How To Use Dangle In A Sentence
This nifty little thriller opens with the arresting image of a nebbishy accountant being dangled over the side of a bridge.
To complete the desired effect of Edmund's cuteness, the photographer has put a posy of flowers into his hand, then perched him on a tall rattan chair from which his short legs dangle.
They are then strung from trees and dangle in the scorching sun.
Times, Sunday Times
A single electric light bulb dangled from the ceiling.
Paul watched carefully the vagaries of her excitement, and kept his sharp hawk's-eye upon everything; he had quite made up his mind not to dangle for two years, as he had round Colette de Rosen.
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Co.rtesy Loree Rodkin Co. Jessica Biel shows off white-gold and diamond quatrefoil earrings with briolette dangles.
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From his lapel dangled, one above the other, three RNLI service medals.
The offer of further employment is dangled before them like a carrot, if their work is good enough.
Microphones now dangle discretely over the pews, so the congregation can hear each other sing; the bema , or stage, has been lowered and the front rows made movable, so that the clergy can feel closer to the congregation.
After Fire, Temple Rises
From one hand she dangled the sandals by their straps.
EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER: A Journey Through the Science of Feelings
She dragged out the swing and hung it on chains that dangled from the ceiling of the porch.
The leaves of the great poplar he climbed in gleamed as though polished; bead-like fruit dangled, inviting young hands to burst the green capsules open and release the fluffy seed.
Chandeliers dangle over blackjack tables, the only break in the acoustic-tile ceiling.
But that was then and now slivers of hope dangle by threads.
Times, Sunday Times
You seem to have erred in characterizing as solipsistic those solons who dangled a participle in drafting the law controlling the National Endowment for the Arts.
No Uncertain Terms
Remember when I was a disco dangle with a spangle sweating in my sticky pocket caning pop and disco dangle darling watching you?
Bone Dust Disco
You can see from the middle pic that the choker has a "dangler" down the back for an even more sexy look, esp with a dress!
Fashion World of SL
You see I've never been a radio listener, a CD swapper, or an earbud dangler.
September 2008
But that was then and now slivers of hope dangle by threads.
Times, Sunday Times
Huge earrings dangled from her ears.
Mary dangled be-ribboned trinkets before her the minute she opened her eyes, and they were all in danger of hurting her with overkindness.
Three Little Cousins
Spectacularly, he is thrown by his captors over the side of the bridge and caught to dangle on his ropes and chains in mid air.
From her slim hands, poised delicatly = yet stiffly = around the remote to her car stereo, to the stretch of long, organized, red hair that dangles down the front of her hippish-styled Target shirt = of which she has purchased all they produced since last may = Shes batting her eyes at me, thick, clumped mascara on curled, lined eyelashes ... she speaks.
Breakthedark Diary Entry
But that was then and now slivers of hope dangle by threads.
Times, Sunday Times
That is why the tax relief is dangled as an incentive.
Rosabeth Carrera stood beside it and pulled off her laminated picture badge from which dangled a dosimeter and several keys.
The other she draped across her forehead, so the karaso dangled down her back.
From his arm a folded dustcoat, a stick and an umbrella dangled to his stride. —
The shrub layer includes lowbush blueberry, black huckleberry, dangleberry, staggerbush, inkberry and sheep laurel.
Her barely there makeup took almost an hour to apply and she’d arranged her hair in an upswept ’do that required forty-five minutes of concentration as she created an off-center part, gathered her hair tightly into place, and then strategically released strands of hair, allowing the tresses to dangle, successfully pulling off the impression of whimsical undoneness that was both capricious and exceedingly sexy.
Pure Paradise
Gmail is free, and you can fandangle other ways to get a professional email without spending a dime!
Is Your Email Address Losing You Clients?
Curtains to danglers… Valerie Clegg reckons her special curtain hook invention will mean a neater look that will appeal to the houseproud.
That is some carrot to dangle in front of them.
The Sun
Half the cast dangle above the stage on ropes or perch precariously on a bamboo scaffold that forms the skeleton of the set.
Times, Sunday Times
While he was thus dangled in a state of suspension, a German trooper was transiently smit with the charms of his mother, who listened to his honourable addresses, and once more received the silken bonds of matrimony; the ceremony having been performed as usual at the drum-head.
The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom
Her platinum blonde hair was neatly cut and sleeked back, besides the odd strand which dangled over her jade eyes.
Beyond this, the logger explains that his operators didn't really like dangle grapples, and felt more comfortable using fixed-mount designs.
We dangled pretty lights around the hall.
His mane has grown long and shaggy, visually appealing and attractive, and he asked for a silver and diamond stud instead of a dangler for his translator.
