How To Use Dark red In A Sentence

  • The balsam impatiens usually grows as a two- or three-stemmed plant to a height of 2 1/2 feet, with white to dark red flowers tucked into the leaf axils, where they tend to be overshadowed by leaves.
  • With a throaty roar, he fires out a jet of red liquid on to a nearby pillar, already stained dark red with chewing tobacco. Times, Sunday Times
  • The door was unmarked and completely blank except for a single word written in a dark red script: Wayward.
  • His striped tie showed up well against his dark red shirt.
  • This dark red wine is always a sleeper for restaurants that serve char-grilled steaks.
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  • The granite is dark red, often inclosing veins of quartz, crystallized and compact, and likewise well-formed crystals of schorl. On the Old Road, Vol. 2 (of 2) A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature
  • I do not really know exactly why, but the great tower, whose fluted shaft, dark red in the sunglow, shoots up some 270 feet into the air, did not appeal to me. A Holiday in the Happy Valley with Pen and Pencil
  • Wine is dark red gemstones, liquor plump body, Delicatemellow taste.
  • Dark reds like burgundy and maroon appeal to moderate income groups.
  • The land in all its splendour was rich and the dark red soil held all the rain and mist which seeped into the ground feeding the crops that grew in abundance.
  • The dark red, spiny fruit of the organ cactus, the pitahaya is used in savory sauces or eaten fresh. The dark red, spiny fruit of the organ cactus, the pitahaya is used in savory sauces or eaten fresh. Esta es la fruta espinosa, de color rojo, del cactus órgano. Se utiliza en salsas saladas o para comerse fresca.
  • Well, it's very pale and it should be like a real liver, dark red colour, you see.
  • White lacy curtains with dark red drapes covered the French windows, giving the room a warm, cozy ambience.
  • On his hands was a pair of dark red, fingerless gloves, and around his neck was a black scarf, almost like a muffler.
  • It was mostly dark red taffeta, the gown; but the low cut, cleavage showing bodice was over laid in thin, black, netting like lace and the skirt was trimmed with a black gauze sash.
  • Here comes one of them, in a long green robe of shining silky stuff, which is called samite; round his neck is a curiously cut collar of dark red cloth, and in his hand he carries a white hood. Our Little Lady Six Hundred Years Ago
  • He had dark red hair and rather elven looking features - high cheekbones, sharp chin.
  • There were also some quite spectacular pieces of dark red meat on show, available either in the form of a fat slab of steak or in choice little cuts delivered on a slice of crusty bread.
  • At sunset, the sky shaded from pink into dark red.
  • Sudan 1's dark red properties make it an ideal colourant for petrol, oils, waxes and shoe polish.
  • Her dark red hair frizzed in a manner that would have been comical if her gaze was not one of hatred.
  • Jessica asked, stepping out from behind the curtain in the dark red dress Sherrie had insisted she try on. CIRCLE OF THREE: BOOK 2: MERRY MEET
  • This lovely evergreen sports dense foliage bearing spikes of dark red flower buds during late autumn.
  • Light brown ash covers the snow above the flow deposits, and a tiny plume rises from Shiveluch's growing lava dome. Vegetation surrounding the volcano is colored dark red.
  • The smokes on the Cotinus are showing as buds, we will have those wispy dark red bits soon, I just love those. Greetings From Fairegarden-April Bloom Day 2010 « Fairegarden
  • Gradually turning from pink to dark red to rust, the flowers are almost as durable as the foliage. A Patchwork Garden: Unexpected Pleasures from a Country Garden
  • The first samples of the new beans to reach Europe, in the 16th century, were of a dark red, kidney-shaped variety, so giving rise to the common English name kidney beans.
  • The birds become lethargic, with a staggered gait, their feathers are ruffled, and the comb and wattles turn dark red or blackish.
  • The drawing consists of three loosely defined rectangles, each filled with networks of angular lines overlaid with dark red marker blobs.
  • Brazil, named for the brazilwood tree, which is named for Pt. brasa “ember” because the wood has a dark red color. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Name of What Country
  • It was a beautiful, round, full placenta: dark red on one side - the villous side, which had been attached to the wall of my womb - and glistening silver on Jacob's side, due to the covering of his membranes.
  • In this cladogram and in all other eukaryote cladograms, we use the following color scheme: animals are blue, fungi are dark red, plants are green, and protists are yellow.
