How To Use Datum In A Sentence
For except it be treacle and mithridatum, and of late diascordium, and a few more, they tie themselves to no receipts severely and religiously.
The Advancement of Learning
Whatever the fate of sense-datum theories might be as general theories of exteroception, their appeal as a model for understanding pains and other intransitive bodily sensations is very strong.
I just said that one could resist the argument by objecting that there is no reason to think that seeing a non-physical flower sense-datum is the same type of mental state as seeing a real flower.
According to sense-datum theorists, however, we are rarely, if ever, aware of this indirection in ordinary (veridical) exteroception.
Mandatum decimum haec verba exhibent [Non concupisces proximi tui domum, non concupisces proximi tui uxorem, non servum, non ancillam, non bovem, non asinum, neque aliud denique quicquam quod est proximi tui].
The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
Where multiple samples have been taken from a given site, the stratigraphic position of samples is recorded relative to a fixed datum (marker bed, core depth, etc.).
Sed Cattis adeo improvifus advenit, ut quod imbecil - lum ajtate ac fexu, ftatim captum, aut trucidatum fit.
C. Cornelii Taciti opera omnia
The deterministic aspect of divine rule in Daniel is of one piece with divine determinism that permeates the Bible - and that appears to be a theological datum.
Data" is the Latin plural form of "datum".
Damage to the property of another injuria datum was the subject matter of the Aquilian Law, and the damage must have been inflicted by a freedman; if by a slave, it was a noxal tort; if by a quadruped, the tort and liability were designated pauperies.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
Quia autem pro animarum salvatione datum fuerit illud mandatum, aperte cognosci potest ex verbis Domini, quae ad Abraham locutus est, quando ei circumcisionis praeceptum dabat, dicens: infans octo dierum circumcidetur in vobis.
A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
Thus, an object's provenience can be stated as being 30m north, 22m east, and 3.5m down from an arbitrary fixed point on the site (called the datum point).
That becomes just another datum assumed when choosing amongst alternative choices.
It has the function of datum setting and preservation and self-diagnosis for the effectiveness of the datum.
Datum of these patients such as GCS score, hematoma volume, interval between ictus and surgery and outcome were analysed.
H鎐 pr鎑ictus orator significauit nobis; et petiuit a nobis in hoc negocio hoc mandatum, vt naues Anglic� veniant et redeant in nostras ditiones
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
the first task is the assignment of an address to each datum
Your name will be just a datum until that datum is lost, at which point you will be nothing.
By showing his leg to an heiress; "and the trouser is therefore likely to be a permanent article in the wardrobe, so that its continued existence must be taken as a datum or postulate in any discussion upon vestimentary reform.
The International Monthly, Volume 3, No. 1, April, 1851
Compare with relevant process for images, the algorithm describes geometric entities by accurate vector information such as datum mark and entity properties.
If I had Bill Bryson's wit and epigrammatic suavity and his ability to make each datum ripple seamlessly into the next.
Book review: 'At Home' by Bill Bryson
Gee, I wonder which datum is a more relevant measure of the insurance companies’ position on the bill.
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_Ep. _ v. 14, 1-2, 'Mihi nuntiatum est Cornutum Tertullum accepisse Aemiliae viae curam ... aliquanto magis me delectat mandatum mihi officium, postquam par Cornuto datum video.'
The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
Rather, Quine and Putnam take application as a fact - a sort of philosophical datum - and draw ontological and semantic conclusions about mathematics.
Such locations consist of a position defined in some horizontal coordinate system and depth with respect to a datum, usually the Earth's surface.
苂ypto Consul eorum abesset, Consul illic Gallicus existens, Vento nuncupatus, quamuis ante h鎐 tempora ne manus in Anglos mitteret mandatum nostrum fuerit datum, Angli sub vexillo et tutela nostra sunt inquiens, mandatum C鎠areum vili existimans, non cessauit perturbare Anglos.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Substituting catachresis for neologism lends the good historian another way of thinking about linguistic terms extralinguistically and the means to treat terms in thought-as if thinking, too, were an unexplored, historical datum.