For interferon has been dangled as a bait before investors with more money than scientific sense.
The cigarette dangled from the corner of her red-smudged lips, its burnt and ashy tip sending up thin trails of smoke into the already stuffy air.
A Weston light meter in a leather case dangled from his neck like an amulet.
To entice companies to bring home profits earned abroad, he dangles a one-time reduced 5% tax on repatriated earnings.
You can add a bobeche, this is a disk made out of glass, plastic or ceramic with a hole in the center and sometimes crystal dangles.
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The prospect of promotion was dangled before him.
Half the cast dangle above the stage on ropes or perch precariously on a bamboo scaffold that forms the skeleton of the set.
Times, Sunday Times
One had no hair on his head, for it had all moved down to his chin in a frizzy, pointed beard that dangled down to his waist.
From the long tapering fingers of her right hand a golden chain dangled and swinging idly from its end hung a small iridescent vial.
Oversized silver hoops dangled from her ears, glinting softly in the light from the Corvette.
It was of the same color and material as the robe she wore previously, and the gold chain still dangled at her waist, diamonds winking and shining brighter than ever.
The wind was blowing through her fancy curtained window and a light breeze hit her long brown hair as it dangled off the bed hitting the pale purple and mauve comforter.
The government should be able to dangle an insolvency law as an incentive to cooperate.
After a while I realised that the neck dangler was the remote to open the door!
Gold bracelet, sports shirt, and a small crucifix dangled from a 24-carat chain round his throat.
Thirty years before, I asked Jim Angleton of the CIA if the Nosenko walk-in was what he called a dangle, and he waved me on.
No Uncertain Terms
But that was then and now slivers of hope dangle by threads.
Times, Sunday Times
O'Meara wears the bullet around his neck, letting it dangle above his heart.
That is some carrot to dangle in front of them.
The Sun
The worried passenger tried to enter the train only to slip and dangle between the footboard of the bogie and the platform.
A mangled foot dangled from a sliver of skin.
Times, Sunday Times
A lone naked bulb dangled from the ceiling.
Fly girl: Pink dangled from a Cirque du Soleil-type contraption while performing Glitter in the Air.
Grammy Awards: Soaring to eclectic heights
We dangled pretty lights around the hall.
Such baskets dangle from the handlebars of the bicycles, mopeds and motorbikes which are the transport of the masses.
But, nevertheless, considering what they had done, they neither deserved, nor did they seem to care for commiseration, holding up their brazen faces as if they had been taking a pleasure walk for the benefit of their health, and the poukit hens, that dangled before them, ornaments of their bravery.
The Life of Mansie Wauch tailor in Dalkeith
February 26th, 2009 6: 37pm stanley Jerusalem-I have not forgotten where I came from, if some of these posters have, I was dangled over a shmaltz herring barrel every sunday and was used for fishing them out - you do not forget that even if mr galileo has forgotten - I am waiting for his report on the play where he will attend with a placard "I am A jew" on his back and clutching a lokshen pudding to his breast.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
The mother dangled a toy in front of the baby.
Politicians regularly dangle in front of voters the idea of adding another.
Times, Sunday Times
From Nov.1 to Dec.25, the booklet offers l0-40% discounts on the wares of local merchants and mercados, and dangles such incentives as free gifts with purchase.
Her red hair was pulled backward into a bun, and two thin wisps of hair dangled near her eyes.
I get entertained by a talent who dangles outsider clichés without any idea what to say.
Kick off your shoes and dangle your legs off the quayside.
Times, Sunday Times
In his other hand the silver salver dangled uselessly at his side.
One scene shot at night spotlights a cluster of ordinary folk near a stand of trees; from bare branches dangle two refrigerators, each suspended from a rope.
Muradjan Halmuratov Uzbekistan was the final dangler caught just before the final lap to go.
Elia Viviani confirms with win over Robbie McEwen in historic Indian race
I had the chance to talk with one combat flight medic who specializes in something known as hoist maneuvers, basically being dangled from a helicopter and dropped into tough areas to rescue the injured.
CNN Transcript Sep 19, 2009
A mangled foot dangled from a sliver of skin.
Times, Sunday Times
I'd suspend little supermagnets from the ceiling with fishline, dangle them inside precisely-kinked, hand-wound coils, power up the coils and watch how the magnets would move.
Analog Science Fiction and Fact
Some sit on thin pedestals or dangle from the tips of twigs; others perch directly on branches, lined up like kernels on a corncob.
So much for phony lowball estimates, which all governments dangle to keep the rubes quiet.
