
How To Use Dante In A Sentence

  • The program started off ascetically with "Six Studies in English Folksong" which the program warned us were "very melancholic," continued with a song cycle for violin and tenor called "Along the Field" to poems by A.E. Houseman, and finished off the first half with insanely Pre-Raphaelite lushness to a song cycle set to Dante Gabriel Rosetti poems called "The House of Life. Thomas Glenn Sings Vaughan Williams
  • He might have confirmed the relation between dumbness and darkness from the acutest metaphysician among poets, in Dante's _ove il sol tace_. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 34, August, 1860
  • Pray publish the Dante and the _Pulci_ (the _Prophecy of Dante_, I mean). Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 5 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
  • The highest expression of nineteenth century neoclassicism is seen in the wonderful mural, based on Dante's Divine Comedy, by Jacobo Gálvez and Gerardo Suárez on the dome of the Degollado Theater. Murals come to life in the Florence of Mexico: Guadalajara
  • Or Eliot, who wrote on the Metaphysicals, Marvell, Dryden, Blake, Wordsworth, Baudelaire and, of course, Dante, as well as many other writers.
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  • As Dante started forward, Heather at his side, Astarte blocked his path, panic rippling across her face, flecking her eyes with gold. Etched in Bone
  • The epigraph, a quotation from Dante, further obscures the atmosphere.
  • Dante would usually take over and spoon-feed me, making my situation all the more degrading.
  • Many believers accept the broad seven deadly sins or "capital vices" laid down in the 6th century by Pope Gregory the Great and popularised in the Middle Ages by Aquinas, and by Dante in The Inferno.
  • The reflections and soliloquies of Artamène recur; but a not unimportant, although subordinate, new character appears -- not as the first example, but as the foremost representative, in the novel, of the great figure of the "confidante" -- in Martésie, Mandane's chief maid of honour. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • Dante burned against her, his hard, lean body hot as sunbaked desert sand. Etched in Bone
  • Selon plusieurs sources concordantes, la junte aurait établi une liste de journalistes et de personnalités politiques à abattre. In Guinea, the Aftermath of a Massacre
  • Other species with notable disjunct distributions on the Pellew Islands include the canefield rat (Rattus sordidus) (the only known occurrence in the Northern Territory), the vulnerable Carpentarian pseudantechinus (Pseudantechinus mimulus), brush-tailed phascogale (Phascogale tapoatafa) and northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus). Carpentaria tropical savanna
  • My colleagues were my best friends, family, peers, confidantes and mentors.
  • The mist had become a great white luminous cloud -- not dense and alabastrine, like the clouds of thunder; but filmy, tender, comparable to the atmosphere of Dante's moon. Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Third series
  • The literary masterpiece Barrow draws on to illumine the path of conversion and repentance is Dante's Purgatorio.
  • Blacker than a moonless night and edged with crimson, the blue and purple undersides smelled of wing musk and of Dante—burning leaves and November frost and deep, dark earth. Etched in Bone
  • Dante and I went back to the stables and the grooms put up our horses.
  • [T] here are newcomer projects and new films by established directors - these include Joe Dante (e.g. Gremlins), Jorge Gaggero (Live-In Maid), Wang Chao (Luxury Car; The Orphan of Anyang) or Clément Virgo (Berlinale 2006: Lie With Me), as well as all-round talents such as Sarah Polley. GreenCine Daily: Berlinale. Jury, Panorama, Co-Production Market.
  • Obviously, the best confidantes are people with whom a high degree of intimacy already exists.
  • All young men need an older woman as confidante and adviser. The Tribes Triumphant
  • The air was knocked out of him and as his father began choking him, Dante struggled to breath and get his father off of him at the same time.
  • Here are the final 15 words competitors were asked to spell at the Camera Regional Spelling Bee. vicariously propellable surrealist cosmetician duncical plummet absolution comandante roodebok dachshund egregious archipelago Boulder Daily Camera Most Viewed
  • Dante gave him a cachou every time he brought her a piece of tissue paper. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
  • Executed on large sheets of sheepskin parchment, each extraordinarily delicate ink line drawing illustrates one canto or section of Dante's poem.