Because sense-datum theories are most plausible when applied to intransitive bodily sensations, many philosophers, who believe that a naturalist account of ordinary perception can be given without introducing sense-data, have attempted to understand pains and other bodily sensations as species of ordinary perception (exteroception).
Bene Vale Atcftinorum Principum De - cus, & tuum Orgeatium tp tuorum numero retine, fempeique com - mendatum habe-».
Ioannis Iacobi Orgeatii i. c. Galli, in obitv Ioan. Francisci Terzanii Cremonae Ferrariensis oratio
The claim that there is no analytic entailment from any natural property to any moral property is simply Hume's Law - a datum often supported through use of the open question argument.
_Ep. _ v. 14, 1-2, 'Mihi nuntiatum est Cornutum Tertullum accepisse Aemiliae viae curam ... aliquanto magis me delectat mandatum mihi officium, postquam par Cornuto datum video.'
The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
The dimensions of the proposed carport are 5.5m long by 3.5m wide. The exact height of the carport is unknown as the plans provided do not indicate any levels based on a fixed datum, however is dimensioned to be 2.4m to the ceiling and 3.036m overall.
This perception, if we look to its origin, may turn out to be primitive; no doubt the feeling of "crude extensity" is an original sensation; every inference, association, and distinction is a thing that looms up suddenly before the mind, and the nature and actuality of which is a datum of what -- to indicate its irresistible immediacy and indescribability -- we may well call sense.
The Sense of Beauty Being the Outlines of Aesthetic Theory
The principal datum input to any search algorithm is a description of its search space.
The relative displacements exist between the datum mark and reference points of measurement, it reveals the dynamic error, and the error is varied with different rolling schedules.
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It is not that the time - shape of new input stream is a pure technical datum.
This amount is the datum or _gabe_ which reality feeds out to our intellectual faculty; but our intellect makes of it a task or _aufgabe_ -- this pun is one of the most memorable of Kant's formulas -- and insists that in every pulse of it an infinite number of successive minor pulses shall be ascertainable.
A Pluralistic Universe Hibbert Lectures at Manchester College on the Present Situation in Philosophy
To seize hold of the market, game companies and operator must go into investigation and analyze the datum by the numbers. It is the premise to decide the capacity and requirement of the servers.
The journal's continuous pagination through each volume makes this datum redundant, of course.
An economic model based on available datums is established for quantitative assess this damage.
Some scholar hold that the nature of self-deposit is contract of commodatum and supermarket should not take the responsibility of deposit.
Mr. Smith's method of proving that every circle is 3-1/8 diameters is to assume that it is so, -- "if you dislike the term datum, then, by hypothesis, let 8 circumferences be exactly equal to 25 diameters," -- and then to show that every other supposition is thereby made absurd.
A Budget of Paradoxes, Volume II (of II)
First, the main proponents of sense-datum theories advanced these theories mainly as theories of exteroception, that is, perception of external physical reality.
The principal datum input to any search algorithm is a description of its search space.
The Adiantum pedatum, L., maiden hair, yields a useful syrup, called by the French "capillaire," which is a refreshing beverage mixed with water in fevers.
Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
The time to resume operations is a key datum in probabilistic risk assessment.
The “Greek” word data is the plural of the Latin word datum – a given….
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Is that in essence a central datum of Catholicity?
The English word "maundy" is derived from the Latin word mandatum, which is the Vulgate's translation of Jesus 'words in John 13: 34: "A new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another.
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While textbook orthodoxy now classifies sense-data as mental entities, sense-datum theorists typically took them, and the properties they exemplify, to be nonmental.
Neutral Monism
The lame argument for using this datum is that some of the paper maps were based on it.
_Itinerarium Galliæ, ita accommodatum, ut eius ductu mediocri tempore tota Gallia obiri, Anglia et Belgium adiri possint; nec bis terve ad eadem loca rediri oporteat; notatis cuiusque loci, quas vocant, deliciis_.
