How To Use Dangling In A Sentence
As proof of his discreetness, moss had grown all over the stone houses, with small trees sprouting from the roofs, and poison ivy dangling over the walls to cover up the windows.
Cornelius observed that the wooden bobbin dangling on a string from the window blind was the shape of an acorn.
Next to the phone, there was a pencil dangling on a string.
His hand was frozen, suspended in mid-air, the necklace barely dangling off it.
Bights of buntline and other ropes were dangling from above, only waiting to be swung from.
The Blue Lagoon: a romance

Once or twice a day the intrepid fisherman ‘runs’ his trot line meaning he gets in a boat and checks the hook dangling beneath each float and if necessary sticks a fresh perch on it for bait.
A top-heavy nurse in cricket pads and dangling overhead light pack struggles to aim a fire breathing generator in a duel with a whip-cracking foreman.
The decision made, he turned and swaggered out of the door, idle hands swinging and dangling as he strode manfully toward the stairwell.
Riders are suspended in the jaws of a vampire bat, their legs dangling free, as they swoop over the treetops and soar through the sky.
Sounds like dangling that ole lawsuit bugaboo.
My own coat was still draped over the chair by the door, but even from where I stood I could see loose threads dangling from the seams.
He closed his fist around the cross dangling from the necklace at her throat.
But she was criticized as a showboat for her victory prance around the field with an enormous fake gold medal dangling from her neck and a cell phone pressed to her ear.
The Bad Girl of Women’s Soccer
“Poets As Bad Guy, then and now:” I like to enter small jerkwater towns/with engine roaring, then rock to a stop/and park before a group of local clowns/to make a cigarette-dangling entrance.
Ron offen | 2 poems and more about… « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
In the first Hostel, the movie eventually revealed that its real interest was purely in shock value and the scopophiliac pleasures of dangling eyeballs.
Movie Recommendations
There are beautiful designer dresses dangling from rails, vertiginous heels lined up beside them - but they seem to hold little interest.
Times, Sunday Times
That leaves the oxygen with a very friendly bond dangling, and it likes to hook up with its nearby carbon buddy, to form what is called the carbonyl bond.
At the same time, by dangling the art in an implied deep space, Bontecou conceives a void filled with anti-gravitational activity.
The man on the doorstep had a camera dangling round his neck and was wearing a soft trilby hat - the kind that George Raft used to wear.
There was a rope dangling down into a dark, bottomless hole.
However, recently he was censured for dangling his baby son Bob near the open jaws of a crocodile and forced to make an apology to his millions of fans.
One preternaturally long bony hand, a length of severed rope dangling from the wrist, clutched with clawed fingers at a sword gash in chain mail stained with dried blood.
Conan The Invincible
Another half-second and he would have found himself in limbo, lips dangling.
The rest of the room was decorated rodeo style with red booths, horseshoes dangling from the walls, and cowboy hats littered on several of the tabletops.
She escaped serious injury as a pavement cafe boss rushed to grab her shoulders as she was left dangling yesterday.
The Sun
I want to see what shadows are cast by a Calder mobile dangling from an ear, or to hear what kind of percussive music it creates.
Body Sculpture Crafted by Calder
Nothing a writer says surprises me anymore, not even if Jeff VanderMeer told me he did his first drafts while dangling naked upside from a coconut palm, writing in squid ink through the hollowed fingerbone of William S. Burroughs.
MIND MELD: Behind the Scenes...How the Hottest Short Fiction Anthologies Are Created (Part 1)
The penniless stand at the sea wall, dangling hooks into the surf, and stare out at the oil tankers queuing up in the bay.
Times, Sunday Times
There was a cigarette dangling from his mouth.
Chances of people dangling from ceiling Low.
Times, Sunday Times
Somewhat more creationist in approach is the Nerve-Wracking Ball: a bowling ball on a rope, dangling from a tall tree branch.
Moving pinpoints of light were formed by water running down the side of the icicle, dangling from the end, and either freezing solid or being blown away by a gust of wind.
After dangling for hours within arms reach of each other, the two PTIs started looking for ways to keep amused to avoid going stir-crazy.
The first bug pattern relating to null-pointer exceptions that we'll explore is one that I call the Dangling Composite pattern.
There was a rope dangling down into a dark, bottomless hole.
There is something cartoonish about him - dangling arms, head that looks like its rolling off his neck, lumpish face and deadpan expression.
