How To Use Dank In A Sentence
J.C. nodded and I followed him down into the dark dankness of Zacharis' unfinished basement.
The Dog Catcher
Together they cast a breedy scent like that arising from dank beds of galax, and it overpowered even the reek of the strange meat.
Cold Mountain
British summers mean we get rain, wind, sun, snow and frost all in the same week but our winters are just so glum, no blizzards just unrelenting dankness.
It dawned today dankly raining, but by mid morning and my coffee pilgrimage there was sunlight, intermittently, and a warming breeze from the south.
The moist eastern slopes of the Andes tumble to dank, humid, jungle lowlands whose rivers are the highways for transportation.

Hinter diesem Gedanken, der ein wenig misanthropisch vorkommen mag, hört man deutlich den milden und klugen Humor, der Ihr ganzes schriftstellerisches Werk durchströmt.
The Nobel Prize in Literature 2002 - Presentation Speech
The pictures also show the dank, dark conditions the miners endured for two months.
The Sun
How about figuring out what the trip tik is supposed to be for the 3 remaining years so the rest of us can get somewhere other than this dank and dark place you have us stuck in now.
CNN Poll: Obama approval under 50 percent
Place it somewhere cool and bright and out of the sun, but not in some cold, dank corner with no air passing round it.
Times, Sunday Times
Only down the side of this trickled moisture which had stained the stone with encrusta - tions and given life to some strange and ominous-looking growths pallidly yellow and dankly gray in the globe light.
Flight in Yiktor
Dank, damp and almost unrelievedly joyless, the Starz miniseries tells a fictional tale of 12th-century politics and the skullduggery that was supposedly part of it, as knaves and heretics vie for the throne of a mucky, pig-ridden and sparsely populated England.
TV preview: 'The Pillars of the Earth'
Und vielen Dank auch an dich, Nalini, für das Interview und die Möglichkeit, deinen Lesern etwas über mein neues Buch zu erzählen.
Guest Author: Michelle Raven
Elsewhere, aside from a last-minute rush of bed and breakfast deals, genuine trading was quiet and sentiment was dank.
If you will have this Book last, bee sure to aire it att the fier, or in the Sunne, three or four times a yeare -- els it will grow dankish and rott, therefore look to it.
English Villages
All sorts of human detritus, apart from the obvious, has passed through the dank subterranean chambers.
Times, Sunday Times
We which le dank you to owe kind invitation tonight.
Even more amazing was his ability to beam Gedanken up into this thought world.
A slow, drizzly mist adding a moldy dankness to the chilly air.
Earl of Durkness
David, #253: Ah, yes -- when Houston gets cold, it also tends to get dank, which is worse.
Making Light: Snowpocalypse Part Next
Doctors wheel a girl through what can only be described as a dank dungeon.
Guilty Pleasure – Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers…with Paul Rudd?!? | MovieChopShop
Billionaire Nochi Dankner, who owns Israel's largest holding company and a daily newspaper, is a regular.
In Israel, rich and famous flock to wonder rabbi
Clever cooks know that it's best to keep onions, spuds and such out of the confines of a dark and dank closet.
The dank lower chamber of Mallmouth Bridge's bascule machinery.
It was dank and dark.
The Times Literary Supplement
I loved the smell of cork grease and slide oil, of musty woolen uniforms, and the tangy dankness of brassy horn bells.
There was a dankness in the air, a smell of creeping poverty which emanated from the beggars and rose to enfold them all.
The pictures also show the dank, dark conditions the miners endured for two months.
The Sun
Their ragged shifts and kirtles, soaked through with the drizzling rain, hung dankly on their emaciated forms.
In addition to incitements and urgings from these right-wing political and mainstream media morons, there also came - and still are coming - the claims from the weirdest and dankest holes in the blogosphere, the deep rat warrens where readers of Newsmax, NewsBusters and other collections of neo-Nazi rants, can come together to rub vigorously each other's, um, reptilian fears and stroke each other's faux bravery as they plot their "counterrevolutionary" tactics and strategies.
Mike Malloy: Poison
People who toiled in dim, dank factories were too exhausted to enjoy their family life.
It was she who welcomed me into their small flat in a building so cheaply and recently erected that it still smelled dankly of fresh plaster.
I'm thinking, somewhat critically, it sure has been a long time since she began talking about opening this community centre to serve the scads of immigrant kids in St. Jamestown, when she pulls me out of the dank reverie.
