How To Use Darkened In A Sentence
I'm sat in one of those chairs with a little side table to rest your notebook on, arranged in a semicircle in a darkened room.
In the darkened room behind this diorama, a wall-sized video projection showed a seascape of lapping waves.
She had been gone about an hour, when the sky suddenly darkened, the wind rose and the thunder rolled in prelude to the storm.
The Hidden Hand
In the darkened theatre, I asked myself what became of her, but I found her in the seat behind me, gin-soaked and belching while she dozed.
; the river raced in turbid waves; the sand drove in clouds; and the face of the sky was darkened as if by a London fog.
A Thousand Miles Up the Nile

I like to go off on my own - to sit back and bliss out in a darkened move theater.
The atmosphere in this video is darkened yet strangely luminous, the video palette seemingly blued and grayed.
I am oppressed by a nameless and mysterious suffering, .. my brain is darkened, -- my thoughts but half-formed and never wholly uttered, and I, -- I who once deemed human intelligence and reason all-supreme, all-clear, all-absolute, am now compelled to use that reason reasonlessly, and to work with that intelligence in helpless ignorance as to what end my mental toil shall serve!
He quickly shed his clothes and climbed gratefully into a bed that hadn't been used in too long, turning on his side so his back was to the darkened glass.
The lights up and down the street fizzled and popped, their sparks the last bit of light on a suddenly darkened street.
I lay alone in the darkened bedroom, staring into ashy, cool murkiness.
It must be confessed, however, that certain influences darkened the style even before it had reached maturity; chief among these was a gloomy hierarchical splendour, and a ritual rigidity, which to-day we yet refer to, quite properly, as Byzantinism.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
In the darkened operations room below decks, grey overalled officers and sailors watched an approaching blip on their radar screens.
Her features darkened, and a tear appeared in her left eye.
The final part of the instillation is a great heptagonal glass case in a darkened room.
"There's a shark-shaped fin, in the water of my dreams..."
Wilhelm lifted his head and fastened his eyes on the darkened house for a long moment, as though etching that sight into his mind forever.
He flipped on the light, spied her on the bed, and his expression darkened with concern.
Ecstasy in Darkness
Scott turned slightly while she was still in his arms and shut the door behind them then reaching for the light switch the room darkened around them.
A beard of several days darkened his face, and nearly every bit of mail, leather and armor plate that he wore seemed to have acquired some blemish or other.
The uncertain flicker of the flames and sparks from our beacon (which, though itself invisible, darkened and lightened like sheet lightning), the dismal umbery glimmer of the waning moon, and the pale approach of day over the mountains to the east, made the face appear almost ghastly.
The Dew of Their Youth
Youth enters the world with very happy prejudices in her own favor. She imagines herself not only certain of accomplishing every adventure, but of obtaining those rewards which the accomplishment may deserve. She is not easily persuaded to believe that the force of merit can be resisted by obstinacy and avarice, or its luster darkened by envy and malignity. Samuel Johnson
Sin has much more weakened man's will than darkened his intellect, and the rebellion of the sensual appetite, which we call concupiscence, does indeed disturb the understanding, but still it is against the will that it principally stirs up sedition and revolt: so that the poor will, already quite infirm, being shaken with the continual assaults which concupiscence directs against it, cannot make so great progress in divine love as reason and natural inclination suggest to it that it should do.
Treatise on the Love of God
His darkened eyes looked down at her from her disheveled hair, her untucked shirt, her jeans, and down to her unlaced sneakers.
On the darkened half-landing Frankie rubbed his face to wipe away the last of his tears.
When the powdered something hit the water, a filmy silver light hovered over the rim of the smooth darkened wood of the cup.
The PVA solution was deposited in polystyrene molds under the force of gravity in a darkened room.
That terrible traffic accident darkened her eyes.
In the Kodiak harbor, the salmon seine fleet was loading supplies and heading out for an opening the next day, and schools of inch-long smolt darkened the water.
