
How To Use Dauphin In A Sentence

  • My grilled lamb cutlets were expertly cooked and neatly complemented by a mustard herb crust, but the dauphinoise potatoes tasted strangely synthetic and were free of either cheese or cream.
  • In 1483 Margaret of Austria was betrothed to the dauphin, later Charles VIII of France, but they never married.
  • The treaty of Troyes forced Charles VI of France to disinherit his son, the dauphin, in favour of the English kings.
  • Dauphinship to be on the high road to a recognition in England, and he was persuaded to drink and exhibit proofs: which were that he had the constitution of the Family, as aforesaid, in every particular; that he was peculiarly marked with testificatory spots; and that his mere aspect inspired all members and branch members of the Family with awe and stupefaction. The Adventures of Harry Richmond — Volume 6
  • Rösle also make a non-flimsy V grater for slicing potatoes for dauphinois - a tool my mother always called a mandolin. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
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  • Henry's savage reprisals in 1544 and 1545 alienated what support the English had in Scotland and in 1548 Mary was betrothed to the dauphin and sent to France.
  • For the first offence, he was banished to his appanage of Dauphine, which he governed with much sagacity; for the second he was driven into absolute exile, and forced to throw himself on the mercy, and almost on the charity, of the Duke of Burgundy and his son; where he enjoyed hospitality, afterwards indifferently requited, until the death of his father in 1461. Quentin Durward
  • The Spanish Illness Toulouse Valmorain arrived in Saint-Domingue in 1770, the same year the dauphin of France married the Austrian archduchess, Marie Antoinette. 'Island Beneath the Sea'
  • What prompts Marie Antoinette's transformation from callow moralist and pliant dauphine in early chapters to empathic mother and brave stoic in the novel's culmination at the Conciergerie? Abundance by Sena Jeter Naslund: Questions
  • The play ends with the maistre and vignerons hoping for more victories from Louis and a dauphin to secure the succession.
  • The best specimens are afforded by the beautifully developed transparent glassy crystals, found with albite, prehnite and quartz, in a zone of amphibolite and chlorite-schists at Le Bourg d'Oisans in Dauphiné. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • In his news-sheet and in his persona as Père Duchesne, Hébert called for the ‘wolf-cub’ to be killed, and for the former Dauphin and his sister to be stranded on a desert island.
  • In 1729 he painted scenery for the Versailles fireworks display to celebrate the birth of the dauphin.
  • On my first night I had creamy fennel and Pernod soup, followed by a modern take on a traditional French cassoulet, with velvety dauphinoise potatoes on the side.
  • The Dauphiness [2] is said to have flung herself at the King of France's feet and begged his protection for her father; that he promised “qu'il le rendroit au centuple au Roi de Prusse.” Letters of Horace Walpole 01
  • He raised his suntanned right arm to his face and shielded his eyes from the swirling clouds of dirt and dust kicked up by the Dauphin's rotors.
  • The new helicopters will replace the 12 older-model Dauphin helicopters currently being used by state police for medical evacuations and other operations. Concerns raised over Md. helicopter bid
  • Mary had an excellent relationship with Marguerite de France, who was more than twice her age and godmother to the Dauphin, whom Mary was to marry in 1558.
  • The heir to the throne was Louis XIV's only son, Louis, le Grand Dauphin, who in turn had three sons: Louis' father, who was the eldest, Philippe, Duc d'Anjou soon to be confirmed as Philip V of Spain, and Charles, Duc de Berry. Archive 2008-02-10
  • Before traveling to the colony, when still he had no suspicion that his destiny was going to play a trick on him, or that he would end up in cane fields in the Antilles, he had been invited to Versailles to one of the parties in honor of the new dauphine, a young blonde of fourteen, who yawned openly in the rigid protocol of the French court. 'Island Beneath the Sea'
  • It was flanked by a sublime gratin dauphinois with a cheesy, sabayon-like crust.
  • The hardness of 6½-7, combined with the colour and transparency, renders axinite applicable for use as a gemstone, the Dauphiné crystals being occasionally cut for this purpose. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • In 1428 James I's daughter was betrothed to the dauphin, and Scots in the French army helped enable the success of Jeanne, and the subsequent expulsion of the English, completed in 1453.
  • Gore Vidal once named Hitchens as his inheritor or dauphin. Christopher Hitchens obituary
  • Prior to that the chateau was the residence of Charles VII, the dauphin of France in the early 15th century.
  • He serves, for example, fine slices of smoked wild venison alongside a textbook Gratin Dauphinois.