  • In contrast, Dante Gabriel Rossetti's "The Tune of the Seven Towers" of 15 years later shows static figures garbed in rich fabrics that recall medieval paintings. Historic Watercolors Flood U.K. Museum
  • L'atélectasie est la conséquence de l'obstruction de la bronche correspondante du territoire atteint. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Abu Sayyaf visit ofal-Qaeda’s early years andanger at Saudis ofanti-American stance ofanti-U.N. stance ofappeal to Filipinos ofAzzam as mentor offavoritism towards Egyptians shown byglobal jihad sought bygraduation speech ofJabarah sent to KSM byJanjalani andLaskar Jihad links toloyalty ofmedia monitored by1998 fatwah ofon East Timorin Philippinesrecruitment success ofSayyaf as prototype forsons ofin Sudanterror tapes oftransition from financier to terrorist ofYousef andBlack Friday Seeds of Terror
  • I ran down the stairs when I spotted Dante sitting in the passenger seat of an IROC with a smashed right headlight.
  • Dante wrote that the hottest room in hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral dilemma.
  • There's a chance they'd both enjoy unloading if you proved a trusted confidante. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘You know I believe this attitude towards heavy people is the last bastion of open discrimination in our society,’ Andante quoted her as saying.
  • His conception of the infernal regions had been actively debated throughout the sixteenth century, two opposed views having been set forth by commentators on Dante's text.
  • Petrarch is notoriously cool towards Dante and is often characterized as unimpressed with Dante’s so-called ‘humanist’ credentials. Simon A. Gilson, Dante and Renaissance Florence (CUP, 2005)
  • Furthermore, Dante's work is divided into three canticles (the Inferno, Purgatory and Paradise) and each canticle is then divided into thirty-three cantos.
  • VNDIQVE conueniunt uelut imber tela tribuno: configunt parmam, tinnit hastilibus umbo, aerato sonitu galeae, sed nec pote quisquam undique nitendo corpus discerpere ferro: semper abundantes hastas frangitque quatitque. Caelius resists the Onset of the Istri
  • The yarn would usually be mordanted with oxalic acid from wood sorrel, iron, or even an alkaline solution made from stale urine.
  • With sheer will power, she forced herself to nod at Dante and sit at the head of the table.
  • But over the years Laura has always been one of Diana's closest confidantes.
  • inctinaaater lego, iihundantem reddendo fumtum. Panegyrici veteres qvos ex codice ms. librisqve collatis recensvit ae notis integris iisqve partim ad hve ineditis Christiani Gottlibii Schwarzii et excerptis aliorvm additis etiam svis instrvxit et illvstravit Wolfgangvs Iaegervs ..
  • Imitating the style of Dante and Petrarch, he wrote verses, "canzoni", and especially sonnets, which are not without value, and excite surprise by their warmth of feeling. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • The pitch was high, but Dante swung, hitting a dribbler back to the pitcher, who threw home to the catcher, who threw to first base, double play, game over. Parents Behaving Badly
  • Dante doesn't say so, but he leaves us free to speculate that moneylenders continue to practice their trade in hell, lending money at interest to the damned.
  • Dante blinked away the black spots flecking his vision, sucked in a ragged breath. Etched in Bone
  • From a poetic scholarship to a scholarly poetics, we must move on to Duncan's ‘Dante Etudes.’
  • Her lovely tone and delicately sculptured phrasing in the second movement Andante semplice were magical!
  • The abyss: Dante's hell is formed in the shape of an inverted cone whose point is at the center of the earth, which is the furthest place from God who is in the heavens.
  • The engine that drives Dante's desire for the beatific vision is not simply love for God.
  • All shades of brown may be obtained by decreasing or increasing the amount of cutch or by adding a little logwood or fustic, in which latter case the cotton should have been previously mordanted. Vegetable Dyes Being a Book of Recipes and Other Information Useful to the Dyer
  • The guessing game over the commandante's health and influence? diplomats in Havana admit ignorance over the hermetic regime's inner workings? recalled the inexact science of Kremlinology, which tracked Politburo dynamics during Red Square parades. Cuba left guessing on Revolution Day as Fidel Castro misses big parade
  • The Andante moderato is dead serious, as though ‘String Quartet’ and fun were two polar opposites.
  • In literature, the Renaissance was led by humanist scholars and poets, notably Petrarch, Dante, and Boccaccio in Italy.
  • A few years ago I recommended carefully conducted dyeing trials on woolen cloth mordanted with bichromate of potash as the best and simplest mode adapted to such cases, and my subsequent experience enables me to confirm that observation to the fullest extent. Scientific American Supplement, No. 711, August 17, 1889
  • Based on the Divine Comedy by the Italian poet Dante, it shows his encounter with souls damned for the sins of the flesh.
