How To Use Data In A Sentence
The method enhances data recoverability in keyed database records.
It makes data generators, multimeters and oscilloscopes, as well as semiconductors, optoelectronic components and RF chip sets - all very complex products that require a great deal of customization for individual customers.
Iin this case it uses the atomic unit of digital life - a single screen of data on a Palm, a little brick of reality we spend so much time staring at all day long.
For high-definition video, the umi needs an Internet connection that can send, or upload, data at 1.5 megabits per second, higher than that of typical DSL or cable services.
Cisco Launches 'Umi' Telepresence Box To Turn TVs Into Videophones
The software is also a great customization solution for those who would like to alter the look and feel of the Finder, Dock and login window, making it easy to prebind and re-prebind their entire system or selected folders, run cron scripts, change startup mode and language, force empty trash, update "whatis," locate databases, and so on.
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Please be assured that eHarmony uses robust security measures, including password hashing and data encryption, to protect our members' personal information. Top Stories
It then sends that information in machine-readable form to itsalgorithmic subscribers, which can parse it further, using the resulting datato inform their own investing decisions.
As a streaming technology, tape drives work best when data is coming to them at their rated speed.
The RAM has a first location for storing the data signal and a second location for storing the initialization status indicator.
This triangulation of information will help school practitioners make better decisions about students or programs because data from one source can help confirm or disconfirm information from another.
It also emerged on Tuesday that actress Sienna Miller had obtained a court ruling ordering phone operator Vodafone to disclose data relating to other users - so-called third party disclosure.
Labor economics has become virtually a branch of applied econometrics, with the usual large data sets and headless horsemen running around looking for patterns.
I mean, who doesn't want a product that is easier to use, has less locking contention, minimizes storage administration, makes access to administrative data easier, and so on?
The prevalence of hypovitaminosis D among US adults: data from the NHANES III.
The fifth position went to a phishing activity, in which a university hacker stole Internet users' personal information by luring them to provide confidential data on disguised Web sites.
Also, it is difficult to get across diagrammatically the iterative nature of grounded theory - in particular its commitment to the idea that data collection and analysis occur in parallel.
Another level could be called "agile big data," whose concern is solving a different class of problems and allows more experimentation. News
Medium security levels can enter and delete data and low security levels can only view data.
They spent many hours searching in commercial databases, looking for abstracts and full-text articles.
Fourthly, pay more attention to databank construction, take communication and cooperation seriously.
With cross-sectional data it is not possible to make precise comparisons between changes in employment and economic activity over time.
Received telemetry data confirmed the initial phases of the mission to be nominal.
Fitness functions include a simple linear problem for binary strings and classification of data sets which are dynamically loaded from a specified data file.
She gave me a cheerful grin and rattled off her past employers, accompanied by a brief biodata, both seemingly satisfying.
As a consequence, the important benefits of collation and comparison of data from different sources are lost.
Although, the protein utilized a number of fatty acids as substrate such as propionic acid, hexanoic acid, decanoic acid, lauric acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and oleic acid (data not shown) as is the case with many other known Fatty Acyl-CoA Synthetases
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I have a feeling that someone has all the email from both accounts, and they are right now in some sort of shady deal to sell the data to $someone (or perhaps to Palin herself).
MetaFilter Projects
In the early years of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), and even one author's experience under the CISP program, the term compensating control was used to describe everything from a legitimate work-around for a security challenge to a shortcut to compliance.
In comparison to a data structure, a linked list is similar to a binary tree in a way that the information is linked together.
The following data on the electric conductance of F 0 were obtained in the presence of myxothiazol, to avoid the complications caused by the electrogenic and proton pumping activity of bc 1.
The molecular parameters of 12 halogenated ethanes were fit to experimental data for vapor pressure and saturated liquid density.
