How To Use Danger In A Sentence
He asked me bluntly, ‘Why would you want to leave private life and take on such a difficult, dangerous and probably thankless job?’
That which is soft and effeminate, which is calculated to excite the passions, by multitudes of ambiguous expressions, (not the less dangerous for being so cloaked) should be considered by Christians as an abuse the more deplorable, as it has even been censured and condemned by the pagans.
The Life and Legends of Saint Francis of Assisi
Going upmarket, I can go into Dear Soup except on busy days, as the tables are a bit close together and sitting beside a slurper is an ever-present danger.
A table for one | 世論 What Japan Thinks
He expressed his racial hatred for everyone, especially OBama making veiled death threats, spoke of other dangerous topics etc … and then offered to sell me a mosser rifle as he was buying a a whole shippment of them.
Alex Jones' Prison
He added: 'I consider them insidious and extremely dangerous.
Times, Sunday Times

The danger in Iraq is repeating the biggest mistake - yielding to gradualism.
Its heroes were beastly revellers or cruel and ferocious plunderers; its heroines unsexed hoidens, playing the ugliest tricks with their lovers, and repaying slights with bloody revenge, -- very dangerous and unsatisfactory companions for any other than the fire - eating Vikings and redhanded, unwashed Berserkers.
The Conflict with Slavery and Others, Complete, Volume VII, The Works of Whittier: the Conflict with Slavery, Politics and Reform, the Inner Life and Criticism
The wise man in the storm prays to God, not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear. Ralph Waldo Emerson
The countless mini-roundabouts popping up where there just simply isn't room for a roundabout is another danger, increasing the number of small shunts & bumps.
Regardless of how skilled she knew she was, the extreme risk and danger of what she was about to undertake wasn't lost on her.
People are becoming more sensitized to the dangers threatening the environment.
Yet any surgical procedure is fraught with danger.
The Sun
inconceivability" is used in the sense of relative inconceivability, it is incorrectly used, unless it is qualified in some way; because, if used without qualification, there is danger of its being confused with inconceivability in its absolute sense.
A Candid Examination of Theism
This bulky animal is one of the most dangerous mammals to be found anywhere.
Du fwhat we cud, we cud not make some av th 'silly fules kape back clear av th' danger-zone -- wimmin an 'all, bedad!
The Luck of the Mounted A Tale of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police
Let's use what power we have as consumers, then, to prevent a dangerous cycle from repeating itself.
Nanotechnology is in danger of being pigeonholed as a risky, hazardous and controversial business, a new study has found, because companies in the emerging field are not tackling the very real health and safety issues involved.
I think it's a dangerous thing to have that schmoozy Washington relationship between reporters and principals, because that's when news doesn't get reported.
I have had my share of stalkers and lechers and most times, I am careful enough not to allow it to lead to something dangerous.
Passing Time
Our main and imminent danger lay in the sudden dissolution of the ice, or in the capsizal of the berg.
The Honour of the Flag
The dangers for girls were especially acute: “It is estimated that two-thirds of the girls who appear before the Court charged with immorality owe their misfortune to influences derived directly from the movies, either from the pictures themselves or in the ‘picking up’ of male acquaintances at the theatre!”
A Renegade History of the United States
The coroner said it's up to travel companies to warn customers of any possible dangers.
For the past decade they have travelled the world, haranguing its leaders about the effects of globalisation, campaigning for ‘fair trade’ and chanting about the dangers of climate change.
This scenario was as unsubstantial as most of the claims made by campaign groups about the potential danger that anthrax could be easily used as a bio-weapon.
I could tell that my parents hated me. My bath toys were a toaster and a radio. Rodney Dangerfield
On an odometer basis, my perambulations around the hearthrug by rocking chair are infinitely more dangerous than an astronaut's wildest rides through space.
The Truth is, I had heard so ill a Character of the Town Amours, as being all Libertinism, and more especially the Inns of Court, that I dreaded to launch on so dangerous a Sea; thinking each
The Amours of Bosvil and Galesia
Our world has changed; we must adjust our living habits as necessary to address the increased danger that the specter of terrorism brings.
The motorcyclist had a brush with danger as he skidded round the bend.
As it becomes more expensive to dump dangerous waste, so the economic advantages of shredding deteriorate.
The chinese word for crisis is divided into two characters, one meaning danger and the other meaning opportunity.
As the phalanx of furious, excited inmates came sweeping into the servery, Jerrold recognised his danger.
Falling masonry, backdrafts and explosions are all very real dangers facing a firefighter outside the training room.
