
How To Use Date from In A Sentence

  • The lunar calendar and new year festivities date from ancient times.
  • Thought to date from the third century BC, it looks incredibly modern – the work of Giacometti is usually used in the same breath.
  • The task of the tallyman is to get a tally of the votes for each candidate from each polling station.
  • After protracted consideration the national government had decided to ask a mandate from the people.
  • Fibroblasts grow into the exudate from both the visceral and parietal pleural surface to produce an inelastic membrane called the pleural peel.
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  • On none of these issues does he seem to have received a clear mandate from the electorate.
  • The loch contains a crannog, a man-made island which once held a roundhouse and is believed to date from around the 1st century AD.
  • They were asked to select the party candidate from 20 aspirants.
  • Problem description: Suppose a mandate from then - K parallel work can be completed machines.
  • Emboldened by their mandate from the voters, the parties challenged de Gaulle at every turn.
  • The first, a deep and strong desire, was that he should win his own mandate from the people.
  • Extant examples of maps date from 1602 and there are contemporary accounts of mapping and the use of maps from considerably earlier.
  • The drains date from the beginning of the century.
  • All the photographs in this book, unless otherwise stated, date from the 1950s.
  • I sought a mandate from my constituents to oppose the poll tax and made it plain exactly what I would do.
  • This tribunal is independent, with a clear mandate from the Security Council to uncover the truth and end impunity. UN Secretary-General Urges Intensive Middle East Talks
  • Hopkins said the election was a mandate from the voters.
  • His works have not survived, and the only known Greek mimes date from two centuries later.
  • The museum's eclectic holdings, which date from the 12th century to the present, are rich with treasures but spotty on mid to late 20th-century art.
  • The soldiers "were executing a mandate from the general prosecutor to arrest chief Mande but his men put up fierce resistance," Jonas Koni said from Kananga, the capital of central province of Kasai-Oriental. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • As a result of that intense period of creative self-examination all the symphonies as they are played today date from after 1945.
  • The three absorbing wells, of the Combat, the Cunette, and Saint-Mande, with their discharging mouths, their apparatus, their cesspools, and their depuratory branches, only date from 1836. Les Miserables, Volume V, Jean Valjean
  • The earliest that can be dated goes back to 1200 BC but others could date from 2500 BC.
  • In this room are a pair of toilet coffers attributable to Boulle, which date from about 1700.
  • A good application form can be helpful but what has to be considered is whether it stops the candidate from expressing him/herself.
  • A congressional mandate from the 1990s forbids government funding for an Expo, and only a last-minute fund-raising effort by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton salvaged U.S. participation.
  • Thalhofer (Liturgik, I, 48) has sought to draw a presumption of late date from the form of absolution in n. 29, which is indicative and not precative, absolvimus te vice beati Petri etc. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • All three believe it is imperative that a candidate from this region is on the party ticket come the next General Election.
  • The church and monastic buildings on Lindisfarne today date from the Norman period when a Benedictine monastery was established on the island.
  • Two lyre-like instruments, Kitharas I & II, date from 1938 and have twelve hexads per instrument.
  • Many of America's great cathedrals of racing date from the Depression era of the film's setting.
  • Leading the gainers was the food and beverages sector on a positive trading update from Europe equities turn positive on UK finmin comments | Reuters
  • The trademark pen-and-ink drawings that date from this period dominate here. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only institution that is elected with a separate mandate from the Dail is the office of the President but s/he has about as much independent power as the Queen in the British settlement. Slugger O'Toole
  • 'prehistoric' site at Tell el-Ma'abed or Tell el-'Obeid near Ur. It seems that these antiquities date from the very end of the neolithic, or rather to the succeeding 'chalcolithic', age; whether they are really prehistoric, as regards Babylonian history, must until more evidence from stratified deposits is found remain undecided. How to Observe in Archaeology
  • Laced outer garments to shape the body existed from antiquity, but laced undergarments date from the end of the sixteenth century.
  • EVERYDAY ISRAELI APARTHEID: A Palestinian arrest so ridiculous even the Israeli judges smiled UPDATE FROM THE ISRAELI ETHNIC CLEANSING: Palestinians break Israel's wall WELCOME TO ISRAHELL: Fully supported by whiteness building the apartheid state FIGHT ISRAHELL VIDEO: Israeli diplomats 'hazed' on campus (A MUST SEEE!) Palestine Blogs aggregator
  • The government has a mandate from the people to increase taxes.
