How To Use Danube In A Sentence

  • Meanwhile, the evacuation of urban Bulgaria and the lower Danube basin was proceeding according to plan. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • The Danube is one of the principal rivers of Europe.
  • Caesar marched north into the forests that border the Danube River.
  • Charlemagne had established a strong body of troops under a commander who was called a margrave; and for some centuries this city, commanding the Danube, had been deemed one of the strongest defenses of the empire against Mohammedan invasion. The Empire of Austria; Its Rise and Present Power
  • Also significant were initiatives related to the Baltic Sea, which is intended to serve as a starter project for other macro-regions in the EU such as the Danube region. SofiaEcho RSS feed
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  • They got over the Danube into Wallachia, which is the southern part of modern-day Romania. Filmstalker: Vlad the Imapler gets film
  • This year we viewed the astounding structure of a hydroelectric dam built across the Danube.
  • But all this takes time; and as by degrees the "disagreeables" of the voyage down the Danube will be changed into agreeables, we shall allude no more to the noble traveller's voyage, than to say, that on the 4th of November, a day of more than autumnal beauty, his steamer anchored in the Bosphorus. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 327, January, 1843
  • In parts of eastern Kentucky, the pictures coming out of Hungary of the red sludge that roared from a factory's reservoir, downstream into the Danube River, are all too reminiscent of what happened a decade ago this week. Inez Coal Slurry Spill: Toxic Sludge From Massey Facility Still Pollutes Kentucky Town A Decade After Disaster
  • As long as the remote banks of the Niester were considered as the boundary of the Roman power, the fortifications of the Lower Danube were more carelessly guarded, and the inhabitants of Maesia lived in supine security, fondly conceiving themselves at an inaccessible distance from any barbarian invaders. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Professor R.J. Tarrant points out, the only meaning that can be attached to _quasque alias gentes barbarus Hister habet_ is 'the other people that live in the Danube'; he compares _Her_ VI 135-36 'prodidit illa patrem; rapui de clade Thoanta./deseruit Colchos; me mea Lemnos habet' and _Aen_ VI 362 (Palinurus speaking) 'nunc me fluctus habet'. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • Orban said special attention was being paid to block any new sludge spill from reaching the Duna, as the Danube is called in Hungary. Toxic Sludge Could Spill Again, Hungary Government Warns
  • Here the Danube carves its way through heavily forested hills creating sheer cliffs on either side of the river.
  • The troops who were to protect the western flank of the Russian army in Bulgaria suffered at the strategic fortress of Pleven, 60 km south of the Danube.
  • They were defeated as they tried to recross the Danube with their booty.
  • As a result of fierce Hungarian onslaughts from the north, Bulgaria lost important territories beyond the Danube, including the rich Transylvania.
  • I ventured on to the Danube's east bank and clambered aboard a trolleybus bound for City Park.
  • Danube, and from the district of the Lungau in Southern Salzburg through Carinthia, Carniola, Styria, the crownland of Görz-Gradiska, and a large part of Friuli. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • The Castle is adorned with red marble stairways, gothic facades, bastions and epic statutes overlooking the Danube.
  • Germany was divided by the Rhine from the Gallic, and on the south, by the Danube, from the Illyrian, provinces of the empire. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • He sacrificed to Zeus the Soter “savior”—the same Greek word Christians would later use for Christ, to his ancestor Hercules, and to the local god personifying the Danube, who had allowed him safe passage across his waters. Alexander the Great
  • In the heyday of the Hapsburgs, Viennese noblemen, for want of other diversion, amused themselves by firing cannonballs into the annual armadas of migrating beluga sturgeon that swam up the Danube to spawn.
  • The first public baths, built by the Romans, is now a pile of rubble in a rundown district on the Danube's west bank.
  • On the Danube, water levels exposed previously unseen World War II-era bombs in Budapest, tanks in Croatia, and sunken German ships.
