
How To Use Darn In A Sentence

  • Gideon could see the places where the silver was wearing off the cane and he noticed a good deal of clumsy darning on the inside of the cloak, as though the lining had come away from the backing several times.
  • “‘Now, gentlemen, standing up here before you, I feel a good deal like Pat, and maybe after I’ve spieled along for a while, I may feel so darn small that I’ll be able to crawl into a Pullman hammock with no trouble at all, at all! Chapter 14
  • Amid fireworks, a color guard and torrents of cheers, 62 former Redskins were introduced on Sunday night at FedEx Field, from Carl Kammerer, who played in 1963, to Darnerien McCants, who retired in 2004. Shanahan, McNabb are helping the Redskins recapture their past
  • By "tares" is meant, not what in our husbandry is so called, but some noxious plant, probably darnel. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • If you follow my diet, you may not lose weight but, darn it, you can always blame it on someone or something else.
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  • And all around her the idiots, the fools, taking her picture, practically bowing before her, treating her like goldarn royalty. Not the End of the World
  • To get the details, a field team has been fitting green darner dragonflies with radio transmitters.
  • I agree that they make difficult platforms from which to shoot but they also make impossible precisely and a helo is a darn sight bigger target than an outboard engine. Army Rumour Service
  • His new tax is so high that people will do their darnedest not to pay it. Times, Sunday Times
  • March 3rd, 2009 at 12: 18 am amok carnivorously compartment corral darner diverse dreadful hesitating homewards mainline Shedir sockets untouched cheap generic viagra aristocratically Racine rivaled. viagra Says: Matthew Yglesias » Mike Pence’s Ode to Rush Limbaugh
  • It's not that it's been hot so much as the very high humidity that's made me feel darned uncomfortable.
  • As I am aware that the jack hammers from the next block all last summer were intrusive and you know darn well the birds that roosted in the abandoned former furniture factory trees this past year nearly drove me out of my mind - before I decided to set off cohetes during the day and early evening to run them off, which worked, but drives your dogs crazy for which I am very sorry. Sound ordinance in ajijic?
  • Sixth and last, some polluters felt that meeting the standards was just too darn expensive and threatened plant closures.
  • Several times during the speech Perry posed for dramatic effect, once even wrapping his arms around himself and remarking in a theatrical aside: "It's the darnedest thing. CPAC 2011: The Conservative Political Action Conference (Live Coverage, Day Two)
  • Mary graduates from a tense, haunted guilt about her role in the murder of Darnley to a radiant, assured queenliness in the spiritual honesty and dignity with which she faces death.
  • So I started up Windows Media Player and, bang, the virus warnings started again, each time telling me the darn thing had been deleted.
  • Darn thing went clean through the now deceased possum and both sides of the waterer. Chicken Owner Targets Opossum, Shoots Own Leg
  • The really ironic thing is, once I get the tires reinflated I have to cycle down to the bike shop anyway to get the gears fixed on the darn thing!
  • I think a standing ovation belongs to the fellow employees and employers that say, "hrmph, that looks pret-ty darn good. Graduate! Celebrate! "Decorate!"
  • I think you look pretty darn fabulous. The Sun
  • You may not like stuff that gets described as epic but, darn it, you do.
  • She presented herself as a "hockey mom", a wholesome presence full of gosh darns, and gee whizzes, and dropped endings that fairly screamed "I am one of you! Daisy Morant: Not Buying Sarah Palin
  • Ironically, Pluto is so itteh bitteh that it doesn't really affect Uranus or Neptune at all: Lowell was wrong on that count, which makes it even more amazing that Tombaugh found the darn thing.
  • July 15, had to raik up the yard. i aint been fishing hardly this summer. darn the minister. Brite and Fair
  • I wouldn't be sorry if he actually won the darn thing. The Sun
  • He nodded abstractedly, went upstairs to the big, sunny sewing room, searched the family needlecase for a long stiff darning needle and extracted several rubber bands from the red cardboard box on the library table. A Son of the City A Story of Boy Life
  • Grace said ... both of my grandmas are so special to me, and i say this is a tremendous event. i'll do my darnedest to contribute my favorite recipe, but i have to decide what it is first! Announcing A Blog Event: Grandma's Recipes
  • Boy, I wish I hadn't seen this post because I suspect I'm going to now overfocus on that darned cocoa as I move through the book! Tish! That's French!