After all, it’s not everyday you’re called a “dankish pinch-spotted coxcomb!”
Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Click Here: Keeping it Light Edition
Place it somewhere cool and bright and out of the sun, but not in some cold, dank corner with no air passing round it.
Times, Sunday Times
With all the senses tingling, you can hear the hippos at the watering hole; the croak of the bullfrogs; smell the dank scent of the cooling earth and anticipate, with trepidation, a prowling lioness.
They hurried along, the smack of their feet the only sound that echoed in the dank cavern.
Although any beer with "dank" in its name seems to me to have limited commerical appeal.
:Acquired Taste
The scent of chlorine mixed with the dankness in the air and whatever else was around that place.
The Sins of Brother Curtis
You literally crawl in the dank, damp forest trying to find disturbances in the duff where animals may have been rooting around.
He tweaks the unkempt bristles of yahoos, scourges grunting knuckle-draggers, mocks unibrows and is merciless with gun-totin ', whittlin', racist rednecks who hang out in the fetid swamps of Small Dead Animals and other even danker and oozier places, where pedophile-enablers and stalkers dwell.
Archive 2009-06-01
Yesterday we spied her, as her own funeral played out, bereft in a dank cellar.
Times, Sunday Times
Eve's footsteps were echoing off the dank walls as she walked forward a few paces.
Perhaps we were unlucky, but instead of an open top double-decker we got a dank and dark coach.
Times, Sunday Times
We are clued in by the dankly hallucinatory style that "Fight Club" transpires somewhere to the left of the real world, like an emanation of the untrammeled male id.
A Fistful Of Darkness
The room was cold and slightly dank.
It was followed by fillet steak in a dank, dark sauce made of ancient balsamic vinegar.
Times, Sunday Times
The bag had been sitting in this dank tent for the last three days and smelled like an old laundry hamper.
London, at the chill break of day, when the overhanging clouds were yet charged with the 'inky' purple of night -- in order, like a true book-chevalier, to embrace the first dank impression, or proof sheet, of his own famous octavo edition of _Shakspeare_; and of Mr. Bulmer's sumptuous impression of the text of the same.
Bibliomania; or Book-Madness A Bibliographical Romance
A four-part July series of Purcell Room concerts acclaiming very different pioneers of British jazz and improvisation including Soweto Kinch, the Jazz Warriors and the late Sir John Dankworth appropriately begins with the most uncompromisingly radical of musical adventurers – the improv saxophone innovator Evan Parker.
This week's new live music
It was dark and dank and, especially late at night, dangerous.
The room was cold and slightly dank.
But by now, ending a number with a dank, dark, ambi-sexual, omnisexual group grope is so passé it's turning up in music videos.
The world is not to be understood as a complex of ready - made things, but as a complex of processes, in which the things apparently stable, no less than their mental images in our heads (Gedankenabbilder), the concepts, go through an uninterrupted change of coming into being and passing away, in which despite all seeming accidentality and tem porary retrogression, a progressive development asserts itself in the end
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
Meanwhile Plehve's undefeated Fifth Army had turned about and was threatening to engulf Dankl's now unprotected right flank.
The air was ripe with the rich, muddy dankness of the river as they walked along the levee.
Captured by Moonlight
In a dark dank mouldy bathroom, you can use all the anti-fungal sprays you like and the mould will die - for a time, but it always comes back!
I enjoy not less what may be called the negative side of spring, -- those dark, dank, dissolving days, yellow sposh and mud and water everywhere, -- yet who can stay long indoors?
Birds and Poets : with Other Papers
Frankdadank - 3XL seahawk design and 3XL black and white
The sea air left a much danker taste on her tongue now, and it was a relief to expel it and stand quietly.
Raven Speak
The bag had been sitting in a dank tent for three days and smelled like an old laundry hamper.
She was locked in a dank, darksome room with only a table, a rickety chair, and a wooden cot for comfort.
dank rain forests
A dank series of cavelike rooms below an Orthodox yeshiva, the place had a musty, subterranean feel, as if the Golem were crouching in the next passageway.
The Lampshade
Desondanks dit, bly armoede, werkloosheid en ongelykheid ‚ n baie groot uitdaging vir ons land.
Speech by Maxwell Moss during the Transport budget vote debate
William Danker declares that ‘without training … the vast Antarctica of the lay apostolate is not going to be thawed out.’ (
Equipping the lay missions force
It led him down a long, narrow flight of stairs to a dark, dank basement.