Scowls o'er the darkened landskip snow, or shower;
The Iliad of Homer (1873)
As someone whose lacrimal ducts only get a rare outing in darkened cinemas, the 60-word dedication was enough to set me off.
Times, Sunday Times
Her natural eyebrows had thinned with age, but they were darkened and thickened with great black pencil lines which jutted down the sides of her face.
Vicki stepped off the overflowing bus with a sigh, the forlorn glaze that had darkened Wil's eyes setting heavy on her heart.
Whilst I am being held by the sleep of despair and darkened with the mist of malice, do thou, O precursor, restore me with thy bright intercession and grant that I may beseemingly walk as in the clay of virtues.
The General Menaion or the Book of Services Common to the Festivals of our Lord Jesus of the Holy Virgin and of Different Orders of Saints
In a darkened hallway, a young girl and her parents stare after the teenager tramping upstairs.
His face had darkened with shame at having his pleasure aroused in public by one of his daughters.
Knowing that she was still in danger if she remained here, I lifted her tenderly and took flight, dogs baying at our heels as I loped along darkened paths.
The sky darkened, and mysterious howls and hoots came from every direction.
Suddenly the mood has darkened.
Times, Sunday Times
For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.
For those who might not know, drones cannot sting, but, of course most people are not aware of this fact; and anyway how could you tell whether a bee was a drone or not in a darkened cinema?
On Lisbon Street, once downtown's main commercial avenue, boarded-up storefronts sit next to adult bookstores and darkened bars.
The final part of the instillation is a great heptagonal glass case in a darkened room.
"There's a shark-shaped fin, in the water of my dreams..."
The light spills on to the darkened street and the warmth reddens my cheeks in seconds.
I went into the darkened drawing room and sat watching the flickering of light on the TV screen.
I like to go off on my own - to sit back and bliss out in a darkened move theater.
The memory of his childhood darkened with age.
Hari remembered standing in the darkened street, watching the parade of carriages driving along Mumbles Road and into Gloucester Place.
From the darkened bar from which I dictate this missive, I can hear the starter engines revving up!
Meanwhile, as the heavens darkened, the seas began to boil, and a voice tore through the clouds shouting, in deep, stentorian tones to one and all: "It was a Mistake!", campaign offices described themselves as "unperturbed".
Founder Of Group Palin Courted Professed "Hatred For The American Government"; Cursed "Damn Flag"
Over the years his bones have darkened to the rich caramels of their earthen tomb.
His complexion had darkened, sallowed; his black moustache had lost boldness, become sardonic; there were lines which she did not know about his face.
In Chancery
His eyes had immediately darkened, and his entire body had taken on an aggressive stance.
She guided us into the nurse's office, stopping for nothing, and sat us both gently down on a cot in one of the darkened sickrooms which was thankfully vacant.
In the darkened hallway Maddie listens to her shoes squish, and worries Miss Margaret won't take to the new girl the agency will have to send over, fussy like she is, and so close to the end.
The cinema did not emerge as a form of mass consumption until its technology evolved from the initial "peepshow" format to the point where images were projected on a screen in a darkened theater.
In a darkened space, seven urinals lined one wall, each lit by a focused spotlight.
Outside, large frame houses present darkened facades along a sparsely trafficked street.
She was in what appeared to be a darkened room of some sort; a small, stuffy room full of grey, dusty objects.
a power failure temporarily darkened the town
For example, the projection of film in the darkened auditorium and its public reception are important elements of the cultural experience of film.
She looks like death: the darkened rings under her eyes make her look like a sickly panda.
Times, Sunday Times
The great brown mass darkened the sky above me.
THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War
Watch out in the darkened closes and wynds of Edinburgh's Old Town, was the message from one of them to the new leader.
A scowl darkened his brown eyes to black as he glared ahead.
