn raids yesterday.
  • To stay bite-free, said Brandi Moritz with the Platte County Health Department, residents can treat standing water with mosquito larvicide briquettes, put on repellant, wear long sleeves and avoid being outdoors from dusk to dawn when the mosquitoes bite most. Front Page
  • I watched with dry, weary eyes as the pale light of dawn overwhelmed the amber glow of the Parisian night sky.
  • I have a bad case of Dawn Phenomenon and *have* to eat breakfast or my blood glucose keeps rising. Intermittent fasting guest blog | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Alucius was silent, watching the realization of what must have happened dawn on the boy.
  • The splitting of the atom meant the dawn of the nuclear age. Times, Sunday Times
  • He often summons the image of a bridge, as he does here in his perhaps most definitive passage about the Overman: There it was too that I picked up the word "overman" by the way, and that man is something that must be overcome-that man is a bridge and no end: proclaiming himself blessed in view of his noon and evening, as the way to new dawns-Zarathustra's word of the great noon, and whatever else I hung up over man like the last crimson light of evening. Archive 2005-10-01
  • Silence has long been a tenet of mystery religions such as Wicca, as well as other fraternal organizations such as the Masons, or the Golden Dawn.
  • The troops landed at dawn.
  • From the dawning of Greek Classicism to well beyond the Italian Renaissance, artists learned to faithfully master contrapposto, linear perspective, and the like in order to achieve the great, mythic aspiration of beauty. Rebecca Taylor: All I Really Need To Know I Learned From Baldessari
  • A man even admitted to calling in sick yesterday because he was afraid to leave for work in the predawn hours.
  • Dawn, despite its revelation of an ominous pall hanging over the mountains, found us hitching towards Cairngorm.
  • He docked his boat at a sub-divisional town at dawn.
  • Dawn was breaking as Marie rose from her first restful night's sleep in two weeks.
  • The entirety of time and space is his playground, from the dawn of the Universe to its end. Times, Sunday Times
  • Silver: Before the dawn of antibiotics, silver was used on the skin as an antimicrobial agent and disinfectant and internally to treat epilepsy, gonorrhea and tropical sprue.
  • Half a foot of overnight snowfall that stops with the dawn is about perfect, guaranteeing that any tracks you cross will be fresh and the snow underfoot will be silent. The Deer Tracker's Handbook
  • This is most notable in the new sense of a journey across the paintings, from dawn to bright daylight to night, revealed after the removal of the dark varnishes on the canvases by Muller and Delacroix.
  • Seemingly just in such a flash, the national fountainhead and mysterious maxim of Mongolia dawn era on grassland drew a streak of apocalyptical light across my heart.
  • By the dawn of the Scientific Revolution, researchers equipped with microscopes founded modern chemistry - and dismissed alchemy as hocus-pocus.
  • I watched with dry, weary eyes as the pale light of dawn overwhelmed the amber glow of the Parisian night sky.
  • It later dawned on me that "fritz" is an ethnic slur against Germans. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Dawn receives some dreadful news on her big day. The Sun
  • And when day-break dawned and the star of morn appeared in sheen and shone, he broke up the sitting and, dismissing the youths, donned his court-dress and leaving his house set out for the palace of the The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Between Dawney and Beta lieth a famous island in Orenoque (now called Baraquan, for above Meta it is not known by the name of Orenoque) which is called Athule (cataract of Ature); beyond which ships of burden cannot pass by reason of a most forcible overfall, and current of water; but in the eddy all smaller vessels may be drawn even to Peru itself. The Discovery of Guiana
  • Most of the girls were up at the crack of dawn because of their nervous excitement.
  • Britain's productive capacity was falling more rapidly than at any time since the dawn of the industrial age.
  • She lay in a state of suspended animation, waiting for dawnlight, when she would rise.
  • By dawn, the 46-year-old Agoura Hills businessman dons a wet suit, picks up a surfboard and catches waves.
  • The shooting party set off shortly before dawn.
  • Tom was the only man who dared run the bar in the dark, and that last time, between nightfall and the dawn, with a southeaster breezing up, he had sailed his schooner in and out again. BY THE TURTLES OF TASMAN
  • By dawn on Saturday, the fog had taken possession of the downtown streets: the coast road would be viewless.
  • The box contains a bank of small lenses that track the sun from dawn to dusk. Times, Sunday Times
  • The soldiers went forward at dawn.