  • Overnight he had come out in dark red blotches.
  • She had dark red hair that was tied up behind her head.
  • They passed fields of blooming orchids, pink and white chrysanthemums, and dark red poppies, all swaying gently in the breeze. DESPERADOES
  • Huw wants dark red walls, but I'd rather a more neutral colour like cream.
  • Semidouble dark red plum two - tone frilled star. Medium green, plain, pointed, serrated. Standard.
  • Bama 1L says: 1. Brazil, named for the brazilwood tree, which is named for Pt. brasa “ember” because the wood has a dark red color. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Name of What Country
  • They were a very dark reddy brown with blue spots. Times, Sunday Times
  • The color scheme is rich yellow and dark red, from plants such as coreopsis, creeping zinnia, ‘Garnet’ penstemon, pineapple sage, rudbeckia, and yarrow.
  • He'd stood up and his back was to her, his dirty blond hair was matted with dark red blood.
  • At sunset, the sky shaded from pink into dark red.
  • Among them may be mentioned a red purpurate of lead, a purple-red and a rose-coloured purpurate of mercury, a purple-red purpurate of silver, a dark red-brown purpurate of strontia, a crystalline red purpurate of cobalt, a scarlet purpurate of platinum, a yellow purpurate of zinc, and a green purpurate of baryta. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • Dark red monocrystalline aggregates reach 0.5 meter in diameter, and individual monomineralic specimens can exceed 1 meter.
  • The top was lacy with spaghetti straps and the bottom was dark red satin.
  • Methodical studies in a sketchbook show the results of stumbling various colors over a dark red composed of cadmium red and umber.
  • It was much larger than it had first appeared, and had dark red and blue feathers covering its limp body.
  • Nicodemus is dressed in layered robes of dark reds which cross his chest, around his neck is a silver silken scarf lined with arcane writings. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » CarsonArtist’s Review Forum
  • The style in her dark red hair was gone and she felt dowdy, unattractive. THE TOUCH OF INNOCENTS
  • On the exposed limestone, crinkly yellow rock-rose and dark red helleborine; also hart's-tongue fern, rigid buckler-fern, hard shield-fern. Times, Sunday Times
  • Last year I grew a dark red variety which was really striking, thriving on neglect despite the dismal weather.
  • Later I saw in the mirror that the shape of his palm and fingers was etched in dark red on my skin.
  • In species with variegated leaves the dorsal side is olive brown, light to dark red or deep purple.
  • Dark red blood spilled from her arm and gathered in a pool on the ground.
  • Her face was pale and her lips were large and carefully lined with a dark red lip liner.
  • In a childish moment I picked the scab from my football knee (footballers who play on AstroTurf always have scabby knees) dark red blood flowed down my leg.
  • Atop his head was a thick mat of dark red hair that bordered on maroon.
  • Its dark red color; its gloominess, which is partly due to its architectural severity; its four mighty towers -- all combine to cause a feeling of fear, especially on moonlight nights, when the shadows of the towers fall on the water in the moat, which still surrounds the castle as in days of old. Lucretia Borgia According to Original Documents and Correspondence of Her Day
  • This gentleman is every bit as frightening as Darth Vader, complete with cape, dark red jumpsuit, and a bear-trap maw topped by a tattooed white dome.
  • The dark red walls complement the red leather chairs.
  • Diced spring onion was floating on the surface of the dark red soup, which was a little pungent.
  • The color scheme is rich yellow and dark red, from plants such as coreopsis, creeping zinnia, ‘Garnet’ penstemon, pineapple sage, rudbeckia, and yarrow.
  • The works feature allover compositions in which the superimposition of reticulated lines or irregular patterns of cellular outlines, or a combination of both, are set against dark red or blue grounds.
  • The muddy yellows and dark reds are unfortunate hallmarks of DLP projectors.
  • Each color has its own wavelength, from dark red, which has the longest wavelength, to violet, which has the shortest wavelength, expressed in metric units of length.
  • A dark red patch of blood marked the spot where the first intruder had fallen.
  • First, she took a long bath in a bathtub filled with warm water and petals of dark red roses.