  • I am, however, happy to report that I caught my first of the season Sunday, and they were pretty aggressive even though the spawn is nearly two months away and the water is still darn cold. Flukin' Largemouth
  • With his gosh-darned, aw-shucks demeanor and disarming smile, he is able to insult entire ethnic groups without even realizing he's doing it.
  • It will have to be darn good. The Sun
  • You darn well bet they can. The Sun
  • Another way of disposing of the undrawn threads is to cover them with a kind of darning stitch, as illustrated in fig. 117. Embroidery and Tapestry Weaving
  • Sitting down it looks, as you can see, pretty darn hot. Times, Sunday Times
  • Knowing that Wall Street execs are doing their "darndest" to make money shines a whole new light on things, doesn't it? Adam Green: NBC Has An Erin Burnett Problem
  • They can also be pretty darn healthy, as well as hearty and satisfying. The Sun
  • And I'll be darned if I'll buy them and then let them rot in the cupboard.
  • But now that its articles are being published in a newspaper, can readers expect saucier headlines and grabbier opening lines from Charlottesville Tomorrow? email (will not be shown) (required) * People say the darndest things, but if they use language stronger than Charlottesville Blogs
  • We go home, and I spend the rest of the evening camped in front of the telly, as I need to resoak the darn pads in cold water every ten minutes or the pain gets very bad. March 8th, 2005
  • It would be easier to imagine Maria Callas darning socks.
  • carved cedarn doors
  • Keep this compulsory redistribution of wealth up from those who make it to those who'd like it, and they orta just call the darn things Neptunus Lex
  • Why does it look so darn good? Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Darnay tells Sydney Carton, the wigged gentleman who resembles him (and who is an attorney working for the defense), to tell Miss Manette that he is deeply sorry to have been the cause of her agitation.
  • The views are pretty darn special, too. The Sun
  • I think you look pretty darn fabulous. The Sun
  • He went on to say he would be "darned" if US Bancorp were to become part of of the "collateral damage" from the government's "sloppy attempt at nationalizing the [banking] industry. US Bancorp Blasts TARP As Giant Bait And Switch On America - The Consumerist
  • Of course it doesn't alter a goldarn thing, but I guess I'd be better be prepared to discuss a million years of human and pre-human fossil remains throughout the eastern hemisphere, rather than taking cheap shots at the internal consistency of the Bible. Where did Cain's wife come from blah blah blah
  • Why deny Darnell an opportunity to pursue a life outside football?
  • Nestled just off the main drag of expat ghetto Holland Village, Original Sin offers laid-back ambience, attentive staff - and darn good food.
  • She was sitting in the overstuffed leather armchair, concentrating on her darning, but painfully aware of the man who was sitting in a similar chair no more than three feet away from her.
  • She tried her darnedest, huffed and puffed her lungs out, but could not activate the gadget, much less register any reading even after several attempts.
  • Many of the gypsies ignored her, sitting outside their tents, preparing a meal or darning a sock or mending a hem.