  • An 88-passenger riverboat, River Cloud, will travel on the Danube River from Amsterdam to Antwerp.
  • The Sava and Danube Rivers used to bring ships and commerce into the capital.
  • They established themselves between the Danube and Greece.
  • The great rivers of Asia and Europe, the Volga and Kama, the Don and Borysthenes, the Vistula and Danube, they either swam with their horses or passed on the ice, or traversed in leathern boats, which followed the camp, and transported their wagons and artillery. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • About the end of the seventh century, they, like all the other nations inhabiting Sarmatia, made irruptions towards the Danube, and inundated the Roman Empire. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Lovely is the Rhine! on its shelvy banks grows the racy grape; and strange old keeps of robber-knights of yore are reflected in its waters, from picturesque crags and airy headlands! — yet neither the stately Danube nor the beauteous Lavengro
  • The sound of the "Blue Danube" was making her eyes bright and setting her small head acock, and a proud but modest knowledge of how more than one man was waiting for her in there and would be pleased and confused by her kind mockery, twisted her mouth with the crooked smile of the Campbells. The Judge
  • On the banks of the Danube, it is a city of lazy boulevards and pleasant cafes.
  • The origins of their culture can be traced back to the Bronze Age of the upper Danube in the 13th century BC, with successive stages represented by the urnfield and Hallstatt cultures.
  • I ventured on to the Danube's east bank and clambered aboard a trolleybus bound for City Park.
  • Perhaps the Danube and the Elbe are the best training grounds.
  • Across the broad valley of the Danube, the mountains look blue and mysterious in the distance.
  • Only one astrobleme in Europe fit the description, a crater called the Ries that lay some 300 kilometers to the east, on the northern shore of the Danube River. The Golden Torc
  • Looking up from the banks of the Danube River you will be charmed by the majesty of Bratislava Castle, which bears features of several distinct architectural styles.
  • The army took the traditional overland route down the Danube River and across the Balkans to Constantinople.
  • `At Schwedenplatz there's a permanently docked old Danube steamship named the Johann Strauss that's been turned into a restaurant. FROM THE TEETH OF ANGELS
  • The Carpathian range stretches from the western border of the Czech Republic to the Iron Gate on the Danube River between Romania and Yugoslavia. Carpathian montane conifer forests
  • In October he was seized with what he called Moldavian fever, a disease which came, he said, from the swamps of the Danube, and ravaged the Odessa district and the steppes; and again he became dangerously ill. Honore de Balzac, His Life and Writings
  • Environmentalists fear that, if completed, the hydro-electric dam will severely disrupt the Danube ecosystem.
  • A moment later they began to play the ethereal string tremolo that introduces "The Blue Danube," and as that first familiar phrase rose on the French horn, people rose to their feet in stricken silence. The Birth of Johann Strauss Jr.'s The Blue Danube
  • Rarely seen boulders jutted out from the brown surface of the Danube and grasses and tree saplings sprouted up in the dried mud at the foot of the city's stone river banks.
  • Of fresh-water fish, the sturgeon (_Acipenser sturio_ and _A. huso_), sterlet, salmon (_Salmo hucho_), and carp are found in the Danube; the mountain streams abound in trout. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • The Danube here is one of the richest river habitats for wildlife. Times, Sunday Times
  • Neither Honorius nor his feeble successors ever restored the Rhine and Danube frontiers; the foederati took over direct rule of the territories where they had been stationed, and gradually overran the whole of the West. Superversive: Gondor, Byzantium, and Feudalism
  • Visigothic nation flocked southward through the region which is now called Wallachia, and, standing on the northern shore of the Danube, prayed for admission within the province of Mœsia and the Empire of Theodoric the Goth Barbarian Champion of Civilisation
  • I came from Vienna here down the Danube, but I daresay I shall not go farther by the river, but shall travel through the country to Bucharest in Wallachia, which is the next place I intend to visit; but Hungary is a widely different country to George Borrow and His Circle Wherein May Be Found Many Hitherto Unpublished Letters Of Borrow And His Friends
  • Not everything here is tumescent: Théo van Rysselberghe's seascape "Big Clouds" (1893) is a bit of Seurat pointillism on the Danube, and in Klimt's "Forester House in Weissenbach on the Attersee" (1912), the open casements are painted with Van Gogh's flamelike passion. Modernism's Austrian Rebels
  • Some time after the middle of the seventh century, the Bulgars, a people of Hunnic and Finnic stock, who had been driven from their habitations on the Volga as far as the Lower Danube, began to make incursions into Moesia and Thrace.