Elinor rose, and going to her bag that was still dangling from the chair back where she had flung it in her hurried preparation for dinner, took out a cardcase, and drawing forth three square bits of gray cardboard, handed them to Patricia.
Miss Pat at School
But Clinton had left her dangling, repeatedly refusing to say whether she would win reappointment.
Also new for 2001 is the arrival of infrared technology for headphones, eliminating the dangling wires of first-generation systems.
Someone decided that the semicolons were needlessly fussy, resulting in what English teachers call a dangling modifier.
And it is not the dangling boot-cut, or the over-exposed midriff that's bothering them.
The creature poked a tiny head out from under the bush, two huge floppy ears dangling to its feet.
Sourwood decks itself with pendulous seedpods, and hazelnut displays dangling catkins in early spring.
Pilots had begun learning how to parachute with life rafts dangling between their legs.
Spitfire Women of World War II
What better could I have done in the smoky warmth of our hearth-fire than to con, by the light of the electric bulb dangling overhead, its annals in some such voluntarily quaint and unconsciously old-fashioned volume as Irving’s Legends of the Conquest of Spain; or to read in some such (if there is any such other) imperishably actual and unfadingly brilliant record of impressions as Gautier’s
Familiar Spanish Travels
Our salad was a large pile of finger-length matchsticks plopped into a small bowl, pieces dangling over the edges.
He was wrapped in a kind of capot of green bays, lined with wolf-skin, had a pair of monstrous boots, quilted on the inside with cotton, was almost covered with dirt, and rode a mule so low that his long legs hung dangling within six inches of the ground.
Travels through France and Italy
Occasionally the hurling bodies hit the dangling light bulb - which could easily break, exposing a wire and electrocuting the crowd.
Do you suppose it has ever occurred to any of these morons that I never intended to buy this POS company, and was only dangling big numbers out there so that I could bump up the price that Red Hat would have to pay when its hair-trigger CEO got all huffy and rushed in to "outbid" me?
Archive 2006-12-01
Scarier yet, some deep-sea-dwelling, sci-fi-looking breeds of anglerfish, which attract prey by dangling a bioluminescent lure from their foremost dorsal spine, can take down fish their own size in a single gulp.
The transitory and singularly small and simple denticle in the horse exemplifies the rudiment of an ancestral structure in the same degree as do the hoofless splint-bones; just as the spurious hoofs dangling therefrom in hipparion are retained rudiments of the functionally developed lateral hoofs in the broader foot of palæotherium.
The World's Greatest Books — Volume 15 — Science
Loose electric wires were dangling from the wall.
He has a trendy haircut and wears a dangling earring, but his accent is like his father's.
But for those of us who are, our tootsies are dangling.
Giles tugged desperately at the manacles, his fingers scrabbling upward against the chain dangling them from the ceiling.
The film opens with a shot of a climber dangling from a precipice.
The getaway by bus goes smoothly until an accident sends the vehicle into a skid, leaving it dangling precariously over the edge of a cliff.
Times, Sunday Times
Two naked light bulbs dangling from the ceiling provided light.
Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole could not leave it dangling as a rebuke to his legislative skills during his presidential campaign.
The French eventually tried to break the stalemate by dangling a lure in front of Gen. Giap.
Someone sitting on a vinyl picnic chair in a rumpled gray robe sat with his back to the door, long legs dangling over a four-foot tall ornamental railing built from a row of white sepulchral urns.
With a 100 million incentive package dangling before them, the new management team certainly have sufficient carrots.
Times, Sunday Times
Meanwhile, Steve dashed to Ronnie, who was dangling headfirst from the passenger door.
The ladder cracked and he was suddenly unsupported in the darkness, scrabbling with both hands to hold on to timbers, losing his grip and dangling from the rope.
At last he reaches the final few notes, his body devoid of tension and he adds a slight delay as if playing with the listener, dangling the promise of an encore.
One subtle touch is a handmade mobile - two wire coat hangers dangling with familiar slam-dunking silhouettes cut from black construction paper.
She longed for the gorgeousness of silk, the softness of cashmere, for swirly prints and tropical colour and dangling earrings and drama.
I wait for them at the top, dangling my feet off the side of the building, wiggling my stiff toes in the air.
He followed her to Switzerland one summer, and all the time that he was dangling after her (a little too conspicuously, I always thought, for a Great Man), he was writing to me about his theory of vowel-combinations -- or was it his experi - ments in English hexameter?
The Muse's Tragedy
I sat on our scratchy brick stoop, dangling my legs edge, feeling more rootless felt.