  • If the probability of it occuring is (HIGH), with damage to the Pad & local area debris falling potentially being pretty darn severe, it would seem almost negligant as well to not have required a formal S&MA report & Chief Engineer Technical Authority report on this topic. The Budget Road Ahead - NASA Watch
  • Individual stew/casseroles that I like include: the “Hae Mul Cham Doo Boo” (hand made tofu casserole mixed with various seafood) and “Doo Boo Darn Jang Jigae” (hand made tofu with squash, potato, green pepper in soybean pasta stew) — both only $7.95 at lunch. PROFILE: Midtown Lunch’er “Grace” | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • They can also be pretty darn healthy, as well as hearty and satisfying. The Sun
  • He was also bobbing and weaving, so my camerawork is pretty darn manic. Michael Giltz: Toronto Film Fest Days 1 And 2: Midnight Madness
  • In echoing Debbies previous comment on making dulce de lache without courting danger and death from a boiled unopened can by baking the sweetened condensed milk in a foil covered pie pan set in a bain-marie, let me just say I make a fab dulce de lache by setting the oven to 400 degrees and not doing a darn thing for an hour, then take it out and stir. Dulce de leche cheesecake squares | smitten kitchen
  • The post-novella ennui is not as bad as the post-novel ennui, but it's still pretty darned draining. The plot of our life sweats in the dark like a face
  • It has been asserted that the darnel is a degenerated kind of wheat; and attempts have been made to give additional significance to our Lord's instructive parable by injecting this thought; there is no scientific warrant for the strained conception, however, and earnest students will not be misled thereby. Jesus the Christ A Study of the Messiah and His Mission According to Holy Scriptures Both Ancient and Modern
  • And then there was a darn cat the kept movin 'around the house an' botherin 'me with its noises. "Just Meat"
  • Not a sock darner with that handle; I remember my Grandmother using one. What Is It? Game 114
  • There I am, sitting, munching away on a pretty darned good bagel with lashings of cream cheese and folded smoked salmon and somebody says ‘I guess you like bagels cause you're French?’
  • It was easier when the body politic watched the jiggling mammaries on TV and drank beer by the caseload to forget their domestic trifles, but that darn internet went from being a cybernetic version of the Home Shopping Network for fatasses incapable of bestirring themselves beyond their own barcalounger, to something that could actually be used to communicate concepts requiring critical thinking and studied responses. Firedoglake » It’s High Time for Some Truth
  • Darners and other large dragonflies often emerge at night, when they are safer from predators.
  • Unhelpful Labels: customers say the darndest things, tales from the cafe Archive 2009-03-01
  • Build the darn tunnel through Seattle with NO on or off ramps in downtown is what I vote. Traffic Volumes in Seattle Are Down. So Why Are We Building More Highways? « PubliCola
  • Puzzles must be unlocked to advance the story, which is moving, well told and pretty darn sad. The Sun
  • Ar stepan drws heno dwi wedi cael tystiolaeth gadarn, ac nid am y tro cyntaf, o unigolion oedd wedi eu cofnodi ganddom yn 2007 fel Plaid yn troi atom a hynny mewn niferoedd. Torri Cytundeb Cymru'n Un
  • Once I nearly picked a night-adder up, mistaking it for a skein of darning wool. ON CATS
  • Remember when I darned "My So-Called Life" and put it on my 'darned' list. Archive 2007-10-01
  • I would be filled with rage at this casual disregard of my only child's suffering, if it weren't for the fact that it was pretty darn hilarious.
  • Children are able to take on the roles of evacuees, undertaking a variety of war-time tasks such as darning socks or making rag rugs.
  • Many soreheads and unsympathetic people will probably cavil that this is pretty darn cool and lots of people don't get to go to Australia and experience such a beautiful land.
  • You darn well bet they can. The Sun
  • At least, flat prices or the absence of inflation is a darn good thing for consumers.
  • Darnay is ultimately saved when one witness' testimony hinges on the witness' certainty that he saw Darnay at a certain locale at a particular time.
  • It is a darn good format. The Sun
  • Jeez, this teach is far less elaborate than some noisy. visit New speak learn Books Zealand basic visiting Cd travel Dunedin talking languages Invercargill newzealand kiwi Taking audio yourself learning bestselling auckland book sale tape travelling nz AudioBook speaking Wellington language christchurch mp3 teach foreign AudioBooks discount The Law of Attraction Audio Book Esther & Jerry HICKS NEW CD – The Secret Darn, one licentious kiwi capriciously fed inside some tentative travel. » The Law of Attraction New speak learn Books Zealand basic
  • Some friendly Darnley Islanders were described as stoutly made, with bushy hair; the cartilage between the nostrils cut away; the lobes of the ears split, and stretched “to a good length.” The Life of Captain Matthew Flinders
  • That darn dog-leg shape of the State is the real source of our financial woes.