He asked whether she would mind calling him a cab and she dangled car keys and said she would drive him herself.
The front of his shirt is stained with blood, and a stream of snot and blood dangles from his left nostril.
Shards of skin dangled from fingers that look disfigured and ended with fingernails that can only be described as a manicurist's worst nightmare.
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Two wires dangled from the heart of the machine and gently danced in the breeze.
Excerpt: The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind by William Kamkwamba
In today's photos, an anhinga goes fishing in Florida, musicians dangle from the air at Tour de France festivities, New York Gov.
Pictures of the Day: July 1
A well preserved dead horse that dangled from the ceiling had its legs pulled in different directions by ropes.
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They came forward and gripped the length of rope that dangled from the gallows and tugged on it.
The Size of Things « A Fly in Amber
A light bulb dangled from a wire in the ceiling.
You loop one end of a strap through the handle of your bag and let it dangle.
Times, Sunday Times
In the olden days on St Kilda and at several bleak rocky points east, tenacious hunters would dangle off perilous cliffs to catch their harvest.
She kept glancing at the massive Mickey Mouse watch that dangled round her thin bony wrist.
Ribbons, pearl and purple, dangle from the maypole down to the pale hands of children, who pull them, giggling.
Under the Maypole
Didn't he dangle from the aerial tram for a rope rescue demonstration?
If they're going to re-do PGE Park yet again... (Jack Bog's Blog)
A lone naked bulb dangled from the ceiling.
She loves earrings and has a varied collection of long danglers made of stones and wires.
He dropped a couple of euros in the felt hat that dangled from the front.
Times, Sunday Times
At the same time, a chubby, square-faced man flattened his body against the roadway, and dangled his arm through the metal slats down into the sewer drain.
A Kettle of Vultures
Water seeped from ruptured pipes and corrugated iron dangled from the roofs of the damaged shops.
I think the Park Slope 'dangler' and the Prospect Park Prince are one and the same.
Throwing Down Your Arms: A Time and Place for Everything
Now, if the marquisate is dangled out of his reach, he will have no thoughts to spare from himself.
Letters of Two Brides
The point of attaching the parachute bridle to the carabineer is that then you can dangle from the hang glider as you come down under chute.
A lone naked bulb dangled from the ceiling.
She landed on her bed; it was the sort commonly called a "dangler"-- a two person hammock of strong but lightweight demi-silk, anchored to the ceiling at four points.
Archive 2008-07-01
Fumbling with a glass of champagne, his monocle popped out and dangled in the drink.
Walls inside the restaurant were riddled with holes, wires dangled from the ceiling, and clusters of pipes were exposed.
Opals and moonstones glimmer as they dangle from her bracelets and anklets.
That is some carrot to dangle in front of them.
The Sun
His legs dangled over the side of the boat.
I dangled, like bad laundry, mortified with the lack of movement.
It dangles a tantalising prize in front of the leadership candidates - a policy, and more importantly a symbol, that would forever banish the image of old-fashioned Conservatism.
Every five feet, there is a banner or a signboard or a glow sign or a poster or a dangler.
Then there's the difference between ramblers, scramblers and danglers.
The laws linking mind and brain are what Feigl calls nomological danglers, that is, brute facts added onto the body of integrated physical law.
With all the new fangle-dangles of these days, women voting and all, you're a lucky boy to have found an old-fashioned girl!
American Cookery November, 1921
Inside, bright streamers dangled form the ceiling as flower petals decorated the floor.
From the card dangled a certified sho-shweet little Kolhapuri chappal.
Archive 2008-02-01
The planets dangle in a line beside the forest track to the observatory, suspended from wooden gallows and wobbling slightly in the wind.
Times, Sunday Times
The day after the bluegills spawned, Neff dangled a container with a pumpkinseed sunfish, which preys on eggs and fry, and scored the ferocity of the dads' defense.
Like her musical heroes Shawn Colvin and Joan Armatrading, Ferrick can dangle a crowd on the lilt of a lyric and nail the nuance of a conflicted feeling with one well-sung word.
These guys literally dangle an Airport base station onto a DSL connection they already have, and - bingo!
My keys dangled from a chain.
Instead, to save cash, they're pushing moviegoers to on-line sites and smart phone (ph) apps like fandangle, movie phone, movietickets. com, and flickster.
CNN Transcript Aug 21, 2009
Their physicality seems further diminished by the glass vitrines within which they dangle, boxes that lend them a disturbingly contradictory sense of hapless menace.
Some addicts cave in to their most lustful and obsessive desires on a regular basis, while others remain impotent and untemptable no matter what is dangled in front of them.
