
  1. Celtic goddess who was the mother of the Tuatha De Danann; identified with the Welsh Don
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How To Use Danu In A Sentence

  • Paracelsus created the narcotic opium, which he called laudanum, for his patients. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Photographers made use of the pandanus to lend striking silhouettes to black and white photographs of Reef twilight.
  • Last week's chemical accident in Hungary, when about 184 million gallons of caustic sludge and water burst from a storage pool of a metals plant inundating three western Hungarian towns and spilling into the Danube, is yet another reminder that accidents happen at chemical facilities. Elizabeth Hitchcock: In The Public Interest : How Many Reminders Do We Need Before We Act to Reduce Chemical Accident Risk?
  • Rome lay too far from the vulnerable frontiers; Constantinople occupied a position about equidistant from the Germans on the lower Danube and the Persians on the Euphrates. Early European History
  • Environmentalists fear that, if completed, the hydro-electric dam will severely disrupt the Danube ecosystem.
  • A tin of Blue Pills, so labeled, and a bottle, not labeled, but recognizable, of black draught-laudanum, that is. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • The Children of Danu were the powers of life, the powers worshipped in the ecstatic dances among the woods and upon the mountains, and they had the flamelike changeability of life, and were the makers of all changes. Later Articles and Reviews
  • Huius ad insul� extremitates non procul � fluuio Pyson, habetur locus mirabilis pariter et terribilis, vltr� omne mundanum, pen� et procul: de euentibus, ac laboribus infinitis, qu� mihi me韘que in tempore itinerationis acciderunt hucusque subticui, c鵰 iam vnum de maioribus ecce narro. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • He had wanted to take his own life but Severn confiscated a bottle of laudanum, a decision the artist later partially regretted.
  • They had forced down her throat the gobs of chalky calomel mixed with laudanum prescribed by the head-shaking doctor until her gums bled.
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