  • Alaa Badarneh/European Pressphoto Agency Palestinian Monera Amer opened the gate to her house near the West Bank village of Masha; the Jewish settlement of Qana is directly across the road. In Israel, Dancing at Deadline
  • `I just say I think it's mighty darned strange, him keeling over all of a sudden, just like that spy. SOMETHING IN THE WATER
  • She'll only have to darn the knee holes in those trousers! The Sun
  • Kraften, de goda gudarnas gåva, bister som bärsärk biter i sköld. Fritiofs Saga
  • Miss Darnford said, And I can tell you, madam, that she plays sweetly upon the spinnet, and sings as sweetly to it; for she has a fine voice. Pamela
  • If the probability of it occuring is low, with damage to the Pad & local area debris falling potentially being pretty darn severe, it would seem almost negligant as well to not have required a formal S&MA report & Chief Engineer Technical Authority report on this topic. The Budget Road Ahead - NASA Watch
  • She - eyeglasses, haircomb, designer jacket and trunkful of gosh-darns, golly-gees and gol-dangs - will be on "SNL" Saturday night, Oct. 25. SNL: Wake Up! Don't Give Palin Your Bully Pulpit!!
  • But darn it, I don't have weeks of free time to declutter and dejunk my house. Wired Campus
  • It's what you'd call a darned good offer," explained Armstrong: The Dominant Dollar
  • I'm feeling so guilty; Zhizhong has been diligently working on securing new deals, and I have yet to finish the darn valuator. Jaimewolf Diary Entry
  • It's just so darned much fun to hear these old duffers talking shop and gossip.
  • Kitten still has a smile of wonder on her face when they get what she calls their "mailbox money," those big old checks for which they don't have to do a darn thing. NYDN Rss
  • The stories themselves I thought were darn interesting.
  • I've held that darn gold card now for a long, long time, and paid an annual fee for it.
  • Now, I realise I look like a bit of a chucklehead for bringing this up, but the thought of the day is that, gosh darn, that comic really got to me.
  • It is a darn good format. The Sun
  • ‘The darn gun was loaded with blanks,’ she said.
  • Going to Mars is too darned expensive, they say, and we should save our money.
  • Nature is a darn sight better and more thorough than any yard broom when it comes to clearing up leaves.
  • The columnist expands on this piece in the newspaper and explains why it was so darn dumb.
  • So there is the evidence, but how is one meant to wear the darn thing? Times, Sunday Times
  • The wife assisted him in the details of business, darned his hose, drudged at the wash-tub, took care of other people's children for hire, and generously gave him whatever money she earned and could spare beyond her actual expenses. Jack London's Parentage
  • It was a darned good movie.
  • This has probably caused the imperfectness of the manuscript in the above passage; though, at the same time, it must be acknowledged to be somewhat uncertain, whether Darnford is the stranger intended in this place. Maria; or The Wrongs of Woman
  • The bad news is that we had better be pretty darn careful in identifying those pieces to which the good news applies. The Constraints of Corporate Tradition
  • It also makes a darn good gym bag, should you fancy it. Times, Sunday Times
  • My own green chili, spurred on by several gifts of Hatch chiles, is even less authentic than yours -- further proof that almost anything that goes into a pot with chile peppers will come out pretty darn good. Adios, October! But first, some green chili | Homesick Texan
  • 'The root of the common darnel (_lolium_) or dandelion, with saltpeter, make a very cheap and effective sheep-drench. Memoirs of Arthur Hamilton, B. A. Of Trinity College, Cambridge Extracted From His Letters And Diaries, With Reminiscences Of His Conversation By His Friend Christopher Carr Of The Same College
  • This work is done in long and short darn stitch created into innumerable designs and patterns.