Granted, we have reams of remote sensing data from that first investigation, including the information from the detailed dissection of the spider biot done by Dr. Laura Ernst. But the cosmonauts brought home only one artifact, a tiny piece of some kind of biomechanical flower whose physical characteristics had already irreversibly changed before any of its mysteries could be understood, We have nothing else in the way of souvenirs from that first excursion.
Rama Revisited
In it, Bradley said the prosecution's claim that Anthony had conducted extensive searches for the word "chloroform" had been based on inaccurate data.
Casey Anthony Trial Witness John Bradley Backtracks After Blasting Prosecutors (VIDEO)
Object Relational Mapping was created to abstract details of the underlying database from the Java object model.
Data on admission to hospital is not comprehensive but they suggest that admission rates rise with declining social class.
Firstly, exact data on the overall population can be obtained from the annually updated census list based statistics.
This table is comparable to the adjacency database used by OSPF. There is a neighbor table for each protocol that EIGRP supports.
Internet 2 continues to break astounding records for transmitting data.
This sits badly with the Act assertion that all data be ‘obtained fairly’.
There is no law that prohibits the financial manager from introducing data which are not in the company accounts.
Principles of Corporate Finance
After accumulating enough data, we calculated that each person spent at least a full minute in a stall.
It never failed to be fascinating reading - the replaying of familiar events and familiar data through the specific lens of organized labor.
Tables of lexicographers and of the group memberships of lexicographers are created and maintained by the database administrator.
There’s also data on median incomes (though that’s deducible from the previous data) on p. 37.
Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
The arbiter device receives requests for data transfers from the master devices and selectively transmits the requests to the slave devices.
used plagiarized data in his thesis
For the best performance, large numbers of drives can be connected and their data aggregated into a larger host interface.
This object is an interface between your module and the database, and it performs the query.
Unemployment rates for railroad conductors, logging workers and metalworkers fell sharply — seven percentage points or more — in 2010 while jobless rates among construction laborers and roofers rose, according to new data from the Labor Department.
Manufacturing, Logistics See Job Gains
From almost two hundred field offices, more than two thousand special agents teletyped all new data daily to Headquarters in Washington, where an army of clerks indexed it for easy retrieval.
We developed a customization of the software that allows people to view the data directly from the database.
During further analysis of these cosmids, high throughput sequence databanks were periodically screened for homology to the unique sequences until unannotated files containing exact matches appeared.
Analysis of the choice opportunity to include data collection and evaluation of alternatives. 3.
A cautionary note is indicated about the generalization of these data to the clinical management of depressed patients.
For example, the request variable is bound to the request zone, which means you can use a dot notation such as request.myData to access myData in the request zone.
Aim To research the methods and techniques of automatic data migration when data structures or data in an information system are changed.
It is argued, based on archaeological and ethnohistoric data, that the layout of the mound, burials, and charnel features is patterned after Native American notions of the cosmos.
Even ‘busy’ surgeons may take a long time to accrete enough performance data to allow valid comparison with their peers, particularly in low volume specialties such as neurosurgery.
Click on the tool bar's Column Auto-Match icon to instruct DataStage to automatically map columns by name between the input and output links.
In practice, animal bioassay data are often the primary data used in risk assessments.
Risk assessment of chemical substances
Are either of these devices what you really need for data dumps from one PC to another?
This web page will be refreshed after the API data is updated daily, or after the 'recalculate' function. - New Projects
Hence, data collation in the IAEA reviews focused only on those marine species that constitute food species for humans, normally using information gathered about their edible body parts.
All the above measurements were recorded in a data table.
Your mail will probably be in the folder C: \Documents and Settings\your logon\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities\ \Microsoft\Outlook Express, where your logon is your Windows user name, and a really long number is, well, you'll know it when you open the Identities folder.
Latest from Computerworld
Current data limitations such as the small size of the population mean the possibility of a small increased risk cannot be excluded.
Data costs about $0.05 per MB and it is pretty reliable and fastish I got about 380kbit/s connection speed.
2008 January « My Life in Kharkov
How fast does the new computer process the data?