  • The mode of working is as follows: For shell plates, from five-eighths inch to seven-eighths inch thick, to warm each to a dark red heat before rolling, having previously drilled a few holes to template for bolting the strakes together; the longitudinal seams are usually lap joints treble riveted, requiring the corners to be thinned, which is done after rolling. Scientific American Supplement, No. 299, September 24, 1881
  • The splenic pulp (pulpa lienis) is a soft mass of a dark reddish-brown color, resembling grumous blood; it consists of a fine reticulum of fibers, continuous with those of the trabeculæ, to which are applied flat, branching cells. XI. Splanchnology. 4g. The Spleen
  • Dark red blood was running down the furry arm, and the hunter advanced again.
  • Dark red elegant wine , spicy 、 peppery nose with well balanced tannin.
  • It was narrow but tall, with dark red curtains hanging at each side and trailing on the floor.
  • The colouring is sombre: a palette of deep browns and dark reds, highlighted here and there with touches of white for linen and lace cuffs. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It's dark red, not quite finished and has a large white eagle painted on one wall. Times, Sunday Times
  • In reality, the white is pale cream and the black is dark red but they are attractive mixed together.
  • They are burned a dark red; their brown mustaches look white by contrast, theirs are the same faces you have met with in Piccadilly, which you see across the tables of the Savoy restaurant, which gaze depressedly from the windows of White's and the Bachelors 'Club. Notes of a War Correspondent
  • If you find any brandlings in the compost as you fork through it, the worms with dark red rings, you could save those and introduce them into your new compost pile.
  • His striped tie showed up well against his dark red shirt.
  • A girl, fully veiled under dark red chiffon, made chapatis over an open fire under a grape vine.
  • On sectioning the liver, diffuse tan miliary lesions surrounded by dark red hemorrhagic tissue were seen.
  • Tasting Note : Intense dark red hue with flavors of tobacco, herbs & star fruit on nose.
  • Some material contains so much chromium in its structure that the stones are dark red.
  • A very dark red, if pure or crimson, is called maroon; if brownish, chestnut or chocolate. A Color Notation A measured color system, based on the three qualities Hue, Value and Chroma
  • Too much crotal will make the wool a dark red brown, but a very pretty terra cotta red can be got. Vegetable Dyes Being a Book of Recipes and Other Information Useful to the Dyer
  • These pools were generally fringed with sea-weed, great greenish-brown fronds in one place, dark streaks of laver in another, and lower down the bottom would be all pink with the fine corallite, while all about the sea-anemones would dot every crack and hole, like round knobs of dark red jelly, where the water had left them high and dry, spread out like painted daisy flowers, where they were down in the pool. Devon Boys A Tale of the North Shore
  • The earth was fuller of color than in the painted spring; the hedgerows were hung with brilliant berries in wreaths and clusters, luminous briony and honeysuckle, and the ebony gloss of the privet making more vivid the bright red of the hips and the dark red of the haws. Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard
  • I wanted to buy some kimono silk offcuts to make a bunch of silk & velvet scarves for ebaying, and I found lots of excellent stuff in pinks and lavenders and silvers and dark reds.
  • At the B-Q claims, beryl occurs with dark red garnet, smoky quartz, and black tourmaline in miarolitic cavities in a granite pegmatite dykes that cuts across the foliation of a high-grade metamorphic gneiss.
  • There was a dark red stain on the carpet.
  • He was dressed in cool tones, a brown that was almost blue, with a dark red thread near invisible beneath the fabric.
  • The dark red Amaranthus caudatus is commonly called 'love-lies-bleeding'.
  • The fruiting bodies were very distinctive, with handsome three-sided purple caps that shaded to dark red basidia underneath. Drowning World
  • The dark red fruits contain a pale green, sweet, and juicy pulp.
  • Her face was hideously disfigured by dark red scars.
  • A dark red, finely laminated rock consisting chiefly of decomposed biotite and feldspar, occasional quartz grains and sericite and much iron oxide. The Long Labrador Trail
  • On sectioning the liver, diffuse tan miliary lesions surrounded by dark red hemorrhagic tissue were seen.
  • There was no blood oozing from them, but a circle about the size of a crownpiece of dark red surrounded them, gradually melting into blue at the outer rim, which again became fainter and fainter, until it disappeared in the natural colour of the skin. Tom Cringle's Log
  • The wallet was dark red cord and the diary green and blue in colour.