  • With alkalinity soaring in rivers contaminated by Hungary's waste spill, the Danube is rapidly becoming affected itself, with the first dead fish already seen in its waters. Deaths Toll Rises to Six in Hungary Toxic Mud Spill
  • The sagacious Romans saw that in order to control the line of the Danube and the east coast of Italy it was necessary to absorb the triangular shaped country of the Illyrians.
  • To the north, the mountains wind and smoothly melt into the Pre-Balkan region and the Danube plain; while to the south steep mountain slopes tower above a series of hollows and fields.
  • Physiographic provinces range from the High Tatras in the north to the rich agricultural lands of the plains and the Danube Basin to the south.
  • A guide along the Danube: From Vienna to Constantinople, Smyrna, Athens, the Morea, the Ionian Islands, and Venice: from the notes of a journey made in the year 1836 by R. OpEdNews - Diary: The progressive route to compromise
  • The formidable royal castle towering above the Danube still breathes the air of this era.
  • But he often takes a false measure of their importance; and his superfluous prolixity is disagreeably balanced by his unseasonable brevity.] 66 Chishull, a curious traveller, has remarked the breadth of the Danube, which he passed to the south of Bucharest near the conflux of the Argish, (p. 77.) The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • If she wants to retire here sometime to live out her days on the Danube, studying German and making torte, fine. FROM THE TEETH OF ANGELS
  • This is practically the only area south of the Danube with fields large enough to permit the use of tractors, gangplows and binders.
  • With alkalinity soaring in rivers contaminated by Hungary's waste spill, the Danube is rapidly becoming affected itself, with the first dead fish already seen in its waters. Deaths Toll Rises to Six in Hungary Toxic Mud Spill
  • It houses an elegant restaurant from which the views across the Danube to the parliament building and much of Pest are magnificent.
  • Next is the obligatory blue space which I guess I would describe as azure a place called Danube would have. Augieland
  • Please visit www. or call (503) 248-0800 for more information on Danube. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • In addition, he hauled out his neglected waltz (sans lyrics), called "Le beau Danube bleu" for the occasion. The Waltz That Defines Vienna
  • Their marriage was celebrated with barbaric pomp and festivity, at his wooden palace beyond the Danube; and the monarch, oppressed with wine and sleep, retired at a late hour from the banquet to the nuptial bed.
  • Vienna, Budapest, and Belgrade are on the banks of the Danube
  • The Danube is rolling at high speed through Northern Serbia. Boing Boing: April 9, 2006 - April 15, 2006 Archives
  • `At Schwedenplatz there's a permanently docked old Danube steamship named the Johann Strauss that's been turned into a restaurant. FROM THE TEETH OF ANGELS
  • The Danube River, Austria's only navigable waterway, flows from southeastern Germany across northern Austria.
  • Roumelia, from the provinces of the Danube, and from all the Eothen
  • Rome was still the lawful mistress of the world: the pope and the emperor, the bishop and general, had abdicated their station by an inglorious retreat to the Rhone and the Danube; but if she could resume her virtue, the republic might again vindicate her liberty and dominion. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Environmentalists fear that, if completed, the hydro-electric dam will severely disrupt the Danube ecosystem.