We must beware of the danger of confusing what is passionately and deeply wanted with what is a right.
Scepticism failed to save her from scenting danger in the ardent courtship of a rich young Philadelphian.
Handrails or balustrades are essential if there is any danger of falling.
He had no difficulty in disposing of the fallacy, and he was in no danger of succumbing to it.
Nineteen Eighty-Four
These need to be kept tight, sharp and limited, because the woollier they get, the more endangered.
Times, Sunday Times
One of only two remaining alligator species in the world, this reptile has the dubious distinction of being the planet's most endangered species.
If you buy into the grave danger proposed exception to jl, I wonder how drunk the guy has to be to constitue grave danger.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Chief Justice Roberts Dissents from Denial of Fourth Amendment Case — Again
Since 2001, areas north of Point Conception to an intersect with the Oregon coast has been closed to drift gillnet fishing from August 15th through November 15th in order to protect endangered leatherback and loggerhead sea turtles.
Permit to Kill Pacific Sea Turtles and Whales Requested by Seafood Company
One of his previous books on natural history, The Song of the Dodo, dealt with island biogeography and endangered species.
The goal to attack the spiralling cost of public services may be laudable, but the precedent is dangerous.
Unless we can supply our forward units, the advance is in danger of running out of steam.
But alarmed experts have warned of the dangers.
The Sun
It could, so various spokespersons for Leichhardt council, have “endangered staff and/or public.”
Librarian Threatened to Stop Palestinian Exhibit
In fact the people that were chosen for management were usually total screwups and were dangerous around such equipment and aircraft..usually their day consisted of walking around asking the mechanics, “Are you done yet?” smoking cigarettes and generally just collecting a paycheck.
Think Progress » Under Fire, ABC Yanks Official Blog of 9/11 Docudrama
If something goes awry, more than five billion people would be exposed to dangerous levels of radiation.
She recounts in detail her nervousness around him, her supposedly dangerous fascination with his charm.
There have been concerns raised that on such a scale, the shark is at serious risk of becoming an endangered species.
Pity the turtles and cherish them, for they too are on the conservationist's list of vulnerable species and in danger of extinction.
Now the American Psychological Association has weighed in as well, with a 67-page report on the dangers of the "sexualization" of girls.
Archive 2007-03-01
I reckon we're in danger of raising a whole generation of undiscriminating couch potatoes afflicted by TV-induced Attention Deficit Disorder.
Judges were in open revolt after being forced to free more dangerous criminals because of the cells shortage.
The Sun
Just one knockout raises the danger by 35 per cent.
The Sun
You have to know where the dangerous spots are and play safe.
Times, Sunday Times
But when nature's protective mechanism overcompensates and precautions aren't taken, there is a danger of blood clots.
This, Stuart was told, would give enough time to detach the hooks from their mouths and let them free, with relatively little danger to the catcher.
As it was, his expression hardened, the catlike sharpness of his pupils glinting dangerously.
We must pay great attention because when you arrive after three defeats you are very dangerous.
The Sun
A very real danger exists of the conflict becoming internationalised.
It claimed the refinery was losing 10m a month and was in danger of permanent closure unless new investment could be found.
Times, Sunday Times
From the dark streets of the city, whether lit by a single streetlamp or brazenly flashing neon signs, to the desolate coastline, where Marlowe is first blackjacked by an unknown assailant, there is no safe haven from disorder and danger.
Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
Tourists often get lost and stray into dangerous areas.
There is the danger that the precautionary principle causes its own harm.
Any public expression of their faith was considered dangerous, and they had learned to dissimulate their specific Christian identity.
So those of you thinking about going hiking maybe this weekend into the Colorado Rockies, down to the San Juan, across the Wasatch and Siuwincas (ph) and up into parts of Idaho and Montana, we have what we call a considerable threat of avalanche danger in the back country areas.
CNN Transcript Feb 18, 2007
Your brother has a dangerous condition called tetralogy of Fallot.
I want to do something that will alert other children to the dangers of household products.
Police, park rangers and animal charities say that dangerous dogs are being used by gangs as status symbols and becoming a growing public menace.
Times, Sunday Times
Whether she's in the office, at home or out to lunch, these chic cozies will keep her phone off the floor and out of danger from being stepped on.
The most important was that "surprises' were exceedingly dangerous in the nuclear age.
The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
The villages of San Juan and San Salvador Paricutín, the last just one kilometer from the rising volcano, were in danger, but nobody wanted to abandon land and home.