The team notes that microquake data prior to 2004 either weren't gathered or aren't available to the public.
Christian Science Monitor | Top Stories
Copies of this schedule should be constructed in such a fashion that easy access be afforded the data collection process.
On the basis of our present data analyses, it is, however, not possible to judge whether the problem is at a segmental level, suprasegmental level, or both.
The program has found an inconsistency in the database files.
By analysis the distribute of the data in subspace, the speech and non - speech can be detected.
In analyzing wealth accumulation, we limit attention to the subsample that supplied complete data on all financial and demographic variables of interest.
Most data sets utilized in the study of hereditary diseases are constructed around probands, making correction for ascertainment bias necessary; this set of data is no exception.
The model spews out implications that are demonstrably falsifiable given an appropriate dataset; i.e., if one can lay one's hand on a dataset, then the model's predictions can be verified as either true or false.
In the following example, Spring would pass a reference to the Spring-managed object with a bean name of "dataSource" to the annotated setter method.
Background - Few data are available that address the impact of athletic training on aortic root size.
Orange is guessing that news will be a tempting way of getting users to pay premium prices for data downloads.
I know exactly what you mean," Data said, clearing the evidence of last night's carousal into the recycler.
The Beast That Resembles A Poem(A Handy Resource for Architects,Engineers, and Students)
The extension of the method to aggregate data on nation states will certainly follow, but will involve more complicated techniques.
Corporate recruiters and large companies maintain their own databases of job candidates, including unstructured data such as interview notes.
Previous data support a significant relationship between sea-surface temperature and the breeding success of krill-loving gentoo penguins.
Two Cumbria police workers were arrested for data protection breaches and misconduct in a public office.
The Sun
Data from human studies indicate that decompression at 1,000 feet/minute results in excitement and euphoria, followed by sensory dullness, weakness, and unconsciousness.
The data will strengthen arguments that raising the retirement age will penalise the poorest.
Times, Sunday Times
The last datable examples of ancient Egyptian writing are found on the island of Philae, where a hieroglyphic temple inscription was carved in AD 394 and where a piece of demotic graffiti has been dated to 450 AD.
Most of these networks transmit data at relatively low speeds of 192 kilobits per second or less.
As you have learned from this article, JPA provides an easy way to persist data in your applications.
The purposes of this study were to report our experiences with high-energy wartime extremity wounds, to define the prevalence of heterotopic ossification in these patients, and to determine the factors that might lead to development of the condition," said lead author Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Agner Forsberg, MD. Dr. Forsberg and his team compared data from 243 patients who were treated for orthopaedic injuries between March 1, 2003 and December 31, 2006 at the medical center, including patients who underwent: amputation external or internal fixation of one or more fractures removal of damaged, dead or infected tissue, or 'debridement'
EurekAlert! - Breaking News
The data used in this paper relate to the "public" recognition of jurisdictional boundaries.
Your hardware vendor should have benchmark data stating the expected Memory, CPU (FLOPS), Disk, and Network performance.
When data is fed into input, D1 and a clock pulse given, the data moves along one place.
What is tragically evident from the Harry Read Me file is the picture it gives of the CRU scientists hopelessly at sea with the complex computer programmes they had devised to contort their data in the approved direction, more than once expressing their own desperation at how difficult it was to get the desired results.
Coyote Blog » 2009 » November
Data on acquired dyslexia has played an important role in the dual-route model of reading.
Inappropriate use of the available data could result in prescription of incorrect dosages.
The question here is where shall we go for this data and what data will we need next?
Since Active Directory can scale to hundreds of thousands or even millions of objects, it's necessary to carve up the Active Directory database into sections, called naming contexts.
He says tenancy databases are an important and legitimate tool which help real estate agents carry out their job responsibly.
Data collection and analysis Positive and negative likelihood ratios (LR) and diagnostic odds ratios (DOR) were calculated.
Since then, Lowe's has mined data to track sales and target customers.