All sorts of human detritus, apart from the obvious, has passed through the dank subterranean chambers.
Times, Sunday Times
Perhaps we were unlucky, but instead of an open top double-decker we got a dank and dark coach.
Times, Sunday Times
There was a dankness in the air, a smell of creeping poverty which emanated from the beggars and rose to enfold them all.
the dank climate of southern Wales
All sorts of human detritus, apart from the obvious, has passed through the dank subterranean chambers.
Times, Sunday Times
Said Runny, ` Oh, dear Dankee, I think a borm just wit me. '
Shel Silverstein's 'Runny Babbit' Tales
Not wanting to be completely outdone, the men hurried uneasily after her and crowded into the cramped space of the dank cave.
The room was cold and slightly dank.
It's one of the few games that's really been able to convey "dankness" in a dungeon setting. login now to post a comment
On a dank autumnal afternoon in Glasgow's west end the light is liquid, a day to draw the blinds and stoke the fire.
The selling agent admits she hasn't even set foot in the dark, dank basement, and the rest of the accommodation is almost as gloomy.
Haseling-field in Cambridge-shire, Haselmeer in Surrey, and other places; but more plentifully, if the ground be somewhat moist, dankish and mossie, as in the fresher bottoms, and sides of hills, hoults, and in hedge-rows.
Sylva, Vol. 1 (of 2) Or A Discourse of Forest Trees
On a bitterly cold, dark and dank afternoon at St Paul's Belfast, the yellow and blue shirted Newry side failed to rise to the occasion and in the end could scarcely complain about the result.
Squalls were setting up whirlpools on Loch Linnhe as I set off and the distant hills of Appin merged into the dank grey of the sky.
By the 1960s, using the New York subway meant navigating what a John Lindsay-era task force called "the most squalid public environment of the United States: dank, dingily lit, fetid, raucous with screeching clatter, one of the world's meanest transit facilities.
When in Helvetica
He hid in a corner of a dark, dank little cellar.
Well, it was a midweek afternoon in November; the weather was grey and dank and not much was happening.
The 33-year-old pilot from Ohio would spend the next four years, 10 months and nine days in barren, dank cells with little more than two blankets and a tin cup to hold water.
Norrington, Giles R.
Albedo-related effects were strongest at Sodankylä during the month of May, accounting for a maximum of 21% and an average of 7% of the short-term irradiance variability.
Long-term change and variability in surface UV irradiance in the Arctic
The path we followed was merely a space between two stone walls, dank and lightless.
Now, ere the sun advance his burning eye, the day to cheer and night's dank dew to dry, I must up-fill this osier cage of ours with baleful weeds and precious-juiced flowers.
Mostly Bob Marley, since that's about all I can play on the uke - it's tougher than guitar - but they taught me a Wollof proverb Ndanka ndanka mooy japa golo ci nyaay bi...slowly slowly catches the monkey in the bush that I put to music.
In case you're interested...
It was dank and dark.
The Times Literary Supplement
Traumgedanken book is a collection of literary, philosophical, psychological and scientifical texts about dreams.
Physical Hyperlinks Created For New Book
He tweaks the unkempt bristles of yahoos, scourges grunting knuckle-draggers, mocks unibrows and is merciless with gun-totin', whittlin', racist rednecks who hang out in the fetid swamps of Small Dead Animals and other even danker and oozier places, where pedophile-enablers and stalkers dwell.
Monsters from the Id
A few feet away' through the trees behind them' was an insect realm of high-pitched chittering, dank mist and over-ripe vegetation.
Gedankenexperiment: a new violation of Bell's Inequalities,” Physical Review Letters, 49: 91 “ 94.
Bell's Theorem
Hundreds walk down the dank tunnel wearing hard hats.
Times, Sunday Times
Bradford: That's why the Gedankenexperiment takes place on another planet uninhabited by humans.
The Memory Hole
We landed, disembarked and entered the terminal building, a dank shell of gnawed concrete.
At the bottom of the hill, there is a dark, dank train station in a cutting.
Filed under: Music | Tagged: danko jones, glasgow carling academy, motorhead, overkill, saxon, set the tone, strathclyde students union
Motorhead + Saxon/Danko Jones at Glasgow Carling, Nov 10th 08 « INTERSTELLAR TACTICS
It smelt dank and musty, like a cave which the sea entered regularly.
Yesterday we spied her, as her own funeral played out, bereft in a dank cellar.
Times, Sunday Times
It was dank and dark.