Meanwhile, as the heavens darkened, the seas began to boil, and the voice tore through the clouds shouting, in deep, stentorian tones to one and all "It was a Mistake!", campaign offices described themselves as "unperturbed".
The Palin Meltdown in Slo-Mo
His eyebrows were heavy, dark, well-shaped... was it possible that he darkened them?
Scores of people stood around in the darkened gallery straining to hear every word of the amazing, passionate reading.
It's hardly a grotto at all, merely a kink in the shadowy, soot-darkened stone passageway.
I had bright red hair as a child, but it has progressively darkened to its current brown.
SOUTHERN DINING SOCIETY SECTION: Do we have footage of the woman Borat identified as unattractive being consoled in her darkened living room later that night by her husband?
November « 2006 « Gerry Canavan
Even with this stratagem the blue of sky and the green of palm trees is darkened considerably.
The building was darkened except for a single light burning in a third-story window.
The visor of each blast helmet in the pod darkened accommodatingly within three milliseconds to avoid temporary blindness, but each member of the strike team squinted reflexively.
My sunny mood suddenly darkened.
A gruff officer was waiting for him, reeking of coffee, the edge of his brown mustache darkened by a recent beverage.
Meanwhile, in the darkened depths, a threat greater than any Thor has ever before faced rises when the malignant Mangog threatens to unsheathe the Odinsword and bring Ragnarok upon the Norse gods.
Marvel Comics Solicitations for May 2008 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
A good choice for the "gloomy days" of winter, readers will no doubt think of the tunnels they're coursing through when they consider the "o'er darkened ways made for our searching":
John Lundberg: New York's Subway Replaces Poetry With More Ads
Global city lights, derived from 9 months of observations from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program, are superimposed on a darkened land surface map.
Not unless the darkened room has a mystery brunette in it.
The Sun
The cinema did not emerge as a form of mass consumption until its technology evolved from the initial "peepshow" format to the point where images were projected on a screen in a darkened theater.
The glassy lake began to ruffle itself below her, feeling the pulses of its interfluent springs, or sending through unseen sluices word of nightfall and evening winds to all its clustering companions that darkened their transparent depths in forest-shadows.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 75, January, 1864
The economic downturns in 1920 and 1921 darkened the public mood.
Youth enters the world with very happy prejudices in her own favor. She imagines herself not only certain of accomplishing every adventure, but of obtaining those rewards which the accomplishment may deserve. She is not easily persuaded to believe that the force of merit can be resisted by obstinacy and avarice, or its luster darkened by envy and malignity. Samuel Johnson
But the edges of her symbol were darkened by the unholy fires of self-doubt.
Right now, however, Lewis' sponsors and management plot her future in the darkened corner of the studio, as stylists dress her and beauticians cluck over her eye shadow.
That night, streetlights shimmer in shivering puddles, darkened only briefly by the shadows of bicycles.
Its skies were often darkened by blizzards of snow geese and immense flocks of great blue herons, swans, diving ducks, terns, pintails, mallards, Canada geese, osprey, bald eagles and more.
So then in lustful, that is, in darkened affections, is the true distance from Thy face.
The Confessions
As the instruments darkened, I raised my tinted visor and turned up the rheostats.
If you do buy it in transparent plastic or glass bottles store it in a darkened cupboard.
Alternative Health Care for Women
The darkened ceiling slanted down toward the eaves; on it, above the lamp was a pale blurry oval.
For evaluation of brain tumors, the patient will be placed in a quiet and darkened room before and after the injection.
Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
At home that afternoon she sat in a darkened room, trying unhysterically to sort out not only this messy affair but also the general relationships within her family.
I like to go off on my own - to sit back and bliss out in a darkened move theater.
Confusion darkened her eyes and lowered her brows in a frown.
After each film snippet, the darkened stage lit up to reveal that person in the flesh, dressed in street clothes and performing one phrase, center stage, before exiting.
They would need a van, or a large vehicle with darkened windows.