English Travellers of the Renaissance
Once overboard, the buoyant mine and its sinker separated but were held together by a chain set to the requisite length (for which accurate chart datum was required).
Each event includes one or more datum points when extinctions and other biotic changes took place.
The word maundy comes from the Latin word mandatum (commandment) which is the first word of the Gospel acclamation:
Catholic Fire
By the same token, the critics of the sense-datum theory argued that the mistaken pictorial view of mental images arises mainly from our confusion about ordinary language and claimed that mental images are epiphenomena.
Sed neque muniebantur ea, neque more militari vigiliae deducebantur; uti cuique libebat, ab signis aberat: lixae permixti cum militibus die noctuque vagabantur; palantes agros vastare, villas expugnare, pecoris et mancipiorum praedas certantes agere, eaque mutare cum mercatoribus [259] vino advectitio et aliis talibus; praeterea frumentum publice datum vendere, panem in dies mercari; postremo, quaecunque dici aut fingi queunt ignaviae luxuriaeque probra, ea in illo exercitu cuncta fuere et alia amplius.
C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
Pascendi dominici gregis mandatum ", etc. The conclusion takes the following form: --" Nos vero, pignus caritatis Nostræ divinique in adversis solatii, Apostolicam
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
Not the former; for our divines teach, (357) that _scandalum datum_ riseth sometimes, _ex facto in se adiaphoro_, when it is done _intempestive, contra charitatis regulam_.
The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2)
Hence, tests were one-tailed. t-Tests were performed on angularly transformed O allele frequencies with each population mean taken as a datum (n = 3 populations/selection regime).
Nietzsche's datum is very unlike that found in any other philosopher, since it gives primacy to our aesthetic experience, normally low on the list of philosophical priorities, when it figures at all.
The immediate contents of direct experience cannot be reduced to the mere sensory datum of Hume, the latter in fact being rather egregious abstractions from the extraordinary wealth of actual experience.
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Blue Marble has a long track record of training surveyors and GIS users about the intricacies of geodetics, including coordinate systems, projections, datums, and other essential concepts, through applied hands-on software training.
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Datum: Invite the visitors on the basic of the yearly buyers'datum.
The establishment of the birth of Christ as an event marking a time from which chronological data should be calculated, was first effected about 532 A.D. by Dionysius Exiguus; and as a basis for the reckoning of time this method has come to be known as the Dionysian system, and takes for its fundamental datum A.U.C. 753, that is to say
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Recombinant inbred lines were generated from a cross between SRN39, an African caudatum genotype, and SQR, a Chinese kaoliang line.
The key datum is marked by the arrow - the concrete rendering of the closed-up opening - which we can see in another picture.
You thought it was over?
As philosophers or historians we treat the datum as something impersonal to be brought within the compass of our own world of thought.
Statistics are used naively at best: the datum that gunpoint robberies rose 53 percent between April and November of 2001 is almost certainly a random fluctuation and not by itself useful to the argument.
Religious experience is the starting-place of all theology, the most basic datum with which the theologian has to work.
To seize hold of the market, game companies and operator must go into investigation and analyze the datum by the numbers. It is the premise to decide the capacity and requirement of the servers.
Methods 36 clinical datum of immunity depression concurrence tuberculosis were analysised.
The principal datum input to any search algorithm is a description of its search space.
H鎐 pr鎑ictus orator significauit nobis: et petiuit a nobis in hoc negocio hoc mandatum, vt naues Anglic� veniant et rediant in nostras ditiones
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
The common maiden-hair fern (_Adiantum pedatum_) has been selected here for studying the structure of the full-grown sporophyte, but almost any other common fern will answer.
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Data" is the Latin plural form of "datum".
Unfortunately, if the marginal value175 to the consumer of a given datum is small, then the value of not disclosing that datum will in most cases be lower than either the cost of negotiating a confidentiality clause (if that option even exists), or the cost of forgoing the entire transaction. Privacy Myopia, Economics of
Thus the term Mandatum maundy was applied to the rite of the feet-washing on this day.
Holy Thursday in the Home
The time to resume operations is a key datum in probabilistic risk assessment.