  • Rome lay too far from the vulnerable frontiers; Constantinople occupied a position about equidistant from the Germans on the lower Danube and the Persians on the Euphrates. Early European History
  • Then his army drove the Tartars beyond the Danube.
  • Slavs was greater on the right bank of the Danube, where they overwhelmed the Thraco-Roman population by weight of numbers, and denationalized the Finnic Bulgars who settled in the country in the seventh century. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • Environmentalists fear that, if completed, the hydro-electric dam will severely disrupt the Danube ecosystem.
  • It is also a vitally important buffer system between the hydrographical basin of the River Danube and the Black Sea. Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania
  • The Danube, representing Europe, touches the papal coat of arms; the Rio de la Plata, the New World, sits on a pile of coins signifying wealth; the African Nile is hooded, because no one knew its source; the Asian Ganges holds an oar, denoting navigability. Perfection, Squared
  • Being a glutton for punishment, a few days later we rounded it off by doing the Danube Knee bend towards Budapest.
  • Caesar marched north into the forests that border the Danube River.
  • Here the Danube carves its way through heavily forested hills creating sheer cliffs on either side of the river.
  • Shortly before sunrise on Saturday, March 27, 1546, Alfonso Díaz, a Spaniard and minor officiant at the Vatican, arrived in Neuburg on the Danube, a village outside Augsburg, Germany. Bloodlust
  • Pork tonkatsu, breaded with panko and fried to an ideal crispness in brown butter, harks back to the chef's schnitzel-sizzling days at Danube.
  • Danube Technologies has just released the 3.0 Release of ScrumWorks Pro, last mentioned in August 07.
  • Chapter Eleven Besides the great expanse across the Rhine known as Germania, there were also the lands bordering the Danube, that sister river of the Rhine, which ran thirteen hundred miles until it reached the Euxine Sea. The Eternal Mercenary
  • Last week's chemical accident in Hungary, when about 184 million gallons of caustic sludge and water burst from a storage pool of a metals plant inundating three western Hungarian towns and spilling into the Danube, is yet another reminder that accidents happen at chemical facilities. Elizabeth Hitchcock: In The Public Interest : How Many Reminders Do We Need Before We Act to Reduce Chemical Accident Risk?
  • Being a glutton for punishment, a few days later we rounded it off by doing the Danube Knee bend towards Budapest.
  • The vessel will be designed to operate using existing berthing and loading facilities on the Rhine and Danube.
  • The setting twin suns of Rijos, the red giant aptly named Rojo, and her blue companion Danube cast an eerily beautiful violet light on the endless expanse of beach. 365 tomorrows » Inside Joke : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • You cut off about ten hours of travelling, and can switch from train to a hydrofoil down the Danube for the last leg if it takes your fancy.
  • Being a glutton for punishment, a few days later we rounded it off by doing the Danube Knee bend towards Budapest.
  • Orban said special attention was being paid to block any new sludge spill from reaching the Duna, as the Danube is called in Hungary. Toxic Sludge Could Spill Again, Hungary Government Warns
  • These fish were very close to the wild form of the carp found naturally in the River Danube.
  • Last week's chemical accident in Hungary, when about184 million gallons of caustic sludge and water burst from a storage pool of a metals plant inundating three western Hungarian towns and spilling into the Danube, is yet another reminder that accidents happen at chemical facilities. Elizabeth Hitchcock: In The Public Interest : How Many Reminders Do We Need Before We Act To Reduce Chemical Accident Risk?
  • Not everything here is tumescent: Théo van Rysselberghe's seascape "Big Clouds" (1893) is a bit of Seurat pointillism on the Danube, and in Klimt's "Forester House in Weissenbach on the Attersee" (1912), the open casements are painted with Van Gogh's flamelike passion. Modernism's Austrian Rebels
  • The family enjoyed an affluent lifestyle, including summer holidays at a house on the Danube. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet a troubling increase has come by way of the Black Sea, which borders Bulgaria on the East, and the Danube River, which forms its northern border with Romania.

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