We have installed a data specialist in the call centre whose key result area is to get a customer's services configured the moment he walks in and handhold them through all issues.
Talks are under way to let the Scottish Prison Service access and contribute information to a powerful intelligence database on the movements and activities of the country's criminals.
As we have seen with global warming cultism and recent revelations of data fraud, the “mainstream” can be artificially created.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Does Hayek Belong in High School Economics Classes?
David Jacobs was given the job of combining the data from these 19 studies into one giant study.
Data was collected prenatally and at the first four birthdays until the children were 6 and 7 years old, when they underwent a clinical evaluation by a board-certified allergist.
The enlarged group now makes equipment including electrical systems for data centres and printing presses.
Times, Sunday Times
The verbal responses to the film are constructed using data from the ‘real life’ of viewers rather than the fictive world defined by the film and filmmaker.
From these data, the total score and two component scores were derived for each student.
His 10-point information policy stresses free access, establishment of information resource centres and public access to data banks.
In general, each message contains a source, a destination, metadata, as well as the data payload itself.
These would be connected via satellite to a central database of doggy DNA.
The data set included sequences of genes from mammals, birds, amphibians, coelacanths, lungfishes, ray-finned fishes, and cartilaginous fishes.
The first uses what AirTight now alternately refers to as a "vulnerability" or a "limitation" in the 802.11 specification: a shared encryption key called the group temporal key (GTK), shared by all clients connected to the same access point, can't detect an address spoofing attempt (the pairwise keys, which are used to scramble data between a given client and the access point, can).
AirTight defends Wi-Fi WPA2 'vulnerability' claim
In trials in which pertinent data are available, mediational analyses could inform theories of change.
By analyzing DNA sequences of two single-copy nuclear genes and the genomic AFLP data, we assess the allopolyploid origin of A. collina-4x from ancestors corresponding to A. setacea-2x and A. asplenifolia-2x, and the ongoing backcross introgression between these diploid progenitor and tetraploid progeny lineages.
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Aggregate data are calculated at current prices, while indices are calculated at comparable prices.
Thus terms such as "information processing" and "information retrieval" are really "data processing" and " data retrieval".
Computers Basic Facts
Technical security mechanisms to guard data transmitted over a communications network so that it cannot easily be intercepted or accessed.
[Ed: his house was subsequently raided, his data and computers confiscated and examined] After four years the police have finally admited they should never have arrested him in the first place.
Boing Boing
Thus far, the data show a recurring rhetorical pattern in which vulnerable groups were identified as antithetical to the core values attributed by the host to himself, his audience, and the nation.
Kety Esquivel: UCLA Study, Hate Speech on Commercial Talk Radio, Affirms NCLR's We Can Stop the Hate Campaign
Using Companies House and other data, and cross-checking with industry sources, we estimated how each firm's profits were divided among its partners.
Catalog database dbase2 (without specifying authentication, or specifying authentication as kerberos).
The dominant conifers are Abies faxoniana, Picea asperata, P. wilsoni and purple-coned spruce P. purpurea (which is also being planted) with a sub-canopy of Betula albo-sinensisB. utilis, low Acer spp. and fountain bamboo Fargesia/Sinarundinaria nitida which suffered a major die-off after flowering in the 1970s and early 1980s, Fargesia denudata and F. chinensis.
Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area, China
Likewise, a few citation errors in the IPCC report were trumpeted as the final nails in the coffin for the climate movement, despite the fact that not a single investigation even those in which climate skeptics have participated has found any evidence thatscientists "fudged,""manipulated" or "manufactured" data, and the fundamental conclusions of the IPCC still stand.
Kelly Rigg: The Movement with a Thousand Faces
Duplicate customer records in a database can hurt earnings through unnecessary mailings.
We can use relational database theory to implement Dualistic constraint database.
Curiously, while sperm whales unquestionably have teeth, recent molecular data and a reanalysis of their anatomy has suggested that they may be highly derived mysticetes.