Disposuit armatos qui ipsum interficerent: hi protenus mandatum exequentes, &c. Ille et rex declarator, et Stratonicem quae fratri nupserat, uxorem ducit: sed postquam audivit fratrem vivere, &c.
Anatomy of Melancholy
This collapse is associated with a vertical negative relief of c.180 m, defined as the maximum downwards deflection below the regional datum.
In this study, the developmental anatomy of rhizome and the structure of vegetative organs in Polygonum cuspidatum were done with the paraffin method.
Try to establish a series of complete operational method, and use it to convert the proxy data into cultured area in order to increase the credibility of land datum in history period.
Then, according to the sense-datum theorist, the phenomenist equation can be spelled out more informatively thus:
Inverted Qualia
Data" is the Latin plural form of "datum".
Scito quod orator Reginæ Angliæ in porta mea existens libellum supplicem ad portam nostram mittens significauit, quod cum ex Ægypto Consul eorum abesset, Consul illic Gallicus existens, Vento nuncupatus, quamuis ante hæc tempora ne manus in Anglos mitteret mandatum nostrum fuerit datum, Angli sub vexillo et tutela nostra sunt inquiens, mandatum Cæsareum vili existimans, non cessauit perturbare Anglos.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 05 Central and Southern Europe
Because, according to our assumptions, the average value of a single datum is greater than the marginal value of that datum (remember, aggregation adds value), a consumer will always be willing to sell data at a price a merchant is willing to pay. Privacy Myopia, Economics of
By comprehensive evaluation of pending datums, the system may offer valuable reference information to the technologist.
This perception, if we look to its origin, may turn out to be primitive; no doubt the feeling of "crude extensity" is an original sensation; every inference, association, and distinction is a thing that looms up suddenly before the mind, and the nature and actuality of which is a datum of what -- to indicate its irresistible immediacy and indescribability -- we may well call sense.
The Sense of Beauty Being the Outlines of Aesthetic Theory
As noted above, multiple lines of evidence (‘total’ evidence) are preferable to dependence upon a single datum or technique.
Free-swimming echinopluteus sea urchin (Echinocardium cordatum) larva feeds on microplankton captured with its ciliated arms.
Here's how it works, and what it effectuation for your stream downloads: Continue datum at
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The biggest stone ball, according to the UDG, is right in this area at 13 Q 598163 2284135 (if they were using WGS84 as a datum, which is not mentioned).
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We have found that the essential, and we might say, primary psychological datum of war is a war-mood, that the central motive of this war-mood is a general impulse which we called the intoxication motive, and that this intoxication motive, considered generically, and in regard to its specific meaning is a craving for power and for the experience of exerting and feeling power.
The Psychology of Nations A Contribution to the Philosophy of History
So even if one finds the anti-sense-datum arguments convincing and rejects indirect realism of this kind for standard exteroception, there is still room for adopting a sense-datum theory for intransitive bodily sensations and for pain in particular.
His pupil having listened to him thus far, could contain himself no longer, but interrupted the investigation with a loud laugh, and told him that his postulata put him in mind of a certain learned and ingenious gentleman, who undertook to disprove the existence of natural evil, and asked no other datum on which to found his demonstration, but an acknowledgment that “everything that is, is right.”
The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
The medicinal properties of _Adiantum pedatum_ were earlier ascribed to the more southern species, which is common in Great Britain, but, like many another old remedy, "the syrup of capillaire" is long since defunct.
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A key datum for safe operation of on-track equipment and locomotives on railroad tracks is knowledge of which track a vehicle or locomotive is on.
Eustasy is defined as a global sea level change when referenced to a fixed datum, for instance the center of the earth.
This time we listened to speeches by university administrators and church officials who spoke of the essential relationship between faith and learning, interlacing their talks with references to the mandatum.
Sandy MacHoots: But an anecdote is simply an account of an observed incident — or a datum.
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The weblike character of the text means that each datum will ramify in implications throughout.
It is not to my present purpose to consider how such an explicit definition of the notion of a sense-datum might be formulated.