A Sea Folk woman stared back at her, aghast, with a dozen begemmed rings in her ears and twice as many golden medallions dangling from the chain running to her nose ring.
A Crown of Swords
When he stopped, there were usually dewdrops of sweat and condensation on his black beard; in cold weather, a dangling clot of ice; in the summer, there were fine little braids of red welts under the hairs and just above the skin.
David means | the woodcutter « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
I have nearly no dialogue, too much internal monologue, and multitudinous plot lines dangling all over the place.
Spectacularly set atop a Tennessee mountain, it's a veritable factory of what Tennessee Williams might have referred to -- drawlingly, with a cigarette dangling -- as "gentlemen and women of substance.
Southern Charm
The penniless stand at the sea wall, dangling hooks into the surf, and stare out at the oil tankers queuing up in the bay.
Times, Sunday Times
Then I glanced at the tag dangling from the left sleeve and I almost fainted.
Unfinished Symphony
Pilots had begun learning how to parachute with life rafts dangling between their legs.
Spitfire Women of World War II
Cities spent decades dangling tax breaks and other financial sweeteners to attract big business.
He made his way towards her and sat on the swing beside her, his legs dangling, his toes gently scuffing the grass, as he made no effort to swing, only sway lightly.
The men wear a horned headdress with a tall tuft of feathers and a fringe of cowry shells dangling over their faces.
They're the bright, neon-green iguanas of mainland South America, garish, streetwise cousins of the clean-living marine iguanas of the Galápagos, with dangling dewlaps and a decadent string of fringe down their backs.
Cities spent decades dangling tax breaks and other financial sweeteners to attract big business.
The bodies were left as a warning, to putrefy dangling in public.
These in turn led, after she was back in New York, to the monochromatic or gradated black and gray sculptures with more wound string, wrapped forms, and such nonart materials as net bags, rubber tubing, and dangling cords.
Eva Hesse.
I'm sitting with the heavyweight champion of the world on the apron of a boxing ring, our legs dangling over its edge.
He looked around and saw it dangling from a big blue crane above a huge crushing machine.
The Sun
On Saturday I phone my city children to entice them out for Thanksgiving, dangling before them mountain marvels and prepaid tickets.
Ingenious eruptions produce from nowhere a huge solid tree and vines dangling in a leafy canopy.
Times, Sunday Times
Upon further investigation, I've discovered "dangling and dipping" are foot fetishist terms.
Cornelius observed that the wooden bobbin dangling on a string from the window blind was the shape of an acorn.
It had a little crown of golden feathers on its head and a few of the feathers were dangling free.
Loose electric wires were dangling from the wall.
He dug a coin out of the purse dangling from his belt; it was almost all of what he had, but he wouldn't feel right if he didn't offer her something in recompense.
Dotted with scrubland and lone trees dangling on plateaus, hillside roads curled around the ascending stretch of hills.
Instead, he is dangling before its recipients a lump sum that is difficult to argue with.
I sat in it once when they were picking tomatoes, my feet dangling, the ridge of the seat hurting my thighs, making red weals.
Pilots had begun learning how to parachute with life rafts dangling between their legs.
Spitfire Women of World War II
On finding one we would test its stability, and then cross it roped up to a partner who would potentially catch you dangling on the end of your rope should the thin ice bridge over the crevasse suddenly give way.
Those who have left keys dangling on hooks near the front door have learned the hard way.
She glides into the room - immaculately attired in pink and grey, one long earring dangling like a silver icicle from her right ear, tangerine hair tumbling halfway down her back - and curls up on the sofa.
Motivation, for most people, involves dangling a carrot, some form of reward to aim for.
And when I looked down at Luna, she looked up at me with her eyes sparkling because of the sun, her floppy ears dangling.
Something that smelled like rotting flesh on burned toast was shuffling toward them, fungoid arms extended, eyeballs dangling from the ends of raw, frayed strings.
The Lives of Felix Gunderson
In one early scene in the book he is dangling in a harness fifty feet above the water level of an overgrown limestone cenote, or sinkhole, deep in the jungle of the Dominican Republic.
The nearby trees tower another 15 or 20 feet overhead, their breadfruits and coconuts dangling almost within reach.
Too many tourists are dangling carrots to get the perfect 'roo-selfie', however.
Times, Sunday Times
Tony walked to the bottom of the stairs, a damp dishrag dangling from his hand.
Gnawed arms ripped from the body but still dangling from the hands to the skewering pole.