  • Ye maun daut her a wee, she's unco tired! 'she said, and seating herself on a stool, went on with the darning of the stocking. Heather and Snow
  • Sitting down it looks, as you can see, pretty darn hot. Times, Sunday Times
  • I tried to find a hacker to find them but it turns out they covered their tracks pretty darn good. The Sun
  • It is a darn good format. The Sun
  • I've got the galleys for book 2 to go through one more time and the copyedit for book 3 to finish today, but I'm stopping everything to tell you this news because it's so darn cool. Waldrop, McHugh, Rosenbaum and more
  • One that, as an added bonus, makes him apologize to his ex-wife for being such a gosh darn cad?
  • Learn how to sew on a button, darn a hole and generally prolong the life of clothes. Times, Sunday Times
  • And dang those darn smelly mexicans!!! oh and never look up the word "mung" on google images. Maybmemorys Diary Entry
  • It appears, as of this writing, that Lieberman made a darn good effort to be both "the first" and "the last" prima donna to throw such a tantrum; but that Senator Ben Nelson actually outwaited Lieberman, and may actually be the final recalcitrant vote -- over the issue of denying American women the free choice of healthcare plans, which may (gasp!) include abortion coverage. Chris Weigant: Friday Talking Points [105] -- One Bad Week
  • darn socks
  • She was engaged in the homely occupation of darning socks, and what with her size, her loose untidy dress – serge of the colour of boiled spinach, with dibs and dabs of embroidery here and there – and a green scarf that belonged to the dress, and a rust-coloured one she had put on in a fit of absentmindedness, and her mending-basket, and a scatteration of socks, she pretty well filled the old-fashioned sofa. The Key
  • In the latest batch of beautifully filmed "Jazz Icons" DVDs, Art Farmer (England, 1964) plays with serene subtlety on ballads like "Darn That Dream," but on "Bilbao Song" and others, the great flugelhornist is on fire. Rochester City Newspaper
  • I am double-jointed so I am pretty darn flexible.
  • With a few “darns,” “betchas,” and “ya” s, Palin managed to get all her talking points into the debate, even if she constantly changed the question to suit her note cards. Sarah Palin Wins Debate--By Darn
  • I told him she was clean, tidy, an excellent mender and darner of clothes, a good cook, and—as far as I knew—a virgin. Morgan’s Run
  • In addition to darning and plain sewing, she provided instruction in fancy needlework, tambouring, and embroidery in silk and worsted.
  • Aunt Emilie darned old socks.
  • Most of them are darned good and fascinating, but we should all also be prepared to plunge in and get a little red in tooth and claw when weakling articles like that one make it into our range.
  • Green darners are large, showy dragonflies with silvery iridescent wings.
  • I missed the darned bus by seconds and so have decided to walk.
  • I can tell members that there were moments when the captain of one particular aircraft got rather agitated by what was going on in the cabin, and it was pretty darn scary.
  • Every so often Dad would turn up with a bag of laundry and holes in his socks, and I'd be sent to Jeweks's for a skein of darning wool. MR STARLIGHT
  • Bertie was the churchwarden at St Padarn's, the daughter church which was in my charge. GOODBYE CURATE
  • Made of 300-thread-count cotton Jacquard and sateen, they come in an array of florals so gosh-darn pretty you're likely to sleep with your eyes open.
  • I am not against social medicine because tice, once it was me that got darn sick and while iin Canada and all my medical and prescriptions was fre then a couple years one of he kids got sick fromss lyme bit and again the Canadian paid for all the sickness and she was in the hospital for 10 days Republicans raising cash to counter-program ABC Obama special
  • Detached from our heads, hair can be used to mend garments, to darn holes in stockings.
  • As to the person who posted from the South saying that hating people is "moral" and that everyone moves to the South and envies them ... that's pretty darn funny. Sanford accused of smear campaign against Bauer
  • The bad news is that we had better be pretty darn careful in identifying those pieces to which the good news applies. The Constraints of Corporate Tradition
  • Darning with flosses upon both white and black bobbinet, or silk net, was a very common form of the art, and veils of white with seed or all-over designs darned in white silk floss, may be called the "personal needlework" of the period, and some of the shawls were superb stretches of design and stitching. The Development of Embroidery in America
  • It hovers so close because like life, it's often unfair, unpoetic, plain contradictory, and retrospectively embarrassing - few of Darnielle's stories have chronicled passions so unadorned and believable.