The Times Literary Supplement
Does the creator of these twisted tales inhabit dank, cobwebby rooms with dusty velvet curtains and candles everywhere?
He pulled himself along through the dank, dark sewers until he came to an opening.
And this doesn't mean you have to hide away in a dank utility room, or stand in the kitchen among the pots and pans, or tolerate a permanent pile of ironing in the corner in your living-room.
If you will have this Book last, bee sure to aire it att the fier or in the Sunne three or foure times a yeare -- els it will grow dankish and rott, therefore look to it.
Vanishing England
It was followed by fillet steak in a dank, dark sauce made of ancient balsamic vinegar.
Times, Sunday Times
But the best paintings here are meticulously constructed, adapting the atmospheric painterliness of the French impressionists to the dank industrial terraces of north-west England.
This week's new exhibitions
Penrose tended to argue that models should be developed to explain everything (including Schrödinger's cat Gedankenexperiment) in order to understand reality.
Are Changes Brewing and How Does the Mind Fit In?
We landed, disembarked and entered the terminal building, a dank shell of gnawed concrete.
We took shelter in a dark, dank cave.
It would merely serve to shine a light under the dark, dank rock from which hypocritic, delusional [R] ightwingers slither.
Sanford should stay, two top South Carolina papers say
It was followed by fillet steak in a dank, dark sauce made of ancient balsamic vinegar.
Times, Sunday Times
Colours were brutal and depressing; dank shades like dung and army-blanket fawn.
Ragged strips of wallpaper hung down the dark, dank corridor as I explored, being careful not to slip on loose floor tiles in one of the rooms.
And, there, wedged in alongside a car that clearly had not seen the light of day for many a year, was a bicycle, which, by the look of it, had also spent quite some time in the dark, dankness of the garage.
Under the dank-green fungal glow, the wizard scried, searching the depths of crystal stone for the future.
Conan the Indomitable
Supporters of democracy must firmly challenge that dangerous illusion and remind the world of the dissidents languishing in Cuban jails, many of whom have become seriously ill after being confined for long periods in dank cells.
A hundred years ago, French mathematician Émile Borel suggested this particular Gedankenexperiment as a means of envisioning events of close to infinite improbability. » Meanwhile on the tapioca tundra
Perhaps we were unlucky, but instead of an open top double-decker we got a dank and dark coach.
Times, Sunday Times
Even more amazing was his ability to beam Gedanken up into this thought world.
Among side dishes, though, the truffle creamed spinach was dank with cream and the fingerling-potato puree was so heavily salted, we had to sample it with a teaspoon.
We took shelter in a dark, dank cave.
What easily could have been a dank bachelor's flat, was a bright, warm, and well furnished home.
But now the clouds clamped down and a sharp scent of sulfur and putrid fish wafted on a dank puff of air.
A standard device used throughout the book is the "Gedankenexperiment" where we are asked to imagine some more or less fantastic eventuality as a way of challenging and testing our common sense and theoretical convictions: What if ... your brain was transferred to another body, your brain was split in two, you were a brain in a vat, the information in your brain was put into some other medium; what if your brain were separated from your body but still controlled it, what if inside your head were tiny conscious demons, etc.?
The Myth of the Computer
And a cordiallest brief nod of chinchin dankyshin to, well, patient ringasend as prevenient (by your leave), to all such occasions, detachably replaceable (thanks too! twos intact!).
Finnegans Wake
Yesterday we spied her, as her own funeral played out, bereft in a dank cellar.
Times, Sunday Times
It will not be amisse when you find it dankish to wipe over the leaves with a dry wollen cloth.
English Villages
Warbixintu waxay ku ararsatay in xaaladda xuquuqda aadanaha ee Somalia kasii dartay sanadkii lasoo dhaafay, iyadoo dhamman dhinacyadii isku hayey Somalia, oo kala ahaa ciidanka DKMG oo gacan ka helayey kuwa Ethiopia, iyo kooxo kasoo horjeeday, ay geysteen xadgudubyo ka dhan xuquuqda aadanaha.
[unknown placeholder $my.siteName$]
The central courtyard of Mr. Croup and Mr. Vandemar's hospital was a dank and cheerless place.
They hurried along, the smack of their feet the only sound that echoed in the dank cavern.
And, no decoherence model would be complete without explaining the Schrödinger's cat Gedankenexperiment.
Are Changes Brewing and How Does the Mind Fit In?
Grote bedrijven hadden succes dankzij schaalvoordelen en creëerden toegevoegde waarde door de wet van de sterkste ....