Paricutín, The Volcano, Michoacán
The term suggests an element of danger, certainly of risk, a military metaphor applied to western cultural practices.
That you know; and you know too, that she purchased her glory and her greatness not by faint-heartedness, but by choosing to suffer pain and incur dangers in the day of need.
Since the dangers of passive smoking have been highlighted and smoking is becoming regarded as socially unacceptable, that is, deviant behaviour, many more people are trying to stop, and succeeding.
It is dangerous to exceed the recommended dose.
But marketing alone cannot explain why "onanism" and related terms began to show up in the great eighteenth-century encyclopedias or why one of the most influential physicians in France, the celebrated Samuel Auguste David Tissot, took up the idea of masturbation as a dangerous illness or why Tissot's 1760 work, L'Onanisme, became an instant European literary sensation.
Me, Myself, and I
The organist was a slightish man, white-haired, who seemed to hover in the alcove, his back to the audience, wizardly in his very smallness, and he hit the thunder pedal just as a figure on the screen drew back cowering from some danger above, and laughter swept the auditorium.
This tragedy graphically demonstrates the dangers of walking on the fells after dark.
One of the biggest dangers to commuters at the time was the constant threat of pickpockets and other petty thieves preying upon unsuspecting victims.
As she frequently reminded them, they were now the endangered species, more vulnerable than the lemur and slow loris.
Where the god and the idolon were most nearly one there was least danger of confounding them.
Surprised by Joy
The danger of a surprise attack or ambush is very real.
Solomon’s wad have taught him that there was danger in edge-tools, and that he wad have bidden the smaik either sheath his shabble, or stand farther back.”
The Fortunes of Nigel
Having obtained the metacentric height, reference to a diagram will at once show the whole range of stability; and this being ascertained at each loading, the stowage of the cargo can be so adjusted as to avoid excessive stiffness in the one hand and dangerous tenderness on the other.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 385, May 19, 1883
We had many family quarrels about it, and they began in time to grow up to a dangerous height; for as I was quite estranged form my husband (as he was called) in affection, so I took no heed to my words, but sometimes gave him language that was provoking; and, in short, strove all I could to bring him to a parting with me, which was what above all things in the world I desired most.
Moll Flanders
He was usually slow to anger but once his wrath was roused he made a dangerous enemy.
We understand that this equipment should never be used by people without Medical training and was therefore dangerous and totally useless in punts and small boats.
All across the world, ...increasingly dangerous weather patterns and devastating storms are abruptly putting an end to the long-running debate over whether or not climate change is real. Not only is it real, it's here, and its effects are giving rise to a frighteningly new global phenomenon: the man-made natural disaster. Barack Obama
He wrenched him around and grasped his scrawny neck in a dangerously tight headlock.
In addition, the teams surveyed the numbers of other plants and animals including endangered golden monkeys, elephants, and forest buffalo.
Not without a painful emotion of impending danger, as I watched the stellular reflections dancing in the rushing river, did I wander on in the wake of a group of pack-ponies, and took my turn in being assisted over the broken chasms by the muleteers.
Across China on Foot
This whimsical but dangerous world was depicted in a monumentally epic 15,000 page, single-spaced typed novel, "In the Realms of the Unreal".
A rather odd thing has just just occurred in the life of nerdy high school student Peter Parker; after being bitten by a radioactive spider, his body chemistry is mutagenically altered in that he can scale walls and ceilings, and he develops a "spider-sense" that warns him of approaching danger.
Listal promoted
It does mean, though, that interviewers need to be sensitive to the dangers to which victims may be exposed as a direct result of the interviewer's presence.
From Wikipedia: A redshirt is a stock character, used frequently in science fiction but also in other genres, whose purpose is to die soon after being introduced, thus indicating the dangerous circumstances faced by the main characters.
October 2007
They must not demand a very high cash outlay or demand a very high degree of risk thereby endangering subsistence.
He was usually slow to anger but once his wrath was roused he made a dangerous enemy.
It was an enjoyable evening but the danger of where we seem to be going kept reasserting itself like a descant to the pleasant sound of casual conversation.
No, it would have been deadly and hugely dangerous.
The Sun
Thus it is hoped that the danger of player burnout is minimised and the integrity of international rugby can be restored.
Times, Sunday Times
If you are venturing further abroad, wild animals and insects can present a deadly danger and avoidance is usually the key.
Times, Sunday Times
More than 200 of the top 500 U.S. designations went to areas where significant populations of endangered and threatened species live, such as piping plovers and Kirtland's warblers.
