How To Use Darwinism In A Sentence
By the way Richard Dawkins, if you read this thread and I bet you do, I challenge you to appear here and respond to my thesis that Darwinism never had anything whatsoever to do with organic evolution beyond the generation of intraspecific varieties and subspecies, none of which were, are now, or ever will be incipient species.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
For neo-Darwinism, new functional genes either arise from non-coding sections in the genome or from pre-existing genes.
Neo-Darwinism and front-loaded hypotheses expect the opposite pattern, a ‘bottom-up’ pattern in which small differences in form accumulate first differentiating species and genera from each other and then only much later building to the large-scale differences in form that differentiate higher taxonomic categories such as phyla and classes.
Signature in the Cell: self-contradiction and repetition - The Panda's Thumb
Social Darwinism counterpoises superstition/ritual with science/technology and darker skin/exotic clothes with lighter skin / Western clothes.
Would I be correct in inferring that you would be against measures such as those that have been put forward in Ohio, Kansas, and elsewhere to include critical examination of the weaknesses as well as the strengths of Darwinism in public science education?
A New Weapon Against Freedom and ID: Volksverhetzung
The eugenic and Social Darwinism programs are morally repugnant, but seem to be based on Darwinian evolutionary facts.
(Side note: using the kind of embarrassingly bad logic that Behe has roped you into, this observation alone proves that Darwinism operates with such blinding speed and efficiency that only the regular intervention by the Intelligent Designer keeps the bacteria from obliterating all multicellular life within a few decades.)
Behe's Test, Take 2
Evolution used to have two main theories: uniformism inherited from Darwinism and catastrophism handed down from Biblical stories but as well as from some geological evidence.
Elitism Continued
Not today, anyway, though there have been times when it has: social Darwinism and eugenics made claims like that.
Social Darwinism should be made to work in reverse - those that have too much should be forced to hold a potlatch and divest themselves of their loot with those who have nothing.
The frenzied opposition to Darwinism today is clearly based upon fear that scientific naturalism will undermine religious faith.
As Darwin favourably cited Haeckel, and the father of Eugenics, Galton, he also mentioned, and called a "great philosopher", the father of Social Darwinism, Herbert Spencer, in Descent ….
Cue outrage in three, two, one…
He refers again and again to it as some kind of refutation of “Darwinism”, completely clueless as to understanding that humanity is engaged in a pharmaceuticallly-driven coevolutionary arms race with Plasmodium.
No metazoan is an island - The Panda's Thumb
As in parsimony, Darwinism seems the simplest solution to satisfy the non-telic, power hungry palettes.
Darwinism, What's the Appeal?
“Network” can somehow mysteriously accumulate enough “silent changes” only to expose them at the right moment as phenocopies or phenotypes - and doctor Myers obviously confound these two terms to support his “network” version of darwinism.
It's more than genes, it's networks and systems - The Panda's Thumb
Along with The Extended Phenotype made me understnad the intellectual beauty of Darwinism; and gave me the subject for my first half-decent book.
A kind of occupational Darwinism ensures that such people are way up on the upper tail of the curve of verbal facility.
But the far more vital part of evolutionary theory (or "Darwinism", as the evangelicals call it, if any creationists are still reading) is the idea of allopatric speciation.
David Horton: Keep Evolution Out of Schools
An economic climate based on nothing but calculations of self-interest, sometimes fed by an amazingly distorted version of Darwinism, doesn't build a habitat for human beings; at best it builds a sort of fortified boxroom for paranoiacs (with full electronic services, of course).
Human Well-Being and Economic Decision-Making
What I envision is openly theistic science of the kind that was practiced before Darwinism took hold and sucked the life out of science.
Antony Flew dies at 87
Like Big Bang cosmology or Neo-Darwinism, the theory of intelligent design in biology is not religious because it lacks "comprehensiveness" and is
Evolution News & Views
The ideas colored everything he wrote: when writing on education, he combined the idea of foetal education, a traditional belief that the mothers of great men, such as Mencius, had sat up straight and spoke no evil, thus contributing to the moral character of the foetus, with a micro-level view of Darwinism.
Archive 2008-01-01
They therefore present what he calls a Lilliputian challenge to unguided Darwinism; if he is right, they present it with a Gargantuan challenge as well.
Religion and Science
The word creationism, coined in 1868 in opposition to what was then called Darwinism or evolutionism, had fallen on hard times.
To once again inform you that Neodarwinism is not evolution (a finger-moon confusion) would do no good.
Analogy, How Scientifically Powerful is It?
A partial list of what was then fashionable would necessarily include: Darwinism, idealism, irrationalism, vitalism, Marxism, socialism and positivism.
Neodarwinism has a full protection racket – lawyers, tenured gatekeepers, journalists, and "expert witnesses" – who battle tirelessly to prevent criticisms of its Absolute Truth [TM] from being voiced in compulsory education settings or published in the scientific press.
A decent, popular article on intelligent design
Such a "confirmation" is more likely to strengthen doubts about Darwinism than to weaken them.
Assessing Causality
But neo-Darwinism has also in many cases abandoned proper scientific inquiry.
A sobering look at how man may perceive himself in the future, particularly as ideas about genetic predeterminism takes the place of dying Darwinism.
Cooperative Blog » 2007 » October
To him, the ganoid was a huge perplexity, none the less because neither he nor the ganoid troubled Darwinians, but the more because it helped to reveal that Darwinism seemed to survive only in England.