He hung from the crossbar, his legs dangling uselessly in mid air.
Early on in the morning, she sat on the back corner of the roof with her feet dangling over the edge.
The ride came to a halt and those on board were left dangling hundreds of feet in the air.
Times, Sunday Times
But she was criticized as a showboat for her victory prance around the field with an enormous fake gold medal dangling from her neck and a cell phone pressed to her ear.
The Bad Girl of Women’s Soccer
A lock of his thin blond hair fell free from under his helmet, dangling on his high forehead.
Wrap the string around four or five times, with the loose end dangling down in between.
They were left dangling on a dislodged window cleaning cradle eight storeys above the ground.
A drummer with a gold-mounted elk's tooth dangling from his chain ogled her, so she sat very prim of back, gazing out over flying villages that were like white-pine toys cut in the cisalpine Alps and invitingly more clipped and groomed than the straggling Indiana towns of yesterday.
If the weather is fair, she sits outside, often with her legs dangling over the precipice, the spyglass propped between her knees.
Rust coming out of every panel, some of the blue lights have fallen off and are dangling on the grille, someone has stolen the CCTV camera from in it, the gearbox is a complete mess … I could go on.
Views From The Frontline « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
Here the public and shooters hang dead feral cats from an old mulga, and at any time there may be dozens of the stinking carcases dangling like macabre Christmas decorations.
Horrigan reports that "the freshness-expiration date on a dead and dangling vulture is about a month".
Lance Mannion:
The curators have set out to draw together the threads left dangling from Shanghai's glamorous interwar years.
Times, Sunday Times
Scosche's solBat II charger combines a lithium ion battery with a solar panel so it can charge devices as fast as a wall wart ... and then replenish itself in the sun. solBat II, the latest version of its USB charger for iPods, iPhones, and other USB devices that combines a 1500mA lithium-ion battery with a solar cell charger: the idea is that the batter can charge USB devices as fast as a wall wart, then then users can recharge the solBat II "greenly" in the sun for the next recharge, perhaps by plopping it inside a car windshield or dangling it from a backpack.
Digital Trends | Digital Trends
Shrouded in bracken and blackberry brambles is a bush dangling dozens of berries like Christmas tree ornaments.
Two had blue swallow-tailed coats with brass buttons; and a fourth, a dashing young lawyer's clerk from Clement's Inn, was absolutely stirring a mixture, which he called a mint julep, with a yellow kid glove dangling out of his hand.
The Three Clerks
A dozen gold chandeliers, with no doubt real crystals dangling from them, hung from the ceiling.
He was left dangling from a cliff face for three hours before the ropes gave way just as rescuers were preparing to reach him.
Times, Sunday Times
They live on the sea surface with stinging tentacles dangling below.
The Sun
Dexter looked up expectantly, a loop of ash dangling from the end of the cigarette he had lit in her absence.
The tight skirt she was wearing was all bunched up at her waist and her high heels were trying to fall off her dangling feet.
She is leaning against the table, hipshot, dangling a sandal, watching his every move.
The Fiddler in the Subway
Krzerszonese Milesia asundurst Sirdarthar Woolwichleagues, good tomkeys years somewhile in Crimealian wall samewhere in Ayerland, during me weeping stillstumms over the freshprosts of Eastchept and the dangling garters of Marrowbone and daring my wapping stiltstunts on Bostion Moss, old stile and new style and heave a lep onwards.
Finnegans Wake
You knew it was time to swear off the charm trend when your mom showed up at dinner with little horseshoes and roller skates dangling from her wrist.
He was left dangling for four minutes and suffered a brain injury.
Times, Sunday Times
She interweaves dark outlines and flatter strokes of paint in rendering a dangling stalk.
Chances of people dangling from ceiling Low.
Times, Sunday Times
He was no more sober than the crowd above which he now towered -- a wild crowd, uncouthly garmented, every foot moccasined or muc-lucked [3], with mittens dangling from necks and with furry ear-flaps raised so that they took on the seeming of the winged helmets of the Norsemen.
Chapter III
Did I need a tag dangling from Suzies neck to identify her?
Dog on It
The dangling element will brighten up a simple ponytail without making you look too schoolgirlish.
Times, Sunday Times
With her head lowered, the girl shuffled on down into the halls, her hands dangling loosely by her sides.
The ride came to a halt and those on board were left dangling hundreds of feet in the air.