He knew that something was wrong and never stopped to think about the dangers involved and that demonstrates what a brave man he was.
Edwin, who, with Grimsby, had volunteered the dangerous service of reconnoitering the enemy, returned within an hour, bringing in a straggler from the English camp.
The Scottish Chiefs
They were added to a red list of endangered British birds last year.
The Sun
America is making a broad and determined effort to confront these dangers.
Efforts to add to the magazine an insert with news of the local congregations were greeted with consternation: the opposition was deemed to be far more dangerous that it really was.
Once again, the RNLI lifeboat was called out, when a quarter-decked fishing boat was reported in danger of foundering on the rocks.
She remained insensible of the dangers that lay ahead.
Chemists and bacteriologists verified the dangerous levels of microorganisms at all four of the city's intake points along the lakefront.
Diseases of the soul are more dangerous than those of the body.
These people are not sensitive to the dangers and risks involved.
Times, Sunday Times
His landlady had treated him like a dangerous criminal, a pariah.
The company said there was no danger to public safety.
Times, Sunday Times
The sheer size and unwieldiness of William's homemade instruments made the Herschels' style of astronomy a danger ous business.
A Far-Seeing Family
The same number said women were unaware of the dangers of alcohol.
The Sun
He was sentenced to four years for illegal possession of the firearm with intent to endanger life.
Police already have the power to seize and crush old, dangerous and unlicensed cars - a power used too infrequently.
Times, Sunday Times
The specter of death lingers over the entire film, both figuratively with Tommy Lee Jones as a corporate "axeman" sent to close down the show after one last performance and literally, in the form of Virginia Madsen's angel in a white trenchcoat, a noirish avatar of death who Altman credits as the "Dangerous Woman" even though she's given an actual name in the film.
Archive 2008-11-01
But as trading standards officers in York revealed this week, it's a national pastime rife with hidden dangers.
For homework I want you to write an essay on endangered species.
Today he is seen as one of the most dangerous all-rounders in international cricket.
Max warned her she was sailing dangerously close to the wind and risked prosecution.
A war zone is a dangerous place to be even in the ab-sence of combat.
In fact, it is easy to run out of superlatives for a gig as good as this and I defy anyone to emerge disappointed by what they have seen and heard - these guys are in danger of setting themselves some impossibly high standards.
But the more the morselling of Christianity went on, the more dangerous became the raging ocean around it, so that now the Christian Archipelago seems to be quite covered with the stormy waves.
The Agony of the Church (1917)
He hit back by suggesting that the row over who should be the country's new intelligence chief was endangering its security.
Times, Sunday Times
So great is the danger of such injurious results, few careful practitioners have cared to adopt the heroic "antipyretic" medication recommended by experimenters, preferring to allow their patients to burn with fever, mitigated only by such simple means as are commonly employed by nurses, than to require them to combat the poisonous influences of a drug in addition to the morbid element of the disease.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 455, September 20, 1884
If smoking is so dangerous then a law should be passed making it illegal.
Times, Sunday Times
At the local level, one's home represented the center as well, a microcosm of ordered space. 31 One of the adages recorded by Sahagún, otimatoiavi, otimetepexiuj, "thou hast cast thyself into the torrent ... from the crag," is said of someone who has crossed into the periphery with his or her behavior, one "who has placed [themselves] in danger ... who brings about that which is not good.
Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
Right now, the weather is great, but in the afternoon, they're concerned that these thunderstorms are going to move in, these so - called anvil clouds, which could contain rain or lightning, which could dangerous for the shuttle to launch.
CNN Transcript Jun 30, 2006
Everything is dangerous, my dear fellow. If it wasn't so, life wouldn't be worth living. Oscar Wilde
The greatest danger is that we simply create information overload for our executives.
The danger is that recalcitrant local authorities will reject their responsibilities.
The committee advises the media on whether publication of a story risks endangering national security.
Times, Sunday Times
Such profits are endangered by the strike by about 500 United Auto Worker members who are demanding a contract with higher wages.
For me to arm myself would be an act of public endangerment.
Honest serials play fair with these cliffhangers, putting the hero into danger and giving the audience a week to sweat over how he will escape the peril.
New drivers who are caught using a mobile phone at the wheel will face automatic disqualification, as part of action against dangerous driving.
Times, Sunday Times
I fear that bypassing the United Nations and demanding regime change by force instead of working toward peaceful disarmament is a dangerous step for our nation.
The learned trial judge took the view that he is a very dangerous character.