As an alternative, you can connect a non-carrier netbook to 3G by using a so-called dongle that plugs into, and dangles from, a USB port.
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A gold bracelet dangled from his left wrist.
I tend to think of this recession more as a bidet, whereby a a refreshing skoot of cold water up the bahookie rids us of the dangleberries of Labours toxic debt, followed by warm swirling suds round the balls, signifying a relaxed approach to an independent comfortable within its own means Scotland.
Business and Baths
What about those things some people dangle from the rear of their trucks?
The Volokh Conspiracy » (Maybe) Racist Vanity Plates and the First Amendment
The planets dangle in a line beside the forest track to the observatory, suspended from wooden gallows and wobbling slightly in the wind.
Times, Sunday Times
You develop an attachment to people who unsplit your infinitives and undangle your participles.
Arms and legs dangled from the sides of the bulldozers 'buckets as they drove to offload their cargo into a trench already teeming with rotting, bloated bodies.
Stench of dead bodies keeps mounting in Haiti
He dropped a couple of euros in the felt hat that dangled from the front.
Times, Sunday Times
He lunged for her, grabbing her arm as she dangled dangerously a few hundred feet off the ground.
Poor timing for gymnastics, a sport that already dangles at the bottom of the sporting food chain.
Rosabeth Carrera stood beside it and pulled off her laminated picture badge from which dangled a dosimeter and several keys.
Eddy dangles a very tempting adulterous carrot in front of Richard and suggests a convivial evening of wife swapping.
Translucent yellow globes dangle from long chains over a rectangle of couches and uncomfortable bamboo chairs.
I sweated and struggled and faffed with the gear explosion that dangled from every gear loop I had until I finally mantleshelfed into a small crawlway eight metres or so above Hils.
It is the question which will have crossed the minds of Gianluigi Buffon, Kaka, perhaps David Villa, in these crazy past four months and the answer most people might give will include apartments, Ferraris and all the other trappings which come with the whole Arab ownership fandangle.
The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
Concrete awnings from parts of the roof dangled dangerously, occasionally crashing to the ground.
For evenings out, pair it with strappy stilettos and your favorite dangle earrings.
The rope dangled in the breeze.
My spare trainers (alternatives to the ones which still dangle over the front garden, stinking like a couple of dead rats) are relatively easy to find.
The rope dangled in the breeze.
Following an afternoon spent smoking dope in the office, the crew of three heads over to the writer's crib and dangles him off his balcony.
A man raked together a little burning rubbish with one hand and dangled a scrawny chicken over it with the other.
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Consider how many little doodads dangle from the cellphone of a stereotypical schoolgirl.
His raven hair dangled loosely in front of his face as he remained where he was, refusing to move.
Harbor seals haul out in hidden coves, and the fog drifts through a grove of rare Monterey cypress, where lace lichen dangles from the branches and an orange algae crusts the trunks.
The pay row has become further inflamed in recent days, with details emerging of multimillion-pound packages being dangled by banks to lure high flyers.
Times, Sunday Times
Well it all started off with old Gaybo looking slightly confused and out-of-step with the new fandangle toys which adorned the Late Late Show's set some years back.
Participles dangle, metaphors are not only extended but mixed, infinitives are split and ambiguous pronouns abound.
An above-average episode of Jason Lee's TNT crime dramedy Memphis Beat cast the always-amusing actor — who created one of the most hysterical lawmen in TV history, short-shorts enthusiast Lt. Jim Dangle on Reno 911!
Cheers & Jeers: Thomas Lennon — Memphis 911!
Pieces of stucco dangled from rebar and an armada of ambulances gathered behind police tape.
Globe and Mail
A year ago, bevies of tourbillons and blingage were dangled for your delectation.
Times, Sunday Times
From her right hand dangled a length of line, weighted by a piece of lead in the size and shape of a split pea.
“Women like a man with a sensitive side,” Nutz said, chewing a piece of hyena gristle that dangled out of his mouth, giving him a debonair, devil-may-care air.
My Brain is a Pre-Historic Babe Magnet
The pay row has become further inflamed in recent days, with details emerging of multimillion-pound packages being dangled by banks to lure high flyers.
Times, Sunday Times
But that was then and now slivers of hope dangle by threads.
Times, Sunday Times
Unless, of course, some skilled dialectologist in the KGB concocted the file in order to place Hanssen in our hands as a grand dangle, but that is what spookspeak calls sickthink .
The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
No-one, as the clubs' campaign managers are doubtless aware, wants to be accused of disloyalty at a time when the prospect of a stable future and a better team is dangled before them.