Times, Sunday Times
When you coast by these places at night, you can observe under every table cloth a set of eight knobbly candle-white knees dangling from voluminous bags of shorts, above which ample stomachs are coddled by familiar, comforting tuck.
Good morning, Melaque: one day in a small Mexico beach town
Alexi stood across the ring, the bullwhip dangling from his hand.
Eric had no tie on, and his friend had his loosely dangling from his neck.
I had rescued them from the bin where she'd thrown them more than once: war decorations with important grosgrain ribbons in moire reds and blues dangling from a clasp, in a leather box from Spink of Piccadilly, like a soldier's.
And if - the surface carbon atoms are what we called dangling bonds, and they're very reactive.
Happy Birthday, Buckyballs!
Live wires left dangling from the ceiling could harm far more than your pride.
Times, Sunday Times
The Estrella was a pitiful sight, the more pitiful as they approached her, and could see more clearly the raffle of wreckage dangling forward, and the rudder torn loose aft.
Hornblower In The West Indies
His tall, impressive frame was leaning back comfortably in the big chair behind his desk, the trademark curl of jet-black hair dangling across his brow in a calculatedly insouciant manner.
At the same time as the new leaves, dangling golden catkins appear, looking very bright against the dark foliage.
Times, Sunday Times
But if I had a choice between teaching somebody about dangling participles and having them be able to carry on a conversation in a language other than English, I think I would choose the latter, and so would most of us.
What's The Point Of A Degree In French?
I apologised and tried to see if the mirror would go back on as it was dangling from the body of the car by 3 thick metal cables but it wouldn't because the tape had lost its stickiness.
Keeping the cash carrot dangling before the GAA ensures the organisation will remain onside when the National Stadium plan is put together.
What gets me is the blatant attempt to get you to vote for this madness by dangling the job carrot.
Above, power lines hang, their criss-crossed cables dangling like an unstrung bow.
Some Will Leave
I gazed at a silver crucifix dangling on a fine chain under the pit of her throat.
Dangling from them were small drops of red stone on silver filigree backing.
A tiny girl outdid them all by improvising a skirt from her brawny boyfriend's wind-cheater, with the collar zipped smugly round her waist and the sleeves turned inwards, the cuffs dangling well below the hemline!
The only other people I saw were crazy fishermen dangling their lines over sheer cliffs to the sea below.
The Sun
Rufus was sitting on the blue-tiled rim of it with his feet dangling in the water.
As a journalist, when you pull at a dangling thread and see three more threads come free it's hard to resist pulling on those too.
Furthermore: you must know that when the second iron is thrown overboard, it thenceforth becomes a dangling, sharp-edged terror, skittishly curvetting about both boat and whale, entangling the lines, or cutting them, and making a prodigious sensation in all directions.
Moby Dick; or the Whale
However, the dangling plotlines do not make this film unenjoyable.
Cigarettes dangling from downturned mouths, eyes screwed to the shore — the criminals are slim and beautiful, draped in their lawnchairs so their fingers leave trails in the river water.
2009 May « Tales from the Reading Room
As Adam stood, he too leaned on the redwood crosspiece, his bottle dangling in his hands as his shoulders hunched forward.
Yesterday, while finishing off my accounts, I looked up to find a pair of legs dangling outside the window.
At a time when the press failed to check a reactionary Administration, when the opposition party all too often chose timidity, it was the lowly and anonymous bureaucrats, clad in rumpled suits, ID badges dangling from their necks, who, in their own quiet, behind-the-scenes way, took to the ramparts to defend the integrity of the American system of government.
Matthew Yglesias » Bureaucracy: Teh Awesome
I'd not been warned about the bungee cord dangling from the luggage rack, which swiftly entangled itself in the gears, getting me as greasy-fingered fixing it as I would have been refitting the chain on my old rattler.
They live on the sea surface with stinging tentacles dangling below.
The Sun
The storms of years had washed the paint from it; it had "hogged" in the roof where the great square chimney projected its nicked bulk from among loosened bricks scattered on the shingles; and from knife-gnawed "deacon-seat" on the porch to window-blind, dangling from one hinge on the broad gable, the old structure was seedy indeed.
The Skipper and the Skipped Being the Shore Log of Cap'n Aaron Sproul
It looked like a leotard with little dangling fringes at the bottom and sequins everywhere.
One resident saw two legs dangling out and called the police but the thief got away.
The Sun
The Baroque introduced grotesques along with the heavy ball dangling from the central shaft, anchoring detachable rows of arms that allowed the hanging fixture to mutate vertically.