Small is the new big
It was a dank, clammy night, made gloomy by the intermittent drizzle that had become steadier as the light of day faded with the sunset.
They hurried then through endless passages, some smoothly walled and artificially lighted, others rough-hewn in the solid rock, dankly odorous and in Stygian darkness.
"Thia of the Drylands" by Harl Vincent, part 3
Hadank-Swinson noted Part D plans also change their "formularies," the lists of brand and generic drugs covered at different co-payment tiers each year.
Top Stories - Google News
The second excerpt (located at a separate URL) describes his encounter with a homeless man living in dank tunnel near the airport, who has fashioned himself an elevated bed that manages to stay above the water line even during major flooding.
Boing Boing
It was dank and dark.
The Times Literary Supplement
And bright and open plains are mixed up with dank caves.
The Sun
It looks to be delivering fuel oil, but as the driver hooks up a hose from the back of the truck, it turns out the hose is suctioning out aged cognac from casks stored in dank caves below the castle for bottling at the modern plant down the road.
He chose to live in the dark and dank bowels and basements of buildings, rejected by family and society.
The Gedankenexperiment the thought experiment that Hegel's idealistic philosophy could cause real violent political repercussions might be considered excessive.
The Full Feed from
The narrative is surprisingly compelling, the author kept me turning the pages, There are enough scenes in dark towers, cemeteries and dank bookstores (indeed bibliophilia plays an integral part of the story), the Devil his own self, to keep even the jaded horror fan interested.
Reader reviews of The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.
Actually to call it dank is a tad untrue - we were blessed with clear blue skies which lit up leaves, hips and haws.
A portrait of Snailbeach
A thin trickle of water drips down the dank side of a cliff face to splash into the stream below.
And bright and open plains are mixed up with dank caves.
The Sun
Burning herbs and spices still has a place in the home: not to mask staleness and bad odours as they did in those dank houses of the past, but to perfume the air with an enjoyable sweetness.
Opposite of where she stood, bright sunlight poured into the dank cavern.
There was a dankness in the air, a smell of creeping poverty which emanated from the beggars and rose to enfold them all.
It is impossible to keep really warm, one is either hot and fuggy or else dankly cold.
Johanweet Hans te vertellen welk salaris van Danko Lazovic gaat verdienen bij Zenit sint-petersburg, Daaom wou hij perse weg. - Articles related to Nigeria striker Martins joins Russian champions
Place it somewhere cool and bright and out of the sun, but not in some cold, dank corner with no air passing round it.
Times, Sunday Times
They are business professionals looking to take breaks from their regular routine and shuffle into a hard-knock world of dank locker rooms, sweaty ring towels, liniment, spit buckets and crusty old trainers.
This exotic, faintly ridiculous dish more than makes up for the dank profiteroles, served with what tasted like canned whipped cream.
The room, true to its name, resembled a cavern with its dank cement walls.
It was warm, so much so that we must first open our outer coats, toss back our hoods, and then take them off; the men and women of the tribe both went bare to the waist and I found my under-tunic sticky with sweat, clinging dankly to my body.
Sorceress of the Witch World
It is worth conducting a ` Gedankenexperiment 'as to what would happen if Britain abolished sterling at, say, 12 AM this morning.
Telegraph Blogs
The sky could no longer be seen and the air had grown heavy and dank as if with the incipience of a storm.
The Miko
The dank cave floor swarms with flesh-eating dermestid beetles, which museums often employ to clean animal skeletons; should a maladroit bat fall into their midst, they'll reduce it to bones in minutes.
And bright and open plains are mixed up with dank caves.
The Sun
The pictures also show the dank, dark conditions the miners endured for two months.
The Sun
After a bit of scrub-bashing, we emerged from the edge of a dank mossy glade by a stream.
She neither shrieked nor fainted; but no poor January fieldfare was ever colder, no ice-house more dank with perspiration, than she was then.
The Hand of Ethelberta
Subsequently appointed to Beringer Vineyard's food and wine externship in Napa County, California, Danko soon took the helm as Executive Chef.
It delivered me to this unknown rock, where trees meet on hill-tops to tangle dark branches under fog shot with dankness and blight, and I am always welcome because I am the only one — and the funny birds who tell no jokes, and the giant bile-squirting flowers, and the delirious prancing monkeys, and I have nothing in particular to say, and I say it again and again
Last month I saw the first firing of the rocket in a dank aircraft hangar in Cornwall.
