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data point

  1. an item of factual information derived from measurement or research

How To Use data point In A Sentence

  • Additionally, the time increments between data points among the various data sources are not standard.
  • Hardware vendors could not produce data for each load point, so we're enhancing Server.Planner to do extrapolation between data points.
  • Interestingly, while this method is supposed to be relatively insensitive to outliers, the results do change significantly if the data point from 1992 is removed from the series.
  • Data points are cumulative and useful when you have a frame of reference to plug them into.
  • The idea was to start a pendulum from several different heights in order to cover a range of velocities and then to use simultaneous algebraic equations to fit a two or three term polynomial to two or three lost-arc data-points, changing the exponents until the polynomial achieved good agreement with the other lost-arc data points. Newton's Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
  • With your mouse, drag data points and their error bars, and watch the best-fit polynomial curve update instantly.
  • Data points are averages of triplicate measurements.
  • Your experience was that you did not see such opinions while you were clerking, which is one data point pointing in that direction. The Volokh Conspiracy » Cornyn: A Confirmation Conversion?
  • A collection of data is called a data set, and a single observation a data point.
  • If you count a term of an administration as a single data point, we have only five data points.
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