With a round to go of the 4190-metre journey, the leathers holding her right stirrup iron came loose and dangled under the horse's belly for almost 2000m.
It's the biggest financial incentive ever dangled before British footballers.
Here we gathered all the berries before named, and besides them checkerberries, dangleberries, and grapes.
To measure neophobia, she filled a dish with peanuts and apples, a treat that she calls ‘the Amazon equivalent of chocolate,’ then dangled an unfamiliar object above it and timed a bird's delay in approaching.
The cigarette dangled from the corner of her red-smudged lips, its burnt and ashy tip sending up thin trails of smoke into the already stuffy air.
A mangled foot dangled from a sliver of skin.
Times, Sunday Times
Depending on the bulb size, three to five bell-shaped flowers dangle from each long, fairly sturdy flower stem.
Arthur was the first one to greet the rivulet; nearly falling off the ten-foot cliff edge that dangled it's face over the waters of the creek.
Miraculously, even the telegraph wires along which Morse code messages once pulsed still dangle in the breeze.
Our SmartKat GiddyCat dangler toy lives up to its name as it dances and bobs to your cat's delight from a springy cord you control yourself.
He dangled the ornaments from the Christmas tree
In their movies, the Coens have always given dumb people over to their vices and let them dangle.
A caterpillar dangled in front of me, hanging in mid-air by a silver thread attached to an oak tree twig.
Can you believe… these ants had been there eating a single orange fruit pastille for two weeks and more, been packed with my clothing; dangled on the chair and never moved until that Sunday?
His boss can take even a hackneyed phrase and let it dangle suggestively in the air until a dozen meanings reveal themselves.
Like a restive monkey, it dangles from each vine of contemplation for hardly a millisecond and moves ahead with indefatigable enthusiasm.
In yesterday's windy conditions, the front jib of the crane dangled at the former gasometer site, the damaged part swaying towards buildings.
It was electronic, and needed no solid extension into the hole; its perceptor-unit was mounted on an almost invisible thread that dangled down.
Blue Adept
Chains of polyps dangle from a float filled with gas.
Behind the large rose-shaped fountain, old-fashioned shrub roses are planted, and baskets of miniatures dangle from a pergola.
Enough of the eye came free to please Magee, though, and he watched as it dangled on the optic nerve.
Rosabeth Carrera stood beside it and pulled off her laminated picture badge from which dangled a dosimeter and several keys.
The headgear was so tight around the forehead that my brain began to ache, but the ear flaps dangled.
You loop one end of a strap through the handle of your bag and let it dangle.
Times, Sunday Times
Like strands of necklaces, rows of brightly colored stringed beads used to teach arithmetic, dangled on the wall.
He also fancies himself a playwright, and approaches the well-heeled Mr. Dangle (Darragh Kennan) and the waspish Mr. Sneer (Jonathan Smoots), a pair of opinionated connoisseurs, in the hopes of enlisting their support for his latest effort, a tragedy called "The Spanish Armada" that ranks alongside "The Most Lamentable Comedy and Most Cruel Death of Pyramus and Thisbe" as the worst play ever written.
Those Who Cannot Do…
Strands and strands of golden, crimson, and ginger leaves dangled in delicate arches from the stairs and banisters.
No matter how hard I studied how the twisted chord was dangled by the side of the cradle, I never managed to get it back the same.
In the centre of the patch of common land there were a stocks, a gallows and a tall gaily coloured pole from which dangled multicoloured strands.
He had a pointed black beard, and an earring dangled in one ear.
The only weapon he carried was his jambiya, the traditional Yemeni dagger that dangled from his waistband.
The Reeducation of Abu Jandal
A naked light bulb dangled from the ceiling.
My two year old is not a big girl, but if she falls asleep her feet dangle off the front of the stroller, whether she's belted or not, laid back or sitting up.
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TaKinG thE BriM_ TooK thE BrOoM_
Kick off your shoes and dangle your legs off the quayside.
Times, Sunday Times
It was fresh -- the smoke-curing had just begun -- and, save for the closed eyes, all the sullen handsomeness and animal virility of the boy, as Joan had known it, was still to be seen in the monstrous thing that twisted and dangled in the eddying smoke.
Chapter 24
Close to the strong stem, dangled oranges and rosy-cheeked apples; the sugar-plums were contained in silken bags, made in the shape of flour-sacks, and tied at the neck with a gilt string.
A Christmas Cake in Four Quarters
And with a UK work culture which values presenteeism and overtime, ambitious young men are left with little time to dangle their offspring on their knee.
A bucket lies asprawl and a lemon dangles near the edge, its peel unravelling in delicate curls.