Twilight (1901)
Evo-devo is making huge strides in understanding biological processes, including its evolutionary history. eric: 1) Naive "NeoDarwinism" had its inception in the middle of the 20th century.
Behe: ID rescues Common Descent
Morality does not depend on our acceptance or rejection of Darwinism, either as biology or as metaphysics.
Gain is novelist Richard Powers's attempt to make up this lost ground in one great pole vault; to loft the novel of American enterprise over the old swamps of socialism, Darwinism, and absurdism into a new place.
Cultural Darwinism Anti - Semitism and the Formation of Jewish Spirit.
But there is also something more: a kind of isomorphism between Darwin's Darwinism and historical Darwinism.
John discarded his belief in Darwinism afrer he became a Christian.
“Social Darwinism” was just laissez-faire economics by another name; what SBTS describes as “intelligent design in business” is a jargonized variant on concepts that businesses have been successfully applying for the last thirty or forty years.
Mind Your Businesses - The Panda's Thumb
An almost impossibly rich work, it explicates a host of thorny theological, philosophical, and epistemological controversies and positions (Marsden, for instance, insightfully draws the connection between, on the one hand, the intellectual appeal of dispensational premillennialism and the opposition to Darwinism and, on the other, the peculiarly American “non-developmental” understanding of history).
Modernism, Minimalism, Fundamentalism
Darwinism, political and social, has, like an epidemic, for many years invaded the mind of more than one thinker, and many more of the advocates and declaimers of sociology, and it has been reflected as a fashionable habit and a phraseological current even in the daily language of the politicians.
Essays on the Materialistic Conception of History
There are some that are simply outside the pale: polygenetic origin of humanity is one, for example; neo-Darwinism (at least in its full metaphysical implication, as discussed in our longer Definitions Appendix) should also be.
Reasons to Believe -
Page 185, Volume 2 learned the lesson of Darwinism will “forswear inquiry after absolute origins and absolute finalities in order to explore specific values and the specific conditions that generate them” (1910, p. 13).
Interesting misdirect as my comments were to explore why the Discovery Institute chose to use the title professor of biochemistry rather than chemistry in a press release in which Skell questions Darwinism.
The unexpected promotion of Phil Skell - The Panda's Thumb
But this crabbed, Hobbesian spirit of social Darwinism has been bested before, and we can overcome it again.
Darwinism, applied to humans, predicted the fit would survive, without intervention, naturally.
How do people feel about the possibility that an alternative evolutionary theory e.g. neo-Lamarckism might prove superior to neo-Darwinism?
American Public Radio show: Understanding Charles Darwin - The Panda's Thumb
Darwinism supplies an easy answer: it is rational for all substantial depositors to withdraw their money - and to do so at once.
Times, Sunday Times
In the early twentieth century, Malthusian ideas on population control were linked to theories of eugenics and social Darwinism.
Norman Solomon: Well, what goes by the term conservative is too often a sort of a euphemism for dog eat dog, whoever comes out on top, we believe in the survival of the fittest – a sort of perversion of Darwinism taken into a social realm, where generally, the predatory nature in the animal kingdom of one category of animal inflicted on another is sort of mimicked and replicated.
Failed Conservative Values: Norman Solomon on Dog Eat Dog Greed
Angelina evidently has all the attributes hot-blooded males around the world seek in a woman too; so Darwinism was always going to be present in that delivery room.
Eugenics and ‘social Darwinism’ are perversions of evolution based upon logical fallacy and misapplication.
Darwinism, which seemed so important to his fellows, was only the same kind of plaything of the mind as the creation in six days.
Darwinism is despised by many Chrisitians because Darwin despised Christianity, and that is a tough barrier for any TE to overcome.
Advice for the Theistic Evolutionists
On this aspect of the question, Pasteur's disproof of heterogenesis was not altogether decisive and was, in part, to be counterbalanced on a more theoretical plane by the success of Darwinism after 1859.
As this passage shows, London's Social Darwinism usually mixed with his interest in racialism.
Cultural Darwinism Anti - Semitism and the Formation of Jewish Spirit.
His real achievement, though, is effortlessly synthesizing a dizzying array of dissonant phenomena (Cold War espionage, ecstatic religiosity), incongruous pairings (Darwinism, Tantric sex), and otherwise schizy ephemera (psychedelic drugs, spaceflight) into a cogent, satisfyingly complete narrative.
Cover to Cover
But essentialism about organisms has been undermined by Darwinism.
To once again inform you that Neodarwinism is not evolution (a finger-moon confusion) would do no good.
Analogy, How Scientifically Powerful is It?
Rather, its impact is felt through people's concern with a constellation of ideas which are linked by the fact that they are presupposed by social Darwinism.
The effectiveness of neodarwinism as explanation (and it has been very effective) suggests there is no need to invoke teleological efficient causes to explain lifes diversity and adaptiveness.
A decent, popular article on intelligent design
It is the height of hypocrisy for him to complain that Darwinism lacks causal specificity when his own theory lacks any specificity, including one atom of historical concreteness.
One can be a good Darwinian without reducing our cultural leaves to their biological roots: confusing the former with the latter is not biology but biologism, not Darwinism but Darwinosis.
Rolston wishes to break with a dogmatized Darwinism, recasting culture as indeed rooted in biology but, more important, transcending it.
At this point we figure that the level of demonity is parallelled by the level of baby cuteness and charm- in a cosmic act of darwinism.
Hating, Not Loving
The assumption that Social Darwinism delivers more social freedom is questionable.