  • Dante wrote that the hottest room in hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral dilemma.
  • In A Certain World Auden quotes Nietzsche's description of Dante ‘or the hyena poetizing among the tombs’; the quotation comes from Gotzen-Dammerung, reprinted in Samtliche Werke 6: 111.
  • I have a very strong feeling in the Andante Cantabile of the players only just resisting the temptation to portamento slides between the notes.
  • He had Dante draw the necessary sigils as he prepared the spell.
  • The Aeneid provides Dante with the wonder of a bleeding stalk and a voice from the beyond.
  • She was the daughter of a Protestant Italian liberal exile who loathed the Papacy as much as he loved Dante and mixed both enthusiasms in his view of Italian history.
  • Although the smart winner was far too good that day, Lisdante ran an honourable race to lead home the remainder.
  • They were like young and beautiful Dantes carved in ebony; Dantes unembittered by the world, unsicklied by the pale cast of thought, and glowing with the life of the warm South. A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
  • In 1998, four American bird-watchers looking for the rare Cundinamarca antpitta instead encountered a FARC comandante named Romaña, who took them prisoners. With Rebels on the Run, Colombia
  • Dante's punishment for the "arch heretics and those who followed them" was that they be "ensepulchered" and to have some "heated more, some less."
  • Dante caught one in a headlock and landed a straight kick to another's jaw.
  • Dante raked a hand through his hair, blue flames pinwheeling along his fingers. Etched in Bone
  • Une annihilation de la volonté de produire localement et de rendre dépendantes les chaînes africaines? Productions Audiovisuelles au B��nin : Entre Mim��tisme, Paresse Intellectuelle et Absence d���Innov
  • I also, though much against my inclination, shall decamp; for he might perhaps consider me as an adviser, caballer, confidante, or at least a troublesome spectator. Tales and Novels — Volume 08
  • Versions of Dante in English offer the reader almost unparalleled opportunity for learned snobbishness.
  • Dante Gabriel Rossetti is a famous English painter and poet in the 19 th century.
  • Dante is the Emperor of Words, but the buffo is the Emperor of Deeds. Castellinaria and Other Sicilian Diversions
  • Its alcoholic solution dyes silk green, and also woollen and cotton when mordanted with albumen. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • Dante met her gaze, his deep brown eyes steady, his expression resolute. Etched in Bone
  • It would have to be someone with lots of re-readability, I guess: Dante, Vergil, or Shakespeare would be candidates. Mini-interview: James Enge |
  • Dante agreed with me that that white spot on the horizon, so small as to be barely recognizable as a triangle, must be Sajjama, at 6,500 meters the highest peak in that part of the altiplano.
  • Maybe simply seeing Violet/Chloe in that sanitarium would be enough to tip Dante Baptiste into madness, especially after watching Heather Wallace die. Etched in Bone
  • He was my closest friend and confidante. The Sun
  • These three canzoni were then embedded in a second prose work of Dante's, Il Convivio, which also frames and explicates his lyric verse.
  • In the second movement Andante, Menissier employs delectable registrations to highlight the uplifting nature of the music.
  • As he demonstrated in his two Gremlins movies and Small Soldiers, Joe Dante is a master of that niche market, the horror movie for the whole family. The Hole 3D
  • I never more lively beheld the starved characters of Dante [III. j] in any living face; an aruspex might have read a lecture upon him without exenteration, his flesh being so consumed, that he might, in a manner, have discerned his bowels without opening of him; so that to be carried, sexta cervice [III. k] to the grave, was but a civil unnecessity; and the complements of the coffin might outweigh the subject of it. Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia, and the Letter to a Friend
  • He describes his play as an oratorio in 11 cantos, in reference to Dante's Divine Comedy and its depiction of hell.
  • Dante+ in any living face; an aruspex might have read a lecture upon him without exenteration, his flesh being so consumed, that he might, in a manner, have discerned his bowels without opening of him; so that to be carried, sexta cervice+ to the grave, was but a civil unnecessity; and the complements of the coffin might outweigh the subject of it. Letter to a Friend
  • Commentators with a taste for proving the unprovable have brought forward evidence that virtually every poet of Shakespeare's time - and even of other times, such as Dante and Tasso - aroused Shakespeare's envy.