  • The distillation of agaves to produce tequila is believed to date from the second half of the 16th century; the earliest substantiated written record dates from 1621. Ancient eucalyptus trees
  • It wasn't too long ago that Dean was the Rodney Dangerfield of the Democratic race, the long-shot candidate from a minuscule state who didn't get much respect.
  • Lots of slightly different paperclip designs (wire, again) date from about this time. Times, Sunday Times
  • A congressional mandate from the 1990s forbids government funding for an Expo, and only a last-minute fund-raising effort by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton salvaged U.S. participation.
  • The Burke documents date from internal Navy and interservice memoranda arguing the merits of each leg of the triad. How the End Begins
  • The union already has a mandate from its conference to ballot for a strike .
  • It simply provides that someone who changes his or her status in that kind of way needs to go and get a fresh mandate from the electorate.
  • Tom Treasure is responsible to the society for the collection and collation of these data and has a mandate from the society's annual general meeting of its members to disseminate information based on the data.
  • A precocious composer (his earliest anthems date from c. 1663), he was sent to France and Italy about 1664 to study the latest fashions in music.
  • As regards Mr. Pathak, Ms. Mayawati said a candidate from the Brahmin 'samaj' would contest the Lok Sabha poll from Unnao. Top Stories - Google News
  • A congressional mandate from the 1990s forbids government funding for an Expo, and only a last-minute fund-raising effort by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton salvaged U.S. participation.
  • The most complete evidence has come from the Near East, where domesticated barley and emmer wheat strains have been found which date from about 8000 BC.
  • And it likes the ruling, highlighting that it cleaved the mandate from the rest of the act. HUFFPOST HILL - Court Gives 2009 Republicans A Big Win
  • Several major works of historical scholarship date from this era, including Samguk sagi (History of the Three Kingdoms) by Kim Pu-sik (1075–1151), a thoroughly Confucian work written in the Chinese annalistic style; and Samguk yusa (Memorabilia of the Three Kingdoms) by the Buddhist monk Iryn (1206–89), which traced Korean history back to the legendary Tan'gun. B. Political, Social, and Cultural Patterns
  • The Stabat Mater has two qualities that most scholars date from the twelfth century: an intricate rhyme scheme and a regular meter usually trochaic.... Archive 2009-04-01
  • The dryness of the region helped explain the fine condition of the textiles, which date from the third century BC.
  • Author Iona McGregor makes the point that many of the traditions we observe now date from the Victorian era.
  • The company had pushed its launch date from March to the end of June.
  • Update from Steve: Reid found this site with material on Catal Hoyuk, but I found this comment amusing: "The contours of the volcano are breast-like and the overall shape of the volcano closely matches schematized "bison-woman" paleolithic designs and other goddess representations; it looks distinctly like a body, much more so than like a mountain". Hasan Dag and Catal Huyuk
  • Odobeti is one of the largest and oldest viticultural centres in Romania and may well date from the Roman era.
  • After the war, Japan continued to rule the islands under a mandate from the League of Nations.
  • The exhibits date from the 17th century.
  • This blunder must date from the second century, for 'iterum' is met with in the Old Latin as well as in the Vulgate, the Gothic, the Bohairic, and some other versions. The Causes of the Corruption of the Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels Being the Sequel to The Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels
  • The furniture and floor coverings date from the 1920s.
  • Many of the pieces now needing repair date from the great revival in ecclesiastical vestments and frontals in the decades that followed the passing of the Church Reform Act in 1829.
  • Silver cisterns date from the 1660s and soon after examples were also made in tinware lacquered and decorated in the prevailing oriental taste.
  • The three absorbing wells, of the Combat, the Cunette, and Saint – Mande, with their discharging mouths, their apparatus, their cesspools, and their depuratory branches, only date from 1836. Les Miserables
  • We have a mandate from the union membership to proceed with strike action.
  • The danger, of course, is that this unfamiliar discourse can alienate the candidate from other members of the search committee.
  • There is but little of interest in the present buildings at Vallombrosa, which date from the seventeenth century; nor does the church itself possess anything of importance, unless it be the relic of S. Giovanni enshrined in a casquet of the sixteenth century, a work of Paolo Florence and Northern Tuscany with Genoa With Sixteen Illustrations In Colour By William Parkinson And Sixteen Other Illustrations, Second Edition
  • All were identified as gamboge, a yellow gum resin that is an exudate from the Garcinia tree found in India, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam.