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: linzloo08@161, my new plaything darnel is so uninspired he had to rehash a “yo mama” posting he used against me for you. p-a-t-h-e-t-i-c Think Progress » Boeing Complains About Losing Health Care Tax Break Despite Being One Of Least Taxed Big Corporations
  • But all the signs right now are looking pretty darn good. The Sun
  • In a small tin in the bottom of the pillowcase she finds needles and cotton and between sips of her tea and another pipe, she darns the holes in the hessian bag with those same deliberate tiny stitches.
  • And they really do say and do the "darnedest" things. Marshall Independent
  • He was billed after star Dana Andrews, leading lady Linda Darnell and second male lead Sterling Hayden.
  • Shina Darnicious: that bassist is the sexiest goddamn man ive ever seen ... the drummer is a pony in the wind if you ask me ... chai Great face for radio (Music (For Robots))
  • But that kind of childish solipsism is part of what makes America so gosh-darn unique! Matthew Yglesias » Obama’s Car Invention Myth
  • Since the year 1875, the year in which Peace came to Darnall, the domestic peace of Mr. Dyson had been rudely disturbed by this same ugly little picture-framer who lived a few doors away from the Dysons 'house. A Book of Remarkable Criminals
  • Darnell talked for two minutes and said a lot less than a fluent speaker could have communicated in three sentences…
  • I thought he was the handsomest darned guy in the whole world, and he was such fun! A CONVICTION OF GUILT
  • His backhand is the best there is but his forehand is pretty darn effective too. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the early 19th century women dancers began to wear the new thin, heelless, satin ballet slipper, tied with ribbons around the ankle and stiffened at the toe by rows of darning.
  • On the Facebook page for a nascent Birmingham, Ala., occupation, one "semi-disabled 58 yr old granny with little or no transportation" vowed to "do my darnedest to be there! This Week: The Death of Steve Jobs; Christie Says No
  • The discarded underclothing is first steeped in a solution of creolin, or other coal-tar disinfectant, for some hours, and then passes through the hands of a staff of women of the country, who wash and laundry it, passing it on to another staff of darners and menders. War Story of the Canadian Army Medical Corps
  • His backhand is the best there is but his forehand is pretty darn effective too. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beyond the scree we turned the side of the saddle and there, ahead of us, in a col surrounded by the white flanks of the Kedarnath peaks, stood the temple, one of the most sacred structures in India.
  • At the same time, the introduction of voice (assuming no effective voice alteration software) closes down a whole range of other performative possibilities, because voice socially "locates" people so powerfully (like those darned Australians). Mike fright
  • And then there was a darn cat that kept movin 'around the house an' botherin 'me with its noises. JUST MEAT
  • He'd earn a darn sight more money there.
  • So, on Sunday night, I darned in all the ends, did the picot - edged for the bands and did the i-cord button loops.
  • The love passages are pauses in a course of violent action, the assassination of Rizzio, the murder of Darnley are not overcoloured melodramatically, and the scenes in and about the Studies in Literature and History
  • The thing of it is, Lance's bike is expensive, which is what makes the 2300 so darned cool.
  • Why don't you switch the darn thing off and listen to me!
  • You're darned lucky that Andy was in a cooperative mood this morning, husband mine.
  • The Japanese history of “Tanzar and Neadarne,” by the same author, is an amiable extravagancy, interspersed with the most just reflections. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • I'll tell you what's wrong with my car - it's the worst darn heap of scrap metal this side of tarnation!
  • In the Vulgate it is retained and in popular French Wyclif renders it "darnel or cockle", and curiously enough the name of his followers, the Lollards, has been derived from a Latin equivalent, "lolium. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Simple, inexpensive and avoids all those goldarn regulations the right hates so much. Tony Hendra: Immigrants? It's Their Country
  • While Linda is in the kitchen darning stockings, he moves to the edge of the stage.