Times, Sunday Times
From obvious repair tunnels for the subway line, they went down, the tunnels becoming darker and danker, descending a spiral of metal stairs that led to low vaults of brickwork or wet stone.
For the most part it was a silent forest, lush and dank, where only occasionally a wood-pigeon cooed or snow - white cockatoos laughed harshly in laborious flight.
Chapter 24
The pictures also show the dank, dark conditions the miners endured for two months.
The Sun
The inside of the cabin was dark, dank, and smelled musty.
Inside are two dark and dank rooms that have been completely gutted.
She moved out of the sunlight that flooded in between the nettles and into the dank gloom of the main tunnel.
Too often, bus stations are dreadful, offering inefficient dark, dank and stinking shelters to travellers, who are automatically marked down as second class citizens.
Chill sweat gathered in his armpits, beaded dankly on his slightly hollowed cheeks and square jaw.
Web Of The Witch World
There was an impalpable, cold dankness in the air and a strange odor, a blend of the metal of the locomotive and of coffee vapors.
The night was dark and dank, the streets of Rome covered in a thick fog.
Playing this sort of music did nothing to bring me towards liking pop but that all changed when I got a job as a roadie for Johnny Dankworth's big band.
The sky is overcast, clouded by dank mists of humidity thronging the volcanoes and mountains.
People who toiled in dim, dank factories were too exhausted to enjoy their family life.
As she made her perilous way down the dark and dank tunnel, she wondered what great adventures lay before her.
For the most part it was a silent forest, lush and dank, where only occasionally a wood-pigeon cooed or snow - white cockatoos laughed harshly in laborious flight.
Chapter 24
Perhaps we were unlucky, but instead of an open top double-decker we got a dank and dark coach.
Times, Sunday Times
It delivered me to this unknown rock, where trees meet on hill-tops to tangle dark branches under fog shot with dankness and blight, and I am always welcome because I am the only one — and the funny birds who tell no jokes, and the giant bile-squirting flowers, and the delirious prancing monkeys, and I have nothing in particular to say, and I say it again and again
I watch the smug curve in his mouth and smell the sneezy air of the dumpy, dampy, danky, dark dungeon office that Inspicorp keeps for the drops offs and pick ups of all the seeds and shit.
Bonnie: The Uninspired Muse
It will not be amisse when you finde it dankish to wipe over the leaves with a dry woollen cloth.
Vanishing England
He reached the bottom and choked on the dank musty smell that greeted him.
The rain had turned to drizzle during lunch but, slightly fogged with Chablis, he welcomed the dank air on his face.
And bright and open plains are mixed up with dank caves.
The Sun
Half the film is set in the precincts of a dank and dreary prison, with highly theatrical sets and lighting, and the film is a brutal but stylised vision of the criminal's place in modern society.
Enter through a chairless lobby and proceed down a dank hallway - stained carpet, scuffed walls - to the factory floor.
He tweaks the unkempt bristles of yahoos, scourges grunting knuckle-draggers, mocks unibrows and is merciless with gun-totin ', whittlin', racist rednecks who hang out in the fetid swamps of Small Dead Animals and other even danker and oozier places, where pedophile-enablers and stalkers dwell.
Archive 2009-06-01
It's worth spending a dank and drizzly autumn weekend finding out.
The Anatomy of Ghosts by Andrew Taylor
The dankness chilled Annika to the bone, and she wished desperately for a fire to warm by.
The room was cold and slightly dank.
The temps jumped 20 degrees, and the miserable dank week before was forgotten.
The bag had been sitting in a dank tent for three days and smelled like an old laundry hamper.
The suffix "- ec -" is used to form words indicating the "abstract quality" of that which is expressed in the root, or formation, to which it is attached: amikeco = friendship. fleksebleco = flexibility. ofteco = frequency. patreco = fatherhood. indeco = worthiness. patrineco = motherhood. dankemeco = thankfulness. maltrankvileco = uneasiness.
A Complete Grammar of Esperanto
We all know that our politicians want to get on the peace bandwagon and even Brian Mulroney now says that his greatest priority is peace. dankly I think this is untrue.
Looking for Trouble
If it were a monster, it'd be an amazingly rare kind of beastie that hides in the darkest, dankest spots of Bodmin Moor. - All Updates
Maria Fischer's "Traumgedanken" book is a collection of "literary, philosophical, psychological and scientifical texts" about dreams.
Physical Hyperlinks Created For New Book