  • With the help of hospital physio teams, Dawn has taken her first tentative steps on false legs this month.
  • Dawn Remblance, from Bridlington, is influenced by the horse's name and the colour of jockey silks when it comes to backing horses.
  • The unfolding journey in the album, from the contemplative to the celebrative, is a perfect analog to the gradual evolution from darkness to the dawn, in our morning event. Joseph Vella: Interview: Paul Winter -- The 16th Annual Summer Solstice Concert June 18th NYC
  • The infantry began to deploy at dawn.
  • Another of the Scarlet mages who slew the Azure ones is camped very close to me, and had the dawn watch.
  • Before dawn they sa w her lights steaming over the southern horizon. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • In the dawn a monstrous wave, well over the height of the mast, appeared from nowhere and completely enveloped the ship. Times, Sunday Times
  • Soldiers stormed into the city at dawn.
  • In the eight years Violate has been running we have only ever had one tiff - it was between two transvestites and it was handbags at dawn.
  • At friends 'parties he participates in improv poetry competitions as Iron Poet Norse Saga, whose hour-long eddas on the dust-bunnies beneath Odin's throne often extend the celebrations until dawn. MIND MELD: Memorable Short Stories to Add to Your Reading List (Part 2 of 2)
  • Unlike the early birds, the dawning of each day finds me still abed, nested in my covers and dreamily counting waves; this is a psychological response to the soothing sigh of a slight swell nibbling at the beach a few yards from my seaside bed. Good morning, Melaque: one day in a small Mexico beach town
  • Aislinn woke as the first gray hues of dawn were seeking their way through the shutters and lighting the room. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • Many parents moan about their offspring rising at the crack of dawn.
  • Vera Duckworth, alias Leeds-born Liz Dawn, booked a day off from serving chips at Roy's Rolls to become Peggy Lee.
  • Gina looked blank; then understanding dawned.
  • On Washington Avenue, where clubs now pulse till dawn, stores used to sell whitefish and five-and-dime notions to gray-haired ladies like Mrs. Wallach. Lea Lane: South Beach: Then and Now
  • It is while you are patiently toiling at the little tasks of life that the meaning and shape of great whole of life dawn on you. 
  • In effect, her job was simply to be Dawn Fraser, be inspiring to all those young Olympians who had grown up venerating her name.
  • Few people have not woken to the sounds of the dawn chorus nor seen moths drawn to artificial lights as daylight fades.
  • Pluto's right angle to Mercury insists a bright new day is dawning.
  • Aidan woke, blinking up into the gray of predawn, confusion at his whereabouts making him question the heavy oaken beams above his head, the draft from a rattling set of windows, and the dampness in the smelly blankets covering him. Earl of Durkness
  • Many malls and big box stores will open long before dawn with deep discounts, in-store promotions and anything to get spenders and their checkbooks out of bed.
  • That was going to be ours before dawn broke.
  • Before he could find one a horn blew somewhere sounding the approach of dawn.
  • Thousands of pounds worth of drugs were seized in dawn raids yesterday.
  • She rushed the hair out of her face with a shaky hand, glancing around nervously in the pale gray light of dawn.
  • The night-light was still on, but the sky outside had already faded to a pre-dawn grey. NIGHT SISTERS
  • Jak już wcześniej wspominałem dodany niedawno nowy temat dla Plymouth ulegnie zmianie, gdyż developerzy pracują nad zmianą czcionki napisu tytułowego w logo, aby dostosować go do ogólnej koncepcji stosowanej dla nowych produktów Canonical. Zmiana marki Kubuntu
  • It was while standing in the early dawn at the opening ceremony for the recommissioned Matahina Dam on the Rangitikei River in 1998 that the irony first occurred to me.
  • Fox stared stonily ahead, watching the grey of false dawn filter into the star-studded sky, ever aware of the orange glow behind him.
  • He finished toweling himself dry and pulled on the pajama bottoms that Dawn gave him the first night.
  • Yes, Evil Dead II: Dead by Dawn is shlocky with its gore, but it could have been so much worse and I am very glad that they made a lot of it off screen and in shadow. Black & White Friday: Evil Dead II: Dead by Dawn
  • The world has been going through a tumultuous period since the dawn of the 1990s, with no sign of relief in sight.