  • It is now sixteen or seventeen years since I saw the queen of France, then dauphiness, at Versailles; and surely there never lighted on this orb, which she hardly seemed to touch, a more delightful vision. Thrifty Romantic Tips
  • Escorted visits to the site at Dauphin (which is on the north-east coast) are being developed and will most likely be available by next fall.
  • The best specimens are afforded by the beautifully developed transparent glassy crystals, found with albite, prehnite and quartz, in a zone of amphibolite and chlorite-schists at Le Bourg d'Oisans in Dauphiné. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • He did, however, keep in touch with a wide circle of courtiers and especially with the dauphin Henry upon whose eventual accession his hopes of recovery now depended.
  • The beautifully cooked fillet was decorated with a crispy horseradish crust, but it was the combination of creamy parsnip dauphinoise and roasted vegetables that really got the juices flowing.
  • We went- M. le Dauphin, the comte, and comtesse de Provence and I- last Thursday to the Opera Ball in Paris; we kept the utmost secret. Marie-Antoinette and Carnival
  • I attended a Monet cooking class some years ago to watch the preparation of gratin dauphinois, peas a la francaise, daube de boeuf, tarragon carrots, and lemon mousse. Et patati et patata - French Word-A-Day
  • Mark: Grilled ahi with potatoes dauphine, frisse, green beans, and poached egg What if No One's Watching?: May 2009 Archives
  • Each bridesmaid wore the Dauphin pendant necklace. $190 at Swarovski. com or 800-426-3088 Fashion Forward: Blanchett is bright in Armani's Black Lace makeup
  • At the dinner-hour there were none to be met upon the stairs but honest folks, who, after having seen the Dauphiness take her soup, went to see the Princes eat their 'bouilli', and then ran themselves out of breath to behold Mesdames at their dessert. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • By a pathetic fallacy their capacity to suffer is measured by their apparent power to enjoy, and those are moved to tears by the spectacle of a Dauphin surrendered to the coarse and brutal tutelage of a sans-culotte, who read without emotion of thousands of Huguenot children torn from their mothers 'arms and flung to the novercal cruelties of strangers in blood and creed. The Story of Paris
  • Queen Mary and the Dauphin and Genevieve and the Maries came and said quiet prayers before withdrawing without disturbing her.
  • He first appeared on the culinary scene as a kitchen boy in a royal household in 1326; by midcentury he was in the service of Philip VI and a few years later of the dauphin, whose father was John II. Savoring The Past
  • Here the Dauphin River empties into the Dauphin Bay.
  • Escorted visits to the site at Dauphin (which is on the north-east coast) are being developed and will most likely be available by next fall.
  • His advocacy for the Iraq war was only the latest of Hitchens's positions that many on the left found uncomfortable, and led to a chill in his relations with Gore Vidal, who had once nominated him a "successor, an inheritor, a dauphin or delphino". Christopher Hitchens dies aged 62
  • The French dauphin made himself king as Charles VII with inspirational support from Joan of Arc.
  • manille" for infinitesimal points, they would all shout and gesticulate violently, as only Southern Frenchmen can, relapsing as the discussion grew more heated into their native Provencal, for though Nyons is geographically in Dauphine, climatically and racially it is in Provence. The Days Before Yesterday
  • She had bought us a huge, unwanted bag of pasta, the size of a Dauphin's pillow but sealed in industrial-strength blue plastic.
  • Born in 1542, she married the French Dauphin in 1558 and became the queen consort a year later.
  • In 1558, she married the French dauphin who became King Francois II of France a little over a year later.
  • I've been curator (known variously as Cyn Cyty and the dauphine; guess which I prefer?) of the Redskins Insider since its inception with Jason La Canfora and now with Jason Reid. The Early Lead: Where everybody knows your user name
  • Festivals occurred frequently at the square during the Old Regime, notably on the occasion of the birth of the dauphin and for royal marriages.
  • He accepted 75,000 gold crowns, an annual pension of 50,000 gold crowns and a promise of marriage for his daughter to the Dauphin.
  • In 1429, Joan presented herself to the embattled dauphin as the virgin deliverer of France.
  • On January 17, 1524, Verrazzano set sail in his carrack La Dauphine. Archive 2008-07-01
  • The hand of six-year-old Mary was promised to the French dauphin, Francis, in 1548 in exchange for French protection of Scotland from the English as part of the Auld Alliance.
  • At the dinner-hour there were none to be met upon the stairs but honest folks, who, after having seen the Dauphiness take her soup, went to see the Princes eat their bouilli, and then ran themselves out of breath to behold Mesdames at their dessert. Dining in Public
  • The Alpine fastnesses of Dauphiné, to the east, certainly did not tempt them to stray off, with their high, cold valleys and largely pastoral economy.