The most accessible data which might serve as a yardstick is that on applicants' type of educational establishment.
If I answer no I simply return the questionnaire without any clinical data.
Collection data for these populations have been reported previously.
Customers can dial up the central computer from home and access the database.
The higher order position of the instruction code indicating the location of data to be processed.
Variations on "MySpace," the name of the social-networking site, were three of the top four nonadult searches in the first 11 months of 2007, according to the Internet-tracking firm Hitwise, which gets its data from logs of Internet-service providers with users 'names removed.
What Topics Filled
The same factors that made hardware-centric database machines obsolete in favor of portable database software are now at play in the storage market.
Data used to produce the I9X binding profile was abstracted from reference 21.
A study was undertaken in co-operation with oil companies to propose optimum data acquisition techniques and formation evaluation procedures.
Automatic meter reading is one method reading and processing data automatically with computer and communication.
And with billions and billions served helpings of the lardaceous potato strips, it's a sticky moment for JamesSkinner'sJames Skinner's Golden Arches, which last October boasted of its initiative to print nutritional data on its packages to help consumers make informed choices about what to eat.
Skinner's McDonald's Comes Clean On Fries' Fat
The point of the interview is to make full and systematic use of this to gather data for research purposes.
Problems such as background noise determination, analysis of variance, and errors in data handling are highlighted.
To transmit data accurately in strong interference environments, a communication protocol based on Manchester code was designed.
Measured data may include electrical properties of the volume of interest such as conductivity and dielectric constant.
We have no data for southern Spain.
A point-in-time copy represents an exact duplicate of a data volume at the moment the copy was created.
This data shows we're betraying them.
The Sun
Although not in a significant proportion, seeds produced by selfing often show a bimodal weight distribution, with about one-quarter of seeds lighter than others (data not shown).
The tax granted by the datary for the contracting of marriage out of the permitted seasons, is twenty carlins; and in the permitted periods, if the contracting parties are the second or third degree of kindred, it is commonly twenty-five ducats, and four for expediting the bulls; and in the fourth degree, seven tournois, one ducat, six carlins.
A Philosophical Dictionary
Based on data submitted so far, Mr. Dongarra said, the Sunway machine has "credible" sustained performance of about 795 teraflops--or trillion floating-point operations per second, a measure of scientific calculations based on standard tests.
China Supercomputer Uses Homegrown Chips
This could be your web server, a desktop computer running a database client application, or both.
Taking local document data source as an example, a kind of simple and effective method for creating catalog database in ILAS (Integrated Library Automation System) is introduced in this paper.
The tech giant will trawl anonymous confidential data to spot people at risk of kidney disease, blood poisoning and organ failure.
The Sun
As an example of the kinds of subtle relationships that exist among different explanatory factors, the Appendix reconsiders the 1976 data.
The Restriction Enzyme Database from NEB.
The enlarged group now makes equipment including electrical systems for data centres and printing presses.
Times, Sunday Times
A database design and a sample set of member and order data and has also been provided.
This has some important potential benefit, but the ways in which data is collected and used are evolving rapidly.
Times, Sunday Times
This paucity of experimental data makes it difficult to identify the ecological conditions that favor the evolution of the facultative response and of the particular environmental cues that may trigger it.
Occasionally users still require their data on magnetic tape and so this facility remains available.
General Household Survey data indicate that the major provider of care for the elderly in Britain is the family.
The company has mined its database to figure out which states, cities, and metro areas have registered the greatest number of Web addresses since 1998.
Newport has been a centre for research into salmon and eels since 1955 and has recorded full data on salmon and eel runs since 1970.
In contrast to the general picture in the technology sector, data storage minnow InTechnology recently had to put out a cautionary note that its profits were likely to be ‘significantly ahead’ of general stock market expectations.
The original distribution channels through Merisel and Dicken Data and service via Xerox remain in place.