  • The temple is presumed to date from the first century BC.
  • At the forthcoming elections, the government will be seeking a fresh mandate from the people.
  • Only the instant prompting of campaign staffers, clapping furiously around the room, sparked enough applause to rescue the candidate from dead air.
  • The two statues are generally believed to date from the fifth century but some believe they may be of later origin.
  • Most of the present walls date from the fourth, fifth and eleventh centuries and, although broken in places, it is still possible to walk their four-mile length.
  • Currently, there is little information on how plants access molybdate from the soil solution and redistribute it within the plant.
  • The earliest reliable historical records of the Jews date from around 1200 BC in unfortified villages in hill country far from Canaanite coastal cities.
  • The antonyms disorient and disorientate date from 1655 and 1704, respectively; again they are virtually synonymous. July « 2009 « Sentence first
  • We were sitting on Moms screened in porch and my phone beeped and it was a twitter update from Intern Adam (he works at 107.5 the River here in town) and he said "not sure if this is gossip but Steve McNair is dead"!! Archive 2009-07-01
  • I don't actually follow Northern Irish news all that closely these days, but one of the ways I keep in touch is to read the weekly political update from lobbying firm Chambré Public Affairs (I still feel a bit guilty about nearly putting the author's eye out with an arrow from a toy bow when he was five and I was six). Linkspam for 12-6-2009
  • The fact that Warner Bros. moved "Training Day's" release date from Sept. 21 to Oct. 5 was as much a consequence of postattack decorum than advertising: the studio felt it could not adequately promote the film while TV stations, magazines and newspapers offered saturation terrorism coverage. 'Day' Of Reckoning
  • Most of his 60 or so known paintings, mainly half-length portraits, date from 1642-6 after he had moved with Charles I's Civil War court to Oxford.
  • This left Wilms with little time for composing, but four symphonies date from the last decade of the 18th century.
  • And what about all those young folks who voted for Obama who are part of the “tens of millions” (a number that seems to change by tens of millions among so-called “progressives”) of uninsured who get slapped with fines from the IRS for failing to follow the mandate from their government. The Volokh Conspiracy » House Democratic Leaders Drop “Deem and Pass”
  • Na Kyung-won, the candidate from the conservative Grand National Party, is a four-term national assemblywoman who has the backing of another woman, Park Geun-hye, a leading candidate for her party's nomination for president next year. Battle for the Soul of Korea
  • The site is a Neolithic farmstead with the oldest standing buildings in North-West Europe, but before I worked there it was thought to date from the Iron Age.
  • The ruins here date from the Hellenistic era, when the kingdom of Pergamon was at the height of its power.
  • Chunky and heavily adzed with unusual castellated moulding, they date from 1936.
  • Woodwork and fabrics tend to rot in a tropical climate; most of the items here date from 1850 to 1950, including intricately patterned symbolic cloth hangings hand-woven of silk and metal threads. Island Art, and All That Comes With It
  • Besides our biyearly newsletter, you get a regular update from us on the progress of the project sponsored by you.
  • But he still lost, to an independent candidate from a nonfeudal middle-class background named Amir Varan, who received 57,000 votes and ousted the Owaisi family from control of the constituency for the first time since they entered politics in the elections of 1975. A New Deal in Pakistan
  • The Guardian Council first barred the reformist candidate from running for presidency.
  • The trademark pen-and-ink drawings that date from this period dominate here. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her large collection of this ware encompassed a wide variety of forms and ranged in date from the sixteenth through the nineteenth century.
  • Taylor gave up hope, realising that Simone wasn't going to give up until she was done blabbering about her date from last night.
  • The axeman turned out to be none other than the 21-year-old PD candidate from Galway who polled 1,377 votes in the constituency in last month's general election.
  • These range in date from the pre-Reformation tombs in St Magnus Cathedral to memorials erected after the Second World War.
  • The back-to-back courtyard houses in Inge Street, Birmingham, date from the 18th century and are the last surviving examples of the type in the city.
  • The house and gallery date from 1640, though the house was derelict for many years and restored in 1920.
  • We have a mandate from the union membership to proceed with strike action.