Times, Sunday Times
Stand her in the middle of a darkened Victorian dining room draped with holiday greenery, a Christmas tree twinkling in the corner.
The cinema did not emerge as a form of mass consumption until its technology evolved from the initial "peepshow" format to the point where images were projected on a screen in a darkened theater.
The sun, rising fat and slow made the darkened hat shop appear strange and purpled.
Regret darkened his brown eyes, making them appear almost black, as he lifted his gaze to Chelsea's.
In rugby, played by consenting adults who tacitly accept a degree of how's-your-father whenever they take the field, pretty much anything goes, especially in the darkened recesses of scrum, ruck and maul.
The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
Sufferers from migraine in the lower leagues tend to want to lie in a darkened room.
Times, Sunday Times
• Breast changes: fullness, tenderness, tingling of nipples, darkened areolae
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
A large incensor sat upon the altar, gold on gold, the inner bowl darkened with years of offerings.
Kushiel's Avatar
At least the new-look side took four wickets in 18 overs before increasingly heavy showers darkened the afternoon.
Times, Sunday Times
There skin was darkened and their black hair fell down to the middle of their backs.
It was a tragedy that darkened his later life.
However, his eyes had darkened dangerously and she could not tell with what emotion.
I walked up the stairs and glanced back at his darkened form in the garden.
I arched my back into him, and his eyes darkened dangerously.
Plans for the stoss birthday celebration, like the plans to inaugurate Saint Lorenz as Germany’s national cathedral, were put on hold as the war continued and bomber streams darkened the skies over the city.
Casey clicked off the light and the room was completely darkened.
The sky is literally darkened by the swarming grasshoppers.
Christianity Today
Shana's face darkened from pale pink to tomato red in a matter of seconds.
The sky has clouded over almost entirely, the day has darkened.
The room darkened, and Culley's outline melded into blackness beside her.
The sky darkened to a powdery grey.
Times, Sunday Times
Only in this way, you can accurately copy out of the image hihglights and darkened parts.
M. O'BRIEN: See, we don't cover it very often, but in darkened rooms, in the basement of the Capitol, these things get kind of hashed out, and we'll see how it goes.
CNN Transcript Nov 18, 2005
After sunset, the sky darkened rapidly.
A rippling and undulating wall of dark felt conceals the bays along the museum's ramp, providing darkened places for vitrines and creating a light-and-dark shimmer within the building.
Her masses of crinkly hair, once gold, now darkened by age to a dull dun, spread out around her head like a fan.
The crevices of the bead or charm are darkened to give it an antique appearance.
The building was darkened except for a single light burning in a third-story window.
On screen, a glowing rocket climbs into the darkened sky.
The night was pitch-black, and the only source of light was from the lightning bolts which flashed through the darkened sky every now and then.
These are housed in an ancient open-air chamber of delicate, honey-coloured pillars, its crumbling walls darkened by the smoke of candles.
In the darkened capacity of the enormous factory, they worked quickly to pull off the sabotage without tripping the alarms.
A person in our family was bitten by a snake, but neglected to apply for the remedy for more than half an hour after the accident, when his own expressions were, that 'he suffered great uneasiness in his body, and his faculties seemed darkened;' half a masha, about eight grains of blue stone, was now given in ghee.
Observations on the Mussulmauns of India Descriptive of Their Manners, Customs, Habits and Religious Opinions Made During a Twelve Years' Residence in Their Immediate Society
The sky had partially cleared by then, a mild and milky sun was warming the air without quite disseminating the mist, and the young man who came strolling along a headland with a hound at his heel and a half-trained merlin on a creance on his wrist had dew-darkened boots, and a spray of drops on his uncovered light-brown hair from the shaken leaves of some copse left behind him.
The Devil's Novice
The woman's face darkened and she stopped.
He'd darkened a bit from his pale and pasty childhood complexion, but not too much.
With large black metal fittings the door looked like the grand entrance to a great castle… and yet I was standing in a darkened and cold corridor.