These alloys are very toxic and dangerous if beryllium fumes are not captured and exhausted by proper ventilating equipment.
Our own hand luggage was stowed firmly beneath our table, out of the danger zone.
Therefore, there is a strong possibility that dangerous accumulations of this toxicant exist in humans and animals.
By noon, all 61 people were judged out of danger.
A plain surface of benty turf lay before him, bright in the moonlight, dangerous to cross, upon which a few sheep came and went.
Bog-Myrtle and Peat Tales Chiefly of Galloway Gathered from the Years 1889 to 1895
He looks to take the initiative and encourages what the old guard would have considered dangerous or risky strokeplay.
The Sun
Bob Hoffman, the endangered species branch chief for NOAA's Southeast regional office, told the Huffington Post on Wednesday that the burns had been temporarily curtailed because of high seas, and that when they resume, NOAA will now make sure each "burn team" -- made up of two shrimp boats hauling booms and an "igniter" boat -- includes a trained observer who will be able to rescue turtles before they are incinerated.
Gulf Oil Spill: The Plight of the Sea Turtles
As Tina becomes more involved in Carole's professional life, Carole begins to enjoy flirting with danger.
Are New Agers just simply home-grown nature-lovers, or are they one of the greatest dangers to confront Christendom?
While taking drugs he was, in effect, harming no one but himself whereas with the alcohol he was a danger to others.
This tendency to associate - designed to warn us of impending danger-can in fact work against us.
The cave is not a lifeless place, it is a living thing to which we have to give ourselves; a thing that can be gentle and also be a savage whom changes in temper can render dangerous.
Once the substance had been entirely sucked out, all that was left was the bogus symbolism of anti-establishmentarianism and the hollow tropes of faux danger and commercialized dissent.
I Saw The News On Television Today, Oh Boy
Since there's little danger of hypothermia when the water temperature is 80 degrees, your chief sartorial concern is not offending other boaters.
Big SUVs and little kids, a dangerous and sometimes deadly combination in the family driveway.
Troopergate was about a dangerous renegade brother-in-law; Walt Monegan was "insubordinate;" Charlie Gibson's interview was full of "gotcha" questions; Katie Couric was just mean and condescending; the shouts of "kill him" and "terrorist" at her rallies were the fault of Bill Ayers; Wardrobegate was the fault of the McCain Campaign; losing the election wasn't her fault, it was George W. Bush and the economy.
Shannyn Moore: Gobble Gobblegate
‘The principal and his henchmen blamed us for fermenting trouble and putting dangerous ideas in the heads of young people,’ he says.
The writer also pointed out that the procedure was risky and dangerous.
Times, Sunday Times
A ban was enacted Tuesday on international trade in caviar and other ichthyological products derived from the wild, endangered sturgeon.
Will Whitman's EBay Savor Caviar Ban?
My marriage is on the rocks again, yeah, my wife just broke up with her boyfriend. Rodney Dangerfield
Rat predation had reduced one of the largest breeding colonies of Xantus murrelets to just a few pairs, earning the seabird a potential spot on the federal Endangered Species List.
And then you get to something a little bit bigger than that, then you get this stovepipe, which is straight up and down onto the ground, a very dangerous, probably 130, 140-mile-per-hour tornado.
CNN Transcript Jun 12, 2008
Local legend recalls that the day he came around with his samples was bad enough but the day the orders arrived at the factory was positively dangerous.
It was cool without being chill, and took the warmth of one's hand flatteringly soon, as if it liked to do so, yet kept its freshness; it was smooth without being glossy, mat as a pearl, and as delightful to roll in the hand; and of an exquisite, alarming frangibility that gave it, in its small way, that flavour which belongs to pleasures that are dogged by the danger of a violent end.
The Judge
Having thus escaped the danger, the Romans threw their sentinel down the rock; while on Manlius they conferred by vote a reward for his bravery, intended more for honour than advantage; for each man gave him a day's rations, which consisted of half a Roman pound of meal, and the fourth part of a Greek cotyle of wine.
Plutarch's Lives, Volume I
situations of measurable and surmountable danger
Similarly, there are other rituals outside their sphere of activity, such as the propitiation or exorcism of dangerous spirits.
FBI Special Agent Chip Cleancut, releasing the e-fit image of the wanted man, said, this man represents a clear and present danger to US merchant shipping, and to the national security of the United States of America.
Archive 2009-04-01
Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides. Margaret Thatcher
They have been drained of meaning by their lazy overuse, dangerously sharp and potent concepts reduced to kitsch cliché.