  • Such is Commerce, which shakes the cocoa-nut and bread-fruit tree in the remotest isle, and sooner or later dawns on the duskiest and most simple-minded savage. A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers
  • Police launched a nationwide hunt for Dawn Loasby, 33, amid fears for their safety.
  • 'Ah, Sir!' cried he, 'if you knew how little is to be apprehended from the world, where the whole heart is already absorbed in attachment, contracted in the early dawn of life, and interwoven with the very existence, you would not feel these fears, nor wound me with these doubts.' The Old Manor House
  • I jog every morning right about dawn to an hour after.
  • Instead comrades prefer to watch another new day dawn in another capital. Times, Sunday Times
  • Waking at Dawn two single thoughts consumed her, -- the Lay Reader, and the humpiest of the express packages downstairs. Peace on Earth, Good-will to Dogs
  • VENUS AND THE MOON: Early Thursday morning just before dawn when the Perseid meteor shower is supposed to be most intense, Venus and the crescent moon will appear side-by-side in the eastern sky. Torrent those XP Service Pack 2 bits
  • Behind, on a shelf, stands a magisterial cash-register, which looks as if it has been ringing up the pounds, shillings and pence since the dawn of time.
  • However, you get a real sense that the best days are now dawning for the Institute and - as a result - for the region that it is such a key part of.
  • If you idlers must know, I woke up at dawn, began my five-mile run, followed by the usual regiment of calisthenics…
  • It had dawned overcast and gloomy, with just a glimmer of light to the south.
  • Forget any romantic notions of setting horse hair traps for rabbits in the pale dawn and then settling down to tickle trout from the mossy banks of the stream.
  • It is while you are patiently toiling at the little tasks of life that the meaning and shape of great whole of life dawn on you. 
  • But slowly it dawned on me that it was, perhaps, more about the most classic of misbegotten South African stereotypes.
  • As already indicated, the intense emotionalism about the liberal moment was suggestive of novelty - the appearance of a new dawn.
  • In a corner, young Curry Shepherd, his blazer looking slightly the worse for wear, sat meditating on the relative merits of death by garotting or a slow boiling in oil, both of which he contemplated with BMW in mind, the DCSS having called him from a warm bed, next to a warm and loving woman at the dawn's early light. Final Resting Place of The Pen
  • The dawn of the reusable rocket represents a milestone for the space industry, which until now has dumped them in the sea. Times, Sunday Times
  • We must start at dawn.
  • Add nothing, and diminish nothing, let this lamp shine “till the day dawn, ’till the morning of the resurrection,” and walk ye in the light of it, and do not kindle any other sparkles, else ye shall lie down in the grave in sorrow, and rise in sorrow. The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
  • I just so happened to watch this one a few months ago when my kids were really obsessing over the song "The Gonk" the mall music from the original DAWN OF THE DEAD. Guy Smiley and Me (an embarrassing true story)
  • At dawn I often walk by the shores of Lake Managua, staring at the wild flowers that grow in the cracks of dead buildings: malinche, the flowers are called. Once upon a life: Joseph O'Connor
  • As far as Eliot's is concerned, his older sister Dawn talks in nonsensical sentences. [UPDATED] REVIEW: 2006 Nebula Award Short Fiction Nominees
  • Diary of a Bluestocking: dawn chorus now available to read in skookum boom skip to main Dawn chorus now available to read in skookum boom
  • Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark. Rabindranath Tagore 
  • Setting out at dawn with a formidable supply of beer and rum, they would fish all day then return under moonlit skies to dine and drink jugs of Rioja wine in local Spanish restaurants.
  • Gradually it dawned on Bob that this man was acting in the capacity of "barker" -- that with quite admirable perspicacity and accuracy, he was engaged in selecting from the countless throngs the few possible purchasers for Lucky Lands. The Rules of the Game
  • For those who have not been submitted, as we have for four years, to the intolerable and abhorred German yoke, it is difficult to realize how great were the relief, the joy, the well-being, in a word the unexpressible happiness we all felt when the first Allied troops made their way through our village, and this great event has been for us like the dawn of a resurrection. Tar-Heel War Record (In the Great World War)
  • And the holiday isn't any old holiday like going on camping and having to poo in a bucket, it's a six star pamper from dawn till dusk where the hardest thing they have to do all day is remember to put some suncream on?
  • A technician with Courtelle, 30-year-old Dawn is the only woman among the 50 auxiliary fire personnel at the site.