  • The church is a short walk from Piazza Dante.
  • The Guelfs, with whom Dante was allied, were identified with Florentine political autonomy, and with the interests of the Papacy in its long struggle against the centralizing ambitions of the Hohenstaufen emperors, who were supported by the Ghibellines. Dante Alighieri
  • Others may pause before the tomb of Dante, who died in exile from Florence.
  • A whirlwind final movement, allegro - andante - vivace molto capriccioso - with something of the feel of Bartók and Prokofiev, ends by quoting material from the earlier movements.
  • Philosophy thus conceived can still be regarded as the handmaid of theology, but as Dante develops his philosophical ideal metaphorically in terms of the beauty of the Donna Gentile, it assumes a religious value of its own.
  • He has also written an opera and translated Dante's Inferno in order to produce an illustrated book of it.
  • His objective in writing it was to defend the reputation of Dante, who, rather than according immortality to Cassius and Brutus as tyrannicides, had deemed them murderers and relegated them to the lowest circles of the Inferno.
  • I lost my best friend, lover and confidante, and it has been an extremely lonely time. The Sun
  • Beatrice was the object of Dante's desire.
  • Anyway, about 10: 00PM and after dinner, my wife and a friend were exiting the creperie which is right across the street from theTierra Adentro and, as it turns out Subcomandante Marcos AKA Delegado Zero and his entourage were just exiting Tierra Adentro after a Zapatista meeting and what a show it was. Zapatista Street Theater
  • Then bend Dante's sword so that it is curved like a saber.
  • Dante transports an earthly historicity into his heaven and hell, in an idiom which is both sublime and sublunary.
  • They had a special role in relation to stock-rearing and stock health and as the confidante and sounding board for the farmers' problems.
  • An energetic andante segues quietly into the third and final movement.
  • The reader will not fail to note that the terrace of the slothful is the only circle of Purgatory where there is no request for intercessory prayer and that Dante here never speaks to any of those souls. Dante: "The Central Man of All the World" A Course of Lectures Delivered Before the Student Body of the New York State College for Teachers, Albany, 1919, 1920
  • These are the larval forms of the parasite and have been called by Le Dantec the micro-filaria. Insects and Diseases A Popular Account of the Way in Which Insects may Spread or Cause some of our Common Diseases
  • Previously, on Everything: Â Dante Hicks is a clerk at the Quick Stop, a local convenience store in Leonardo, New Jersey. Review: Rapid-Fire Review | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • _ From this point Dante watches the universe spin around him, until "she who doth emparadise my soul" draws aside the veil of mortality, and allows him to perceive nine concentric spheres of multitudinous angels constantly revolving around a dazzling point while singing "Hosanna! The Book of the Epic
  • Dmitri Trenin, director of the Carnegie Moscow Center, said that with a close Putin confidante now starting a five year term as Moscow's mayor, it is clear where power really lies in Russia today. Putin's Chief of Staff Becomes Mayor of Moscow
  • Dante: Zip it, or I'll pierce that big nose.
  • The Divine Comedy is considered a magnum opus of Dante.
  • The ostensible subject is Dante's vision of the death of his lover, as expressed in a passage from the Italian poet's Vita Nuova, lines from which are inscribed on the reverse of the painting.
  • It's more allegretto than andante, like a Brahms symphonic intermezzo.
  • My correspondante thought it was HILARIOUS that I said atishoo instead of atchoum. Slippery slope
  • Dantes Poëta illustrissimum Christianissimorum Regum Franciæ genus à laniis Parisiensibus deducit, utique tam vere, quam ille tenebrio nostrum à scalarum fabro: quas mirum, ni auctor generis _in suspendium eorum parabat_, quos vaticinabatur illustri nobilitate suæ obtrectaturos. Notes and Queries, Number 69, February 22, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • At 14 he appeared in Joe Dante's Explorers, a tale about an alien-obsessed kid in which he co-starred with River Phoenix.
  • Dante : Wow, I've never seen a talking mutt before. You know in a dog show, you'd definitely take first place.
  • Beatrice was the object of Dante's desire.