Many of the insanities start in this fashion; and all such practices, instead of being encouraged, should be discouraged; and all experienced and intelligent students of psychical research warn those who "dabble" in the subject against the repeated and promiscuous indulgence in such practices -- because of the dangerous, even disastrous, effects upon the mind, in many instances.
The Problems of Psychical Research Experiments and Theories in the Realm of the Supernormal
All is not lost that is in danger.
They also perceive a danger that their skills in recruiting volunteers will be seen as a cheap way of providing care.
Dealing with my Father MSgt Leslie Cooper USAF Retired who died a paralyzing horrible death from cancer exposure to working on Titan II ICBMS and having daily contact with Veterans and Veterans with Service Connected disabilities, they are considered noncombat and face more dangers of dying an early age than those in combat and they are the Cold War Veterans.
The transfer could be the first of so-called high-level detainees - the five under consideration have been on a 2009 list of 48 determined by the administration to be "too dangerous to release," administration officials testified this week.
News -
They circumnavigated the danger zone and speeded along.
The danger now is a new polarisation born out of fear and defensiveness in us men.
It's bloody dangerous, riding a doped steeplechaser.
The Elvis Latte
I felt this to have been a very dangerous proceeding, for if le bon Dieu had noticed Ghislaine's travesty, He might have made the wind turn, and she would then have remained a deviless and been forced to live in hell for all eternity.
A Childhood in Brittany Eighty Years Ago
I thought it dangerously late in the season for controlled heather burning, a real threat to ground nesting birds like red grouse and dunlin.
Country diary: East Cheshire Hills
There follows a succession of adventures, dangers, narrow escapes from death, and general blows of malign Fate.
Yet as Liverpool prepare to face Manchester United in the FA Cup for a match in danger of being more poisonous than for a long time, football's long, progressive battle against racism is suddenly spotlit again.
Onus on clubs to prevent ugly spectre of racism rearing its head again | David Conn
Kata training is great for defense, raising your level of fitness, toning your body muscles and releasing those dangerously high levels of stress.
I got/was cut up several times on the motorway this morning - I've never seen such dangerous driving!
And aren't we furious when we find out that people like the engineers at the Deepwater Horizon oilrig, have downplayed the dangers?
Lise Van Susteren: Psychic Pains and Spilled Oil
The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore. Vincent van Gogh
But, as a result of constant draining, the lake's suckerfish declined and eventually became an endangered species.
We refer to the rules which oblige a trial judge to warn the jury of the danger of convicting upon the uncorroborated evidence of an accomplice.
And for President Bushmaster — a bushmaster is a highly venomous snake, extraordinarily dangerous to humans, that inhabits the Southern tropics (See, I can match ‘em bam-for-BAM!) — to suggest it was “disgusting” is so like a hog calling a wallowing pig filthy.
Roll Call of the Cowed and the Sameful-Shameful
Bob Lanza of Advanced Cell Technology in Worcester, Massachusetts cloned an endangered wild cattle species called the gaur using a cow's egg.
New Scientist - Online News
I sometimes wish GUD didn't publish adult-leaning content so that we could more easily market to perspicacious YA -- but at least in puritanical-US, that would be litigiously dangerous.
MIND MELD: If You Could Change Any Aspect of The Science Fiction Field, What Would it Be?
Workers in some of America's most dangerous industries such as meatpacking, poultry and construction ... are being forced by their employers to pay for their own safety gear because of OSHA's failure to finish the PPE rule," a joint statement by the two labor groups declared.
Unions sue Bush Dept. of Labor over worker deaths; 50 deaths, 400,000 injuries tied to OSHA's inaction
As an object of fascination and repulsion to the two men who represent the center of authority in their respective narratives, Carmen spells a threatening other, a dark figure that resists assimilation and endangers masculine power.
The danger of precipitating mania is reported to be greatest with tricyclic agents.
That was before the Ghezouba Dam was built on the Yangtze River in the early 1980s, cutting off the sturgeon's migratory path, just as it did for the critically endangered Chinese paddlefish .
Having presided with his president over the first-ever downgrading of the debt his department issues, Mr. Geithner hied to Wroclaw, Poland, to share his wisdom with the assembled European finance ministers, who pointed out that the euro zone is less indebted than the U.S. and not well placed to warn them, as Mr. Geithner did, of the danger of dependence on foreign creditors.
Aggregating Conceals Some Important Facts
The danger recalled him to a sense of duty.