  • According to a "legitimist" fiction he pleads the service he had rendered to King Charles VI, and his son the Dauphin "_ ... tam propter sue persone debililitatem, quam etiam propter assidua viagia et ambassiatas, que ipse serviendo Carolo Francorum regi et Carolo, ejusdem regis unigenito filio, dalphino Viennensi .... The Life of Joan of Arc, Vol. 1 and 2
  • Not long after this Oresme became friendly with the dauphin Charles who went on to become Charles V of France in 1362.
  • Three of the helicopters had seen service as air-sea rescue choppers, the Alouette, the Dauphin and the current Sikorsky S61.
  • Her time with the royal French household, which included tutoring the dauphin Louis, came to an end as the Hundred Years War was renewed in 1415.
  • A two-inch cube of gratin dauphinois binds thinly sliced potatoes with heavy cream and butter, and makes an excellent foil for the bold beef.
  • Later, Dauphin decries his side's broken ranks: O perdurable shame! let's stab ourselves. Shakespeare on Games
  • I find this fable written by de la Fontaine for the Dauphin to be particularly interesting as a cultural artifact.
  • His advocacy for the Iraq war was only the latest of Hitchens's positions that many on the left found uncomfortable, and led to a chill in his relations with Gore Vidal, who had once nominated him a "successor, an inheritor, a dauphin or delphino". Christopher Hitchens dies aged 62
  • It seemed wise to ship Mary out of Scotland at age 5 for France, where she was reared as a match for that country's dauphin prince.
  • In 1429 Joan did fulfill her goals of raising the siege of Orleans and getting the dauphin crowned as King Charles VII at Reims, the traditional coronation site for French monarchs.
  • The dauphin took the ring and placed it on the fourth ringer of the dauphiness, and gave her the gold-pieces. Marie-Antoinette's Wedding
  • There's a gratinated brandade whose proportion of salt cod to potato was perhaps too meagre but it was delicious nonetheless; there's steak with a smothering of foie gras and gratin dauphinois.
  • The recent Coppola film has further damaged the image of the much-maligned, beautiful and charming Austrian archduchess, sent to France at age fourteen to marry the fifteen-year-old Dauphin. Archive 2007-10-21
  • She also had to contend with the many false dauphins who appeared across France, Europe and as far away as Canada.
  • (Too bad there's but a single dauphine potato gracing the entree.) Tom Sietsema on Girasole: A good spot to stop in Virginia's hunt country for good Italian
  • Its also used to bind mashed potatoes, which are then piped out and deep-fried, a preparation called pommes dauphine the choux paste leavens the croquettes; alternately, you can mix it with leftover mashed potatoes2/3 potato, 1/3 pte chouxform disks, flour them, and panfry for exquisitely light potato pancakes. Ratio
  • These voices told her that it was her divine mission to free her country from the English and help the dauphin gain the French throne.
  • The Dolphin, borne by GILES DE FISHBOURNE (H.  3), and afterwards introduced into several English Shields, is best known as the armorial ensign of the DAUPHIN, the eldest son and heir apparent of the Kings of France, who bore, marshalled with the arms of FRANCE -- _Or, a Dolphin az. The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • The best specimens are afforded by the beautifully developed transparent glassy crystals, found with albite, prehnite and quartz, in a zone of amphibolite and chlorite-schists at Le Bourg d'Oisans in Dauphiné. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • In 1548 her daughter was contracted to marry the Dauphin Francis and in 1554 Mary was formally appointed regent.
  • The young girl's historical journey led her away from home and eventually to Chinon, where she requested an audience with Charles VII, the dauphin and future king.
  • I.e., "gratin dauphinois" -- as in dauphine? as in dolphin/crown prince? Et patati et patata - French Word-A-Day
  • They possibly thought of the desk around 1770 as a present to Marie Antoinette, archduchess of Austria and dauphine of France, in an attempt to gain the favor of the French court.
  • For anyone who wants to understand the total failure of the human spirit which war represents - and the utter disgust which must follow the "arbitrament" of war - must read the extract from Jean Giono's Le Grand Troupeau, which accompanies Louis Dauphin's bleak, rainswept painting, "Supply Route at Peronne". - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Louis' only son, the dauphin, wasn't a promising prospect, and Louis' other four children with an earlier mistress had to wait until the dowager Queen's death before he could force their legitimacy through the French parlement.
  • The side dishes of potato dauphinois and colcannon went down a treat, although I always feel cheated when I have to pay extra for some much-needed vegetables to accompany a £22 main course.

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