  • In The Inferno, Virgil guides Dante through the underworld, comprising nine concentric circles that represent varying degrees of condemnation, from the unbaptized in Limbo to traitorous Satan at the center. The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson: Questions
  • The passage comes from the last few lines of the Inferno, just as Dante is preparing to leave Hell. Dinaw Mengestu discusses many aspects of his first novel, The Beautiful Things That Heaven Bears
  • The bright yellow Lichen, growing on rocks and walls, and old roofs, dyes a fine plum colour, if the wool is mordanted first with Bichromate of Potash. Vegetable Dyes Being a Book of Recipes and Other Information Useful to the Dyer
  • Dante was the inspiration for my book on Italy.
  • Bwowff!" soothes her thickset confidante, jowls swinging approvingly at her choice of metaphor. With The Big C, Nurse Jackie and Weeds, US TV has given us women who are more than just Mistresses
  • Sin embargo nosotras no fuimos a la oficina de tal empresa para serciorarnos de que ese tipo pertenecía al personal, hasta que llego tal flota a la parada, mi madre se subio tranquila y yo le dije al ayudante que estaba cargando en ese momento las maletas suba mis bultos pero, el me dijo su boleto y le dije le page al otro ayudante, no existe ningun otro ayudante respondió, me quedé asustada y mi madre al percatarse de tal situación hizo un escandalo porque el muchacho que le cobró ya no aparecía en esos momentos, no sabíamos que hacer talvez es culpa nuestra por confiar y no aserciorarnos de que era cierto de lo que decía ese muchacho ladrón y no pudimos rescatar tal dinero fue una estafa que podíamos evitar si hubiésemos comprado los boletos de la boleteria. Global Voices in English » Bolivia: Warnings of Scams in El Alto
  • You need to recognize your complicity in becoming the caretaker, the go-to person, the confidante, and the chief cook and bottle-washer in the first place. SHED Your Stuff, Change Your Life
  • The tendency is usually to play the andantes too slowly, and the quick movements, scherzos, & c, too quickly.
  • As jaunty Dante sez in his Inferno: ‘Too bad, so sad.’
  • Albert is thus a likely conduit for seemingly Averroist elements in Dante's thought. Dante Alighieri
  • He presents his advisors and confidantes as ignorant dupes at best and scoundrels at worst.
  • _Andante affettuoso_ -- moderately slow, and with tenderness and pathos. Music Notation and Terminology
  • So when I made them notice, in Dante's language, that that was a fraud I got this answer: You should have immediately told us you were Italian. Global Voices in English » Japan: Reactions to the Japanese tourist rip-off in Italy
  • I have more sympathy with Dante the man than Goethe the man… Eliot's English Usage
  • And in the Dante Valentine books there was a whole lot of "crackling" of blood and magic going on as well. "Night Shift" by Lilith Saintcrow
  • Rushdie's borrowings from Dante consist of topographical and stylistic devices.
  • Foi um bom e fresquinho remate para um dia escaldante. ...
  • Have you ever balanced the scene with the bishops in Richard III. against the character of Cranmer? the description of St. Francis and St. Dominic against that of him who made Virgil wonder to gaze upon him, -- "disteso, tanto vilmente, nell 'eterno esilio"; or of him whom Dante stood beside, "come 'l frate che confessa lo perfido assassin? Harvard Classics Volume 28 Essays English and American
  • Charlotte behaves like a humorsome child, and should have been used like one, and*** well whipped in the presence of her friendly confidante Harriet. Lady Mary Wortley Montague
  • Guss and Dante looked up to the tower the lookout had called from, and then out across the plains.
  • He left no known diary, he had no known confidantes, other than his wife Mira Markovic.
  • We cry down Dante, and we cry up Francesco Cei, just for the sake of variety.
  • Indeed, Rushdie's first novel Grimus is cast in the shape of Dantean katabasis, both in the diegesis of a descent journey and in the ethical framework of what Brennan refers to as Rushdie's ‘coming-to-self’.
  • That's how our date went too: larghetto, andante, adagio, presto.
  • In the fourth movement (Andante ma non troppo e molto cantabile) the pizzicato sforzandos were very accurate, loud, and pleasing to hear, as was the high playing of the first violin in the Presto.
  • Barber's boundless melodic inspiration takes inspired flight from the surging opening movement through the moving, poignant Andante and rousing bravura finale.
  • They commiserate and validate each others' feelings and become confidantes.