Except as noted below, data on all cause and cause specific child and infant mortality and of age distribution of child and infant mortality were regional estimates or other aggregates.
Secure: built-in write-protect switch prevents accidental data loss
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
But if you already pay for a data plan for asmart phone or netbook,are you ready to plop down at least another $499 or up to $829 for a "third device," plus maybeanother monthly 3G data plan?
Apple's iPad: Pros, cons, and toss-ups
Data on total retail sales of consumer goods since 1996 exclude purchase commodity housing by households.
Document results and data concurrently with the execution of this pro TOCol.
Their output of data does not slow computation and is available in easily assimilated graphical form.
The data files are then offline processed through the software to estimate the attitude parameters.
High-volume syringe exchangers may be the most frequent injectors, resulting in more medical complications; however, no health-specific data were available for NEP participants, thus this hypothesis could not be tested.
Several processors can share the load of handling data in a single program.
If you haven't heard of the term spatial data, do not worry.
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The charts and data presented are very interesting, including the revelation that male modern heights and standards were achieved by the birth cohort of 1925.
Fortunately we have completed all of the suit study trials, have collected a bunch of rock samples for the microfossil and extremophile studies, and have finished work on the telescope, so we are in good shape, but there's still plenty of data analysis to do on those projects and lots of GPS tracking and geotagging yet to do.
Reminder: Paul's and Laksen's blogs
Some of these phenological observations are beginning to be used as indicators of the effects of climate change on biodiversity, although most studies are just recording data on the changes in species populations in the earlier part of the year (usually spring) and do not record data for the end-of-summer changes that could be affecting plant growth rates in the autumn or autumnal flight periods for species of insect.
Effects of climate change on the biodiversity of the Arctic
Graceful re-establishment of session without losing data after connection is unexpectedly lost.
An investigational antiandrogen showed substantial antitumor activity in men with castration-resistant prostate cancer, data from a preliminary clinical trial showed.
Social Security Reports, News and Informaion
If this refers to the references you previously cited then kindly cite the exact data you are using to support your claim that evidence for the cause of protein synthesis is linked to "specialization of function in self-replicators.
Bits and Pieces of an RNA World
We were still trying to figure out what the densely packed stream of trinary data meant.
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Data from both venogram and fibrinogen scans demonstrate that deep-vein thrombosis usually originates in the deep-veins of the leg.
I created a separate data matrix for these recoded characters.
Was he frustrated at having to wrestle with the "twiddled" data that Jones & Co. had given him?
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The note and controller data from the guitar is sent to the sampler via MAX but no processing occurs.
A functional computer needs input and output devices, memory, data to work on, and a program that defines how the data are handled.
The actual amount of data going over the phone line is quite small.
As the prime contractor, Boeing supplies the air vehicle -- a derivative of SDB I -- as well as the network data link system.
Data are keypunched and run through a series of computer checks.
Data are being gathered from published sources and from interviews with officials, private insurers and commercial bankers.
A deal would allow TimeWarner to boost its DVD sales with the studio's substantial film database.
It supports visualisation of three-dimensional data sets for applications such as satellite and medical imaging, molecular modelling, and image compositing.
A datalogger with an event counter can be used to record the readings.
I firmly believe that a consumer 'database'-the word database in this case is actually a misnomer-carrying the government's imprimatur must only include data that is accurate.
Slate Magazine
The system is composed of a semiconductor laser source, a main fine mechanic system and controller, a real-time controlling system with SCM and data processing system by PC.
In the one-step ahead forecasting situation, we assumed that the industrial practitioners updated their data quarterly.
The notable aspect of the data is the pervasiveness of the nationwide housing inflation.
With your mouse, drag data points and their error bars, and watch the best-fit polynomial curve update instantly.
By parallelizing the requirements to the developed system and the possibilities of the existing client database, we can say that some key basic features already are implemented, except the client per-user name indexing.
If you bind to element data, it should be the parent element of the target element; if you bind to attribute data, it should be the containing element.