Corney McVeigh stepped across the ancient threshold and gazed long and searchingly at the face in the darkened parlor; a face seamed and thin with toil and worry, yet infinitely sweet and motherlike to the world-lost man who choked back the tears as he felt again that almost forgotten child-love.
Nancy McVeigh of the Monk Road
Over the former "guide, philosopher, and friend," the shadow of this guilty secret rested, and it deepened and darkened until the pupil embrued his hands in the blood of his teacher.
Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
I am startled by your wild eyed face darkened with the moko.
The great brown mass darkened the sky above me.
THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War
A cloud of confusion darkened Vicki's eyes and she kicked a rock.
The samples were tested for fluorescence in a darkened room with 4-watt long- and shortwave ultraviolet lamps.
The nine men and three women made the grim tour under police escort - in a white coach with darkened windows.
The Sun
Youth enters the world with very happy prejudices in her own favor. She imagines herself not only certain of accomplishing every adventure, but of obtaining those rewards which the accomplishment may deserve. She is not easily persuaded to believe that the force of merit can be resisted by obstinacy and avarice, or its luster darkened by envy and malignity. Samuel Johnson
I like to go off on my own - to sit back and bliss out in a darkened move theater.
As example of what I should consider symbols that are too subtle (I daren't say "too subtle for words"), are a trademark for batteries, "Pb" (the chemical symbol for lead), and a darkened window on a jacket for a book on the subject of bereavement.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 3
You'll also need scissors, photographic paper, clear Plexiglas’ or heavy glass, processing chemicals in trays, a darkened room with a safelight and a sink, and a light source (an enlarger, perhaps).
Off Norway, Triton challenged a darkened submarine but failed to elicit a response before firing a salvo which sent Oxley to the bottom.
A good choice for the "gloomy days" of winter, readers will no doubt think of the tunnels they're coursing through when they consider the "o'er darkened ways made for our searching":
John Lundberg: New York's Subway Replaces Poetry With More Ads
The air was darkened with a whirling, seething mass of powder-like snow which appeared to come up from the ground as well as down from the sky.
His face darkened; his eyes flashed.
Surely it wouldn't have taken much savvy to have realised that the best way to experience the essence of her work was to show a recording of perhaps four performances in a darkened room?
Thick clouds darkened the sky before the rain fell.
They "hasted," and a second or two after were creeping, doubled up lest their heads show above the darkened windows and arouse unwelcome curiosity, along the rear of Torrence.
Left Guard Gilbert
Heavy curtains hanging over the windows darkened the room.
We walked quickly through the darkened streets.
The winds picked up, approaching ‘strong breeze’ (Beaufort scale 5-6) and the sky darkened sharply.
“That was tactfully done,” said Aurelia approvingly, then her expression darkened and she shook her head.
We have frequently found ultramarine to be darkened, dimmed, and somewhat purpled by ignition; and the same results ensue, in many instances, when the lazulite is calcined.
Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
The sky had darkened considerably since their leaving the meadow; bands of blue-black and deep purple traced themselves across the wide expanse, tiny pinpoints of light breaking through.
Even in clement weather, many of them are tucked away in darkened cinemas watching the autumn releases.
It's Lights, Camera, Strike in France
Then he turned his attention to the darkened warp core, and the matter-antimatter intermix chamber.
Star Trek The Next Generation®
The park is hushed and darkened, welcomingly tranquil; the trees are a dark silent green in the lamplight, in the far car light.
The beaming countenance of the beautiful sylph darkened in a moment, like a cosmoramic landscape.
The Wedding Guest
THE clouds were gathering fast -- the waters were troubled -- and the approaching tumult and disquiet of all things in Carolina, clearly indicated the coming of that strife, so soon to overcast the scene -- so long to keep it darkened -- so deeply to impurple it with blood.
The Partisan: A Tale of the Revolution. By the Author of "The Yemassee," "Guy Rivers," &c. In Two Volumes. Vol. II
She said she and other women had been taken from a hotel to the house in cars with darkened windows.