  • Logwood, also, if mordanted with alum, gives a mauve colour; if mordanted with chrome, it gives a blue. Vegetable Dyes Being a Book of Recipes and Other Information Useful to the Dyer
  • Só esqueceram de avisar que os estudantes estavam “armados” com rosas e a polícia com armas e balas! Global Voices in English » Brazil: The country’s largest university becomes a battlefield
  • My confidante was my former business partner Adam. Sasha Cagen: Twitter's Aspiring Micro-Celebrities
  • That would be like asking Dante to traverse his Inferno again.
  • This fall has been difficult for the two of them, room-mates since their freshman year, best friends and confidantes.
  • Dante : Wow , I've never seen a talking mutt before.
  • _Vous serez_ _un jour un grand philologue_, _mon cher_," said the old man, on our arriving at the conclusion of Dante's Hell. Lavengro The Scholar - The Gypsy - The Priest, Vol. 1 (of 2)
  • With the simplest words and the most severe economy of diction, he produces an effect such as Vergil rarely surpassed, and such as was never excelled or equalled again in the poetry of Southern Europe till Dante told the story of Paolo and Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
  • Though things improve, Serkin, lyrical in the outer movements, spoils the andante with heavy accents.
  • It begins with a plaint, that is full of cynic despair; thence it breaks suddenly into a cheerful andante. Contemporary American Composers Being a Study of the Music of This Country, Its Present Conditions and Its Future, with Critical Estimates and Biographies of the Principal Living Composers; and an Abundance of Portraits, Fac-simile Musical Autographs, and
  • He was a specialist in Dante, whom he loved supremely. On Adrian Fortescue
  • Like Eliot, she draws on Dantean imagery to suggest the netherworld.
  • Andante maestoso was not an overblown anticlimax but the real apotheosis of Tchaikovsky's musical argument.
  • The Kungsbacka Trio are embarking on a series, and this first volume includes the famous "Gypsy Rondo", dispatched with mirth, and some lovely movements such as the serene Allegro, ma dolce of the D major trio and the more severe Andante cantabile of the E flat minor trio; in the F sharp minor trio there's a version of a movement from his Symphony No 102. Haydn: Piano Trios Vol 1, Nos 24, 25, 26, 31 – review
  • As we have already seen, Dante's guide through Inferno or Hell, was the Roman poet and pagan, Virgil.
  • A.r. for two of four part chorus by N.A. M. A.dante moderato The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book
  • On the occasion of Dante's sexcentenary, in 1865, it was discovered that at some unknown period the skeleton, with the exception of a few small bones which remained in an urn which formed part of Gonzaga's structure, had been placed for safety in a wooden box, and enclosed in a wall of the old Braccioforte Chapel, which lies outside the church towards the The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 2
  • The Vita Nuova, of course, chronicles Dante's first sight of Beatrice at age 9, his love for her until she dies as a young woman, and his subsequent view of her as an angel of redemption.
  • She has always been there for him in many roles - friend, confidante, soulmate and lover.
  • There may be those who would study the Jamaican Constitution, what there is of it, in the sun, while they might, if they could, read Dante in the shade, and the necrologist in question may be one of them. The Life of Froude
  • So she is your best friend, your closest confidante, your mirror image, or even the bane of your existence.
  • Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Paramount Pictures, Dante Harper, hansel and gretel: witch hunters, Tommy Wirkola christmas shopping Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters Gets a New Writer | /Film
  • He sees in the predicament of weekend fathers patrolling ‘the Olmsted bosks of Central Park, / Its children-thronged resorts, / Pain-tainted ground’ that of lost souls in a circle of a Dantesque hell.
  • The style takes a while to get adjusted to since the novel starts on a very light note despite its grim underlying events, Portier being a very self-deprecating and wry narrator, while his two companions in the investigation, Chevalier Ilario and sorcerer Dante start as the overdone cliches of "fop" and "brilliant but moody outsider sorcerer". Today in Fantasy: February 8, 2010
  • Dante took a slice of beef jerky that was in his pocket and gave it to the boy.
  • How coincidental that the Tate imbroglio should have taken place barely more than a month after the brouhaha stirred by the Yale University Press's bowdlerization of Jytte Klausen's book, "The Cartoons That Shook The World," to be published in November, after having excised the now infamous Danish cartoons as well as Gustave Dore's illustration of Mohammed for Canto 28 of Dante's "Inferno. Raymond J. Learsy: "Spiritual America": Censorship at Yale, and Now London?