  • As the Cold War dawned, American Communists, who were still a formidable force, sought a rebirth by christening themselves "Progressives," a moniker usurped from the reform movement of the Teddy Roosevelt era. Obama a 'Reaganite'? It Just Might Work
  • The trilogy represents raft, shelter and spires and moves from dusk through night to dawn.
  • Here is revealed one of the foremost of the causes which made the belief of the Dark Age in the numerous appearances of ghosts and devils so common and so intense that it gave currency to the notion that the swarming spirits of purgatory were disembogued from dusk till dawn. The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • At the same instant it dawned on her that she'd left her briefcase behind.
  • Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark. Rabindranath Tagore 
  • In the thick of this, well away from the road, they made camp and waited for the light of dawn.
  • With springtime dawning once again it's hard not to thinks of parks, gardens and being outdoors in nature.
  • The dawning of democracy and installation of a non-racial government did not immediately bring about a change in attitudes, and the criminals flourished.
  • By dawn, when we can see a little, we realise that we are in the midst of thick forests.
  • Then the chilling truth dawned on Captain Gary Snavely.
  • It is while you are patiently toiling at the little tasks of life that the meaning and shape of great whole of life dawn on you. 
  • With the completion of the sequence of the human genome and the list of full sequence of infectious agents growing almost daily, medical research stands at the dawning of a new era of advance.
  • That revolutionary dawn proved less than auspicious after many Frenchmen died under the blade of the guillotine.
  • The next day dawned bright and clear, and Anne woke to a steaming breakfast.
  • That dawning realisation that people were going to live and not die was absolutely fabulous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once dawn came, she could awaken from an unsatisfying sleep, turn off the light, and feel the kind of physical and mental peace that comes after a fever has broken.
  • An hour later dawn had come, and as the early morning mist cleared every man could see that the cre st they had reached was a false one. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • The boats anchored along the shore at dawn.
  • When dawn came, I saw that my hiding place was no good - I was as exposed as a newborn baby.
  • At dawn for the past two mornings, great scraggly flocks of rooks mixed with a few jackdaws pour over our base moving from their roosts to the freshly plowed fields.
  • The enemy troops moved in on the city and began to attack at dawn.
  • In the cold dark days before the dawn of the Kinky, its creator (we shall call him Andrew, as that is his name) was but a virgin in the fertile slopes of web design.
  • Oh, guess what I found in my Dictionaire de la Langue Francaise when I looked up "aubade" - a song of the dawn? Aubade - French Word-A-Day
  • I was up at the crack of dawn to get the plane.
  • Half an hour later, as Dawn and I made our way down the steep, uncarpeted stairs, Emily met us at the bottom.
  • As consciousness first dawns, the infant begins to grasp — in the form of individual items of experience — jigsaw pieces in what might be an immense jigsawed picture of the meaning of his existence, and of life itself. Religion is like a jigsaw: it makes a picture out of puzzling chaos
  • Unfortunately waning gibbous moon is up between midnight and dawn – the best hours for meteor - watching.
  • It is said that the darkest hour of the night comes just before the dawn. Thomas Fuller 
  • Information has occupied an important role in all societies since the dawn of civilization.
  • the strike was scheduled to begin at dawn
  • The deepest part of the night now over and heading on to a new dawning, a new dawning unlike any other that they had ever experienced.
  • The newspaper age was dawning in America, an age that would effloresce into mass communications and the formation of a transformative popular culture. Mark Twain
  • Feeling myself undawning, the day’s light playing upon me, Blue
  • My tummy grumbled, and it dawned on me that I hadn't eaten in a long while.
  • He was very confused, but then, when light dawned, he took much glee in pointing out I'd paid the exact same amount as I would have before my haggling.
  • The day dawned bright and sunny.
  • All of a sudden the light dawned upon this woman's mind. Christianity Today
  • Then as the electric doors swished open and three police officers jumped out on to the ballast, the awful realisation dawned.
  • By dawn I was at the first snowfield, which had a good track in it. Summit Meetings
  • Enemy troops struck just before dawn.
  • I woke up at dawn.
  • A relationship between Francine and her sister Dawn is tenuous and unconvincing.
  • Two beams of light continue to shine up from New York City until dawn this morning.
  • We moved forward again just after dawn. BLACK KNIGHTS: On the Bloody Road to Baghdad
  • This year saw the dawning of a new era in the history of the awards in the school.
