
Daniel Boone

  1. an American pioneer and guide and explorer (1734-1820)

How To Use Daniel Boone In A Sentence

  • For the pioneers who set out to confront these lands, following trailblazers like Daniel Boone, the conquest of the West is a story of courage and hardship that forges the character of America.
  • Camelot Schools has contracts worth $13.1 million to run the Excel Academy, an alternative school for "over-age" high school students on Bustleton Avenue, near Harbison, in the Northeast; and two disciplinary schools, Daniel Boone, at 26th and Jefferson streets, Strawberry Mansion, and Shallcross, at Woodhaven Road near Knights, in the Far Northeast. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Imagine wandering through mountains and wilderness that had never been explored and blazing a trail that others would follow. If you can imagine doing this, you're a lot like Daniel Boone.
  • Delighting his European patrons, Audubon played the part of the American woodsman with relish, slicking his hair with bear grease, wearing rough wool pants and a buckskin jacket, and claiming to have hunted with Daniel Boone.
  • This irksomely catchy faux folk song, together with Fess Parker's earnest portrayal of the frontier hero for Disney, cemented an image of Daniel Boone in the minds of two or three generations of Americans. At Home in Paradise
  • Today the coal miner's daughter and descendant of Daniel Boone is reaping the rewards for her stick-to-it-iveness.
  • He claims he's a direct descendant of Davy Crockett and Daniel Boone, and if you saw him shoot, you might believe him.
  • The pass was discovered in 1750 by Thomas Walker, and the Wilderness Road blazed by Daniel Boone runs through it.
  • In one of his more famous episodes, Beaubien participated in the raid that captured Daniel Boone and twenty-six of his men.
  • Daniel Boone famously blazed the Wilderness Road through the gap, which enabled white migration to the Northwest Territory.
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