  • Recently released documents from a different case showed that two of Epstein's closest confidantes – his PA Sarah Ellen and an on-off girlfriend, Nadia Marcinkova – were repeatedly questioned by Kuvin about whether the prince had been involved in sexual acts with any of Epstein's entourage of young women. Prince Andrew's link to sex offender Jeffrey Epstein taints royalty in US
  • Symphony no. 3/04 Sym No. 3 'Kaddish' - Kaddish 2 - Andante Con Tenerezza. flac [33MB] 07. BTJunkie - All
  • The opening Allegro maestoso is winningly done whilst the lovely Andante semplice also contains much that is beautiful and simple at the same time.
  • The second movement, 'Andante', had a distinctively soothing feel, which lulled the audience.
  • Since Dante is a compendium of the middle ages, bringing together its theology and philosophy as well as its poetry, liturgy and music, this was more that a well-turned phrase. Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • She could think of no tunes but dances -- andantes turned scherzi, the Handelian largo became a Castilian tango. We Can't Have Everything
  • So, in a picturesque scene, just as Dante and Virgil doze off on the ledge of lento amore, they are awakened by a crowd of penitents rushing by, shouting and weeping with overwrought passion.
  • She had also had the time to discuss the matter with her husband, their legal representatives and a few close friends and confidantes.
  • It began as the Andante religioso slow movement for an early String Quartet in E minor.
  • That El Comandante was smitten by the First Lady was immediately apparent.
  • Dantes led the owner of the yacht to the dwelling of a Jew.
  • In that case, we're left with little to say about Dante or, even more obviously, Dickens - both of whom made use of strongly sentiment-charged visual imaginations - and this long before the first bioscopes echoed our unified oohs and aahs.
  • It contains: Boccaccio's Vita di Dante;* Dante's Vita nova; Cavalcanti's Donna me prega with Dino del Garbo's commentary; Boccaccio's Ytalie iam certus honos; fifteen of Dante's lyric poems; Petrarch's Canzoniere the so-called 'forma Chigi'. MS Chig. L. V. 176
  • Dante has also beautifully described this circumfused light of Deity: -- The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • Before Marcos spoke, other comandantes made brief appeals for greater respect for indigenous people.
  • _Vous serez un jour un grand philologue_, _mon cher_," said the old man, on our arriving at the conclusion of Dante's Hell. Lavengro the Scholar - the Gypsy - the Priest
  • this passage must be played andante
  • Isabelle was the only female confidante she'd ever had, and entrusting a secret to Isabelle was rather like toting water in a sieve. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • What she does not see is that Dante perfectly exemplifies Western culture's strong tendency towards universalism.
  • This arrangement may suggest Dante's adoption of Siger's point of view about philosophy's separation from theology as the bedrock of his own political idea of the separation of church and state.
  • Dante Alighieri was the greatest poet of Italy, his masterpiece, The Divine Comedy, is one of the landmarks of world literature.
  • Ретона цена Yo habнa andado temprano, y mirado por la ventana (antes de esto), y esto era la nieve abundante que llenу mis ojos: recuerdo pensando "Que bendiciуn ser capaz de absorber simplemente todo este". MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • His election to the priorate was the most important event in Dante's public life. Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 11
  • The lovely Andante sostenuto is also very well managed with a particular singing melody attributed to the strings, who play with dreamy charm.
  • When tipsy or sober, the painter was mild, charming and fond of quoting Dante.
  • More than anyone else, Dante never failed to make her want to laugh or scowl or rage - and had the bent for inducing within her the latter.
  • His fists were clenching and unclenching and by then, Dante knew what that meant for him.
  • Orient que Dieu brilla dans une enveloppe charnelle, [704] ne voudrait il pas, dans l'ordre religieux, l'union independante, qui, depuis NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
  • He draws sensitively and suggestively upon the work of Dante, Faulkner, and Flannery O'Connor, mining their theological lode.
  • Dante gripped the bullet cartridge and yanked it out.
  • Stevie Wood and Our Shiraz were early pacemakers, then Dantessa took over, bowling along with the rest of the field of 18 strung out.
  • _Andante sostenuto_ -- moderately slow and sustained. Music Notation and Terminology
  • There are some beautifully expressive moments in the second Andante sostenuto movement in this concerto.
  • The Andante is an arrangement for string orchestra of one of the movements of the quartet.
  • These caused him to look particularly at what he believed to be the art of Dante's time, at the trecento as well as the quattrocento.

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