  • If you remember, some republican voters have shifted to vote demoncrat simply to impower a candidate from the demoncratic party who McCain might be able to win easily. Tracking Poll: Obama opens up biggest lead ever over Clinton
  • Their creation involves processes that date from the time of the horse-and-cart.
  • – Another top candidate from last year's high court vacancy is again on the short list. Sources: Obama expected to make high court pick by early May
  • (We can only guess at the date from circumstantial evidence, but classified government filings docketed in our challenge to the NSA Program, CCR v. Bush, and some stray comments from Sen. Bonior support the notion that the secret court ruled in April.) Shayana Kadidal: Dems on FISA Modernization: It's Not Worse Than The Military Commissions Act
  • Modern, smokeless propellants date from 1846 when both nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin first emerged from European laboratories.
  • Unusually the cairn is named - Douglas's Cairn - and is believed to date from the Bronze Age.
  • He said the tribunal is independent and has a clear mandate from the Security Council "to uncover the truth and end impunity. UN Chief Gives Strong Backing to Hariri Probe
  • The photographs date from 1895 through 1906; they are accompanied by captions and entries about Chinese American history.
  • At the forthcoming elections, the government will be seeking a fresh mandate from the people.
  • In comparison with other deglaciation records from the Rockall Trough the sample may date from the warm Allerod-Boiling interstadial of 13.5-11 ka.
  • During this restoration, the inscription was found to date from a later period than the rest of the painting, and was removed, along with much of the blue paint underneath it.
  • These proofs date from the same period of revision exemplified by the large corpus of revises that came in late April and throughout May.
  • I sought a mandate from my constituents to oppose the poll tax and made it plain exactly what I would do.
  • These bracteates date from the sixth or seventh century onward; some have come down from the Viking period.
  • Perhaps politicians should seek a new mandate from the electorate if they are unable to fulfil their promises.
  • the oldest known wheeled vehicles were found in Sumer and Syria and date from around 3500 BC
  • Modern, smokeless propellants date from 1846 when both nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin first emerged from European laboratories.
  • I've turned into an armchair traveler, so I'll update from my red rattan chair.
  • She tossed and turned in bed and finally gave up, getting out of bed to check her email, and a possible update from either Noelle or Jean.
  • The drains date from the beginning of the century.
  • It's very apparent that there will be no security during the coming elections," said Mahmoud Fathy, a candidate from the Salafi Fadila Party, which supports the protesters but opposed the idea of a long-term sit-in. The Seattle Times
  • Laced outer garments to shape the body existed from antiquity, but laced undergarments date from the end of the sixteenth century.
  • A slight degree of serous effusion into the joint (_hydrarthrosis_) often persists for some time, and tuberculous affections of joints not infrequently date from a contusion. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • It is understood the company has raised around €800,000 in funding to date from private investors including John Reddy of graphic design company Paintbox.
  • He said that the committee had received a clear mandate from the meeting to use all means at its disposal to force him to reverse his decision.
  • The extreme left doors date from 1948, the work of Arrigo Menerbi, showing the tribulations of early Christians.
  • The spatterdashes date from 1748 when the Artillery wore them for the first time in any British Corps.
  • The furniture and floor coverings date from the 1920s.
  • In its present form, therefore, the Avesta is a compilation from various sources, and its different parts date from different periods and vary widely in character. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • We date from the beginning of his reign the invention of the fricandeau, generally attributed to a Swiss. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 371, May 23, 1829
  • The earliest of the two hundred objects on view is a ceramic vessel dating to the Jomon period and the latest objects date from the Edo period.
  • Arrowfield was named after the adjoining Devil's Arrows - three gritstone monoliths thought to date from the Bronze Age.
  • The dryness of the region helped explain the fine condition of the textiles, which date from the third century BC.
  • According to the CDC's arboviral activity update from Sept. 13, reports of West Nile virus are down this year, but there has been a recent spike because of storms. Mosquitoes swarm from breeding grounds left by Hurricane Irene
  • The Cambrian Explosion, for example, is the first time we are able to distinguish a chordate from an arthropod.
  • We have a mandate from the union membership to proceed with strike action.
  • A mandate from the UN would be needed before any plans could be implemented.
  • Currently, my News Feed includes a status update from last night at 8:04 that has been commented upon several times since.
  • Some of the earliest ledgers date from 1821, when the High Street apothecary kept his records in meticulous copperplate handwriting.