  • A piece of veal with a Napoleon of vegetables and a natural herb gel preceded an exemplary bass, served unadorned except for its crisp skin and a dark red pool of sauce derived from verjuice, the acidic liquid pressed from unripe grapes. Watching Robuchon Invent
  • The sensation was one of blood distending the veins until they were about to release geysers of the dark red liquid.
  • Flower buds formed quickly and now two have bloomed with pink outer petals and white centres contrasting well, if accidentally, with the dark red stems of the dogwood.
  • Brown basmati rice and dark red kidney beans combine with fresh fruits and vegetables in this colorful main-dish salad.
  • As oxygen penetrates the fine moist membranes of the air-vessels of the lungs, and unites with the blood by a chemical attraction, as is seen to happen, when blood is drawn into a bason, the lower surface of the crassamentum is of a very dark red so long as it is covered from the air by the upper surface, but becomes florid in a short time on its being exposed to the atmosphere; the manner of its introduction into the system is not probably by animal absorption but by chemical attraction, in which circumstance it differs from the fluids before mentioned both of heat and electricity, and of ether and essential oils. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • He opened his mouth slightly trying to say something, but he only coughed out more dark red blood.
  • Snapdragon vine, a plant with arrowhead-shaped leaves and dark red or bluish purple flowers with a yellow center, scrambles over some of the shrubs.
  • Gradually turning from pink to dark red to rust, the flowers are almost as durable as the foliage. A Patchwork Garden: Unexpected Pleasures from a Country Garden
  • It was the sail of the prau that had caught the sunlight and stood out, distinct with its gay tint, on the dark red of the cape. Almayer's Folly
  • The land in all its splendour was rich and the dark red soil held all the rain and mist which seeped into the ground feeding the crops that grew in abundance.
  • Chrysanthemums are also useful - there's a wonderful rich dark red variety which will glow against the greenery.
  • Novelty colours available are lime green and a dark red seemingly black.
  • The door was unmarked and completely blank except for a single word written in a dark red script: Wayward.
  • There's a dark red base, layered up with different oranges. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ryan found himself smiling as he just watched her inhale and then exhale her dark red lips puckering and then opening wide.
  • Dark reds, purples and mauves will dry very dark and sometimes turn black.
  • Dark red marble headstone placed on one side of the helmet and bronze casting Battle Flag, a symbol of military honor and eternal life.
  • Another simple and instant solution would be to plant up twin containers with a combination of dwarf conifers and winter-flowering heathers that come in every shade from white through pink to dark red.
  • She wore a white lace blouse with a dark red stone at the throat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jaya accentuated on colors to support the theme and used mainly dark red, white and gold to accompany a beautiful collection of antique jade and several 14th century celadon dishes from Sukhothai, Thailand.
  • His striped tie showed up well against his dark red shirt.
  • A dark red stain was spreading across his shirt.
  • Here the walls have been plastered in a textured way and the room is painted dark red.
  • The sheets on his bed were a dark red satin, with a fur blanket for warmth.
  • Dark red, the kind that pricks behind your ears when you get angry, the kind that feels like dark rage, tastes of thick metal.
  • The birds become lethargic, with a staggered gait, their feathers are ruffled, and the comb and wattles turn dark red or blackish.
  • Loganberries display a purplish dark red colon Their flavor is slightly tart and very distinctive, which makes them useful for winemaking.
  • Loganberries display a purplish dark red colon Their flavor is slightly tart and very distinctive, which makes them useful for winemaking.
  • Flowers terminal, dark reddish-brown; sterile and fertile, usually on the same plant, rarely on separate plants; anthers opposite; filaments short; ovuliferous scales opposite, with slight projections near the base, usually 2-ovuled. Handbook of the Trees of New England
  • A trailing eugenia bears dark red flowers shaped like a mop, and a tiny white lily with petals and strangely protuberant anthers scents the air as with honey and almonds. Tropic Days
  • The whorls are plicate, with a necklace-like series of nodules at the sutures; and the shell is covered with dark red-brown spots, suggestive of its specific name. The Journals of John McDouall Stuart
  • She walked up to a mirror and painted the creamy dark red lipstick over her lips.
  • An acid fast stain demonstrates a long filamentous organism in the center that is dark red. This is typical for Nocardia .
  • Dropping the tiny device into a kidney-shaped bowl she squirted it with distilled water from a plastic bottle to wash away the dark red blood and poked at it with the forceps.