Andy and I sat on the edge of the dock, dangling our legs into the water with the rough, scratchy boards underneath us and the sun blazing down from above.
Resolutely unglamorous, Chadsey's young men, no hunks, preen and pose, sometimes grotesquely transformed by superimpositions that seem to be materialized projections of their fantasies, like the vulpine shadow in "Portrait (Pink Beak)," the black mud luchador mask (or terrorist balaclava) in "Blackface Rod," the dangling penis in the standing/spread-eagled protagonist of "Marines," or the extra sets of arms in the androgynous "Red Head (Shift).
ArtScene: This Month's Top Exhibitions in the Western United States
The off ox, finding a yoke sans yokefellow dangling at its neck, is much amazed, not being "broke" to that, and takes to whirling round and round and galloping up and down the barnyard in a manner suggestive of nightmare.
Lippincott's Magazine, Vol. 22, September, 1878
Dangling and/or string-like things such as shoelaces, cords, gold chains and dental floss also make excellent toys.
I love browsing a shelf full of books I don't know much about, only to come upon a neat shelftalker dangling below a book with a handwritten recommendation from a real, live bookseller who loved it and wants me to share the joy.
Jason Pinter: 10 Things Bookstores Need to Do to Help Themselves
Agency officials are also good at dangling carrots before committee members, he says.
Wonderbaby’s meagre coif is entirely pixie, except for the long flip of fringe that has been dangling over her eyes for some weeks now.
Beware Bad Mothers Bearing Scissors | Her Bad Mother
Each had shaved the sides of his head, leaving long roaches in the center, and the forelocks dangling down their foreheads were decorated with shining white shell beads.
Fire The Sky
But only is a relative concept when at any moment a capricious up-, down-, or cross-draft might have dashed the dangling deputy against the side of the cliff or sent the helicopter spiraling into the ravine.
Story-wise, this season progressed by taking the dangling paternity results from the previous season and turning them into a major arc.
Somehow I ended up in a brown sack with a floppy felt hat with a flower dangling off it.
Alexi stood across the ring, the bullwhip dangling from his hand.
The ride came to a halt and those on board were left dangling hundreds of feet in the air.
Times, Sunday Times
In some ways, that book was like dangling bait to find out if I wasn't insane.
The last thing you find is a pair of earrings that have hearts dangling at the bottom.
MAX, advertised with a photo of a heavy steel chain dangling from a telephone receiver in place of a cord.
The Prison-Industrial Complex
Dicena had cried herself out and draped herself on her mother's shoulders, arms limply dangling down Debra's back.
Whoever watches boys 'playing horse,' making a pocket-handkerchief dangling behind to represent the tail, and sees them stamping, snorting, prancing, and champing the imaginary bit, witnesses the alchymy of the imagination, an alchymy out-stripping all the wonders and out-weighing all the treasures of the prosaic positive chemistry, so longed for by the present generation.
The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, January 1844 Volume 23, Number 1
There was always a cigarette dangling at a dozen different angles from his lips.
Sitting at the end of the longest of three piers, our feet dangling off the edge, we spent the balance of the hour watching it arrive.
Louise always has half a dozen boys dangling abouther.
So I hear the copters overhead, and I see Chris dangling from one of them on a rope, he's going to drop into my house like some kind of superhero.
He was dangling from a hook, a few feet off a wooden scaffold.
The impact of the crash snapped the pole in two, with the upper half landing on his roof, leaving live cables dangling next to his property.
His hand was on another squab when the ladder cracked and he was suddenly unsupported in the darkness, scrabbling with both hands to hold on to timbers, losing his grip and absurdly dangling from the rope.
Now, this is what I call responsive mozzarella," Dug remarked, dangling his slice by a stretching string of cheese and bouncing it like a yo-yo.
Roc and a Hard Place
With his experimental "metafiction" - spoofing literary conventions, leaving sentences dangling, writing an entire novel ( "Gold Fools") in the form of questions - he seemed to place himself squarely in the postmodernist camp; but his ear for American, especially New York, speech, and his attention to the spirit of place and compassion for the average loser, all defined him as a kindred spirit of such great American humorists as Mark Twain and Peter De Vries.
NYT > Home Page
Quite close to Farmer White's is a little ruinous cottage, white-washed once, and now in a sad state of betweenity, where dangling stockings and shirts, swelled by the wind, drying in a neglected garden, give signal of a washerwoman.
Our Village