  • Most surviving examples date from the eighteenth century, by which time the decoration became increasingly elaborate and stylised.
  • On August 22, Connecticut filed a lawsuit against the US claiming that Bush's education law is essentially an unfunded mandate from the federal government.
  • Most of the postcards date from the first half of the 20th century and are of the popular hand-tinted type with scalloped edges.
  • Independently, root pressure xylem exudate from detopped stem bases was also collected at the time of harvest.
  • The furniture and floor coverings date from the 1920s.
  • I sought a mandate from my constituents to oppose this tax.
  • In a general sense, therefore, action has not been linked to any policy mandate from the public.
  • The “millefiori” dish a thousand flowers, believed to date from around the 2nd to 3rd century A.D., is a mosaic of hundreds of indented blue petals with white bordering. Archeologists Unearth Unique Roman Glass Bowl At Ancient London Cemetery | Impact Lab
  • All the photographs in this book, unless otherwise stated, date from the 1950s.
  • But with one candi date from Conservative Central Office, the other on the GLC - ` POLITICAL SUICIDE
  • And from those measurements we found out that meteorites like this are a very, very primitive primordial material that can tell us about the formation of the planets because they date from planet forming times.
  • They were asked to select the party candidate from 20 aspirants.
  • Lots of slightly different paperclip designs (wire, again) date from about this time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Overall, the errant Apostle is depicted eleven times, and only three of these images date from the duecento, compared with eight from the trecento.
  • The earliest forms of military headdress date from pre-classical times and were caps or helmets of leather, stiffened cloth, and metal.
  • Most of the tapestries in this room date from the seventeenth century.
  • Since all assertions must be carefully examined in order to benefit from what they may contain, let us consult together, if you will, - the annals of history to see what war has managed to resolve and consolidate from the earliest times to the present day. Élie Ducommun - Nobel Lecture
  • I sought a mandate from my constituents to oppose this tax.
  • His first mature anthems and songs date from about 1676.
  • They date from a year later and are the product of a different engineering team - Bob Auger and Douglas Terry.
  • Most of the tapestries in this room date from the seventeenth century.
  • The restrictions on drinking establishments and licensing hours date from this period.
  • Nearby spread the prehistoric-looking tentacles of Welwitschia plants that date from the age of the dinosaurs.
  • The sculptures bear all the hallmarks of the Braun workshop and date from 1713-19.
  • Taking a middle point of time between the Parthian revolution and the fatal overthrow of Forum Terebronii, we may fix upon the reign of Philip the Arab, [who naturalized himself in Rome by the appellation of Marcus Julius,] as the epoch from which the Roman empire, already sapped and undermined by changes from within, began to give way, and to dilapidate from without. The Caesars
  • One image is a direct crib from Millais's The rescue and so the slide set must date from after 1855.
  • A bishop's crozier possibly thought to date from the early 7th century has been found in a peat bog in Co Offaly, 60 miles west of Dublin.
  • She pushed the regional offices to consolidate from 13 to 4, and established shared processing centers to centralize certain tasks and make their cost structures more scalable with demand.
  • In China small-pox is believed to date from B.C. 1200; but the chronology of the Middle Kingdom still awaits the sceptic. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Visigothic and Burgundian law-codes are more precise, but they date from later generations.
  • For the next 25 years, Syria was governed by French colonial administrators under a mandate from the League of Nations.
  • Pine stumps on Lewis date from 4800 - 3900 B.P., suggesting that pine was a late arrival there.
  • Many moths are christened only in Latin, but the lovely vernacular names, Joe said, date from the seventeenth century: one species that flocked to our trap that night was the relatively common setaceous hebrew character, so named to denote the hieroglyphic on its forewing. Wildwood
  • County-based registrars of birth, death and marriage hold the full set of original civil registration registers, the earliest of which date from April 1845.
  • The origins of the Freemasons are disputed, but the first organized lodges date from 1717 in England.
  • The Danish lur was in use from the 10th century bc to the 8th; and the Roman lituus, bucina, and cornu, and the Celtic carnyx, date from some centuries later.
  • Harold Budd has fallen under the New Age rubric in more recent years; the two works presented here date from 1969-70 and show a more provocative side of this interesting composer.
  • Many of London's finest buildings date from the subsequent period of rebuilding.
  • The most complete evidence has come from the Near East, where domesticated barley and emmer wheat strains have been found which date from about 8000 BC.

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