Times, Sunday Times
The poem swung in majestic rhythm to the cool tumult of interstellar conflict, to the onset of starry hosts, to the impact of cold suns and the flaming up of nebular in the darkened void; and through it all, unceasing and faint, like a silver shuttle, ran the frail, piping voice of man, a querulous chirp amid the screaming of planets and the crash of systems.
Chapter 35
His eyes darkened in anger as he was shouting at me.
He heard some whispering in the background and a glare darkened his eyes.
Iris watched as his expression darkened and his speech became more abrupt.
A sleepy guard waved us in, and we entered a large darkened space with “cages” of servers surrounded by chain-link fences.
In the Plex
Supposedly, he wandered into a darkened room and banged his head on a cupboard.
The sky darkened abruptly.
I ventured solo toward the lodge for a brief ride through a nice eight inches of powder away from the over-bright halogens into the darkened trees.
The room darkened as the fire faded into glowing embers.
I like to go off on my own - to sit back and bliss out in a darkened move theater.
The darkened convention center gravely tested his moxie.
Her masses of crinkly hair, once gold, now darkened by age to a dull dun, spread out around her head like a fan.
But their grandmother said there was too much dew on the grass for them to go down through the meadows that morning; so they borrowed a piece of black cambric from Sally, and spread it over the little box, which they called the coffin; and Frank darkened the windows, as he remembered they had done when his mother died.
Frank and Fanny
The most celebrated and the most accomplished brought to that darkened chamber their highest knowledge with ever renewed and unwearying effort.
Forced to stay away from work, vomiting in a darkened room, he felt certain they were something to do with the `plane crash.
Then a shadow darkened his ommatidia and he keeled over on his left side.
Nor Crystal Tears
Instead she kept her expression blank and led Piper and Leo through the bar to a darkened hallway in the back.
The Queen’s Curse
A certain duskishness caused by negligence and time had darkened their colour, as it is wont to happen when pictures stand in a smoky room.
The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
Ian McGeechan and his cohorts of coaches will no doubt spend countless hours in a darkened room poring over this video-nasty; let's hope they can work the oracle before the visit to Rome in a fortnight.
Finally, most fish seek shaded, darkened areas during hot, sunny days.
The classes were undergoing sweeping and purification by candle-light, according to hebdomadal custom: benches were piled on desks, the air was dim with dust, damp coffee-grounds (used by Labassecourien housemaids instead of tea-leaves) darkened the floor; all was hopeless confusion.
the darkened margins of the paper
Then his face darkened with the memory of disprized love.
We Can't Have Everything
It is a gangster film with darkened images meant to impart an art-house quality.
The lobes, which are preserved as carbonized remains of round or ovate outline, have a thickened or darkened rim.
The air was darkened by a shower of onions, turnips and radishes.
Times, Sunday Times
Strength to make or break a world... "Her eyes darkened, a shadow of her own vulnerability.
Scattered remnants of the hawkers' presence littered the darkened scene.
The sky darkened
Most of the house lights were darkened but the kitchen light and the lights above the carport were still on.
As we drove down the darkened motorway, the worst nightmare for a skier happened.
And arrayed against them, the terrible forces of the Endarkened and their slaves: the Darkmages, the duergar and goblins and trolls, protected from the sunlight fatal to their kind by the magic of the Endarkened-a protection that might be withdrawn at any moment, should the Endarkened need their power for other things.
Tran Siberian
The memory of his childhood darkened with age.
We're victims, we say: mere vessels, drinking the vanilla scent of this one's skin, the lustre of another's eyes so skilfully darkened with bistre.
Archive 2004-12-01
The quieter ivory-bills retreated to darkened corners of the remaining bottomland, keeping their songs to themselves.
Cake and coffee finished, she pulled out a long slim panatella, lit up and smoked it full down, all the while watching the street scene through darkened glasses.