  • In her widening influence, growing liberty, and freedom, I see impearled a prophecy of an altruistic era -- a civilization triumphant -- rising against to-morrow's purpling dawn. The Arena Volume 4, No. 21, August, 1891
  • An hour later dawn had come, and as the early morning mist cleared every man could see that the cre st they had reached was a false one. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • The horror of the situation quickly dawned. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps they took us for a Greek brulot, and were afraid of kindling us ” they had no colours flying even at dawn nor after. Life of Lord Byron
  • Holmes turned to urge the cabbie on, as the horror dawned on me.
  • The new age might be dawning. GOD'S SECRETARIES: The Making of the King James Bible
  • The Library of Congress has posted this amazing Web exhibit of the dawn of American animation, 21 films and two fragments of animation from 1900 to 1921 (note that there isn't any film available from after Steamboat Willie, since everything from the birth of Mickey onward is still in copyright). Boing Boing: August 18, 2002 - August 24, 2002 Archives
  • A sort of sadness seemed to dawn on her face, but then she smiled again.
  • Women called at dawn to report gifts from the dead, or appeared to try to bribe him with the promise of reparations. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • The dawn raids happened less than a day after a Detective Sergeant was shot with a machine gun in Kent.
  • At the same time, it dawned on us that this wasn't going to be any surprise attack.
  • Building stashes of possible fabrics makes the construction of color quilts possible even if we sew at midnight or dawn in our jammies.
  • It starts to dawn on you that the only reason you profess the religion you do is because of the influence of your parents and your upbringing.
  • When she awoke again the boat had stayed, and she was come aland; but the dawn was not yet come, and the night was moonless, yet was there light enough to see, from the water and the stars, that the bows of the boat were lying safe on a little sandy beach. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • The business, founded by Dawn and Nigel, suffered financial setbacks.
  • Vampyre umbral skulker until sunlight dwindles then bat becomes nocturnal prince throat ravager, claret quaffer, night wraith fearless charlatan, blood drunkard but at dawn's flushing kiss he yields to light Archive 2006-08-01
  • An idea slipped out, as formless at first as the faint shadows of the courtyard around them in the early rays of dawn.
  • And Justine isn't he only one with paranormal gifts - as Dawn reveals, she may also have some clairvoyant tendencies.
  • Dawn Approach is bred for a lot further than the five furlongs he scorched home over yesterday. The Sun
  • No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn. Jim Morrison 
  • After struggling for months, it dawned on me that I needed to grovel. She was as important to the department as the snot-nosed junior banker giving her the work.
  • In the meantime Pleasonton's three divisions, "stiffened" -- to use one of Hooker's expressions -- by two brigades of infantry, stole down to the fords and lay there during the night, quietly, and without fires, ready at the first dawn of day to spring upon their too-confident adversaries and give them a rude awakening. Chancellorsville and Gettysburg Campaigns of the Civil War - VI
  • But the Buff Rock, a melody in color, shows that consonance, that consentaneousness, of flesh to feather that makes the plucked fowl to the feathered fowl what high noon is to the faint and far-off dawn -- a glow of golden legs and golden neck, mellow, melting as butter, and all the more so with every unpicked pinfeather. The Hills of Hingham
  • Then the chilling truth dawned on Captain Gary Snavely.
  • At dawn I woke him up and said we were leaving.
  • We're at the end of the historical epoch, and at the dawn of another.
  • How different from the scene in the last century when Subrahmanya Bharati sang of the enchantment of Puduvai, lit by dawn gold streaming across the blue sea, resonant with Vedic chants, steeped in elegant Tamil culture!
  • Dawn came with some nasty surprises of massive thunderous cracks.
  • Dawn to dusk, each hour, Patricio would guide twenty pilgrims to the cave while the others queued up, seeking shade under every leafless cactus and scrubby tree near the chain. The Calling
  • From the dawn of sound to the middle of the 1950s, American newspapermen with a background in theatrical drama and novel-reading dominated the prestige end of film reviewing.
  • Eastman house has the largest collection of pix from the dawn of photography up until the contemporary era, after which other institutions then took the lead.
  • Dawn in my opinion is the prime asp feeding period.
  • A yawning man is lying on a lawn in the dawn.
  • The glory of the dawn [ morning ] is mirrored on [ in ] the lake.

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