  • Why does it look so darn good? Times, Sunday Times
  • Learn how to sew on a button, darn a hole and generally prolong the life of clothes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: my new plaything supports “opening up oil exploration in the atlantic” to give the concession to Shell and BP. right, darnel? Think Progress » Drilling Is Not The Solution To Create Jobs And Reduce Reliance On Foreign Oil
  • But all the signs right now are looking pretty darn good. The Sun
  • You don't hear stories about coke addicts saying "Darn cocain is illegal, i guess we'd better stop using it. Obama Administration Looks To Reinstate Assault-Weapons Ban
  • It's organic, it's witty, it's nasty, it's gaudy, it takes a tattered sheet of reality and darns the holes with glittering thread. Namedropper
  • She noted with tenderness all the makeshifts: the darned chair-arms, the patent rocker covered with sleazy cretonne, the pasted strips of paper mending the birch-bark napkin-rings labeled “Papa” and Main Street
  • She's done a darn sight better than I have.
  • Getting off the bus while it was moving was a darn stupid thing to do.
  • I know Ashron Kutcher is a celebrity, because I hear him mentioned all the time, but I'll be darned if I can put the name to the face.
  • Because nuts are traditional in biscotti it is darn difficult to find them without nuts (these did have nuts, but not ground, so they were easily replaced with more chocolate)! Archive 2008-12-01
  • Whisper it quietly, but it looks like this new show could be pretty darn funny. The Sun
  • Jing Jing is still pleasant and accommodating, House of Nanking is still awesome, Vive Sol is still pretty darn good, Flying Fish Grill is still awesome, and Bodeguita del Medio is still awesome in a completely different direction from House of Nanking or Flying Fish Grill. Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • People Brian and i are good friends. let me tell you Dean Stockwall/well/all/ell is a darn dreamboat and heard about all his wives on “quantam leap”. Battlestar Galactica April 18 Recap : SF Universe - SF Universe is your Science Fiction central. From SciFi television to movies to books and more. All the latest news, reviews and insights from SciFi experts.
  • After a gorgeous cottage pie dinner, we got chance to look at the aquarium and it was looking pretty darn good already.
  • But, the theatre-goer can excuse its follies, because it is so darn rich in its layers elsewhere. 3:10 to Yuma…Russel Crowe action thriller entertains! « Julian Ayrs & Pop Culture
  • I hear it from people all the time: Reality TV's lame, it's boring, and there's just so darn much of it.
  • However, he has revealed that he darns his own socks as part of a superstition that he must sport the same pair all season.
  • Determined to place a friend on the Libyan throne, Eaton led a former Libyan pasha—Hamet, who had been deposed and exiled by his younger brother Karamanli—plus nine Marines and 400 mercenaries on a sun-baked, two-month march of 500 miles from Egypt to Darnah, then Libya's second-largest city. The Star-Spangled Shores of Tripoli
  • It also makes a darn good gym bag, should you fancy it. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are just so darn reassuring and they were traveling in a pretty darn good direction, about 160 degrees, at about 15 mph.
  • _ -- The letters and surrounding decoration shown in this example of cut or open work are built up on a square network of warp and weft threads that were left at regular intervals throughout the space, when the unnecessary threads were withdrawn, and then covered with a kind of darning stitch. Embroidery and Tapestry Weaving
  • She'll only have to darn the knee holes in those trousers! The Sun
  • Please darn the hole in my sock.
  • Not only is it good for dental hygiene but it can also be used as a clothes line, cotton for darning clothes or string for tying things up.
  • Please darn the hole in my sock.
  • She darned socks each Sunday for the Uncle as it was, receiving them by mail.
  • _'a la Labrador_ (alias darn goods), followed by black coffee. The Long Labrador Trail
  • I have a wide circle of friends, a wide range of interests, and, apart from the downs everyone has, a pretty darned neat life.
  • There's a darn good reason that the word mom comes first in "mompreneur. The Full Feed from
  • Walter: re the big Darne: it does indeed have rifle sights in what they call a "duckbill" or half rib. French Design: Shotguns

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