  • And there were stands of shrubs that seemed loaded with dark red nodules that looked to be very hard, and others with flowers from which a cascade of tiny black bulbs hung from white tendrils.
  • Done up in much velvet plush, with dark red drapes and ornate chandeliers hanging from gilded ceilings, there's a definite air of the Baroque bordello to proceedings.
  • Rubies vary from pale pink to dark red, while sapphires typically range from cornflower blue to almost black.
  • The dark red Seneca changed profile as the undercarriage cycled down.
  • Find out where they do their laundry. Spatter all their button-down shirts with dark red dye.
  • The flowers are a gorgeous soft orange with deep terracotta contouring and dark red calyces. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sudan 1's dark red properties make it an ideal colourant for petrol, oils, waxes and shoe polish.
  • The color scheme is rich yellow and dark red, from plants such as coreopsis, creeping zinnia, ‘Garnet’ penstemon, pineapple sage, rudbeckia, and yarrow.
  • A shiny black purse, a tube of dark red lipstick, eyeshadow, white chub stick, eyeliner, and a weightless garment, fluttering to the ground.
  • She had dark red lipstick across her lips and her eyelashes looked longer and she bat them often.
  • She ran across the fields and down a path, which was a dark red muddy color now.
  • I with salon highlights in my hair, my sister-in-law with Mercurochrome streaks in hers (the dark red color stains it radical pink), I with diamonds on my ring finger, she with jewels in her soul. French Word-A-Day:
  • I wore a clownlike combination of bright blue eye shadow and dark red lipstick. Q & A
  • This is Fatima with a kaftan, black with a bodice of intricate dark red embroidery.
  • The rod is tied in dark red thread over the cane coloured blank, and the overall finish is matt.
  • The sugar in the marinade caramelizes during the roasting, creating a dark reddish-brown crust, shiny as fresh lacquer, that acts as a Pavlovian signal to barbecue lovers.
  • There was dark red blood dribbling down his chin, contrasting starkly with the rest of his blanched white face.
  • To the foot of the teocalli I stalked and up the stair that ran about it, until I stood beside the death altar and marked the dark red stains upon it. The Moon of Skulls
  • She greeted me at the door of her comfortable apartment in dark red lipstick, aviator sunglasses and a lime green trouser suit. Spitfire Women of World War II
  • She wore a white lace blouse with a dark red stone at the throat. Times, Sunday Times
  • When dried they're often referred to as litchi nuts because they resemble a nut - the shell turns a dark reddish brown and the flesh becomes brown and crisp. Breaking News: CBS News
  • They proposed the name of rubidium for the element because of the dark red color of the most prominent of its spectral lines.
  • The dark red stones twinkle invitingly from many shop windows.
  • Her calves, soles, toes, palms, and fingertips were dark red and mottled.
  • Cherry strolled slowly, her dark red skirt dragging along the ground.
  • Then the trigger as you pull it, then the pellet punching a dark red pit in the rabbit's neck.
  • The trees are elegant, usually small, and they bear bunches of small fruits; these are dark red when ripe, with seeds whose edible kernels constitute nuts and which have local importance as food in various parts of SE Asia.
  • Generally not suitable for wearing the simple harmonic deep dark tonal cool costume, such as blackish green, brown, dark reddish purple, etc.
  • Gradually turning from pink to dark red to rust, the flowers are almost as durable as the foliage. A Patchwork Garden: Unexpected Pleasures from a Country Garden
  • The name and registration number of the ship were stenciled near the nose, and a large, idealized picture of a flaming bird in dark reds and oranges wrapped around the forward fuselage.
  • She looked ridiculous with a mass of dark red hair jutting out in awkward directions.
  • Flower buds formed quickly and now two have bloomed with pink outer petals and white centres contrasting well, if accidentally, with the dark red stems of the dogwood.
  • There was a dark red stain on the carpet.
  • Luckily, it was a dark red shirt, so hopefully even if it stains, it won't be visible.
  • She had her headkerchief off and was busily running a polished greenstone comb through her dark reddish hair. Lord of Chaos
  • The back view of her jingle dress, which is made of something snaky and gleaming dark red, grabs me hard and won't let go. THE BINGO PALACE
  • The dark red blood forms a glaring contrast to the sickly green of the flesh.
  • The female has a dark red head and a dappled grey body. Times, Sunday Times

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